Lightroom :: Exporting Files With Keywords?

Apr 26, 2013

When exporting files using the export command, only some keyworks will show up in the File info panel (even if I select all). But if I open the same image from Lightroom with the "Edit photo with Photoshop CS-6" all the keywords show up in the file info panel.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Keywords In V5?

Nov 5, 2013

I recently converted from Lightroom 4 to 5.  I just noticed that not all my keywords are exported to my jpeg file.  For example I have the following keywords in Lightroom; Horizontal, Landscape, National Forest, Scenic.  My exported jpeg has only the keyword Landscape.
In the Library Module, when I click on the dropdown Keyword Tags and select "Will Export", I only see the keyword Landscape.  I'm not sure what this "feature" is all about. I need to be able to export all keywords.
This problem seems to be consistent and I have a test file set up so I can repeat the problem.  Only certain keywords are not exported.

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Lightroom :: Rename To Keywords When Publishing (Exporting) Doesn't Work?

Apr 26, 2013

I have a publish service to hard drive already set up and running. I have decided that I want to change the names of the files I am publishing (exporting) to be written as the name of the keywords applied to the photos.
I have gone through the motions, Ie: right click on the publish service --> Edit Settings --> Check Rename To: --> Drop Down to Custom Settings --> Insert Keywords --> Save
I then mark everything to re-publish when prompted. I then click publish.
Lightroom then re-publishes all the files, however it uses the native filename (Ie: It says it will export them with the new filename, however it doesn't actually do it). I have found that if I do the process manually, for each specific folder, it works. However, I have several hundred smart folders set up and it wouldn't make sense to do this.
Seems like a probem that needs fixing. I have tried on both Lightroom 3 and now on Lightroom 4 as well.

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Lightroom :: Can't Remove Keywords From Multiple Files

Mar 24, 2010

I can't believe I can't get this working.
Say I have 15 images with the same 10 keywords in every file. One of the keywords is "banana" and I want to remove it from all 15 files. I select all the 15 files. When I do that one becomes "active" (it gets lighter gray highlight than the 14 other images). I then go to the Keywording panel and manually remove "banana" from the list.
When I look through files to see the change all but the one that was active STILL has the "banana" keyword applied. I have also tried selecting the 15 files and made the file without the banana keyword active and run "Sync Metadata" and removed "banana" from the "Keywords" field in the dialog box. Same thing happens. No change to the files that aren't active.

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Lightroom :: Embed Keywords Assigned In 4 Into DNG Files?

Apr 27, 2013

Keywords I assign to photos in Lightroom do not show up as "tags" when I view the photo's properties in Windows Live Photo Gallery. Is it possible to embed keywords assigned in Lightroom to the properties of the photo file?

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Lightroom :: Keywords Not Transferring To Files / When Do File -> Export?

Sep 11, 2012

I have been trying to export some files (all morning - note my frustration) to a new stock agency, but when I do a File>Export my Lightroom 4 generated Keywords are not in the files.  I have tried to problem solve this on my own and looked online but I am having no luck at all.  I am not very savy with all of this keywording protocol to start with.  I am sure it is something simple like a box that needs to be checked or unchecked.

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Lightroom :: Migrating Keywords From Bridge - Import XMP Along With Files

Dec 11, 2013

I'm finally incorporating LR to my Bridge / ACR / PS workflow.I have a very detailed keyword tree that I use in Bridge. This tree is organized in a hierarchical manner, and some of the keywords have synonyms or in case of taxonomy, common and latin names separeted by " ;"
I imported the keyword list into LR and also selected the option to import the xmp along with the files. The problem is that LR is now creating a new keyword for every word I have in the list!
I think one of the issues is that ";"  is an illegal caracter in LR, but I'm not sure how to fix it without having to rewrite the entire thing. Also, is this  the only issue?

Changing the keyword list only will not fix it because I have thousands of images with these keywords already, and it would be impossible to redo them all.
My plan is to fix this and delete everything from the catalog before I import the files again.

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Lightroom :: Delimited Keywords Written Into DNG Files As Cataloged?

Nov 13, 2012

How can I ensure that delimited keywords are written into DNG files as they are cataloged ??  
The option exists for exported images but I can't find a solution for cataloged images.

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Lightroom :: Delimited Keywords Are Not Written Into DNG Files As They Are In Catalogue?

Jun 15, 2013

adding a preset to already edited photos without changing the edit.  Basically I will edit an entire wedding and then I go back and pick out favorites for my bride and like to add the same artistic edit over them.  Since they are already all edited to my clean beautiful photo, (color balance, exsposure, editing for maybe none ideal lighting during ceremony) I would think there would be an easy way to add a preset without having it change all my adjustments I made so to speed up my process.  I know If I bring my photos to photoshop and bring them back into lightroom it pretty much resets it to basic

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Lightroom :: How To Overwrite Ratings And Keywords When Moving Files

Sep 22, 2012

I have just edited a number of photos on my computer by adding ratings and keywords.  I tried to export them to an external hard drive, so I could free up space on my computer, but I discovered that copies of those photos already existed on the external HD.  I selected the "overwrite" option, but the ratings and keywords didn't copy over from the computer versions to the hard drive versions.  Is there a way of doing that?

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Lightroom :: Move Many Nested Keywords Back Into Main Listing Of Keywords

Aug 13, 2013

How can I move many nested keywords back into the main listing of keywords? I was up late a few nights ago and never noticed that about 80 new keywords were being placed as (nested?) under another keyword. How can I get them back from under that keyword and into the main keywrod list?

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Lightroom :: How To Select Multiple Keywords To Add To Images Without Keywords Collection

Aug 1, 2012

Lightroom has a collection containing all images without keywords.

As soon as I apply a keyword to images they instantly disappear from the collection. This is alright when I only want to apply a single keyword, but how do I stop it happening when I want to apply multiple keywords to the same image(s)?

Lightroom 4.1 trial, Windows 7

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Lightroom :: Export Files From Cumulus / Keywords To Be Acknowledged On Import

Jul 19, 2013

I have over 60,000 assets that I need to export from Cumulus. All of the keywords have been added in Cumulus. How do I export these assets from Cumulus in order for the keywords to be acknowledged when imported into Lightroom?

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW Files To PS5?

May 17, 2012

when exporting RAW files from lightroom 3, version 3.6, to photoshop 5, (version 12.04, ACR 6.6), raw files go directly to editor, not camera raw editor. This began only after I went from trial version to full version, before it went to RAW editor.  If loading directly into PS RAW files do go to RAW editor as they should, but not from LIghtroom.

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Lightroom :: Zero Bite Files When Exporting?

Feb 23, 2013

When exporting to JPEG, some files export as "zero byte" and in fact are empty files.  If a repeatedly try exporting a given file, eventually it will export correctly.  I have reinstalled LR; problem persists.  Running LR 4.3 on MacBook Air running OS 10.8.2. 

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Lightroom :: Lost CR Files After Exporting To JPG?

Feb 2, 2014

I seem to have lost many original CR files after import > developing > export as jpg.  I had made selects to develop and then output images as lower rez jpgs.  When I went back to the original folders (on an external hd) those CR select files were missing / a gap in the photo sequence now exists and I cannot locate the originals regardless of searches. 

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Lightroom :: 4 - Slowdown When Exporting Files

Apr 26, 2012

I've been experiencing some slowdown on my PC when exporting files from LR4. No matter the size, or if it's .jpg or .TIFF... it always gives me some frezzes (mouse etc)

CPUMotherboardGraphicsRAMPhenom II X6 1055T @4.0ghz ASUS Crosshair FORMULA IV CrossFire ATI RADEON 6850 940/1150 8GB DDR3 CORSAIR VENGANCE @1525mhzHard DriveOSMonitorSamsung 500GB / Seagate 500GB / Seagate 1TB Windows 7 ULTIMATE x64 Dell U2410 IPS Lastest ATI driver...

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Exporting Empty JPG Files?

Feb 28, 2013

I am running LR 4.3 (student license).

I have dng files in my catalog.

I try to export them as srgb jpg files.

The exported files are empty, as in 0 kb, and will not open.

When I try to open them I get a warning that says the file is empty.

This has never occured before. Just started happening this week.

When ask LR to look for updates, it says I do not need any updates.

When I right click a dng file in LR and try to open it via PS CS5 for editing, I get a message that says my version of LR may need Camera Raw 7.3 and that I should update Camera Raw via the PS menu.

When I go to PS and ask it to update, it says I am up to date.

However, I believe my installed Camera Raw is version 6.

When I try to install Camera Raw 7, it tells me that the update does not apply to me, so I cannot procede.
Why LR 4.3 is all of a sudden exporting empty jpg files?

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Lightroom :: User Presets For Exporting Files?

Nov 27, 2012

I want to create a user preset for exporting full size jpegs to a folder to be named later. Whenever I try and save it Lightroom defaults to email.
Here are my settings:
Lightroom 4.2
export to hard drive
choose folder later
jpeg format
Adobe RGB

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Lightroom :: Exporting Multiple Files As JPEGs?

Nov 9, 2012

I encountered the following problem: wenn exporting multiple files from Lightroom as JPEG files, I get a random error message that Lr couldn't export some of these files. In the Windows explorer these 'half' export files can't be delete unless Lr is closed. After deleting all the export files, reopening Lr and doing another export run, the same problem occurs, but now on other files. This problem seems to happen at random files.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Smaller Sized Files

Jul 31, 2013

When exporting smaller sized files (e.g. jpegs with 1000px width limitation), some of them are 1px shorter (999px in this case). It does not seem to affect files around 2000px export size, so it might be linked to the fixed export problem with output sharpening and noise reduction (URL...)

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Lightroom :: 4 - Determining Resolution (PPI) When Exporting Files

Oct 3, 2012

When exporting files from lightroom 4 how do I know what the resolution is if the file has been resized in another program? For example I edited (cropped and changed ppi) in Photoship Elements. Returned to Lightroom 4 and began to export to another location on my hard disk and discovered I couldn't find the resolution (ppi) I had used in PSE. Why doesn't Lightroom have the file properties listed and especially the ppi. I want tis file at specific resolution for a specific size. Why can't I get to Adobe Support?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Has Quit Exporting Files - No Error Message Comes Up

Mar 9, 2013

My Lightroom has unexpectedly stopped exporting files.  Nothing that I am aware of has changed--I haven't changed cameras or added new software.  No error message comes up, it just does nothing after the Export dialog box.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Files For Editing Into Photoshop Elements 9?

Feb 1, 2013

This problem only occurs with files that I have been imported from cd's/dvd's into the libraryand I get the msg "Lightroom was unable to prepare the selected file for editing. It will not be opened." Files that are stored on my hard drive have NO PROBLEM in being edited. .
I am new to Lightroom and currently using it on the 30 day trial I have been using PSE for a long time and have over 90,000 images in Organizer and all of my images are on cd's/dvd's, very few are stored on the hard drive.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Full Size JPEGs From DNG Converted Files

Jun 6, 2013

I imported some RAW files into Lightroom 4, which I then copied/converted to DNG, then edited them. I now want to export them as full size, high-quality jpegs but I only seem to be able to export them at a maximum of about 800kb, which is far lower than full-size. Is this to do with first the conversion to DNG from RAW on the import? Am I best copying them from raw and not converting them to DNG at all? Next question is, will I have to import the original RAWs again and re-edit them to be able to export as full-size high quality jpegs or is there some way to not have to do them again?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Exporting Photo Files Using Outlook 2010 / Locate Sent Emails?

May 28, 2012

When exporting photo files from LR4 using Outlook 2010, where are the sent emails stored?

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Lightroom :: How To Preserve Tags While Exporting Files With Minimize Metadata Checked

Aug 28, 2012

Working in LR 3.6, if I export files with "minimize metadata" checked, I loose the tags. The only way they stay in the exported JPG is if I enable that check. But I don't necessarily want all my EXIF data available to everybody.
Is this problem resolved in 4.1?

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Photoshop :: Find Files With Keywords

Feb 20, 2009

trying to find files using key words is not working using bridge with cs3 and windowsxp.

when key words are attached to a file they are evident when the image is open. when i try to search for the file using the selected key word i get a no results found response.

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Lightroom :: Where Have Keywords Gone

Mar 3, 2013

I have just installed a new computer when my old one died.  I had everything backed up and have managed to successfully restore my lightroom catalogue.
I can see all my photos and all the adjustment history and I can see my library of keywords.  However, none of my photos show the key words that I previously assigned to them. 
I am not sure whether there is a file that I need to restore from the backup somewhere.

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Lightroom :: 5 Keywords Are Missing?

Jun 12, 2013

When i try to upgrade to LR5 I see the keywords are missing. Eevn when I import them again, no keywords...With about 275.000 images keyworded in LR3-4...

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Lightroom :: PSE10 Keywords In 4?

Mar 8, 2012

I am very happy with some 200 keywords that I use in PSE10 under Win7/64 on over 20k images.  Is it possible, in LR4, to pick up files with keywords written to metadata, and work with them in LR4 (selection, editing, etc.) WITHOUT damaging or "upgrading" the PSE10 catalog?  If yes, could PSE10 pick up keywored changes made in LR4?  
Or do you have to commit to one program or the other?

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