Photoshop Elements :: Folder Location And Click On A Folder Doesn't Display Any Pictures
Dec 9, 2012
I'm new to Elements 10 and I'm having a hard time figuring things out but 1 thing in particular. I'm on a PC and use Windows 7.I already import a lot of pic's to Elements or so I thought.
When I'm in "Folder Location" and click on a folder it doesn't display any pictures and says "No files from this folder have been imported into Elements Organizer. To add any files, right click on the folder and select "Import to Organizer"
So I do as I'm told and then i get this error."Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this catalog."
When I open Elements 9 in Folder Location the images displayed are not those in the highlighted folder. Similarly if I select another folder I see another selection of images from elsewhere in the structure.
I have used Photoshop Elements 3, 5, 7 and 8. In each one I could see the thumbnails of multiple files in the "Folder Location" display in Organiser. Now in PE10 I can only see the thumbnails for one file at a time. Why and how I can display the thumbnails of all files in "folder locations?
There is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
I have recently upgraded to LR5.3 and have now noticed an issue when importing photos. When importing in to one folder (as a sub folder), the photos are imported correctly, - on disk they appear in the correct place, howevr in the folder panel, the sub-folder is shown outside of the main folder.
Imort settings are:
Note , on disk the folder '20131226 - Boxing Day' appears correctly (These are all under a root folder 'Photos - LR Masters')
However, in the LR Folder Panel, the folder '20131226 - Boxong Day' appears outside of the 'Photos - LR Masters'
If I attempt to move the folder by dragging, I get an error that the folder already exists.
Can I find photos by searching folder location, using Photoshop Elements 10? I used to use that method frequently inversion 5, but don't see how to do it in version 10. I am using Windows 7.
I just finished importing my photos to Elements, and was going to add the folder I keep them in to my watched folders, to keep them up to date. Since everything imported just fine, I was surprised to find that I got the following error when trying to add the folder:
The Watch Folder service returned an error: Access is denied.
I looked around the site using search and Google, and found a few other occurences of this error, but they all only show answers that apply to network shares. The folder I am trying to watch is not a network drive that I have to use a \serverfolder format to access, as the folder is located on my hard drive under C:UsersusernameGoogle DrivePictures.
Elements Organizer Core Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025) Language Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
Current Catalog: Catalog Name: Google Drive Photos Catalog Location: C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsGoogle Drive Photos Catalog Size: 31.5MB Catalog Cache Size: 68MB
System: Operating System Name: Windows 8 Operating System Version: 6.2 System Architecture: AMD CPU Family:15 Model:10 Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP Built-in Memory: 7.2GB Free Memory: 5.2GB
Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries: Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0 Apple QuickTime Version: 7.74 Adobe Reader Version: 11.0 Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed
Installed Elements 12, converted catalog but now my sub folders are shown as main folders in Organizer folder view. How can I get back my original folder/sub folder system? When I look at Windows folders my system is as it was so the two don't match any more. On searching further came across more info on Community-powered support for Photoshop Family and it seems Adobe have removed the option of sub folders.
I am using the trial version of Elements. I imported photos from my G drive, but it refuses to import the photos under the folder named "My Pictures". It sees the folder and subfolder, but not the pictures, even though it imported all of the photos under other folders, and imported the pictures in My Pictures under the C drive. Is there any way I can import the photos without renaming the folder?
I have 2 hard disks in my computer. The c drive is getting crowded and I want to move my photo folder to the other disc (D:). How do I "tell" Organizer to point to the d drive instead of the C drive.
i can't seem to add any dropbox folder (for that matter dropbox location doesn't even show up) as a folder to add to the 'watched' folder? I also can't import from a search in dropbox, I can only do one file at a time?
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
Found one more problem with Save For Web in Photoshop CS6.
1. New Document 2. Choose - Save for web 3. In dialog window Photoshop CS6 offer to save in - os My Document Folder 4. Ok, every time I don't really need to save in os folders - I save files to my folders. So, change folder ...for example to disc D 5. Create another New document 6. Choose Save for web 7. And.... - Photoshop CS6 offer to save my file in os My Documents AGAIN !!!
So, in fact it's real uncomortable!!! ...if I save different files for web frequently ....I need every time change My makes me nervous.......Here - compare with CS3: CS3 remember "old" folder location even at another session (for example - after reload os)
Is there any fix this problem?
p.s. Testing on: OS - windows 7 64 bit cs6 - 64 bit extended cs3 - 64 bit extended
I'm on an office network running photoshop. The office is set up to have roaming profiles so when a change is made to my documents and settings, each time I log in or log out, it updates the server with the changes. Additionally, when I log on to a different computer, it loads all of my documents and settings on to that computer.
The scratch disk file for photoshop last time I checked was 6GB which is enormous, and was taking forever to load whenever I log onto a new computer, as well as taking forever to up date to and from the server each time I log on to my usual computer. I delete the file each time I remember, but I don't always remember.
My question is whether it is possible to change the folder location on my C drive of the scratch disk file. I do not have an external hard drive available to use as my scratch disk. This would allow me to put it somewhere else on my C drive, and as such it would not have to update my profile.
I looked into the photoshop Automated tasks, in the batch section. It has a list of different actions but resizing wasn't among them? Can you specify your own action to be executed? Basically I want to reduce the size of many JPEG pictures in a folder automatically.
I moved the folder where all the brushes and stuff into the overall gimp folder. Originally the folder with the brushes and stuff was in Documents Settings, however now after I moved it. My brushes don't work. How do I make it so that gimp targets the new location of the folder?
I am new to PS scripting and trying to create a basic script to gather folder paths and then remove the path of that folder. I have created a basic array and while trying to
I have lots of images within folders within my pictures, my ask is this how do i make all the pictures within the folder the same size, is there a one click solution or is it a case of doing each image as i use it for manipulation? Most of the images are2387x1929 pixels.
I just installed 2.8 and have downloaded the help files, but cannot figure out the destination folder/location for extracting them. I am using Windows Vista.
the location of the template folder or files. I'm not sure if it's (C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\.gimp-2.8\templates) which nothing is there. or if it's (C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0) in which case I can't find anything there either...
I'm getting ready to build a new PC, and I'm trying to plan out how to move my LR catalog/images.
The problem is that since I've been upgrading my current PC for years and moving user data since XP. The result is that my LR catalog expects some older images to be in c:documents and settings... XP-style, others in c:usersxxx when I moved to Vista, and others in d:usersxxx when I moved my user data to a bigger hard drive. The images are actually all in one location, and there are various OS mappings that make it all work.
I'd like to avoid all this mess with my new setup. Is there a way to essentially do "update folder location" on many folders at once? Unfortunately, they are top-level and don't have a parent folder I could do that to.
Windows 7, LIghtroom 4.4 - when exporting files all works fine when I set the output location to be the same folder as original. If I select 'Specific Folder' then press 'Choose' LR then Lightroom stops working. I've upgraded to LR 5.3 but the same thing happens.
Whenever I click to show the presets folder in Lightroom 5.2 Beta preferences it wants to launch Path Finder to show me the files. I no longer own a current license for PathFinder and want Lightroom to use the normal Finder application. I do not have Path Finder even installed any longer and so clicking the button does nothing at all.
i have been looking for and trying to make an action in CS2. I would like to be able to resize an entire folder of pics to 800x600 but i cant seem to find one or create on that works.
I am using this code snippet to open an idw. With this code, the idw has to reside at the same file path as the current document.
Sub OpenIDW() On Error GoTo Oops Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim sFullFileName As String sFullFileName = oDoc.FullFileName Dim sDrawingName As String sDrawingName = Left(sFullFileName, Len(sFullFileName) - 4) & ".idw" Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(sDrawingName) Exit Sub Oops: MsgBox "IDW File could not be found. FileName of IDW must be the same as this file.", vbInformation End Sub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"What if"... my idw is not at the same location, but under a subfolder instead..... like this
Part file c:designsDrawingsJobxxx
Idw file c:designsDrawingsJobxxxIDW
I am sure that this can be done by editing the line "sDrawingName = Left(sFullFileName, Len(sFullFileName) - 4) & ".idw" " . Everything I have tried did not work.
Trying to make it where I wouldn't have to deal with the idiosyncrasies of the Project file, I created a default project that was rooted to my top level network drive.
All was fine until I did some importing from other formats. All of the sudden there was a new top level network folder called imports.
Ok, bitch session aside on the uselessness of project files, is there an entry in the project file details where I can change the location of this folder?
In SW, I was accustomed to importing a file and then saving it where I was going to use it, not in some convoluted folder structure that had no relation to my active working location.
I mean, why on earth would I want a separate folder for every little part I import?