Lightroom :: Pictures Gone Missing After Moving Folder Within 4?
Jun 19, 2012
I just moved several folders from a corporate shoot into a new folder, all done within latest version of LR4. One of the folders containing 1124 raw photos from a corporate shoot is now labeled as missing after an error message during the move (didn't write down the exact message). The folder and its pictures are nowhere to be found now! System-wide search comes up with no result. WHERE ARE MY PHOTOS?
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Oct 15, 2012
For a reason I don't understand pictures that I imported into a Lightroom catalog are not in original file sequence.
I tried to drag & drop to re-sort them but was not able to do so.
Is there some way to move individual files around within the same folder?
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Sep 17, 2013
I installed the Lightroom catalog etc. into the Pictures folder as that is the default setting.However, I don't want all the previews clogging up my Pictures folder, so would like to move the catalog, previews etc. to a new folder, but can't figure out how to do it properly.
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Aug 4, 2012
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
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Nov 21, 2011
I set lightroom 3 to monitor the folder that my Eye Fi card feeds to but I couldn't see how to do this without also setting the "move to" there a way to do this to just have Light room recognize when new pics come in and not move them?
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Nov 27, 2012
There is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
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Nov 12, 2013
I am running out of room on my OS SSD and have a spare SSD and would like to move the Previews folder.
I tried using this link:
Which says the method will redirect LR to another folder on a different drive - but it doesn't seem to work for me (Win 7). If I do what it suggests and delete the previews folder (after backing it up), LR just begins to recreate new previews on the C-drive LR folder in My Pictures.
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Dec 23, 2011
On my laptop my C drive is getting full,i want to move my Pictures folder to my D drive which is empty.(i have to first find out how to do this) if i move them will Lightroom be able to find them.
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Feb 1, 2014
I just purchased Lightroom 5 to replace Lightroom 3. I assumed that all settings would be carried into Lightroom 5, so I imported some new pictures wiothout checking the destination. They are now in the Lightroom Catalog, but not where the remainder of my pictures are. Is there a way that I can move them to the desired location?
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Mar 27, 2013
I would like to ask you some more questions.
1.When I am in the Library Mode, and on the left side, how do I move pictures from one folder to another, and how do I rename a folder?
2. How do I rename a picture?
I am watching the Adobe T.V.she doesn't pause so I can ask a question. LOL LR is harder to learn than I thought it would be but I'll get there!
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Mar 26, 2012
How can I move all my LR3 photo folders at once to a new drive so that LR3 knows where to find them?
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Aug 8, 2013
I am using the latest (stable) version of LR5 on a up to date iMac. I was moving my photos (that is - the top level folders) from one drive to another in LR. After a while LR shows the error message saying the files couldn't be found. When checking in Finder I see the folder structure gets duplicated at the new location, the original folders are empty though and I can find the photos in trash.
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Oct 24, 2012
I would like to move a selection of images within the same folder. I have done this before with a drag and drop but it doesn't want to work today. I have and keywords for filters but wanted to set up in time/day order using 2 different cameras.
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Feb 26, 2014
how to set up LR on new computer.Have my photos on external drive and want them to go to the D: drive.Moved the LR Cat folder to my C: SSD drive with LR off.
Opened LR and relocated LR to new file location on C: drive.Lr shows all my Picture folders from year 2000 to year 2014 with the expected ? marks.I don't want the picture folders on C: drive but on D: drive.
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Jul 17, 2013
I upgraded to lr5 and am shooting an event that has different groups of participants. To organize the files after I get them into LR, I separate them into folders based on the individual in the image (it is easier than it sounds) . But to my surprise, when I move them, the images are removed from the original folder and are not in the new folder. I am hoping that they are being lost in the catalog and not being deleted.
How can I fiend the images again, and how can I get LR to recognize the images in the future...I am moving them within LR!
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Nov 19, 2013
For some reason have a lot of my pictures been saved on two harddrives on my computer.
I now need to delete all the copies so I only have pictures on one harddrive.
How will I know which photos of the duplicates I can delete, so that Lightroom can work with them later on?
And, if I delete the original file, can Lightroom use the copies?
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Feb 29, 2012
Sometimes the filmstrip will not allow me to click and drag and change the order of pictures in the filmstrip. The pics are locked in place. It allows me to drag an image to a new position in the filmstrip but when I "unclick" the pic just moves back to its original position. Other times a black bar appears between the pics where I want to move the pic and I can rearrange the order of pics. I cant figure out why I can do this sometimes and sometimes the filmstrip wont allow me to change order.
Also, I can move pics in one file while not being able to move them in another. So it not some universal setting but seems to be file (catalog) specific.
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Feb 8, 2012
I made the mistake of moving the pictures to another folder (using Windows Explorer) after I had done some editing. I've noticed that after I moved them, I lost every edit I had made. Is there any way of recovering those edits?
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Jun 12, 2013
Using LR 4.4 on OS X 10.7.5
I have transferred some folders from my internal drive to an external (FW) drive. Whereas most of the transfer worked fine, I had the following problems:
- one folder (at least) completely disappeared from LR. The files were moved to the new HDD (I can see them in Finder), an empty folder remains in LR under the "old" drive and there is nothing in LR at the new position.
- an empty structure remained at the location of the old files
- on some folders, I had the message "could not complete the folder move..." and only part of the pictures (or none at all) were moved.
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Jan 15, 2013
How do I export a lightroom 4 folder of about 200 pictures to itunes to show on my Apple TV?
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Jan 10, 2012
Just got lightroom 3 for Christmas. I cannot figure it out and it's a headache so far. How am I supposed to set up the auto import to the My Pictures folder when I am supposed to chose an empty folder for Lightroom to watch? I must be misunderstanding something because I imagine that everyone who buys Lightroom already has photos in their My Pictures folder.
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Aug 21, 2012
I am reorganizing my file structure in LR4. I can move jpegs from one folder to another but I get an error message when I try to move the NEF files. I saw another discussion that mentioned that Lightroom has a problem moving NEF files. I don't have a large collection yet (less than 10,000 images) but I have made extensive edits on many of the shots so I don't want to import them from scratch again.
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Jul 18, 2013
I have +25k images organized in a folder structure today. This structure has served me well for many years, but I realize that it has it limits.Testing Lightroom made me decide to go for a new approach, but having some 'nightmares' of how to include my images from my old folder structure (25k images....)
I know I can keep my folders intact in Lightroom, and I have done this. But I also want to have some kind of description on EXIF/IPTC. Today this description is in the folder name, and only there.
How can I automatic include the images current folder name into the image file IPTC Caption or any other EXIF/IPTC field? I want to do this for all images and folders in one batch, and not select each folder manually.
The old images will be more in line with images I import from now on, and they will at least be universal searchable based on the old folder name.
Is there any software that's ready to go for this? Could it be a task for Automator?
I have access to both PC and MAC for this kind of batch operation.
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May 27, 2013
I have lightroom 3.6 on a Mac running OS 10.6. I am in the process of moving my picture library from the internal drive to an external drive because my internal drive is very full. I plan to have the LR catalog remain on the internal drive as others have suggested LR will run faster if the catalog remains on the internal drive.
I initiated the move process within the LR library, by selecting all photos within about 150 folders inside a master "my photos" folder on the internal hard drive displayed in the library module of LR. I then dragged them into the new "my photos" folder I created on the external drive which was displaying inside the LR library module.
First question, this moving process is progressing so slowly, at a rate of about one picture every second. is this normal?
Second question: When I open the external drive by clicking on the drive itself, outside LR, it seems the pictures are flowing in without any of the original subfolder structure that was present on the internal drive.Is something wrong that I don't see the subfolders on the external drive? I want to preserve this structure and of course see it show up in the LR library for the external drive.
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Feb 6, 2012
When I am working in Bridge and have a long list of reprints that I need to print from a wedding I just go to that wedding folder and type in the file number of the first picture. This pictue is then highlighted and I give it a two star (or whatever) rating. I do this for all of the pictures on my list so when I am done all of the pictures to reprint have a two star rating. I just move these into a temporary folder and retouch and print from this folder. Is there a way to do this in Lightroom?
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Jun 5, 2013
I recently purchased a new Canon T5i and have started using Lightroom. So far I am loving both.
I plan on importing into my Lightroom Catalogue all of my photos from my Mac's Pictures folder and from iPhoto and my iPhone and iPad.
For those photos already in my catalogue from new shoots, I have placed them in appropriately named photos, have religiously used tags and have renumbered the photos using this type of convention:
My Initials_Year_Event Description_Sequence
I am ending up with some very long file names. I am not a professional photographer so this is all for me but I want to be able to search for my photos from both within Lightroom AND from the Mac's finder. I am looking for input to create unique but descriptive names but not make the photo names very long.
Here is my thought process:
1. I am using my initials as I can then search in the Mac Finder and find all photos and movies regardless of extension (e.g. CR2, DNG, JPG, MOV). My initials are not on other files in my Mac.
2. I am using a descriptive name so I can search for the photos for example of "Dan's Wedding" and find those both in Finder and in Lightroom. The Dan's Wedding photos are in a Lighroom directory called "Dan's Wedding" and they are tagged with Wedding and Dan. This might be over kill but I think the actual file name is most useful to me when it describes the event.
3. The number is of course what makes each file unique.
SO.....some questions.
1. Is putting my initials a waste of time? I could search in Finder for "DNG, JPG, MOV" but I would get files besides those in Lightroom (assume all of the items in my Pictures folder will eventually be in Lightroom.
2. Do I really need a date in the file name given that a meta data search will find the photo's taken date? I am more likely to remember an event name like "Dan's Wedding" than the fact it happend in "2013 June".
3. If I use a date, should I put the year first for search purposes?
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Sep 13, 2012
In LR, my photos are stored in folders named by date. Ex : 20120913
Sometimes, I run over photos that are not where they belong. Ex : a picture from 2010-01-01 misplaced in the 20110720 folder.
I am sure there are quite a few misplaced pictures in my catalog.
Is there any easy way to find them and move them where they belong ?
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Jan 26, 2014
How to restore my backup catalogue to a new location?
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Aug 3, 2013
After I have edited a new batch of photos, I have found that the edits are now in a new folder dated today.
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Mar 6, 2014
How do I move images from "Previous Export as Catalog into my pictures folder?
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Oct 15, 2012
I am moving my pictures folder to an external drive due to lack of space on my c: drive. What do I have to do so that Lightroom will find these files?
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