Lightroom :: Finding And Moving Files To One Location?
Nov 11, 2013
I have photos all over my numerous hard drives and I want to find and move them all to one central location where I can start to organize them. How is this done using Lightroom 5? Not just create a catalog but I want to actually move the file to one large hard drive.
I have quite a large amount of original raw files that I need to move off the internal hard drive. I now have 2 external drives that mirror each other for storing the files more securely, and have already copied all the raw files (quite a long process) over. I tried to setup a new catalog for the new workflow, not thinking that Lightroom doesn't mess with the original files, and have lost all my edits. I still have the original catalog and all the raw files still on my internal HD, but what I need to know is how to move it over and keep the edits? Do I really have to redo everything in lighroom directly?
Can I find photos by searching folder location, using Photoshop Elements 10? I used to use that method frequently inversion 5, but don't see how to do it in version 10. I am using Windows 7.
I have been asked by our IT department to move all my Inventor files (.iam, .idw, .dwg, .ipt, .ipn, .ide) from the local location on my PC to a location on our server to automate backup procedures and decrease the size of weekly backups. Is there a procedure or preferred way to move these files? I know I will need to revise the project paths for libraries, etc,
I just purchased Lightroom 5 to replace Lightroom 3. I assumed that all settings would be carried into Lightroom 5, so I imported some new pictures wiothout checking the destination. They are now in the Lightroom Catalog, but not where the remainder of my pictures are. Is there a way that I can move them to the desired location?
For a while I've been using my Lightroom on my Mac on a folder inside my Google Drive folder. The reason for this is that I have an online backup as well my 2 external hard drive backups (you can NEVER have too many backups ).
However, Google Drive has proved to be a bigger let down than any Michael Bay movie out there, and I've now signed up to Copy. If you fancy creating a Copy account, you'll get 5Gb free on top of the 15Gb they so generously give you if you click on this link!
Anyway, my plan is to move my Catalog to another folder in my root drive, aptly titled “Copy”. So, I created a new folder within Lightroom, and went to move it, (whilst using the Lightroom interface) — so far I'm pretty sure this is the correct way, but I've attached a screenshot of the message that came up. This should be ok shouldn't it? I've attached screenshots of where I want to move it to, and the prompt that came up.
My main hdd was about to crash. i bought a new ssd drive. it isnt big enough to fit original os, programs and images. So I moved images from main hdd to an external hdd. I moved catalog to a new primary hdd with a fresh install. When I load the catalog, the images are missing. When I select locate and find target files, I think it's importing them back to the main hdd. Does it move the file or just change where it's pointing to the file. If it moves the file then I will run out of space again and defeat the purpose!!
I Find the find, CMD + F, function really useful but often i need to find multiple files at once. I tried entering a comma between the file names in the box but it doesn't work. Is there another way of finding multiple files in one sweep ?
I am importing thousands of images, and some of them are .png, .bmp and .gif files. I understand that they will not show up in LR, however, is there anyway to find them in these folders using LR? OR do I need to search for them through Mac OS and do something with them that way?
Lightroom 3.6 is not finding my newly exported .jpg files when I use Synchronize Folder. This has been working for me since I got LR many months ago, but today after I make adjustments to a .cr2 file and export the file to a .jpg file in the same folder, synchronize folder isn't finding the new .jpg files. Interestingly I used Windows Live Photo Gallery to copy/resize one of the .jpg files I'd exported, and LR *does* find that file, just not the originally exported one.
I am working on a project with several nested DIVs, and I would like to be able to get the top and left coordinates of a DIV when I click on it, relative to the Stage.
I used this code in the On Click action for the DIV:
var objTop = sym.$(e.currentTarget).css("top"); var objLeft = sym.$(e.currentTarget).css("left");
But, since this is a nested DIV, it seems to be giving me the coordinates relative to the parent, not the Stage.
I have my photos stored on my network drive and my office computer. Initially I started editing my photos off the network drive, mainly because I hadn't realized the location I had chosen. Now I'm having trouble with my network drive going offline intermittantly, making editing a chore because I keep getting "unable to locate file" messages. My question is, can I start using the same photos, which are stored on my office computer, and not lose the edits I have already made?
The photo files I import to Lightroom get saved under "Photos" and then under folders by date. I'd like to save them to the cloud (dropbox). How do I change their destination so they save there automatically?
I want to relocate my Lightroom 4 - Catalogue file and Catalogue previous files from my computer's hard disk to an external hard disk. Is this possible by simply dragging and dropping the relevant files to the new location?
After importing into LR3, I get an error message that says: Some import operations were not performed. The following files could not be copied to the backup location.
Then there is a list of images (usually all of the photos imported). This didn't always happen and I can't pinpoint exactly when it started. My LR catalog and backups are stored on an EHD.
I am currently saving all of my metadata to files (just to be sure) and backing up my catalog so I can upgrade to LR5 (already purchased) but want to be sure my catalog is good before I do that.I've tried everything I know - checking my backup location and drive in LR window match up.
I used MAC OS X to move over 40,000 photos to an external drive and of course the metadata and develop settings did not transfer. Short of individually copying and pasting each metadata and setting, is there a way to fix the problem? I still have the original photos on my MAC. To make things more difficult I have added new photos (and developed them) to the new location. I have tried fixing this on my own but I am stumped. I have since checked the "write metadata to file" option.
Cannot import files into LR 4.4 or LR5 - get this message: ""Some important operations were not performed - Could not copy file to requested location" I could import files a week ago and can do it with LR3 Using an iMac LR4.4 works on the MacPro - maybe the desktop?
I can repeatedly reproduce an error when moving files into folders within LR4.2.My current folder structure is setup like:
F:picturesYEARFolder nameSub folder
When I'm moving files from "Folder name" to "Sub folder" I will be moving approx 6 - 20 photos at a time when sorting them into sub folders. After a while of moving files, LR will stop allowing you to move files and will show up the O symbol with a line through it. Until you close and re-open LR will it allow you to start moving photos again.
I've had this happen 3 times on me now and is completely reproducible. As above, move a small amount of files from a parent folder into a child folder repeatedly and eventually it will refuse to move any more photos until you restart LR.
After importing folders into LR, are there any issues with going into those folders and moving out .png, .gif, .pdf and other files that LR does not import?
Currently my Catalog and photos reside inside a directory c:/Current (path shortened for simpliicty!) and I want to move the whole lot to a new location on the same drive, c:/NewLoc.
I see many explanations of moving to other drives or machines but cannot find an explanation of a 'simple' move to another directory on the same drive!
I have a lot of photographs in Lightroom 4 on my laptop. All are DNG and tagged with keywords and caption added to each image. When I move these to Lightroom 4 on another computer keywords and captions are lost when I view the images in LR4. I thought keywords and caption were stored in the DNG-file. How do I move the files to another computer without losing keywords and captions?
In her Youtube video on Lightroom settings Julianne Kost recommends keeping recent images and works in progress on an internal drive for speedy access then moving onto an external drive later on.
Preumably these files must be moved within Lightroom to preserve the links to the thumbnails?
I'm planning on moving over to Lightroom soon. My problem is that my files are distributed over two machines (one windows, one mac), I want to put the files on an external hard drive and have only the catalogue on the mac (the harddisk of that machine is too small to hold all the files). So I thought I'd rebuild everything from scratch, let LR rename and copy all the files into a new folder structure, possibly even converting to DNG while doing so. Is that possible? Should I break this up into several steps? (I'm talking about around 40 thousand files)
(P.S.: I scanned the discussions first, but I didn't find anything relating this)
edit: As far as I understood a book on lightroom that I bought, it should work this way -- it's just that I'm not sure whether it's the best way...
when i select all images in a folder and try to drag/drop them to another folder, all transfer except one image which fails and produces the below error. if i just close the error box, i can (usually) then drag the one file to the target destination folder. sometimes the one file continues to fail, producing the same error. if thats the case, the only way i can get the one file to move is to first move it to a different folder then drag it to where i want.
I am trying to set up a smart collection to list files that are blank in the Location field. Some fields such as Caption allow you to check if the field "is empty". Location does not allow the "is empty" option. What can I do to check if Location is empty or blank?
I store my images on an external hard drive. I recently upgraded from LR 3.6 on a windows XP machine to LR 5 on an iMac. I moved my catalogue fine, I think, as I can see all my images in LR 5 on the iMac. The problem is that I suspect there is some problem between the iMac and the external hard drive. I cannot import my RAW photos from my CF card into LR and onto the external hard drive. LR tells me "could not copy files to the requested location."
Is there some problem because I changed from windows to Mac? Problem bc I upgraded from LR 3.6 to LR 5?
1. When attempting to rename a folder, why do I get this message: "The folder XYZ could not be renamed or moved."? It only happens to certain folders but not others. I may come back to that folder several days later and the problem won't reoccur.
2. When moving a group of files from one folder location to another, all but maybe one or two will move. Although I receive an error, I try moving those two again, and they move normally.