Lightroom :: How To Preserve Tags While Exporting Files With Minimize Metadata Checked
Aug 28, 2012
Working in LR 3.6, if I export files with "minimize metadata" checked, I loose the tags. The only way they stay in the exported JPG is if I enable that check. But I don't necessarily want all my EXIF data available to everybody.
Is there a way to preserve the folder structure of a catalog when exporting JPGs of everything to a new location? I know there is an option to save the export into the same folder as the original file, but i am talking about a completely new location.
I am trying to save the metadata tags I have created, but I am not given the option to do so. I tried CMD + S, but that does not work and when I go to Metadata -> Save Metadata to files is not an available option. I am using Lightroom 4.4 and working with .mov files.
I´d like to decide what metadata to include i file when exporting pictures. I want most of the data but i don´t want anyone to know my EXIF info. Is there a way to do that?
At one time I was able to export a file's original file name in the "Raw Data" area of the metadata. I seem to have lost that ability in LR 4. I find this useful when a client renames a file and then wants me to find the original. I would open the file in Photoshop (or even a word processor) and the original name would be in the Raw Data area in File Info.
When LR 4 imports the file the first time, it apparently still creates the xmp file with the file name at the end of <rdf:Description rdf:about="" field and it looks like: crs:RawFileName="_DSC6501.NEF">
At one time Lightroom exported that info. But now I seem to have lost that file name info, even with "Export All Metadata" selected.
This is how it would look in Photoshop's File Info:
I have been using LR4, and am starting to learn Photoshop CS6. I thought I understood that there was not need to make a copy when editing a photo from Lightroom in Photoshop. However, Martin Evening's Lightroom 4 book (page 394 if you have it) states 'once you have converted a photo to black and white in Lightroom and edited in Photoshop, there is no opportunity to go back to the colour original'. He then talked about it being better to create an edit copy version
the original file would be lost in Lightroom. He also suggested that Virtual Copies may not be a good idea - something about if the catalog became corrupted you could lose the Virtual Copies, and it would be better to create a 'Real File'
So if I were to do some edits in LR4, including convert to B&W, then do further work in Photoshop, would it be better, or necessary to create another Edit Copy of the file so I had the original + another original I could then do the work on. And shoulkd I do this on all files
I created a jagged line drawing in Processing, than exported it to PDF. When I opened it in Illustrator it was fine (I turned anti-aliasing off). But after saving it to PDF and reviewing in Adobe Acrobat the anti-aliasing was back on. Is there any way to preserve it? Or is it just Acrobat, that applies anti-aliasing when previewing? Is it possible to print it on paper in it's jagged format?
I have just transferred all my photos from an PC (microsoft) to an iMac. At the same time I upgraded from elements 5 to version 11. Before doing the transfer I saved all the tags to the metadata. On the iMac both the tags and the keywords in the metadata are all in place but when I do a search on a particular tag, only a small number of the relevant photos (the most recent) are found.
I am transitioning to using RAW files more often. I add metadata, including GPS info, captions etc. Then invariably I need to get JPEGs to someone and have to go through the hassle of exporting the RAW as a JPEG with the metadata.
Is there a way I can get that metadata into the sorta sidecar JPEG file on my Mac without having to go through the export process?
I suppose I could designate the preference that on import the RAW and JPEG were treated as separate files; could I then just copy the metadata in? I haven't really worked with separate JPEG+RAW before. Would it happen automatically if I stacked them? Haven't really explored that.
It just seems that every time I have decided to use the RAW invariably I need the JPEG and if I don't have LR available (say I'm working on someone else's computer but accessing my own files)
I have converted a large number of Canon and Nikon raw files to DNG using Adobe DNG Converter (version
Using Lightroom 5.2 I wanted to change metadata in these master DNG files. I import the files into a catalog, select all, modify the metadata, then invoke the Metadata->Save Metadata to Files... For many (but not all) of the files I get the following message:
"Could not write metadata. Unknown file formats."
The DNG files reside on a Synology NAS server. If I copy them to a local disk I do not get the above error. But I would like to make metadata changes to the files on the NAS.
I do not have problems importing or viewing DNG files from the NAS. Why does LR 5 have problems writing DNG metadata to the NAS? How can I fix this?
Curious to know why and what is causing the metadata in files to change outside on lightroom. I will save a selected bunch of files and then moments later the end up with the metadata status of being changed outside of lightroom. They are not being opened in photoshop nor bridge. What would be causing them to be changed outside of lightroom and have the metadata status switch to "Changed on Disk"
I Upgraded recently from LR2.6 to 3.3. Many of my images have an Exclamation Mark on them, following the upgrade, informing me that there is a Metadata Mismatch.. When I click on it I get this Dialogue box:
Firstly I think LR developers are playing with potentially important information with a lack of care and consideration. I looked at the metadata in 'File Info' in Photoshop before clicking anything: the creation date was the date the file was created and much of the camera data was missing. After I clicked Overwrite Settings all the original data was back on the file. How this came to pass exactly, but it shows metadata is an easily lost thing. If Adobe care about their customers I would think they would make it more clear what was at stake here!
Secondly I would like to know if there is a way to search for all images with this issue to save me having to go through and do it one by one, possibly thousands of times?
In Library Module of LR4.4 under Vista 32, I have corrected a "Capture Time" of a single jpg Photo via the "Edit Capture Time" dialog. The new date correctly shows up in the "Date Time Original" EXIF field of the Metadata panel on the right.
Now, I want to sync that date to other jpgs which all come with incorrect "Date Time Original" - so, I highlight the above photo, mark the other ones to less light grey, press "Sync Metadata". THe dialog of "Sync Metadata" appears, showing the new date under "ICPT image" as "date created" - so far so good. I mark that field, and press the ok button and the sync runs. After that, no change is shown to the respective field of any of the photos metadata fields to be sync'd, no sync has actually happened, and even the "Save Metadata to file" command does cure this situation.
Using the command with a single target file instead of multiple ones does not work either.
Why can't I update a set of superold pictures to their correct "date created" date via Metadata sync? This Metadata sync does not sync.
A while ago I edited some dng´s in Lightroom and saved the metadata to the files. Now I need to do some changes and the dng´s look just like the RAW files (unedited). Where do I find the metadata that was saved to the dng files?
I just experienced an unusual occurrance. I am using lightroom 5.2 on windows 7. I have been using lightroom since the original beta.
I just finished hours of editing DNG files. I selected all the thumbnails and dragged them to a collection. I noticed that after dragging them down that all the thumbnails showed the icon that there was a conflict in metadata. I selected all the thumbnails and reset the metadata. I lost all my edits.
I've just had a problem with LR4. Instaled the full version a few days ago on my old computer. Just got a new computer where I instaled LR4 and imported all my latest work and noticed that all video (.mov) metadata were not saved on to files (Photos are OK!!!) So all editing and rating/flags/color filter I've done is gone.
Thought that I forgot to save Metadata on my old computer and did a couple of tests.
I did some rating and some color filters on my actual catalog then saved the metadata a couple of times. Removed from the Library and re-imported and the metadata were not there again. Did the same to Photos and is fine!
LR4 does not write XMP to video files?
Just lost hours of work on cuting and rating a video Job since my old computer is gone.
I have been wondering why my backups (differential) weregetting larger than they should, and I noticed that some of the files (.psd and .jpg, and mayde few .tiff) were modified. Interestingly, I do not see this happening to cr2-files, that I mostly use. After trying to figure out what's going on I noticed that corresponding xmp-files were modified also. This is not the issue due to their small size, but still I had not edited images that were changed for quite a while.
Change that I see in xmp-files is rather large, and presumably related to Adobe's change in xmp-data structure. Eg.
In addition to the sample above, whole xmp structure is changed. So I presume that maybe LR is writing metadata chages to xmp in the background?
What I find disturbing is that when checking changed jpg files, I saw the similar data written into the jpg files also (files were created with oldish Canon 20D, and not edited for quite a while). These are examples from changed jpg-files (not the same from which the abone xmp-data change was taken, but similar change is visible in the corresponding XMP):
Also jpg-file from offset 0x04 was changed from "50 60" to "51 18". Also offset 0x10 was changed (16 bits). I have Lightroom configuration option "Include develope settings in Metadata Inside JPEG, TIFF and PSD Files" not selected. The option "Automatically write changes to XMP" is selected. To my understanding neither of these should not have impact to the issue. Is there something else I should check?
Change is made most likely by Lightroom 3.5 version, and has not occurred with previous versions. I have not notices this happening with 3.6, but I have been using it only few weeks. Is this known issue with previous version 3.5, or am I missing something obvious? System running is Windows 7 pro 64bit. I have not have any issues with LR lately, except crashes that I white about a week ago.
I'm not making any adjustment in Lr. I'm just opening, editing and saving a TIFF file in Ps and I'm always getting the following warning. What can cause a metadata conflict for such a case?
I imported many files that were tiff & jpeg pairs (with the import preference box checked 'Do Not treat as seprate files when file names are the same') into LR3. Since then, i have been unable to write new metadata, such as captions, keywords, etc., to both the JPG and Tif files. LR3, and now also LR5 both only seem to want to write to the tiff files. How do i get the metadata easily saved onto the jeg files as well? (preferably without re-importing as separate files).
Lightroom doesn't import my GPS data - it is there in the RAW (NEF) and jpeg files but doesn't show in the Metadata within Lightroom. Nikon View NX shows the data but I want to use Lightroom!
I want to wash my .jpg files through LR 5 in order to display the filenames. Via the Slideshow module I have been able to select and direct the displaying of the desired metadata option. When I export the files the displayed metadata information does not make the trip.
I am trying to set up a search folder in Vault that would find files checked out by all the users.
In my Tools---Find I would set the Property for Checked Out By, Condition to contains. Now, what to enter in the Value window so it searches all the users, the thing is I dont want to enter all the user id's, there are quite few of them.
it here instead of Vault's message board but Vault's one seems to be rather inactive.
Recently had my motherboard replaced under warranty and had to reinstall all programs. Had previously synched all my image files (and LR catalog files) to a separate hard drive using MemeoSync.
When I reinstalled and opened LR4.4 I found that the only folder showing was the synched drive (I:) whereas it should have been the C: drive. All synched images on the I: drive were correctly tagged but the original images on the C: drive had no keywords. I understand I can move all the files from the I: drive to the C: drive but there is another mystery I cannot solve.
I take all photos as RAW & jpeg. The files on the I: drive show the RAW files and the separate (but related) jpeg files. On the C: drive they are shown as <filename>.CR2+JPEG and I can't seem to separate them. I have tried ticking the box 'Treat JPEG files next to RAW files as separate files" without success.
So my question is, if I move all 49,000 files from one drive to the other, will the moved files retain the keyword tags AND the separated RAW/JPEG files? Also, must I delete all files from the C: drive before I move the replicated files from the I: drive? If this is successful I will then want to remove the I: folder in LR and just have the C: folder showing.
I use LR5 to manage RAW/JPG/MOV files from events where I have taken pictures from. Most of the MOV files do either come from my Canon Camera or from my iPhone.
I regular export the files in a reduced file back to my iPad or iPhone for "public" viewing. Unfortunately LR5 is loosing all metadata from my videos, especially creating date/time and GPS tags.
Is there any way to include metadata in exported (and compressed) video files ? It works in photo's very well.
If not, do you know any other program which can compress original video files from my iPhone and keep the metadata ?
OK, so Sony in all their wisdom decided to hide nearly all the metadata from AVCHD videos in .modd and .moff files, which almost nothing seems to read. I don't suppose there is any way to access that data in Lightroom itself, and then embed in the file's metadata, or at least put it in the LR database??
I have also searched for a third party solution, and no beans. Sony Play memories Home can read it, but then can't do anything with it!
In a related issue, LR does show that there are the two sidecar files, but then fails to move them when the AVCHD files are moved.
It was disappointing that LR 5 didn't improve video features at all.
I want to print or export the metadata from Photoshop or Bridge for collections of photographs to create a hardcopy of the data to store with the printed images. This is for an archives where we print all digital images received, but do not currently have an easy way of transferring the metadata.
I don't really care for "tabs." I'm used to having open files placed randomly within PS.
So I uncheck this feature in preferences. BUT, this means when you hide/minimize PS, the open file remains visible. Is there no way to minimize open files at the same time as PS?
How do i keep the "Constrain to Crop" box checked by default? Every single time i import images into lightrooom i have to check this box and then sync. I could save so much time if it were automatically checked.