I loaded some folders with my pictures. In Lightroom I developed some of it, others I did not. Now I want to export only those pictures which I developed. I know, I can manually select at the bottom line all pictures showing a +/- sign and the export them. This is quite a lot of work with my 800 pictures. Is it possible to tell Lightroom that it just selects and exports the developed pictures?
I recently moved all my pictures developped with LR from my D DRive to an external one. But I guess I did it the wrong way (just searchimng for the files and moving them away). Then I imported again all my catalogs, but most of the pictures are "seen" AS DUPLICATE by LR and do not allow me any action on them. How can I fix it within deleting all the lrcat (libraries where all the changes done in the pictures are kept)?
Lightroom 4.1 will not export a deleloped image. I have the metadata to new file set to automatic and I get no error mesage. All my new exported files are the same as the original. I need a detailed discription of what boxes need to be checked or unchecked and where to find them. Something as simple as saving changes so that I might use them in another app should not be so difficult- version 2.7 worked fine so what's up with 4.1?
Went to export a picture, entered the information, clicked " export" and Lightroom disappeared. Recovered it or so i thought. The title bar now reads "Ice caves 2014-Adobe Lightroom 3, and all my pictures are missing.
I cannot export pics anymore, when I press the export button the normal screen comes up but slightly different and NO export button...this wouldn't be because I only have 10 days left on the trial period would it?
When I move a photo with LR keywords from LR to PSE 9, the keywords do not move with the file the majority of the time. Sometimes the keywords move, but most of the time they do not. Why? Is there a secret, or is there something that needs to be done to assure that LR keywords move with the file into PSE 9.
I have a Eizo ColorEdge monitor that is calabrated with a Spyder3 puck using Eizo's software. I shoot with a Sony A99 and A700 in RAW and use Lightroom 4.4. After editing I export using sRGB JPEGS. My pictures always look overly saturated orange.
I have started offering the option to buy high resolution pictures to cd. File Settings, Image Size, Output Sharpening - so many boxes and not sure which to check or leave unchecked A couple of the pictures I cropped to 4x6 but the others are all the original as I shot them.
I want to use my Ipad 2 to show people pictures that I have taken. I am not certain as to the best workflow for doing this. I store all my pictures on external hard drives and am hoping to avoid bringing processed photos onto my computer hard drive. I have done a search on the forum and have not seen a recommended work flow.
import again my photos with all the settings which i had already brought to my work. It happened that my cat walking on the keyboard changed the name of the disk where lightroom used to point. Working with Lightroom 3, mac osx 10.5.8.
I edited a batch of photos, exported them and .xmp files were created in Lightroom Export folder. Later copied the .xmp files out of the Export and and pasted them into the main folder of the cr2 files.
When I opened LR again, there was a prompt and I messed with it. The result now is that the developed settings are the defaults instead of the unedited/tweaked photos.
Is there any way to automatically export only the pictures I've enhanced during the develop phase? I was resolved to Ctrl-Click on the ones at the bottom filmstrip that I could 'see' that I had edited (about 15 out of a hundred) and then export to a subdirectory. Maybe someway to filter that bottom filmstrip to only the pictures I've edited/enhanced?
I imported some pictures into LIghtroom 5 with the SAME jpg numbers as a prior import. The first import consisted of pictures from Trip 1 folder on my hard drive, the second import was from Trip 2 folder on hard drive. I see the Trip 1 and Trip 2 folders in LIghtroom 5, but am experiencing problems with emailing and exporting pictures, getting messages such as "Missing file" or "Export does not show up. Were there problems with the import?
In Lightroom, adjustments made to a photo replace the original version in my Library. When I drag the developed photo to external applications (Gmail in the browser, for example), Lightroom gives me the original photo, not the developed one, even though I can't see the original.
Is there a way to drag the developed photo from Lightroom, other than exporting and saving a new copy to my hard drive?
When I export jpegs which I changed to "black & white" in LR 4.4, and import these exported photos into a different LR 4.4 catalog, the treatment of the imported photos changes to "color".
Once changes developed I want to save them onto the original file. I export the selected image (original photo + changes) with overwriting choice but the result file has only the original and not the changes
I do not want to re-develop 1000+ photos in lightroom.
Cleaning up my photo directory, i started consolidating and moving folders around in my HDD. However in doing so, I also accidently removed one of the 'catalog folder' in my Lightroom (so the original photos are still there in the physical folder, but i can't see it anymore in Lightroom). Now if I try to import the folder back into Lightroom, all my developed settings are lost (i.e. everything reverts back to the original settings).
I tried using the Find Missing Photos function and the Sychronize Folder function, both does not work with my problem. Unfortunately, my catalog backup is also a week old, so that wouldn't have my recently developed settings?
Any way to retrieve the removed catalog folder with all the previously developed settings?
I set custom white balance for a lot of my photos (I'm a nightclub photographer) as sometimes the colours are so saturated the image becomes unusable. Unfortunately in Lightroom 4 the photos import with the correct WB I have set but when I click on them to develop the settings are changed and the image looks completely awful. I try and adjust the image back to the way I have taken it but it never looks the same....why is Lighroom not recognising the WB settings I set within my 5D?
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
I imported pictures to Adobe Lightroom and exported them to my memory card. Now my memory card is broke! Is there any way to retrieve those pictures from Lightroom. Right now they are saying missing.
I have an iLogic rule that asks if I want to export a DXF (yes/no) every time I save an Inventor DWG. In some of our drawings we have pictures and those don't get included in the DXF export. Can DXFs handle pictures? How can I have it include the picture as well?
I am using Building Design Suite 2012 and trying to open a file that was emailed to me, when I try to open it I get an error that says "This DWG file was saved by an application that was not developed or licensed by Autodesk. What do you want to do?" When I choose continue opening DWG file it will open the file but it seems as if things are everywhere and outside the limits of the title sheet. I would think that possibly this was the intent of the drawing and they control the items outside of the title block with clipping or layer control, but here is where the weird part comes in, when I saved the file to my computer and try opening it from there (as opposed to directly from the email) when I click on it and it gives me the preview before opening the preview looks correct like the drawing is supposed to be. I have tried opening the file in Architecture 2012 and in TrueView 2012 and get the same results.
how to fix the color on this photo. I have several more like it. They are scanned from photos that were developed from damaged film. On the photos where the entire image is yellowed I have no problem correcting the color, but I'm not quite sure how to make a selection on photos like these and then match the color to the other half..I am using cs5.
I want to make a contour roll and use the developed length option. How do I accomplish this.
The only way I can get this option to be available (not greyed out) is to have a closed loop sketch, if I have only a single line line sketch this option is not available.
I want to put a cable tray going from a sliding door to a fixed piece of steelwork. When the door opens and closes, I want the cable tray to adjust to suit the sliding door. I'll upload the file that I have made. When i drag the sketch it all moves accordingly, but when I placed in the assembly and make it adaptive it does nothing, it will not constrain and it will only bring up the errors.
Inventor 2012 Windows 7 64-Bit SP1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 (Avail. Graphics Memory 4067MB - Ded. 1024 MB) 12 GB RAM
Win 8.1 64 bit A Toshiba Satellite laptop, LR 5.3. When I try to export I get a window without export buttons at the bottom to do the export. Further if I try to resize the export window the export window disappears and LR freezes requiring to ctrl/alt/del to close it. I cannot export anything to HD or email, etc.
I was in a class last night where everyone had Macs and the buttons appeared on their versions and worked fine. Totally repeatable. I can supply screen shots.
I've created various snapshots of a series of photos and I'm ready to export. Is there a way to export all the snapshots at once, in a single export step? Up to now, I've been doing this step by step, exporting one version of the image, than going to the next snapshot and exporting again.