Lightroom :: Constrain To Crop Checked By Default?

Nov 30, 2012

How do i keep the "Constrain to Crop"  box checked by default? Every single time i import images into lightrooom i have to check this box and then sync. I could save so much time if it were automatically checked.

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Lightroom :: Constrain Crop Doesn't Always Work?

Jan 23, 2013

make manual lens adjustment and hit the constrain crop checkbox sometimes nothing happens (not tick appears, grey borders remain) Somtimes you can tick it and nothing happens. Sometimes you can tick it nothing happens but then click off the photo and back on, and the box is unticked but the crop has been applied!

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Lightroom :: Crop Tool Won't Constrain Aspect Ratio In 4.4

Aug 13, 2013

This is a sudden change of behavior in Lightroom 4.4, Mac OS 10.7.5.
In the past, when I chose the crop tool, with the locked icon in the locked position, when I adjusted the crop, the crop was constrained to the original aspect ratio of the photo. Now, no matter what I do, the crop is kind of "partly" constrained.  That is, I start with a vertical image, then drag the crop down so that the crop rectangle has a horizontal aspect ratio, I can drag up on the horizontal crop rectangle so that the original aspect ratio is no longer preserved.  Until the aspect ratio has gone horizontal, the original aspect ratio is preserved.  It doesn't matter if the lock is locked or unlocked, or whether I hold the shift key or not.
Here's an example:
at this point, the crop is still vertical, with aspect ratio constrained. It's still "as shot" and the padlock icon is locked
Here, the crop is now horizontal, but the aspect ratio is still constrained, "as shot" and still the icon is locked.
Now, things have gotten wonky.  When the right edge of the crop hits the edge of the photo, it's possible to drag it upwards.  The aspect ration is no longer constrained, and even though the padlock icon is locked the aspect is now "Custom"
As I said, this is new behavior which I have never seen since the version of Lightroom included the crop tool (I started at Lightroom 1.0).  Like they all say "I haven't changed anything", but something  obviously has changed.  I don't believe this is correct behavior, or the behavior I've been used to for years.  Is there any way to think this is the correct behavior?
I noticed it sometimes happens on some (most) photos, but not all, and will seemingly randomly start/stop working properly on photos that weren't/were working just minutes before.

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Lightroom :: Can Enable Profile Corrections In Lens Corrections Be Checked As Default

Feb 9, 2013

Can 'Enable Profile Corrections' in Lens Corrections be checked as a default?

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Photoshop :: Everytime When Open A File (extras) Checked By Default

Aug 20, 2013

how to change this.  I get tired of having to remove the grid over and over

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Photoshop :: ACR CS6 Crop Locked At 3:2 Constrain

Jul 1, 2012

After opening a RAW file in ACR CS6, Win 7, the outline is constrained to a 3:2 box.  When I drag down, it's a vertical 3:2 box.  I try clicking on the crop icon at top, but there's no response.  There's no drop down menu when I click the icon.  Otherwise, ACR works fine, using the 2012 methods. 

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Lightroom :: Can Get Crop And Straighten Tool To Default To 16 : 9

Jun 29, 2012

I have a large number of RAW photos from a Canon 7D which are destined for use in a Premiere Pro CS6 project.

I want to crop each of them to the preset 16x9 1920 x 1080.

What I would like to happen is that when I open the photo in the develop module and press the R button to open the Crop and Straighten tool, that the Aspect 16X9 crop overlay is selected be default, rather then the "original".

This would save me a lot of mouse clicks...

Or perhaps it's possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to that particular aspect so I can press R and then something else?

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Lightroom :: Set Default Crop Ratio Padlock To Be Unlocked Always

Dec 6, 2011

How can i set the default crop ratio to always be unlocked for every image that i try to edit? Its so annoying to always have to hit the A key to unlock it. If i want it locked then i'll lock it back. Why should i be told what i want?

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Lightroom :: How To Preserve Tags While Exporting Files With Minimize Metadata Checked

Aug 28, 2012

Working in LR 3.6, if I export files with "minimize metadata" checked, I loose the tags. The only way they stay in the exported JPG is if I enable that check. But I don't necessarily want all my EXIF data available to everybody.
Is this problem resolved in 4.1?

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Lightroom :: Select The Crop Tool Image Disappears During The Entire Crop Process

Jun 2, 2008

when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.

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Lightroom :: Setting Crop Tool To Crop Only One Aspect At A Time

Sep 15, 2012

How do I set the crop tool in Lightroom to crop only one aspect at a time (e.g. - vertical). Right now all crops do a vertical and horizontal at once.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Default Presets In Crop Pallet

Apr 14, 2013

I do not use most of the default presets in the crop pallet. I use my own and when I go to the Corel X4 presets dir. Mine are there but the default set are not listed (hidden files?). How can I delete the ones I do not want from the default set so that the ones I have created stay on top?

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Photoshop :: Cropping Other Than Default Square? Circle Crop Or Pentagon?

Nov 6, 2005

I'm just wondering whether there is a way to crop an image in PS in a different shape other than the default square. Like circle crop or pentagon.

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Lightroom :: How To Set LR4 To Make Photos 576 Pixels And Constrain Proportions

Feb 17, 2013

I know very little about setting  image sizes in LR and usually use Pixrl. I have to have my photos 576 pixels wide and constrain propstions for a website.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changes Not Being Checked Into Vault

Aug 17, 2012

We have a user that has been experiencing problems when checking files into vault.  The problem occurs when he copies a design (the drawing and part file) in vault then checks out the files to make changes, saves it and checks it back in, Inventor doesn't check in the changes.  The preview window (i.e.. dwf that's generated on check in) is correct however the thumbnail is wrong and when you open the latest version none of the changes have been made.

This is taking up a lot of time because he has to make the changes twice and also has to be constantly looking back in vault to files he has just checked in to make sure they are correct.

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Photoshop :: Saved As PNG And GIF Format With Transparency Box Checked

Jun 20, 2012

I've downloaded a photo from the net and then opened with photoshop, its an image with a white background so using magic wand tool I selected the white areas and deleted them. After this I went to save for web and have saved as PNG and GIF format with the transparency box checked but then when I open the image on my site the damn white background is still there.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Autosave Won't Stay Checked?

Jan 21, 2013

why i can set my autosave and autosave location and for the day it will stay on but sometime during the week it will uncheck by itself. could it be from a update?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Checked Out Files

Aug 27, 2012

I am trying to set up a search folder in Vault that would find files checked out by all the users.

In my Tools---Find I would set the Property for Checked Out By, Condition to contains. Now, what to enter in the Value window so it searches all the users, the thing is I dont want to enter all the user id's, there are quite few of them.

it here instead of Vault's message board but Vault's one seems to be rather inactive.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: File Is Checked Out By Another User

Dec 15, 2004

Why on ocassion Inventor tells me that the file I am working on is checked out by another user and that I cant save the changes. I find this a bit bizzare as I am the only person in the office using inventor although it is installed in other machines.I realise that all I have to do is steal the checkout, but I would really like to understand why it does this.

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Photoshop :: Why Did CS5.1 Quit Opening In 32-bit Mode Even With Box Checked To Open That Way

Aug 22, 2013

My main plug-in will not work with Photoshop CS5 in 64-bit mode.  It was working fine for awhile, but now it won't.  I took my computer to the Apple store for them to look at it.  They said that even though we are telling it to open in 32, the program is ignoring that command and opening in 64 bit, thereby causing my plug-in not to work. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Inlet Control Not Checked For Pipes?

Sep 11, 2012

After testing a simple culvert and pipe, it appears that inlet control is not checked for pipes.  Does this mean that I have to model all storm sewers in a network as culverts just to check inlet control?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Modify Library / File Is Not Checked Out

Nov 19, 2009

I have recently installed Inventor Suite 2010 on a new computer and I am receiving this error on a majority of my files.

Cannot modify the library file W:T46DManufacturing Drawings8300673-.idw
Component W:T46DManufacturing Drawings8300673-.idw is not checked out to you. Edits are not allowed on this file.

I understand this has something to do with using Vault. However since I am the only one using Inventor and these files are not shared, I did not install Vault on the old computer or the new one.

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Photoshop :: How To Change Checked Clothes To Solid Color?

Jul 12, 2004

I took a picture of my 3 year old daughter on the beach this past weekend, and since I didn't want to spend the money on a fancy white dress, I thought I would use an existing one, and then photoshop it to white. Well, the only dress we had with us on the trip was a pink/shite checkered dress, not a solid color. I'm having one heck of a time doing this.

I've tried both the color change, and the hue/saturation tools, and although I'm able to change the dress from pinkish to white, I am unable to get rid of the checkerboard pattern.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts Added To Libraries - Checked Out?

Jan 5, 2012

I was under impression that Library (custom) parts should not get checked out.

But in our case they do - It should not be happening since we have multiple users working with the same parts.

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Illustrator :: Why Won't Transform Pattern Tiles Stay Checked

Mar 8, 2013

It seems as though having this option in the Preferences unchecked is the default.  I work with pattern tiles a lot and I ALWAYS want them to scale and move etc... with the object they're applied to.  Every time I open an old file (from a previous version of AI where this option was checked) or start a new file, the option is unchecked, and I've really messed up some art when I've edited without realizing my pattern tiles aren't following along.

How do I make this option persistent? I always have to go in and check the damn little box before I can make any edits. BTW, I'm using AI CS6 through the cloud, so I should be all up to date.

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Photoshop :: Extreme Lag On Mixer And Smudge Tools With (all Layers) Checked

Aug 28, 2013

Running Photoshop CC 64, Win7 x64 on an i7-3820 based machine with 32GB of ram, 256GB SSD, several 2TB drives and a GeForce GTX 650 Ti 1GB 16X video card.Running the latest non-beta WHQL drivers for the video card,
i have photoshop set to: use graphics acceleration, drawing mode advanced, opencl. When I'm using the mixer brush and with the brush set to sample all layers, depending on brush size, I experience a large lag in rendering. When doing this, my CPU usage is around 10% and disk usage is also low so I'm assuming the graphics card is the bottleneck here.
Images are from a 21MP canon 5dMK II, 8 bit files. I can replicate the problem with a single background layer and mixing/smudging on a 2nd transparent layer set to use all layers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Determine If Any File In User Workspace Is Checked Out

Apr 24, 2013

Is there any way to easily determine if any file in a user's workspace is checked out from Vault?

I'm building an Inventor addin to clear files from a user's workspace.  Before i delete any files I need to know if the user has any files checked out.  I was hoping there was an easy way(inside of Inventor) to programmitically check if a folder contains any checked out files.

Win7 x64 - 16gb ram
i7 3610qm
FirePro M4000
Inventor 2013
ETO 6.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Decal Constantly Asking To Be Checked Out / Local Version Newer?

Jul 24, 2013

Whenever anyone at the company tries to open a model that has a decal part in it, the File Edit window comes up asking if the person wants to check out the part. As decals generally never change after they are created, they are never desired to be checked out. After saying no to check out, the window then reappears stating that the local is never than the vault, even though you just finished a Get operation. Is there anyway to keep these files from needed constant updating?

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Illustrator :: Align Palette Doesn't Show Even When Checked In Window Dropdown

Jan 25, 2013

My Align Palette doesn't show anywhere when I check it from the Window dropdown in Illustrator.  I restarted the computer and even opened a new document.  Still doesn't show. 

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Lightroom :: Does 5.3 Have A Crop Tool

Feb 16, 2014

Does LR 5.3 have a crop tool?

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Lightroom :: How To Do Custom Crop In 4.4

Jun 15, 2013

I'm using LR 4.4 and I'm trying to do a custom crop (I have done this a million times) 12.75" x 10" and it won't take it. However, if I go to the Print module my picture dimensions are showing correct so I go to print and it prints a totally different size. Is it a bug with 4.4 or with me?

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