Lightroom :: Removed Catalogue Folder - How To Retrieve With All Previously Developed Settings
Jul 23, 2012
I do not want to re-develop 1000+ photos in lightroom.
Cleaning up my photo directory, i started consolidating and moving folders around in my HDD. However in doing so, I also accidently removed one of the 'catalog folder' in my Lightroom (so the original photos are still there in the physical folder, but i can't see it anymore in Lightroom). Now if I try to import the folder back into Lightroom, all my developed settings are lost (i.e. everything reverts back to the original settings).
I tried using the Find Missing Photos function and the Sychronize Folder function, both does not work with my problem. Unfortunately, my catalog backup is also a week old, so that wouldn't have my recently developed settings?
Any way to retrieve the removed catalog folder with all the previously developed settings?
I edited a batch of photos, exported them and .xmp files were created in Lightroom Export folder. Later copied the .xmp files out of the Export and and pasted them into the main folder of the cr2 files.
When I opened LR again, there was a prompt and I messed with it. The result now is that the developed settings are the defaults instead of the unedited/tweaked photos.
I removed (not deleted) a folder of edited images. I see the DNG files on my external HD. How can I recover them and put them back into my catalog? When I try to import the dialogue says that there aren't any files/images there. Can I recover the edited versions?
I accidentally removed a folder with images from my lightroom catalog. The lightroom .lrcat file seems to be intact (112.400kb) and the images are still on my hard drive.
Is there anyway that i can reimport the folder and that lightroom applies the changes that i earlier made on them? I assume all that information is stored in the catalog file? But when i try to reimport them, no changes are being made.
I would like to change the default Catalogue Settings file from my C drive to a Servier drive. I am unable to find where to change it. I've found it, but cannot locate the place to change the default within Lightroom 4.
How do I import tags from another catalogue but not the develop settings of each image?
Here's whats going on:
I started with 5000 images on a hard drive. I gave a copy to someone else working on the project.
I physically moved images into real folders and edited all the shots.
She left all the images where they originally were and tagged each image.
I want to combine her tags with the edits that I've done, with the images in their new locations I've made.
I have a copy of her catalogue file.
I tried importing her catalogue into mine- which will pull her metadata tags, but only also with pulling her develop settings which resets all my work.
How can I import ONLY her metadata tags?
I can't open her catalogue and write the tags into XML sidecars because I've moved the images from where her catalogue says they are.
I realize we should have done this differently from the beginning, but with that being said- if I could import only her metadata tags then that should work. But Lightroom 4 only gives the options of importing BOTH metadata and develop settings.
I have been forced to check under the hood in LR due to the fact that I have lost a big chuck of my keywords, and I'm contemplanting if its worth importing a copy of my backup copy. I am debating if I should just go back and re-enter all the missing keywords, or retrieving a backup copy. However, I read somewhere that its wise to change the name of the master catalog before retrieving a backup copy.
However, I found multiple folders of my catalog in my master folder. I'd like to know which one should I delete without causing any major collateral damage.
1- folder 176-2.lrcat created 3-26-11 2:51 PM 289 MB 2- folder 176-2-2.lrcat created 2-12-13 10:32 PM 363 MB 3- folder 176-2-3.lrcat created 2-24-13 5:24 PM 287 MB 4- folder 176-2 copy.lrca created 3-26-11 2:31 PM 179 MB
In addition, there are corresponding Previews.lrdata for each folder.
I am travelling to the UK and wish to export my photograph collection as a catalogue to my laptop (without the original photos) and work on organising them, deleting unwanted photos, etc and then reimport the catalogue on my return. My question is this - if I delete a photo whilst on my laptop, on reimport into my main computer will lightroom then go and delete this photograph from my original collection as I hope it will do?
After my internal HDD became full with over 30,000 DNGs, I moved all my photos along with the catalogue to my external drive. Now when I open LR, not only do I have to reimport the catalogue every time, but all my develop settings are gone! Hundreds of hours down the drain. Why has this happened, and is there any way I can retrieve them? I'm using v3.4.
Putting a Lightroom catalog in the Creative Cloud folder to use for multiple computers? It seems like it should work well for photographers who are on the road a lot and would like to avoid merging catalogs after each trip.
Following previous LR upgrades (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), old files were automatically removed from the Program Files folder. However, I just upgrades from 3.6 to 4.0 and notice that the old files are still on my hard drive in the 3.6 folder. Do I need to keep these files or can I UNINSTALL LR 3.6?
I am installing LR4. I tried to update the catalog.I received the message that LR encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom. When I click on the See Adobe Technote button, I received the message that that file is unavailable from the Adobe Website. I don't want to loose all my catalog information from my previous instralling of LR2.7.
I am having the darndest time figuring out what I'm not understanding with this, "bug". (I call it a bug because it seems to be one, imo.)
Specs: Mac OS X 10.75 Creative Suite 5, Photoshop 5.1
"Issues": If I adjust paragraph settings, like indents, in one file, those options do not return to default when I start a new file. Thus, I find myself wondering why I have such large gaps between lines of copy or to the left, etc. when I start a new text layer. (This actually happens not only in new files, but in new layers - the latter is slightly more understandable in that it's the same file.)
When a lightbuld goes on for me: "Check your type settings." And, lo-and-behold, there things are: space before or after a paragraph; right or left indents. All settings that used to be cleared when a new file - or a new layer - are opened. This is excruciatingly annoying.If I apply a layer style (e.g., drop shadow) to a shape layer, and then I create another shape layer, the latter one automatically gets all the same style settings applied. That is, the new layer has the all the same layer styles applied to it by default. Meaning, I have to then delete those as they are often not what I intend.
In any case, it used to be that I could choose what I want my own new files and layers to look like, not have previously used settings automatically applied.
I have a bunch of Fuji X-T1 raw images that I have converted to DNG form. Once Lightroom supports X-T1 raw images directly, I would like to replace the DNG files by the corresponding raw files (which I have saved) without having to redo all of my edits.
I've tried an experiment with a NEF file, which Lightroom supports: If I convert it to a DNG file, import the DNG file, then replace the DNG file with the corresponding NEF file, Lightroom still thinks the file is named DNG. This behavior makes me nervous. So what I would like to do is to import all of the Fuji raw files, then transfer the develop settings from each DNG file to the corresponding raw file, then finally archive and delete the DNG files.
Is there any way to do this other than by hand? That is, if I have a folder with a few hundred DNG files, is there any way to tell Lightroom to take the develop settings of every file in the folder and transfer them to the correspondingly named file in the folder of raw files?
way of accomplishing this that does not involve copying and pasting the data for every image by hand?
I have been using Photoshop elements for many many years and am now looking to use Lightroom as an Interface.
At the moment, I have a Folder structure on my computer. At the Top I have Photos. Under Photos I have 43 additional Folders such as ( Cindi/Ivan Pictures, Cory & Jess Pictures, Barry & Janie Pictures, etc..) Now for each of these folders, such as Cory & Jess Pictures, I have a set of folders basically broken down by month/year. Now in a Given Month/Year Folder, I have a set of folders with each one containing the pictures of a given event that occurred ( birthday, trip, etc…). Guess my initial question is how do I get these pictures into a Lightroom Catalog and do I continue to use the same Structure.
Another example - Under the Barry/Janie Pictures Folder, one of the many Folders in this Folder is called Trips. Inside the Trips folder, I have folders for every major trip that Janie & I have taken since 2004 (21 different folders) (For example there is an Isreal Folder). The Israel Folder is made up of a set of folders, for each individual event or place that we visited during our Trip - i.e. 59 different folders. How would this Trips Folder be brought into Lightroom?
Got the <Unexpected error opening catalogue> dialog when starting Lightroom 5.2. Will not allow me to save a new catalogue. Deleted old catalogue thinking that might prompt Lightroom to create a new catalogue or allow me to create and save a new one.Create Folder with New Catalogue allows me to enter a new catalogue name but then Select Catalogue dialog box is empty. Program wont open!
I'd like to move my existing LR catalog and keywords from 2.7 to my LR 5 catalog. I am using a windows PC, my mac stopped working last month.
What I want is to end up with 1 catalog with all my photos in LR 5 with all my previous edits from LR 2.7 and the keywords as well. By the way, my LR 5 has photos in it as well.
import again my photos with all the settings which i had already brought to my work. It happened that my cat walking on the keyboard changed the name of the disk where lightroom used to point. Working with Lightroom 3, mac osx 10.5.8.
I loaded some folders with my pictures. In Lightroom I developed some of it, others I did not. Now I want to export only those pictures which I developed. I know, I can manually select at the bottom line all pictures showing a +/- sign and the export them. This is quite a lot of work with my 800 pictures. Is it possible to tell Lightroom that it just selects and exports the developed pictures?
Lightroom 4.1 will not export a deleloped image. I have the metadata to new file set to automatic and I get no error mesage. All my new exported files are the same as the original. I need a detailed discription of what boxes need to be checked or unchecked and where to find them. Something as simple as saving changes so that I might use them in another app should not be so difficult- version 2.7 worked fine so what's up with 4.1?
I recently moved all my pictures developped with LR from my D DRive to an external one. But I guess I did it the wrong way (just searchimng for the files and moving them away). Then I imported again all my catalogs, but most of the pictures are "seen" AS DUPLICATE by LR and do not allow me any action on them. How can I fix it within deleting all the lrcat (libraries where all the changes done in the pictures are kept)?
Twice I have attempted to create a catalogue for use and both times I have ended up with a folder list of folders I have never seen before although they do contain pictures if I open them but I don't recognise these folder names.
I am using a iMac with Lion 10.8.2 and all my pictures are in a folder called pictures with sub folders underneath.
In Lightroom, adjustments made to a photo replace the original version in my Library. When I drag the developed photo to external applications (Gmail in the browser, for example), Lightroom gives me the original photo, not the developed one, even though I can't see the original.
Is there a way to drag the developed photo from Lightroom, other than exporting and saving a new copy to my hard drive?
When I export jpegs which I changed to "black & white" in LR 4.4, and import these exported photos into a different LR 4.4 catalog, the treatment of the imported photos changes to "color".
Once changes developed I want to save them onto the original file. I export the selected image (original photo + changes) with overwriting choice but the result file has only the original and not the changes
I set custom white balance for a lot of my photos (I'm a nightclub photographer) as sometimes the colours are so saturated the image becomes unusable. Unfortunately in Lightroom 4 the photos import with the correct WB I have set but when I click on them to develop the settings are changed and the image looks completely awful. I try and adjust the image back to the way I have taken it but it never looks the same....why is Lighroom not recognising the WB settings I set within my 5D?
I just finished editing a tiff file in lightroom 4, I then edited it in photoshop CS6. I deleted the file from lightroom and now I am trying to import it into lightroom now that I have finished with it in photoshop and lightroom can't read the file. It's like it doesn't exist. I didn't change the file at all. how lightroom can read this file again?
Back in LR1 and LR2, when I tried to import images that were already present in the catalog, I had an option to show me / select the already imported images. This is gone in LR4. How can I find in the library the already imported images without fecthing them one by one ?