I used MAC OS X to move over 40,000 photos to an external drive and of course the metadata and develop settings did not transfer. Short of individually copying and pasting each metadata and setting, is there a way to fix the problem? I still have the original photos on my MAC. To make things more difficult I have added new photos (and developed them) to the new location. I have tried fixing this on my own but I am stumped. I have since checked the "write metadata to file" option.
I can repeatedly reproduce an error when moving files into folders within LR4.2.My current folder structure is setup like:
F:picturesYEARFolder nameSub folder
When I'm moving files from "Folder name" to "Sub folder" I will be moving approx 6 - 20 photos at a time when sorting them into sub folders. After a while of moving files, LR will stop allowing you to move files and will show up the O symbol with a line through it. Until you close and re-open LR will it allow you to start moving photos again.
I've had this happen 3 times on me now and is completely reproducible. As above, move a small amount of files from a parent folder into a child folder repeatedly and eventually it will refuse to move any more photos until you restart LR.
After importing folders into LR, are there any issues with going into those folders and moving out .png, .gif, .pdf and other files that LR does not import?
Currently my Catalog and photos reside inside a directory c:/Current (path shortened for simpliicty!) and I want to move the whole lot to a new location on the same drive, c:/NewLoc.
I see many explanations of moving to other drives or machines but cannot find an explanation of a 'simple' move to another directory on the same drive!
I have a lot of photographs in Lightroom 4 on my laptop. All are DNG and tagged with keywords and caption added to each image. When I move these to Lightroom 4 on another computer keywords and captions are lost when I view the images in LR4. I thought keywords and caption were stored in the DNG-file. How do I move the files to another computer without losing keywords and captions?
In her Youtube video on Lightroom settings Julianne Kost recommends keeping recent images and works in progress on an internal drive for speedy access then moving onto an external drive later on.
Preumably these files must be moved within Lightroom to preserve the links to the thumbnails?
I'm planning on moving over to Lightroom soon. My problem is that my files are distributed over two machines (one windows, one mac), I want to put the files on an external hard drive and have only the catalogue on the mac (the harddisk of that machine is too small to hold all the files). So I thought I'd rebuild everything from scratch, let LR rename and copy all the files into a new folder structure, possibly even converting to DNG while doing so. Is that possible? Should I break this up into several steps? (I'm talking about around 40 thousand files)
(P.S.: I scanned the discussions first, but I didn't find anything relating this)
edit: As far as I understood a book on lightroom that I bought, it should work this way -- it's just that I'm not sure whether it's the best way...
when i select all images in a folder and try to drag/drop them to another folder, all transfer except one image which fails and produces the below error. if i just close the error box, i can (usually) then drag the one file to the target destination folder. sometimes the one file continues to fail, producing the same error. if thats the case, the only way i can get the one file to move is to first move it to a different folder then drag it to where i want.
I have photos all over my numerous hard drives and I want to find and move them all to one central location where I can start to organize them. How is this done using Lightroom 5? Not just create a catalog but I want to actually move the file to one large hard drive.
1. When attempting to rename a folder, why do I get this message: "The folder XYZ could not be renamed or moved."? It only happens to certain folders but not others. I may come back to that folder several days later and the problem won't reoccur.
2. When moving a group of files from one folder location to another, all but maybe one or two will move. Although I receive an error, I try moving those two again, and they move normally.
When I use Lightroom to move photos from my camera to my computer, I want it to automatically delete the copied files from my camera. How do I do this?
How can I move selected pictures between two hard drives, creating date subfolders (year, month day) and maintaining the same collections? I mean, I just trying to separate my work files from my personal ones and put them in two different hard drives. Also often these pictures are in the same folders, so I can't just move the entire month or day folder, I have to select the pictures using the keywording tags.. I've already created the new folder.
I have quite a large amount of original raw files that I need to move off the internal hard drive. I now have 2 external drives that mirror each other for storing the files more securely, and have already copied all the raw files (quite a long process) over. I tried to setup a new catalog for the new workflow, not thinking that Lightroom doesn't mess with the original files, and have lost all my edits. I still have the original catalog and all the raw files still on my internal HD, but what I need to know is how to move it over and keep the edits? Do I really have to redo everything in lighroom directly?
I am reorganizing my file structure in LR4. I can move jpegs from one folder to another but I get an error message when I try to move the NEF files. I saw another discussion that mentioned that Lightroom has a problem moving NEF files. I don't have a large collection yet (less than 10,000 images) but I have made extensive edits on many of the shots so I don't want to import them from scratch again.
How can I move pictures without losing history (exposure changes, crop changes, etc)? I have LR4 and am using DNG files. No matter how I move files (move the folder within LR, move the folder than then re-sync in LR, etc) it always loses the History. I've searched and have found numerous "tutorials" on how to properly move files but can't seem to be able to keep the History along with it (I get the last state of the image, but not the actual history itself).
I have just edited a number of photos on my computer by adding ratings and keywords. I tried to export them to an external hard drive, so I could free up space on my computer, but I discovered that copies of those photos already existed on the external HD. I selected the "overwrite" option, but the ratings and keywords didn't copy over from the computer versions to the hard drive versions. Is there a way of doing that?
I recently upgraded my PC and cant figure out how to see my edited files from my old hard drive. All my photo's are saved on external hard drives and I have edited thousands but cant see any of the edited versions, only the original photo. How do I get that info onto my new hard drive? I am using Lightroom 4.
I have LR4 in a Mac Pro. I have two internal drives both labelled "Hard Drive 2" (don't ask.) As a result, pictures have ended up on both drives, and my catalog is a mess. To clean it up, I want all the photos on one drive and I want to move LR folders from one drive to the other. I'm working on a big project and there are some 4,000 photos involved. I was going to export the photos from one drive to an external drive and then re-import them to the other drive into appropriate folders.
moving my LR files to an external hard drive without the dreaded question mark or missing files message. I thought it would be easy.........I must be doing something wrong. I want to move some 30,000 photo files to external and work off external in the future. I purchased a Lacie 4 TB hard drive.
My catalog in Lightroom 4 is spread over several hard drives and broken into years, with subfolders holding each seperate shoot. I recently replaced the harddrive that only held 2009 with a 3TB drive that should be able to accomodate 2010,2011 and 2012. I would like to move those files onto that drive within Lightroom so that it tracks where they are.
I'm going to move my image library, catalog and ACR cache to an external drive so that I can work with a consistent set of files and edits on multiple computers. I know what I need to do to move the catalog, and I know how to move the image files to the new drive so that LR is aware of the move.
But what I'd really like to do is copy the image files to the new drive while leaving the existing images on the internal drive as a backup. As far as I can tell, LR doesn't support copying of images within the program. If I copy the files outside of LR, without deleting the originals, LR is going to conitinue to point to the orignal files on the internal disk.
So, if I right click on a folder in the Library module folder tree, there's an option to Update Folder Location, and this seems to do what I need it to do, although I've only tried it on a single folder. Will Update Folder Location work to relink an entire folder tree in one operation?
One related question: Where does LR store it's preferences? One of the catalog specific preferences is Standard Preview Size. My desktop has much higher res monitors than my laptop, so if this setting is stored in the catalog then I'll have to pick one value for both computers. I'm thinking it would be better to use the larger value, for the desktop, but I'm not sure how that will play on the laptop. (It would be nice if this were computer specific, rather than catalog specific.)
I had a decently organized folder structure with all photos from about 2005 on being organized by year (moved to their corresponding year folder on import from memory card).
However i had about 10,000 or so photos which were placed randomly in folders and sub folders from various backup/restores etc, which were imported into lightroom but not moved into their corresponding year folders.
I just purchased LR5 and i wanted to finally take the time to organize my file folder structure and create a new catalog. Following a method i researched found here: [URL]....
Here is what i did:
1) In Lightroom 4 i highlighted All Photos and saved metadata to file for every photo. (thinking this would keep all original metadata and any adjustments i made on the files)
2) Fired up lightroom 5 and started a new catalog. I then proceeded to import folders from my photo file folder and use the Import and Move option which imported and moved the files into the folders by year.
3) This seemed to work well but it seems i wound up with lots of duplicates (the older photos i had often had filename1.jpg and filename1-2.jpg which were often a cropped dupe) which was not a big deal and still ok so far.
4) I really liked the ability to click on the Year folder in the library and see all the photos for that year but i noticed that TONS of photos were missing within each year.
It turns out that a TON of photos which were in one of their own folders (not by year) folder were moved to 2013 folder and the original capture date had been re-written as 7-24-13 (the import date) overwriting what it was originally there and ruining my organization!
My catalog is a mess, all the files have been moved to a year folder and alot of the years are just plain wrong. I don't want to sort through my entire collection (48,000 photos) and find miss-labeled dates and out of place files!
what can i do to restore the original capture date and put my collection back in the proper order?
How does moving files off my C drive affect Lightroom's ability to find them? I have flagged and labeled files - will they still be flagged and labeled? Will I have to import them again?
I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.
If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.
The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.
How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."
When importing pictures from the hard drive to Elements 11, how can you keep the file structure intact? Specifically, if the original file has both pictures and sub folders, how can you import the original file exactly as it exists on the hard drive. So far I can move the pictures just fine, but I lose the file / sub file identity.
Am using CS5 and Windows 7. Whenever I drag or use the Move command in Bridge to move a file from one folder to another I get the most feared message "Adobe Bridge has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working. Windows will close ...you know the rest". I should also say the files are in fact moved, and I am able to relaunch Bridge immediately.