Lightroom :: Exporting Pictures - Getting Messages Missing File Or Export Does Not Show Up?
Oct 21, 2013
I imported some pictures into LIghtroom 5 with the SAME jpg numbers as a prior import. The first import consisted of pictures from Trip 1 folder on my hard drive, the second import was from Trip 2 folder on hard drive. I see the Trip 1 and Trip 2 folders in LIghtroom 5, but am experiencing problems with emailing and exporting pictures, getting messages such as "Missing file" or "Export does not show up. Were there problems with the import?
I'm a new Lightroom user and have just transferred over from Aperture. In Aperture when the original image was offline it was still possible to drag or export the high quality preview jpg out onto the desktop. Is this possible in some way within Lightroom?
I'm new to photoshop. Why did some of my altered pictures not show up in the file? They appear as a blue file with PSD on it. You can see the pictures when you click on them in Photoshop elements 10 but not in your file.
I had a catalogue with 4 or 5 collections filled with pictures in each with stars and color filters. I just went to go open my collections to export the pictures and all my collections are gone and I did not click any thing to reset or delete anything. Only a small portion of the pictures have a star rating but none of them have a color filter.
I shoot in both cr2 (23 MB) and Small-jpeg. Afterwards I upload the pictures to Lightroom and have the appear in the catalog as one picture. Here I make all the editing and when I export the picture back to my harddrive as a jpeg I can only get a file of 3-500 kb. I know I have made some croping - but not that much. It is like Lightroom is working on the jpeg picture and not my cr2 picture.It may be a setting?
I´d like to decide what metadata to include i file when exporting pictures. I want most of the data but i don´t want anyone to know my EXIF info. Is there a way to do that?
I have a problem with my watermark in Lighhtroom. I'm selecting 10 pictures to export and I'm selecting the watermark checkbox in the export dialog box. The watermark is only showing up on 4 out of the 10 pictures. I have tried the process a few times, but I keep getting the same result. I have tried exporting only one of the pictures that doesn't have a watermark and I get the same result.
Is there any way to automatically export only the pictures I've enhanced during the develop phase? I was resolved to Ctrl-Click on the ones at the bottom filmstrip that I could 'see' that I had edited (about 15 out of a hundred) and then export to a subdirectory. Maybe someway to filter that bottom filmstrip to only the pictures I've edited/enhanced?
I just installed the trial of LR3 and I'm already having problems. When I try to "import" photos, my pictures don't show up. All that shows up in the preview thumbnails are grey boxes where my pictures should be. LR acts like it is loading my pictures, but when the pictures should be fully loaded, there are only grey boxes. If I hit "uncheck all" they will begin to re-load, but still the pictures will not show up. If I go to "Develop", the levels and such of the photo will show up and I can alter them, but it doesn't do anything because the photo I am editing is just a grey space! I tried altering the preferences for the file types to see if that may be it, but the pictures still did not show. I also tried using different folders of photos, but they all did this weird grey space thing.
Since some days, when exporting pictures, an internal error warning occurs opun the screen and says: Win 32 API error2 (System cannot find the Data) when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
I'm trying to import pictures show in raw from my D700 into Lr, but it keeps giving me an "unsupported or damaged" error. This is the second time this happens, the first time I just gave up and imported as .JPG. I've tried importing them from the camera, and from a flashdrive. Neither worked. Running Lightroom 5 on OSX 10.8.4.
I have just moved my LR4 Catalog (Exporting as Catalog) from my Mac to an external Hard Drive. Now when I view the DNG Images in LR4 I notice that all of my adjustments e.g. (Exposure, WB, Camera Profil...etc,) are nolonger there! (hours of work missing). I have also noticed that all Virtual Copies are missing! The files are now as when I first imported into LR4.
I just moved several folders from a corporate shoot into a new folder, all done within latest version of LR4. One of the folders containing 1124 raw photos from a corporate shoot is now labeled as missing after an error message during the move (didn't write down the exact message). The folder and its pictures are nowhere to be found now! System-wide search comes up with no result. WHERE ARE MY PHOTOS?
When exporting my edited pictures to a folder in m Pictures it goes as a blank soft color but no photo. It looks like a tiny dot and when you open it, it is a soft color..
I just got Lightroom. I imported 800 some new pictures on and started to develop them. Then, I went into Picasa to check some older pictures and it captured all the new pictures and since then, I cannot develop my pictures in Lightroom. I can still see them in the Library, but a message appears above them saying they are missing.I can't. They are on my hard drive and in Picasa.
I have moved my pictures and my catalog from a Windows PC to a new iMac. The images have been moved, the image manipulation are there (separate XMP files ) The folders for the collections have been moved, but all images are empty. Not one picture is in my collections.
There are some pictures from a friends wedding in lightroom who are missing/ offline. The problem is that the pictures aren't on my computer or memory card anymore and I already tried a data recovery with Disk Drill. Unfortunately the pictures (documents) which have been found by Disk Drill, are damaged and can't be opened. So the pictures are really gone.
But now I was looking in Lightroom (i've uploaded the pictures with Lightroom in the first place) and I see that the thumbnails are from a reasonable quality. That's why I am wondering if it's possible to larger the thumbnails without losing quality/ pixels. Of course I already tried a few things (SmillaEnlarger & some things in Photoshop), but unfortunately the pictures are still very bad.
Or is there any other way to get this pictures back? I still got the catalogus from Lightroom where the pictures where.
Went to export a picture, entered the information, clicked " export" and Lightroom disappeared. Recovered it or so i thought. The title bar now reads "Ice caves 2014-Adobe Lightroom 3, and all my pictures are missing.
I loaded some folders with my pictures. In Lightroom I developed some of it, others I did not. Now I want to export only those pictures which I developed. I know, I can manually select at the bottom line all pictures showing a +/- sign and the export them. This is quite a lot of work with my 800 pictures. Is it possible to tell Lightroom that it just selects and exports the developed pictures?
I cannot export pics anymore, when I press the export button the normal screen comes up but slightly different and NO export button...this wouldn't be because I only have 10 days left on the trial period would it?
When I move a photo with LR keywords from LR to PSE 9, the keywords do not move with the file the majority of the time. Sometimes the keywords move, but most of the time they do not. Why? Is there a secret, or is there something that needs to be done to assure that LR keywords move with the file into PSE 9.
I use quite heavy Luminance noise reduction on my images as they are shot at very high speed ISO...
I adjust this in L4, picture in preview looks as smooth as a babies bottom and perfect...
I then export as a TIF file at Adobe 1998 and when I open it in Photoshop 5 the image is really noisy like I've not done the adjustments at all...
I use a 17inch Macbook Pro with the lastest operating system, this is the second performace issue over the last few week (problems with LB too)...I export my files manually using a card reader as RAW files, from a Canon 5D Mark 3...
I have a Eizo ColorEdge monitor that is calabrated with a Spyder3 puck using Eizo's software. I shoot with a Sony A99 and A700 in RAW and use Lightroom 4.4. After editing I export using sRGB JPEGS. My pictures always look overly saturated orange.
I have started offering the option to buy high resolution pictures to cd. File Settings, Image Size, Output Sharpening - so many boxes and not sure which to check or leave unchecked A couple of the pictures I cropped to 4x6 but the others are all the original as I shot them.
I'v seen for exporting a path to illustrator, they mention the File>Export>Export Paths to Illustrator option. When I look under "Export", the only options I get are:
Data sets as files... Render Video... Zoomify
I can still drag/cut/paste the path into Illustrator, so I haven't been stopped, but why the export option isn't showing up?