Lightroom :: 3.6 Has Quit Exporting Files - No Error Message Comes Up
Mar 9, 2013
My Lightroom has unexpectedly stopped exporting files. Nothing that I am aware of has changed--I haven't changed cameras or added new software. No error message comes up, it just does nothing after the Export dialog box.
I've recently encounterd a problem while trying to export images out of Lightroom 4. I keep getting an error messge "File canot be written." This is happening whether I'm exporting a Jpeg or a raw file. Cannot figure what has happend but it's doing it with old and new files, so it's not an issue of a corrupted file.
Deleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.
I have used Lightroom for awhile and now I cant import any images. I recently got a new camera (D600) and thought that that was the problem but i cant get any images to import. Even form my D7000. I have checked my disc permissions and updated everything i can. What am I missing? I keep receiving an error message 535 files cannot be read. I am however able to import images onto my desktop and into Apeture....
When trying to import files to Lightroom 4 from my camera or a file folder, there is an error message that reads "files could not be read". This just started a week ago and I'm not sure what changed to cause the problem. I use a Canon 7D and I shoot in RAW.
I am reorganizing my file structure in LR4. I can move jpegs from one folder to another but I get an error message when I try to move the NEF files. I saw another discussion that mentioned that Lightroom has a problem moving NEF files. I don't have a large collection yet (less than 10,000 images) but I have made extensive edits on many of the shots so I don't want to import them from scratch again.
Working in LR 3.6, Mac OS10.6.8, 8GB RAM, accessing from an external USB 2TB harddrive, and when opening an image I get the error:
"Lightroom encountered an error when reading a catalogue file and needs to quit.
"Lightroom will attempt to diagnose the problem the next time it launches."
I've run "Optimize Catalogue" and that didn't relieve the problem. Also have deleted preference files and still no joy. I also have upgrade to LR4 in hopes that it will fix the problem and it didn't. So I've removed LR4 for the time being until I can figure this out in LR3.
I keep getting this error message in LR 4: "encountered an error when reading its previous cache and needs to quit". I've restarted my computer a few times, but it keeps coming up. I got online and found some posts that say "go in Library and " or other posts. The problem is my LR screen is grayed out and I can't go into it at all.
I have the 30 day trial version of Lightroom. I was able to use it for one week, but the past 1.5-2 weeks, it has been locked up and giving this error message. How do I resolve the problem? And how do I reset the 30 day free trial? I would like to have time using the product, before deciding on the annual contract.
"LR encountered an error when reading from its preview cache and needs to quit. Lightroom will attempt to fix this problem the next time it launches."
I came across an interesting problem. I was using PaintShop Pro to import a RAW image from my camera, then export as a TIF for use in CDGS X6. When I tried to import the file into CorelDRAW or PhotoPaint, I got an error message:
(X) Invalid compress data
I could see a thumbnail image in WIndows, and I could open the file in IrfanView. Re-saving the TIF from IrfanView allowed me to open it in CDGS.
I thought the problem was with PSP, and reported the issue to the product team, but then I tried exporting the same TIF from PhotoPaint (from the same RAW image file), and when I tried to re-open the TIF, I got the same error. So PhotoPaint could not read the TIF exported from... PhotoPaint!
Smaller files don't seem to be an issue, but my camera files are in the neighborhood of 5000x3000 pixels, and the TIF files weigh in at around 50MB.
My CS6 stops all time, almost minute to minute. When it happens, I see some files with .tmp extension.what is that and solve my problem, because it's causing me a lot of trouble to my workflow
A couple of times I was able to successfully open RAW (Canon CR2) files as layers to stitch together, but now when I try to open a RAW file I get error messages.
PSCS6 with 12.0.4 update. Mac OSX 10.8.2 16GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 543 GB Available
I've recently become aware that other people are getting an error message when opening many of my my psd files if they are on earlier versions of PS and also on PSE, (including the latest version). The message is:
This document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable. To preserve the original appearance instead, choose flatten to load composite data as a flattened image.
Three options follow: Flatten Cancel Keep Layers
When 'keep layers' is selected the file opens as normal. However, people with much earlier version (CS version 8) don't get the option to keep layers, and the layers are flattened when the document is opened.
I still have CS5 on my mac, and I find that if I take my finished file into CS5 and save it there, the customer does not get the message above, and the file behaves as it should. Those on very early version of PS can also open the files without any issues.
I've been using CS6 since it was released and have had to delve through all my files and save them in CS5. Not every file is affected and I've been unable to find a common thread.
I try to setup Photoshop on my computer an error message pops up saying that an error has occured during the setup with a bunch of numbers. I don't know what to do and its really annoying because I need photoshop on my computer and it won't allow me to install it. Someone please help. Am I missing files that are needed to install it or what? Also does anyone know how to reinstall .dll files that were accidentally deleted.
I am attempting to import images from a memory card via a card reader, using Copy in the Import dialog. The destination folder is on an external hard drive. There is no second copy, and I have deleted any previous second copy destinations.
LR can see the images on the card, but when I select Import, the progress bar moves along and a few hours later there are no images either added to the catalog nor copied to the external hard drive. If I watch the destination folder in Finder I can see that there are a whole lot of temporary folders being made and erased each with the file name of the photo, but there is no permanent transfer of data to the external hard drive. The error message is as follows "lightroom 5 could not copy a file to the requested location" and there is a list of the numbers of images (which is all of them) that were not copied or added to the catalog.
I have tried a different card reader. I have checked and double checked that I have read and write permissions on the external hard drive. I have checked that I have read and write permissions on all the Lightroom folders in the Application Support folder.
To make matters worse when I purchased LR5 upgrade initially I was able to import like normal on both of my computers, and today neither one will allow me to import via LR. I have not imported images for about a month on either machine but prior to that there was no problem.
I am able to add photos to the catalog from the external hard drive once transferred from the card, but I wanted to avoid this for time management reasons and also because I like to rename on Import.
I have been using Lightroom to catalog my images on my Mac for three years now. All of the sudden a month ago, I tried opening the program to import new photographs and it gave me this error message "Lightroom Quit Unexpectedly" click reopen to open the application again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically.So, after many attempts, I decided that I would try reloading the original software which I purchased. It will not open the program.
I am getting this message (/Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter/Filter/ acOS/pdftopdf failed) when trying to print through the LR4 print module to my Epson 3880
I am running OSX 10.7.3 and have just downloaded and installed Epson driver v8.64.
I'm receiving an error message everytime I open Lightroom followed by it immidiately closing then telling me it will fix the problem when it launches the next time. The error message is:
Lightroom is having problems reading it's preview cache and needs to quit
How can I fix this problem without losing all of my images.
I am using a USB card reader to download images to LR4. When I plug the reader into the USB port I get an error message saying, "images on card do not meet download criteria". The thumbnails appear in Library mode but when I click on "Import", another error message appears saying the files could not be read.
As recently as last week I successfully downloaded images from the same card. As usual I reformatted the card before going on today's shoot.
I'm the only user on a new PC with Windows 7, with admimistrator privileges, and able to move files by LR 4.3 between these two drives. I use Thunderbird for email, and have validated my outgoing account in LR's Email Account Manager. My OS and apps are in drive D:, a HDD, and the main LR catalog is in drive C:, a SSD. In attempting to send email from LR I get the error message "unable to create temporary files on the volume C:" Attempting to email from a second catalog that resides in D, I get "unable to create temporary files on the volume D.
I am occasionally getting an error message when trying to view .MOV files from a Nikon D600: Video System Error: unknown Message: BindSuccess. Once that error pops up, I cannpt view any movies until I restart Lightroom. However, I do not have any problems viewing any of the files with Windows Media Player. What is causing this? I have an AMD Radeon 6700 HD series video card and a lot of RAM.