I have 2 hard disks in my computer. The c drive is getting crowded and I want to move my photo folder to the other disc (D:). How do I "tell" Organizer to point to the d drive instead of the C drive.
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
There is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.
I installed the Lightroom catalog etc. into the Pictures folder as that is the default setting.However, I don't want all the previews clogging up my Pictures folder, so would like to move the catalog, previews etc. to a new folder, but can't figure out how to do it properly.
I just moved several folders from a corporate shoot into a new folder, all done within latest version of LR4. One of the folders containing 1124 raw photos from a corporate shoot is now labeled as missing after an error message during the move (didn't write down the exact message). The folder and its pictures are nowhere to be found now! System-wide search comes up with no result. WHERE ARE MY PHOTOS?
Just got lightroom 3 for Christmas. I cannot figure it out and it's a headache so far. How am I supposed to set up the auto import to the My Pictures folder when I am supposed to chose an empty folder for Lightroom to watch? I must be misunderstanding something because I imagine that everyone who buys Lightroom already has photos in their My Pictures folder.
I have a folder in Lightroom 3.6 that I edited after I had already moved to LR 4. All of my actual image files are on an external hard drive. The folder of edits in question is not in my LR 4 catalog. What is the best way to move that folder with all the edits and virtual copies from 3.6 to 4 and then link the edits to the images on the external drive?
I'm using Lightroom 5 and moving photos to a sub folder. Here's where I'm running into a problem:
My photos are in a folder named "to file"Inside "to file" I create a folder named "2013-05"I select some photos from "to file" and click and drag them into "2013-05"They appear in "2013-05" as expectedThe problem is, they still appear in the parent folder "to file" My question is, once I move photos to a sub folder how can I prevent them from appearing in the parent folder?
Currently moving from pc to mac for my LR. Why do I have to move my Backup folder and how do I do this because I do not want to move all of my photos I have on my old computer?
I created multiple folders under "My Lightroom Pictures." I created two separate folders titled "Herons and Egrets" (one folder misspelled "Heerons") and would like to move the single photo in one folder to the other. How do I do it?
When I am working in Bridge and have a long list of reprints that I need to print from a wedding I just go to that wedding folder and type in the file number of the first picture. This pictue is then highlighted and I give it a two star (or whatever) rating. I do this for all of the pictures on my list so when I am done all of the pictures to reprint have a two star rating. I just move these into a temporary folder and retouch and print from this folder. Is there a way to do this in Lightroom?
I recently purchased a new Canon T5i and have started using Lightroom. So far I am loving both.
I plan on importing into my Lightroom Catalogue all of my photos from my Mac's Pictures folder and from iPhoto and my iPhone and iPad.
For those photos already in my catalogue from new shoots, I have placed them in appropriately named photos, have religiously used tags and have renumbered the photos using this type of convention:
My Initials_Year_Event Description_Sequence
I am ending up with some very long file names. I am not a professional photographer so this is all for me but I want to be able to search for my photos from both within Lightroom AND from the Mac's finder. I am looking for input to create unique but descriptive names but not make the photo names very long.
Here is my thought process:
1. I am using my initials as I can then search in the Mac Finder and find all photos and movies regardless of extension (e.g. CR2, DNG, JPG, MOV). My initials are not on other files in my Mac.
2. I am using a descriptive name so I can search for the photos for example of "Dan's Wedding" and find those both in Finder and in Lightroom. The Dan's Wedding photos are in a Lighroom directory called "Dan's Wedding" and they are tagged with Wedding and Dan. This might be over kill but I think the actual file name is most useful to me when it describes the event.
3. The number is of course what makes each file unique.
SO.....some questions.
1. Is putting my initials a waste of time? I could search in Finder for "DNG, JPG, MOV" but I would get files besides those in Lightroom (assume all of the items in my Pictures folder will eventually be in Lightroom.
2. Do I really need a date in the file name given that a meta data search will find the photo's taken date? I am more likely to remember an event name like "Dan's Wedding" than the fact it happend in "2013 June".
3. If I use a date, should I put the year first for search purposes?
FIRST: I cannot move photos from one folder to another, drag and drop does not function at all, and there is no 'move' command with a right-cllick on a photo. I can move folder locations, drag and drop on the folder view works, but I want to move individual photos. I am sure I could do it with previous versions.
SECOND: If I click on HELP, I simply get a box up from Adobe AIR saying: This installation of this application is damaged. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance. I am loathe to re-install as last time I did that, I had a grand hassle over number of activations, even though I am only running on my one and only machine.
how to move a video, from one folder to another inside LR 4? I've moved pictures from one folder to another inside LR 4 several times before, I just marked the pics I wanted to move, and draged them to the desired folder, but I can't do it with these videos... The arrow in the left side , in folders, pointing to the folder I wish to move, is greyed out.
I had folders on my internal drive that used the same structure as the populated folder structure on my external hard drive. I just went through and keyworded all the internal drive photos (which happened to be iphone photos), then, on the internal drive, I selected the 2013 folder, selected all the images in that folder and dragged them to the 2013 folder on my external drive. (all steps were done within LR5) Now, on the ext drive, when I choose 2013, I see all of the photos, but most of the subfolders now say 0. How can I get my images back into the folders they were already in?
Very recently I have lost the ability to move files from one folder to another in Lightroom 4.4. I was highlighting the files I wanted to move and then I would drag them to the folder I wanted to move the files to. Now if I highlight numerous files when I try to drag the files Lightroom will just highlight the file my cursor is hovering over. It then won't let me drag the file to the folder I desire.
Over time, I've organized related keywords into various folders for simplicity. I come to find that I don't care for this system and I wish to have all my keywords in a single list without being grouped into folders.
How do I move (not delete) individual keywords out of the folders where they currently are located?
As I've been adding photos to my catalog from my iMac's internal hard drive, I've asked LR 5 to import them while "MOVING" them. Not "Copy as DNG", but MOVE. The Move feature simply makes a copy of them and leaves the files still on my hard drive. Why? This didn't happen in earlier LR editions.
Trying to move some photos to a different folder in the Library Module. I highlite the photos, click on the folder I want to move them to and press "Move Selected Photos to this Folder." Then I get an error message that the photos are already in the destination. OK. 1 Problem I just made the folder. My computer crashed about 3 weeks ago. Got it back up and reinstalled LR3.
Made 2 catalogs;
1. Personal and 2. Work Photos.
All of my personal photos I put in the personal cat with no sub-folders, my work went into the work which I made sub-folders. Today I finally got the time to set up my Personal folder. Made 3 new folders, one was Vietnam, which I divided into sub-folders of the place I was stationed and my R&R to Hawaii. Started separating the photos, all went well till I tried to move photos to a sub-folder call Phu Loi. Then I got the error message.
I need to create space on my laptop hard drive. How do I move my pictures to an external harddrive? Terrified I will losse them or get the dreaded ...?
I need to move a bunch of pictures located in different sub-folders on Drive C: to my new 2Tb Drive D:
I try to move it in LR via the import function with MOVE. But, they are all greyed out (not selectable) and when I try to move 1-by-1 by right-clicking on a picture, a message is displayed telling me that the picture is already in the catalogue. I know it is already in the catalogue. All I need to do is to move it to another HDD.
How would you do this? I have just thought of deleting all files in the catalogue and import them then, but it just does not feel right.
When exporting my edited pictures to a folder in m Pictures it goes as a blank soft color but no photo. It looks like a tiny dot and when you open it, it is a soft color..