Photoshop Elements :: Catalogue Creates Hundreds Of Unwanted Folder Names
Dec 31, 2012
Twice I have attempted to create a catalogue for use and both times I have ended up with a folder list of folders I have never seen before although they do contain pictures if I open them but I don't recognise these folder names.
I am using a iMac with Lion 10.8.2 and all my pictures are in a folder called pictures with sub folders underneath.
I'm using Elements Organizer 11.0 with Windows 8. These temp files have been a problem in at least the previous three versions of PSE with the previous three versions of Windows.
Scenario: Suspiciously low on disk space Problem: Found thousands of duplicate image files in Windows temp folder (ex. C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalTemp)
PSE creates these files and never deletes them AFAICS after exiting the program, rebooting, using the Windows 'Disk Cleanup' utility, optimizing the catalog, etc. I found no user preference for deleting temp files or limiting them to a particular size.
These can be created for many reasons, but one sure way to do this is to choose File>Save Metada to Files. (If you don't have any images selected it will attempt to do this for all files displayed.) In my case it makes a duplicate of my 29MB CR2 file and a backup of the associated 4KB XMP file. I've used Windows' fc.exe utility to verify that the CR2 is exactly the same, byte for byte.
Is PSE designed to leave these around for us to clean up after they consume the entire hard disk? Am I missing something?
After taking a large batch of pictures, I want to place them in a folder and rapidly view the full images one at a time to select which to keep and which to discard. IN PE-8 how can I display two panes - one pane containing the image file names contained in a folder and the other pane which displays the image of the file name selected? Using the arrow keys, I want to move through image file names one at a time while displaying the image associated with the file name in the other pane.
I'm running a legit version of Photoshop CS2 on Windows XP. There's a number of things that haven't worked since I installed. Let's start with this one! When editing text, pressing any of the arrow keys to move the cursor creates an unwanted charachter like & '%# etc. Also, when in Move tool mode, the arrow keys don't respond at all.
I installed LR4 Beta, and imported some photos from my LR3 installation. Probably not the wisest approach I now realise.
Now that I have purchased LR4 (upgrade), and installed it including RC4.1 I realise that I have a catalogue that only contains the images I imported with the Beta version. I still have the original images, and sidecar files in my LR3 catalogue. What I want to do is remove the LR4 catalogue that I currenly have, and then export my catalogue from LR3 and import into LR4. I think I am OK with the Export / Import bit (I have Martin Evening's excellent book). What I don't know how to do is remove the catalogue, or contents thereof from LR4. I could of course just remove all the images from the catalogue by deleting them but I want to be careful here, as I got into this situation by doing things the wrong way in the first place.
Im using the most recent version of Lightroom 5.3 (updated through CC - even though this has shown up on previous version) on Windows 7 and all the folders in my library are showing up with the directory path in front of my folder names. How can I get rid of this? I do not see any options in preferences to turn this off. I have also turned off preferences in Windows > Folder Options Control Panel "Display full Path in Title bar" option.
I have Lightroom on several computers and have set up preferences the same on each workstation, and this only shows up on one workstation.
I'm just learning Lightroom 5. I've imported pics successfully from my compact flash card and from my hard disk to an external drive. But have decided I want to rename (in Finder) some of the folders. How do I resync the names in the Catalogue?
When I attempt to import photos into an existing folder LR creates a duplicate folder with the same name. The original folder (orange) does not show the imported photos, when I try to move the photos from the duplicate folder (red) over I receive the error message "files already exist in this destination." My lightroom hardrive folder appears correctly, no duplicate folder. Also, on import I am only renaming the files, a sub-folder is not created.
How can I reconnect the hundreds of images that have become disconnected? One at a time takes ages. If I uninstall and reinstall Elements11, will the program automatically re-populate the organizer?
i have over 2000 pictures in iphoto. I want to upload them into elements but in one big file and then i can sort them out in elements But elements uploads them according to dates so i am getting hundreds of subfolders. How can i change the way images are imported, so that they end up in one big folder?
I’ve moved the folders for LR 3.6 to an external drive. Now the folder names are grayed out and, rather than a file count on the right hand side, there is an ellipsis (“…”). I’ve tried “synchronize folders” to no effect. Running on OS X 10.7.2 with a Mac Pro.
I have been forced to check under the hood in LR due to the fact that I have lost a big chuck of my keywords, and I'm contemplanting if its worth importing a copy of my backup copy. I am debating if I should just go back and re-enter all the missing keywords, or retrieving a backup copy. However, I read somewhere that its wise to change the name of the master catalog before retrieving a backup copy.
However, I found multiple folders of my catalog in my master folder. I'd like to know which one should I delete without causing any major collateral damage.
1- folder 176-2.lrcat created 3-26-11 2:51 PM 289 MB 2- folder 176-2-2.lrcat created 2-12-13 10:32 PM 363 MB 3- folder 176-2-3.lrcat created 2-24-13 5:24 PM 287 MB 4- folder 176-2 copy.lrca created 3-26-11 2:31 PM 179 MB
In addition, there are corresponding Previews.lrdata for each folder.
I am travelling to the UK and wish to export my photograph collection as a catalogue to my laptop (without the original photos) and work on organising them, deleting unwanted photos, etc and then reimport the catalogue on my return. My question is this - if I delete a photo whilst on my laptop, on reimport into my main computer will lightroom then go and delete this photograph from my original collection as I hope it will do?
Putting a Lightroom catalog in the Creative Cloud folder to use for multiple computers? It seems like it should work well for photographers who are on the road a lot and would like to avoid merging catalogs after each trip.
I do not want to re-develop 1000+ photos in lightroom.
Cleaning up my photo directory, i started consolidating and moving folders around in my HDD. However in doing so, I also accidently removed one of the 'catalog folder' in my Lightroom (so the original photos are still there in the physical folder, but i can't see it anymore in Lightroom). Now if I try to import the folder back into Lightroom, all my developed settings are lost (i.e. everything reverts back to the original settings).
I tried using the Find Missing Photos function and the Sychronize Folder function, both does not work with my problem. Unfortunately, my catalog backup is also a week old, so that wouldn't have my recently developed settings?
Any way to retrieve the removed catalog folder with all the previously developed settings?
I'm trying to get the filenames of some drawings in a folder. I've got the following code, but it's not working. I get a file count from the line "filecount = objFiles.Count", so it's recognizing "objFiles" as the collection of files in the folder, but everything after that simply does nothing. Oddly, I can change the "If" statement from "<>" to "=", and it still reads the "Then" statement in both cases. However, the FileName is blank.
Dim objFile As FileDialogs Set objFile = New FileDialogs objFile.Title = strFolderName objFile.StartInDir = "C:Documents and Settings" strFolderName = objFile.ShowOpen
I am new to LightRoom and am about to import more than 600 folders.These folders on the disc have names that relate to the content, and I was wondering if it is possible to add the folder names as keywords during import?
So if a photo is in /Weddings/New York/Chris and Charlie Hansen it would be tagged with 'Weddings, New York, Chris and Charlie Hansen' as keywords during import.
Naturally I would like this to happen dynamically so when import hundreds of folders in one go, the keywords are assigned as relevant. should I do it manually after import (which is of course possible, but quite a bit of work).
I've recently switched to Lightroom and was wondering whether it is possible to change the date format for the folders used for inport. Ideally I would like to use a structure such as this:
2012 |_ 01 - Jan |_ 02 - Feb
As far as I can see that's not possible with the buit-in import presets organized by date. Is there any way to cusomize these formats to add 2012/01 - Jan etc?
There is "Ignore camera generated folder names when naming folders" on preferences tab, but I couldn't find a usage for this option. With a camera card including different folders, I can not see the folder names in my card on the import panel.
When I open Elements 9 in Folder Location the images displayed are not those in the highlighted folder. Similarly if I select another folder I see another selection of images from elsewhere in the structure.
I'm new to Elements 10 and I'm having a hard time figuring things out but 1 thing in particular. I'm on a PC and use Windows 7.I already import a lot of pic's to Elements or so I thought.
When I'm in "Folder Location" and click on a folder it doesn't display any pictures and says "No files from this folder have been imported into Elements Organizer. To add any files, right click on the folder and select "Import to Organizer"
So I do as I'm told and then i get this error."Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this catalog."
I just finished importing my photos to Elements, and was going to add the folder I keep them in to my watched folders, to keep them up to date. Since everything imported just fine, I was surprised to find that I got the following error when trying to add the folder:
The Watch Folder service returned an error: Access is denied.
I looked around the site using search and Google, and found a few other occurences of this error, but they all only show answers that apply to network shares. The folder I am trying to watch is not a network drive that I have to use a \serverfolder format to access, as the folder is located on my hard drive under C:UsersusernameGoogle DrivePictures.
Elements Organizer Core Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025) Language Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
Current Catalog: Catalog Name: Google Drive Photos Catalog Location: C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsGoogle Drive Photos Catalog Size: 31.5MB Catalog Cache Size: 68MB
System: Operating System Name: Windows 8 Operating System Version: 6.2 System Architecture: AMD CPU Family:15 Model:10 Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP Built-in Memory: 7.2GB Free Memory: 5.2GB
Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries: Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0 Apple QuickTime Version: 7.74 Adobe Reader Version: 11.0 Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed
Installed Elements 12, converted catalog but now my sub folders are shown as main folders in Organizer folder view. How can I get back my original folder/sub folder system? When I look at Windows folders my system is as it was so the two don't match any more. On searching further came across more info on Community-powered support for Photoshop Family and it seems Adobe have removed the option of sub folders.
I want to rename multiple files, but each time I try, it creates two copies of each file, and as they are numbered sequentially, I cannot just delete the extra ones at once. I don't understand why it does this, and how I can avoid it!
When I use the spherical filter in the horizontal mode in order to narrow the center of my picture slightly, the filter creates evenly spaced horizontal lines. Is there a way to avoid this? Here is the funny thing. If I rotate the image 90 degrees, then apply the filter using "vertical only" the lines do not appear. The lines only appear when I use "horizontal only"!