Lightroom :: Moving Edited Files From Old Hard Drive To New?
Jan 18, 2014
I recently upgraded my PC and cant figure out how to see my edited files from my old hard drive. All my photo's are saved on external hard drives and I have edited thousands but cant see any of the edited versions, only the original photo. How do I get that info onto my new hard drive? I am using Lightroom 4.
moving my LR files to an external hard drive without the dreaded question mark or missing files message. I thought it would be easy.........I must be doing something wrong. I want to move some 30,000 photo files to external and work off external in the future. I purchased a Lacie 4 TB hard drive.
I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive. I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive. Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?
I am not changing anything in my system. I am using windows 7 and will continue to. No change in elements version (10). how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures. I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera I will connect to the external hard drive.
Recently my hard drive took a (hike) and crashed - data may or may not be recoverable (Geeks are working on that), and I needed to reinstall my CS5 and Lightroom software to a new hard drive (I had to buy a new one). All of my RAW photos are stored on an external drive and were not harmed. Here is my dilemma. Most of the presets I used also went crashing with that hard drive, (yes I believe they were backed up but also on that hard drive...stupid I know-trust me I know!!) but most of them were the free ones from the adobe recommended users on this site. I actually found many of my favorites still posted on the Adobe site and re-downloaded and installed the presets I'd been using the past year and a half, and imade sure those presets were housed properly in their folder via Preferences in Lightroom. Great. I can continue on with my work. WRONG! When I went to go import a recent shoot that I had already edited, it imported the RAW files but none of the previous edits I had worked on for these photos were showing was as if I didn't even touch them and they came right from my camera. What in the world is going on? I'm baffled...and freaking out as I have thousands upon thousands of edited shoots in RAW, and I fear that none of the edits and enhancements made to those photos are going to be present and I'll have to start over. that all of my last 2 years of editing photos are still with the RAW files?!!!
I found a deal on a an HP Intell Core i7 processor) 2 TB hard drive tower, so I ended up needing to install the 64 bit versions of CS5 and Lightroom 3.6. I did test out the RAW (.NEF) file in Photoshop CS5 and my edited RAW image came up "correctly" - so I know that the information is still with the RAW image...I just need it to work and show in lightroom, as it is easier to export the files to the sizes I need them to be.
For some reason have a lot of my pictures been saved on two harddrives on my computer. I now need to delete all the copies so I only have pictures on one harddrive.
How will I know which photos of the duplicates I can delete, so that Lightroom can work with them later on?
And, if I delete the original file, can Lightroom use the copies?
Currently all my photos are stored and developed in my laptop, however it is getting too much for its hard drive. I am thinkinng of moving the entire LR catalog to an external harddrive. How to do this safely and also how to point the LR to its new location when I open it from the icon.
I have many photos on my laptop and have a catalog set up through Lightroom 3.5. I decided the best way to store the photos is to keep them on an external hard drive so that I may work on them easily from any computer on my network. (laptop is frequently shut off) Is there a way to maintain /import/export/ edit the current catalog so that it works with the photos on the external drive? I would really hate to have to do the catalog with all the keywords all over again.
I transferred my LR3 files from my WD hard drive to my new Lacie Thunderbolt drive and now I can only get the preview and it says the file is missing. Is there a setting I need to change that I am not aware of?
How does moving files off my C drive affect Lightroom's ability to find them? I have flagged and labeled files - will they still be flagged and labeled? Will I have to import them again?
When I try to export retouched files to hard drive files my Mac crashes and has to be force quitted. I thought this maybe a L'room 4 problem so I bought L'room 5 and it's still happening. What can I do?
I accidentally deleted some files from my SD card and hard drive thinking I had them backed up, turns out they weren't. However, the photos still show up in my Lightroom collections, is there any way I can save the files that are on Lightroom to my hard drive? I'm running Lightroom 5 on a mac.
I had an internal hard drive installed in my macbook pro 15 inch in place of my optical drive in order to give me more storage space. Per apple's instructions I then copied and moved Lightroom v3.6 to the new 1 TB drive. I then deleted Lightroom from the older smaller internal drive. Now when I open Lightroom in the new drive all the photos say file is "offline or missing' and can not be used. How I can use the files in Lightroom. 99% of them were raw files from either a 12 or 18 MP camera.
I outgrew my old harddrives and so moved them via Macs DiskUtility. Of course, LR 4 doesn't know where they are. I thought it would be a matter of pointing the old catalogue to the new hard drive, but that does not appear to be the case. Do I need to start from scratch and build a brand new catalogue?
How can I move selected pictures between two hard drives, creating date subfolders (year, month day) and maintaining the same collections? I mean, I just trying to separate my work files from my personal ones and put them in two different hard drives. Also often these pictures are in the same folders, so I can't just move the entire month or day folder, I have to select the pictures using the keywording tags.. I've already created the new folder.
I have Lightroom 3.6 and have lost some files in LIghtroom and on my harddrive. I can still see the images in Lightroom. I have tried to pull up my previous back ups but still can not access the files. Is there anyway to recover the images from LIghtroom?
I am converting my proprietary RAW files on my hardrive and LR4 catalogue to DNG files for the main reason of gaining extra space on my hard drive. I have ticked the 'delete original files after successful conversion' and they no longer appear on my hard drive, only the DNG files do but the space remaining on my hard drive is shrinking? Why is my drive not reading the extra space that should be now available?
I've been using Lightroom 3 with an external hard drive for a few years now with no problems.
I shoot raw with my Canon t1i and jpg with my Canon SX-10.
Just last week I hooked up my external hard drive and Lightroom wouldn't connect to it. Usually when I hook it up, Lightroom opens up automatically. At least it use to.
I looked at the drive and it seems the tiff files are now called CR2 (Canon Raw I think). Why this happened and is there a way to get them back to where Lightroom will recognize them?
I can open them in Photoshop, but not Lightroom. I usually go first to Lightroom, then to Photoshop and back. Can't do it know though.
Lightroom can't send items to trash when deleting files on an external drive if the trash bin is empty for the relevant drive on OSX Lion. This was in LR3 and now in 4. You can get round this by making sure the trash is not emptied after deleting a random file or folder but there has to be a better way!
Also it seems to be a lightroom problem more than OS as Bridge can delete the files with no problem.
I have run out of space on my laptop and need to move my picture files to an externaal hard drive and need to know how i can do this without creating problems ???
I have been editing and saving pictures on lightroom 3 to an external hard drive while working off an old laptop. I just recently bought a new computer and installed lightroom 3. How do I view and edit the same files on the external hard drive from the new computer?
I have to move all my picture files from my internal hardrive to an external hardrive. How do I ensure that Lightroom 4 will find both them and it's own Libraries?
I store my images on an external hard drive. I recently upgraded from LR 3.6 on a windows XP machine to LR 5 on an iMac. I moved my catalogue fine, I think, as I can see all my images in LR 5 on the iMac. The problem is that I suspect there is some problem between the iMac and the external hard drive. I cannot import my RAW photos from my CF card into LR and onto the external hard drive. LR tells me "could not copy files to the requested location."
Is there some problem because I changed from windows to Mac? Problem bc I upgraded from LR 3.6 to LR 5?
I have LR4 in a Mac Pro. I have two internal drives both labelled "Hard Drive 2" (don't ask.) As a result, pictures have ended up on both drives, and my catalog is a mess. To clean it up, I want all the photos on one drive and I want to move LR folders from one drive to the other. I'm working on a big project and there are some 4,000 photos involved. I was going to export the photos from one drive to an external drive and then re-import them to the other drive into appropriate folders.
I backed up my Picture folder and backed up my catalog with 29,000 pics (took 5 hours) on an external HD. I reformatted my drive. I just reinstalled PS elements 9.0.when I restore my catalog and select original, my pictures will be put back in the my picture folder with all the same folders in tact.It is the same OS, win 7. Or, do i move my pictures back in and then restore the catalog?If i feel maybe my catalog was missing some of my pictures, can I install my pics to the same folder and if the same pics are there, it will say, file already exists..