Lightroom :: How To Overwrite Ratings And Keywords When Moving Files
Sep 22, 2012
I have just edited a number of photos on my computer by adding ratings and keywords. I tried to export them to an external hard drive, so I could free up space on my computer, but I discovered that copies of those photos already existed on the external HD. I selected the "overwrite" option, but the ratings and keywords didn't copy over from the computer versions to the hard drive versions. Is there a way of doing that?
1. I have a number of folders where the photo's where stored on my Mac HD. I then moved these folders to a new location on an external HD. I re-imported these folders into Lightroom and they showed up under the external HD. However, all of the colour coding/ratings and even the adustments I have made to the images are not visibible. Is there a way I can correct this?
2. I've also imported a number of folders to Lightroom that were originally colour coded/rated in Bridge and edited in Adobe Camera RAW. Again the edits that I made to these and the ratings info is not visible. Is there a way I can change this?
3. Is there a way to search for duplicates within a particular folder or within the whole library?
When exporting files using the export command, only some keyworks will show up in the File info panel (even if I select all). But if I open the same image from Lightroom with the "Edit photo with Photoshop CS-6" all the keywords show up in the file info panel.
Say I have 15 images with the same 10 keywords in every file. One of the keywords is "banana" and I want to remove it from all 15 files. I select all the 15 files. When I do that one becomes "active" (it gets lighter gray highlight than the 14 other images). I then go to the Keywording panel and manually remove "banana" from the list.
When I look through files to see the change all but the one that was active STILL has the "banana" keyword applied. I have also tried selecting the 15 files and made the file without the banana keyword active and run "Sync Metadata" and removed "banana" from the "Keywords" field in the dialog box. Same thing happens. No change to the files that aren't active.
Keywords I assign to photos in Lightroom do not show up as "tags" when I view the photo's properties in Windows Live Photo Gallery. Is it possible to embed keywords assigned in Lightroom to the properties of the photo file?
I have been trying to export some files (all morning - note my frustration) to a new stock agency, but when I do a File>Export my Lightroom 4 generated Keywords are not in the files. I have tried to problem solve this on my own and looked online but I am having no luck at all. I am not very savy with all of this keywording protocol to start with. I am sure it is something simple like a box that needs to be checked or unchecked.
I'm finally incorporating LR to my Bridge / ACR / PS workflow.I have a very detailed keyword tree that I use in Bridge. This tree is organized in a hierarchical manner, and some of the keywords have synonyms or in case of taxonomy, common and latin names separeted by " ;"
I imported the keyword list into LR and also selected the option to import the xmp along with the files. The problem is that LR is now creating a new keyword for every word I have in the list!
I think one of the issues is that ";" is an illegal caracter in LR, but I'm not sure how to fix it without having to rewrite the entire thing. Also, is this the only issue?
Changing the keyword list only will not fix it because I have thousands of images with these keywords already, and it would be impossible to redo them all.
My plan is to fix this and delete everything from the catalog before I import the files again.
adding a preset to already edited photos without changing the edit. Basically I will edit an entire wedding and then I go back and pick out favorites for my bride and like to add the same artistic edit over them. Since they are already all edited to my clean beautiful photo, (color balance, exsposure, editing for maybe none ideal lighting during ceremony) I would think there would be an easy way to add a preset without having it change all my adjustments I made so to speed up my process. I know If I bring my photos to photoshop and bring them back into lightroom it pretty much resets it to basic
How can I move many nested keywords back into the main listing of keywords? I was up late a few nights ago and never noticed that about 80 new keywords were being placed as (nested?) under another keyword. How can I get them back from under that keyword and into the main keywrod list?
Lightroom has a collection containing all images without keywords.
As soon as I apply a keyword to images they instantly disappear from the collection. This is alright when I only want to apply a single keyword, but how do I stop it happening when I want to apply multiple keywords to the same image(s)?
I have over 60,000 assets that I need to export from Cumulus. All of the keywords have been added in Cumulus. How do I export these assets from Cumulus in order for the keywords to be acknowledged when imported into Lightroom?
In Photoshop CS3, when an action tries to save a new file with a filename that already exists, it brings up a warning Dialog Box, which is very helpful to avoid mistakingly overwriting files.�However it looks like CS4 does NOT ask, and simply overwrites, like much older versions of Photoshop.�Is there any way to turn this dialog back ON?
I'm sure this has been answered many times, but I didn't know how to search for it.
I want to move several hundred images from one PC to another (over a home network). I have added keywords in Bridge. How can I retain/create the same keyword set on the target PC?
1) I have purchased a new computer and wish to move/copy/export all my photo's along with their Keywords & Tags to the new computer.
2) In doing the above will the pictures re-locate to the new computer in one directory or keep the same directory and sub-directories in tack? I have been saving my Pic's in a directory called: Pictures > Then by Year > Then by Month.
Moving the pictures from the old computer to new one is not the problem. It is maintaining the Directory Tree along with moving the Keywords and Tags.
Currently over 3,500 photos that I would rather not have to re-tag.
I am noticing some issues in Lightroom 4.3. How to have picks and ratings appear in the filmstrip. I have this selected in Preferences and previously was able to see picks and ratings.
I am unable to move the photo within the crop (I don't see the "hand".)
When I import files from Photo Mechanic to LR4.1 the star ratingsfro PM show in LR, but when I then export again from LR the star ratings are gone in Photo Mechanic. Obviously I need to tag somewhere in the prefs, problem is I can't find where?
I use a iMac to capture and tag photos as finalist. I then transfer the folder to another machine for editing. When I add the images into the editing machines lightroom, all the tags, ratings, stars, colors don't show up.
When I was on Lr3 on both machines, these tags transferred. Even when a client used Bridge, they showed up. Now, not so much.
I recently copied all Lightroom folders/catalog /etc to a larger hard drive. Upon opening Lightroom for the first time since the move, almost all of the edits made in Photoshop and/or 3rd Party programs are gone and with them the ratings for those photos. Where are these photos/ratings stored and are they retrievable. Again, I copied ALL folders and catalog to the new drive.
My ratings are no longer visible on the thumbnails along the bottom of the develop module. The color codes are visible. Under View Options, Show Ratings and Picks is checked. The photos definitely have ratings and filtering by ratings is working. Perhaps I accidentally turned something off. how to make them visible again?
In making a web gallery is there a way to make some minor changes and resave the web gallery?I find I have to delete the existing web gallery then recreate it then save it again ?
On opening Lightroom 4.1 it appears to have reverted back to how it was a few months and so I lost all of the images I was working on. On reimporting them back into Lightroom, this was performed quickly as if perhaps they were remembered, however all ratings and edits remained lost. Do you know if it is possible to recover these?
I'm running LR 4.1 RC and recently all the icons disappeared from the photos in the film strip at the bottom. I can no longer see star ratings, the icon for the quick collection, crop icon, or anything else. I did View Options (Right click) and everything is checked on.
I used MAC OS X to move over 40,000 photos to an external drive and of course the metadata and develop settings did not transfer. Short of individually copying and pasting each metadata and setting, is there a way to fix the problem? I still have the original photos on my MAC. To make things more difficult I have added new photos (and developed them) to the new location. I have tried fixing this on my own but I am stumped. I have since checked the "write metadata to file" option.
How to overwrite an existing watermark. For instance, let's say I have a watermark called "website" with opacity of 50.
If I want to change that opacity to 60, I go to Lightroom->edit watermarks (or pick it straight from the export menu), select that watermark, and change the opacity to 60. Now I have an option to save the watermark. I don't want it to be a new one, I just want it to overwrite the existing watermark with the name "website". But when I type that name in, it says that's already in use. So now I have "website 2", "website 3", "website 4", etc which are all the same watermark with small changes, because it wouldn't let me overwrite any of them when I made a change.
I'm new to Lightroom so I might be screwing this up somehow. I pick the Overwrite without warning option on the export function. I've noticed that it pops up the dialog saying X file will be replaced. I click Ok and go to my pictures library and only the unedited original is there.
I can repeatedly reproduce an error when moving files into folders within LR4.2.My current folder structure is setup like:
F:picturesYEARFolder nameSub folder
When I'm moving files from "Folder name" to "Sub folder" I will be moving approx 6 - 20 photos at a time when sorting them into sub folders. After a while of moving files, LR will stop allowing you to move files and will show up the O symbol with a line through it. Until you close and re-open LR will it allow you to start moving photos again.
I've had this happen 3 times on me now and is completely reproducible. As above, move a small amount of files from a parent folder into a child folder repeatedly and eventually it will refuse to move any more photos until you restart LR.
After importing folders into LR, are there any issues with going into those folders and moving out .png, .gif, .pdf and other files that LR does not import?
Currently my Catalog and photos reside inside a directory c:/Current (path shortened for simpliicty!) and I want to move the whole lot to a new location on the same drive, c:/NewLoc.
I see many explanations of moving to other drives or machines but cannot find an explanation of a 'simple' move to another directory on the same drive!