I just purchased Lightroom 5 to replace Lightroom 3. I assumed that all settings would be carried into Lightroom 5, so I imported some new pictures wiothout checking the destination. They are now in the Lightroom Catalog, but not where the remainder of my pictures are. Is there a way that I can move them to the desired location?
I imported pictures to Adobe Lightroom and exported them to my memory card. Now my memory card is broke! Is there any way to retrieve those pictures from Lightroom. Right now they are saying missing.
I have photos all over my numerous hard drives and I want to find and move them all to one central location where I can start to organize them. How is this done using Lightroom 5? Not just create a catalog but I want to actually move the file to one large hard drive.
For a while I've been using my Lightroom on my Mac on a folder inside my Google Drive folder. The reason for this is that I have an online backup as well my 2 external hard drive backups (you can NEVER have too many backups ).
However, Google Drive has proved to be a bigger let down than any Michael Bay movie out there, and I've now signed up to Copy. If you fancy creating a Copy account, you'll get 5Gb free on top of the 15Gb they so generously give you if you click on this link!
Anyway, my plan is to move my Catalog to another folder in my root drive, aptly titled “Copy”. So, I created a new folder within Lightroom, and went to move it, (whilst using the Lightroom interface) — so far I'm pretty sure this is the correct way, but I've attached a screenshot of the message that came up. This should be ok shouldn't it? I've attached screenshots of where I want to move it to, and the prompt that came up.
My main hdd was about to crash. i bought a new ssd drive. it isnt big enough to fit original os, programs and images. So I moved images from main hdd to an external hdd. I moved catalog to a new primary hdd with a fresh install. When I load the catalog, the images are missing. When I select locate and find target files, I think it's importing them back to the main hdd. Does it move the file or just change where it's pointing to the file. If it moves the file then I will run out of space again and defeat the purpose!!
I have quite a large amount of original raw files that I need to move off the internal hard drive. I now have 2 external drives that mirror each other for storing the files more securely, and have already copied all the raw files (quite a long process) over. I tried to setup a new catalog for the new workflow, not thinking that Lightroom doesn't mess with the original files, and have lost all my edits. I still have the original catalog and all the raw files still on my internal HD, but what I need to know is how to move it over and keep the edits? Do I really have to redo everything in lighroom directly?
Since Windows normally places the pictures on a typical drive as "My Pictures" about four or five levels down from the root, any effort to import picture files into Lightroom requires multiple clicks to drill down to the "My Pictures" then (for example) year, month, date, etc.
Can I define a location as the default starting point to find the pictures? I don't see how to put that into presets. Or can a key shortcut be created to go straight to c:/users/name/mypictures/2013/April15 etc?
I am unable to import pictures from my camera or any other location. The following message appears:"Import Results..Some import operations were not performed.
The following files were not imported because they could not be read (1):..I tried this and does not work
"Generally, when things work at first and then suddenly stop working, the problem is with the preference files. These tell Lightroom how to behave and if something goes wrong with them, it tells the program to behave in a way that causes errors.
We'll want to recreate the preference file. Simply delete, rename, or move the file while Lightroom is closed and then reopen. On launch, Lightroom attempts to read this file for instructions, if it not there a new one is created with all default settings.
Let's say a have a buch of photos that have beeen taken at the same spot at different times. The pictures are scattered across the fimstrip and might even belong to different collections in the same catalog (or even different catalogs?). What is the best way to assign the same GPS coordinates to all these pictures using Map screen?
Of course, the direct way to do that is to carefully select all these photos in the filmstrip and then click the desired location on the map. This is problematic for more reasons than one. Firstly, it is difficult to scroll through the entire strip and pick out the pictures one by one. Secondly, if I acccidentally miss one or two pictures, I have to start all over again.
The better way would be some sort of copy-paste appproach: copy the desired location into the clipboard (from another image or straight from the map) and then paste it over the desired images one by one or, better, over groups of images. One feature that at first looks promising in this regard is the text entry field on the right that contains the GPS coordinates in text form. It is editable, meaning that I can copy the coordinates (in text form) from one image and paste it into the same field of another image. However, this unfortunately does not guarantee that the images will end up with identical locations: the image that received new coordinates might (and will) end up with a slightly different location on the map that the "donor" image. This means that the coordinates are stored internally with better precision than their representation in that text entry field.
On my laptop my C drive is getting full,i want to move my Pictures folder to my D drive which is empty.(i have to first find out how to do this) if i move them will Lightroom be able to find them.
For some reason have a lot of my pictures been saved on two harddrives on my computer. I now need to delete all the copies so I only have pictures on one harddrive.
How will I know which photos of the duplicates I can delete, so that Lightroom can work with them later on?
And, if I delete the original file, can Lightroom use the copies?
Sometimes the filmstrip will not allow me to click and drag and change the order of pictures in the filmstrip. The pics are locked in place. It allows me to drag an image to a new position in the filmstrip but when I "unclick" the pic just moves back to its original position. Other times a black bar appears between the pics where I want to move the pic and I can rearrange the order of pics. I cant figure out why I can do this sometimes and sometimes the filmstrip wont allow me to change order.
Also, I can move pics in one file while not being able to move them in another. So it not some universal setting but seems to be file (catalog) specific.
I made the mistake of moving the pictures to another folder (using Windows Explorer) after I had done some editing. I've noticed that after I moved them, I lost every edit I had made. Is there any way of recovering those edits?
I installed the Lightroom catalog etc. into the Pictures folder as that is the default setting.However, I don't want all the previews clogging up my Pictures folder, so would like to move the catalog, previews etc. to a new folder, but can't figure out how to do it properly.
I just moved several folders from a corporate shoot into a new folder, all done within latest version of LR4. One of the folders containing 1124 raw photos from a corporate shoot is now labeled as missing after an error message during the move (didn't write down the exact message). The folder and its pictures are nowhere to be found now! System-wide search comes up with no result. WHERE ARE MY PHOTOS?
I have transferred some folders from my internal drive to an external (FW) drive. Whereas most of the transfer worked fine, I had the following problems:
- one folder (at least) completely disappeared from LR. The files were moved to the new HDD (I can see them in Finder), an empty folder remains in LR under the "old" drive and there is nothing in LR at the new position.
- an empty structure remained at the location of the old files
- on some folders, I had the message "could not complete the folder move..." and only part of the pictures (or none at all) were moved.
I have lightroom 3.6 on a Mac running OS 10.6. I am in the process of moving my picture library from the internal drive to an external drive because my internal drive is very full. I plan to have the LR catalog remain on the internal drive as others have suggested LR will run faster if the catalog remains on the internal drive.
I initiated the move process within the LR library, by selecting all photos within about 150 folders inside a master "my photos" folder on the internal hard drive displayed in the library module of LR. I then dragged them into the new "my photos" folder I created on the external drive which was displaying inside the LR library module.
First question, this moving process is progressing so slowly, at a rate of about one picture every second. is this normal?
Second question: When I open the external drive by clicking on the drive itself, outside LR, it seems the pictures are flowing in without any of the original subfolder structure that was present on the internal drive.Is something wrong that I don't see the subfolders on the external drive? I want to preserve this structure and of course see it show up in the LR library for the external drive.
I have been asked by our IT department to move all my Inventor files (.iam, .idw, .dwg, .ipt, .ipn, .ide) from the local location on my PC to a location on our server to automate backup procedures and decrease the size of weekly backups. Is there a procedure or preferred way to move these files? I know I will need to revise the project paths for libraries, etc,
How can I change the default location for saving pictures for the first time in Elements 10? For some reason, the program is savings my work in the Temp folder when I need the work to be in the Picture LIbrary.
I have a whole bunch of Kodak picture CD's that I want to download into photoshop elements 12 organizer album. My photos reside on a external hard drive so it is not the default location. I want to create a file location and tell the program where to put the photos. Right now it is putting them in the right drive in My Catalog but I want to specify a file within My catalog such as My Catalog:2013-12 xmas.
I'm trying to move our Appearance & Materials libraries to a network location. But I'm not quite sure which files need to be moved. I copied all the files in the folder: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAutodesk SharedMaterials, but when I change my project settings to reflect this location they're not available in the Appearance & Materials library managers.
Lets say that you have a picture of yourself that you have cut out of an bigger picture, then when you paste it on a background i comes in the middle of the background, how do you do to move it to another place on the background?
how to explain this problem very well but, i'd like to know how to move images up and down, and forward into the picture. here is a example. i got 2 images, one of a cat, one of a cat bed. and i want to move the cat, so it's lowered into the bed, and it doesnt just look like i've moved it.
here is a example via a picture: see how the cubes are placed behind and lowered etc... i do know its a puzzle, but thats what im trying to explain, but not very well, and want to be able to acheive this using photoshop cs4 or any other program which allows this feature.
I have a layer I'm resizing and is currently in Transform.When I beging to drag the layer to position while it is in resize the center reference point will jump to my mouse causing me to move the reference point outside of the tranform layer. Normally I would have to click on the reference point and drag it intentionally or hold CTRL and click in the transformed layer to set a reference point, but it since CS6 is had still remainded in CC.
This happens when I transform the layer (Ctrl+T) and then grab the layer to move. I have to put the reference point back to center via mouse or by the reference point on the menu bar up top. Then I can go back and drag my later where I need it to finish my transform.
How can I stop the program from automatically moving my pictures to strange locations when I edit them? They used to appear right next to the originals.
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.