Lightroom :: 4 - How To Export Folder Of 200 Pictures To ITunes
Jan 15, 2013How do I export a lightroom 4 folder of about 200 pictures to itunes to show on my Apple TV?
View 1 RepliesHow do I export a lightroom 4 folder of about 200 pictures to itunes to show on my Apple TV?
View 1 RepliesHow do I move images from "Previous Export as Catalog into my pictures folder?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThere is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor a reason I don't understand pictures that I imported into a Lightroom catalog are not in original file sequence.
I tried to drag & drop to re-sort them but was not able to do so.
Is there some way to move individual files around within the same folder?
I would like to ask you some more questions.
1.When I am in the Library Mode, and on the left side, how do I move pictures from one folder to another, and how do I rename a folder?
2. How do I rename a picture?
I am watching the Adobe T.V.she doesn't pause so I can ask a question. LOL LR is harder to learn than I thought it would be but I'll get there!
I installed the Lightroom catalog etc. into the Pictures folder as that is the default setting.However, I don't want all the previews clogging up my Pictures folder, so would like to move the catalog, previews etc. to a new folder, but can't figure out how to do it properly.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI just moved several folders from a corporate shoot into a new folder, all done within latest version of LR4. One of the folders containing 1124 raw photos from a corporate shoot is now labeled as missing after an error message during the move (didn't write down the exact message). The folder and its pictures are nowhere to be found now! System-wide search comes up with no result. WHERE ARE MY PHOTOS?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got lightroom 3 for Christmas. I cannot figure it out and it's a headache so far. How am I supposed to set up the auto import to the My Pictures folder when I am supposed to chose an empty folder for Lightroom to watch? I must be misunderstanding something because I imagine that everyone who buys Lightroom already has photos in their My Pictures folder.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I am working in Bridge and have a long list of reprints that I need to print from a wedding I just go to that wedding folder and type in the file number of the first picture. This pictue is then highlighted and I give it a two star (or whatever) rating. I do this for all of the pictures on my list so when I am done all of the pictures to reprint have a two star rating. I just move these into a temporary folder and retouch and print from this folder. Is there a way to do this in Lightroom?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a new Canon T5i and have started using Lightroom. So far I am loving both.
I plan on importing into my Lightroom Catalogue all of my photos from my Mac's Pictures folder and from iPhoto and my iPhone and iPad.
For those photos already in my catalogue from new shoots, I have placed them in appropriately named photos, have religiously used tags and have renumbered the photos using this type of convention:
My Initials_Year_Event Description_Sequence
I am ending up with some very long file names. I am not a professional photographer so this is all for me but I want to be able to search for my photos from both within Lightroom AND from the Mac's finder. I am looking for input to create unique but descriptive names but not make the photo names very long.
Here is my thought process:
1. I am using my initials as I can then search in the Mac Finder and find all photos and movies regardless of extension (e.g. CR2, DNG, JPG, MOV). My initials are not on other files in my Mac.
2. I am using a descriptive name so I can search for the photos for example of "Dan's Wedding" and find those both in Finder and in Lightroom. The Dan's Wedding photos are in a Lighroom directory called "Dan's Wedding" and they are tagged with Wedding and Dan. This might be over kill but I think the actual file name is most useful to me when it describes the event.
3. The number is of course what makes each file unique.
SO.....some questions.
1. Is putting my initials a waste of time? I could search in Finder for "DNG, JPG, MOV" but I would get files besides those in Lightroom (assume all of the items in my Pictures folder will eventually be in Lightroom.
2. Do I really need a date in the file name given that a meta data search will find the photo's taken date? I am more likely to remember an event name like "Dan's Wedding" than the fact it happend in "2013 June".
3. If I use a date, should I put the year first for search purposes?
In LR, my photos are stored in folders named by date. Ex : 20120913
Sometimes, I run over photos that are not where they belong. Ex : a picture from 2010-01-01 misplaced in the 20110720 folder.
I am sure there are quite a few misplaced pictures in my catalog.
Is there any easy way to find them and move them where they belong ?
I am moving my pictures folder to an external drive due to lack of space on my c: drive. What do I have to do so that Lightroom will find these files?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen exporting my edited pictures to a folder in m Pictures it goes as a blank soft color but no photo. It looks like a tiny dot and when you open it, it is a soft color..
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Elements 10 and I'm having a hard time figuring things out but 1 thing in particular. I'm on a PC and use Windows 7.I already import a lot of pic's to Elements or so I thought.
When I'm in "Folder Location" and click on a folder it doesn't display any pictures and says "No files from this folder have been imported into Elements Organizer. To add any files, right click on the folder and select "Import to Organizer"
So I do as I'm told and then i get this error."Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this catalog."
I find that I edit files on my laptop but I want the files, with their edits to reside on my desktop computer also.
I had been exporting the folder as a Catalog, but can't think of shy I can't just copy the folder with both the RAW and XMP files and import the folder on the Desktop PC. This option seems to work just as well as the catalog option.
Any reason I should choose one way over the other? Using Lightroom 4.2?
Went to export a picture, entered the information, clicked " export" and Lightroom disappeared. Recovered it or so i thought. The title bar now reads "Ice caves 2014-Adobe Lightroom 3, and all my pictures are missing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI loaded some folders with my pictures. In Lightroom I developed some of it, others I did not. Now I want to export only those pictures which I developed. I know, I can manually select at the bottom line all pictures showing a +/- sign and the export them. This is quite a lot of work with my 800 pictures. Is it possible to tell Lightroom that it just selects and exports the developed pictures?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cannot export pics anymore, when I press the export button the normal screen comes up but slightly different and NO export button...this wouldn't be because I only have 10 days left on the trial period would it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I move a photo with LR keywords from LR to PSE 9, the keywords do not move with the file the majority of the time. Sometimes the keywords move, but most of the time they do not. Why? Is there a secret, or is there something that needs to be done to assure that LR keywords move with the file into PSE 9.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI often use the export option "Choose folder later". When using this preset, however, the initial folder it navigates to upon clicking export keeps defaulting back to a library folder that I don't want exports going to. How do I change the initial folder on this export so it's the root photos folder, or desktop, etc?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have used LR 4 in the past, and when I wanted to export my RAW files into JPEGS I would go to File>Export. I tried to do the same with LR CC, got the page, however, I couldn't figure out what the page should be set up for so that the jpegs went into the same folder as the RAW files. They went into another folder on my C drive. Or I get an error message:
Unable to Export An internal error has occured; Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteEXW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
How can I do what I want to do, which is to export RAW images to JPEGS?
right now click export and images go on desktop. Don't see an offereing to export to a folder or create a folder for this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to be able to setup an export preset that would save the selected photos to a subfolder within my export folder with the name of the subfolder automatically set to match the collection (or collection set) name. Is this possible? I have tried looking at the custom folder name options but couldn't quite
So, if my parent export folder is say c:PhotosExports and my collection name is 'Summer2012', I'd like for it to automatically export any photos in that collection to c:PhotosExportsSummer2012. Is this possible or do I need to set it manually each time?
Reason I'd like to automate this is say I'm in a rush to post up the pics, I might go ahead and export them without editing much and then manually cut and paste them from c:PhotosExports into a Summer2012 folder. If I later make edits to the photos, it'd be much handier to just use a preset export knowing that they would automatically update the files in the Summer2012 folder, rather than having to do another manual cut and paste every time, or manually select the folder if choosing the 'Choose folder later' option. Is there another way to do to what I'm looking for?
I am using a Sony Alpha 99V camera, but it is not detected on Lightroom 5, however, it appears in the compatible cameras list.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I create an export preset and then return later to use it, the folder for saving it to has changed (to whatever I used last. Because I use the presets to re-size images for my 40 odd web sites, this is really inconvenient. Can this behaviour be changed so that the preset remembers the selected folder? And if not could it be considered as an option for the next update?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Eizo ColorEdge monitor that is calabrated with a Spyder3 puck using Eizo's software. I shoot with a Sony A99 and A700 in RAW and use Lightroom 4.4. After editing I export using sRGB JPEGS. My pictures always look overly saturated orange.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have started offering the option to buy high resolution pictures to cd. File Settings, Image Size, Output Sharpening - so many boxes and not sure which to check or leave unchecked A couple of the pictures I cropped to 4x6 but the others are all the original as I shot them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been working with LR 2.7 for a while now and was happy with it.
PC - Win XP - LR3.5
Photo's stored on external hard disk (K:)
The RAW captures of a Nikon 3100 I recently won were not being recognized/imported by LR 2.7 and I installed the 3.5 version to see if it was any better. I would have to buy it anyway by the time I switch to Win7. In 3.5 the Raw files were imported, the settings of 2.7 were nicely taken over but now and I cannot export the files I have worked on to the K: drive of the external hard drive as I used to do with 2.7.
I get the message 'The folder could not be found' though it is set in the Export Window and I am looking at it in Win Explorer.
The original RAW captures are on the D: drive but that was always the case with 2.7 as well... I am doing it exactly as I used to with 2.7.
I tried with a photo from an older folder of my usual camera and everything works fine there.The problem seems to be only with the Nikon files. Now I start wondering if there is something with raw format of this Nikon camera that is putting LR in a twist...
I have the latest update in LR. I have had this problem on and off and thought maybe it was a bug and once I did the update things would work, but doesn't
So I want to export a folder from LR onto one of my external hard drives however when I click to export my only choice is Desktop. I can open that "tree" as far as it goes but it NEVER shows Computer so I can select which external hard drive to export files to as a backup.
When I go to explorer from the start menu I can see all my files in Explorer including Computer with my external drive just not in LR.
I have restarted my computer, I have tried two different hard drive thinking it just might not recognize one of the drives but that isn't it either.
I have had this problem in the past and haven't been able to figure why sometimes I see my Computer and other times all I see is Desktop as an export option.
I need to export a large number of photos as jpegs (about 5000). I also need to preserve the original folder structure to burn them onto DVD (as the folder names say what the photos are whereas the filenames are meaningless as generated by the camera)
How do I do this - I am using the trial version of LR4 - Doing it individually for each folder one at a time is getting tedious.