Lightroom :: How To Move A Bunch Of Pictures Located In Different Sub Folders
May 15, 2012
LR 4
I need to move a bunch of pictures located in different sub-folders on Drive C: to my new 2Tb Drive D:
I try to move it in LR via the import function with MOVE. But, they are all greyed out (not selectable) and when I try to move 1-by-1 by right-clicking on a picture, a message is displayed telling me that the picture is already in the catalogue. I know it is already in the catalogue. All I need to do is to move it to another HDD.
How would you do this? I have just thought of deleting all files in the catalogue and import them then, but it just does not feel right.
I want to move my Lightroom catalog from my old PC to my new iMac.
The catalog contains only images located on a NAS.
I can connect to the NAS from both computer, but when I'm trying to ´import the catalog I get the message "Lightroom could not import this catalog because of an unknown error" I use the same versions of Lightrrom on both computers.
How I move pictures from my files or folders or whatever they are called (pictures I already have in my computer) to Photoshop Elements 11 so that I can edit them. I am having a hard time with this!
Yesterday, I was importing pictures. I followed the same process I have always used with LR. I have LR4.2. In the process, three folders were created and in two of them, 2 subfolders were created. These are primarily stored on a Drobo. After all the imports, I immediately backed up the Drobo to another HD. When I went to show my wife the pictures today, none of the folders, subfolders or pictures could be found. What LR did show me was that on the backup drive, there appeared all folders and subfolders but all had a question mark on them. All the picture previews are there. When I right click, one of the options is "Find missing Folder". They don't seem to exist. Unfortunately, I erased one of my cards from my D800E after I had backed up the files. When I try to re-import from the other cards, LR identifies all the pictures as suspect duplicates. I have never had this happen before and I have been a LR user from the beginning! What happened to the folders and files? How can I re-import from the cards that still have the pictures.
I had LR 3 then upgraded to LR 4 and everything was fine. My hard drive crashed last week so had to have it replaced. my images were safe on my Drobo. I got my pc back today and am reinstalling all my software. I reinstalled LR3 then went to adobe and downloaded my upgrade to LR4. When I started LR4 it asked if I wanted to update all of my LR3 files so they would be compatible with LR4 and I said yes. I think that was my mistake. Now I can see all my old files but none of my images or folders from the time I upgraded to LR4 until now. How do I view all of my more current folders and images? I haven't moved any of them...they were all on my Drobo and are still there so it's not that I moved the files outside of LR.
I have transferred some folders from my internal drive to an external (FW) drive. Whereas most of the transfer worked fine, I had the following problems:
- one folder (at least) completely disappeared from LR. The files were moved to the new HDD (I can see them in Finder), an empty folder remains in LR under the "old" drive and there is nothing in LR at the new position.
- an empty structure remained at the location of the old files
- on some folders, I had the message "could not complete the folder move..." and only part of the pictures (or none at all) were moved.
I successfully moved most of my Lightroom photos from one external drive which was nearly full to a new 1 TB drive. However, 95 photos out of over 16,000 would not move. I figured out it was because I had originally copied them to the old drive from a CD and the permissions were read only. So I went into Finder-Get Info and changed the permissions on all 95 files to read and write. Now, however, Lightroom will not transfer the folders containing the files to the new drive. It says "A Folder Named . . . already exists at this location." However, the folder doesn't show up in Lightroom. Lightroom did create the folder, and it shows in Finder, but it does not show in the LR catalog and I can't import files into it.
I try to move a complete folder from my internal to an external disk within LR. The directory will be created, but then it stops and shows "Unknown Error..." When I create the subdirs manually, I can move the single pictures.
I'm in the process of migrating from Windows (7) to an iMac which has been a partial success re Lightroom but I'm having problems with moving folders / files within LR (4.4).
On the Windows PC I had all of my photos on the hard-drive (with duplicate back-ups) and my intention was to move only a proportion of these onto the iMac, leaving older folders on an external drive - again with backups. To migrate to the iMac I had initial success as follows:
1. Installed LR 4.4 on the iMac.
2. Moved all photos onto an external drive from within LR.
3. Copied across the lrcat and lrdta files and the presets to the iMac
4. Started LR and loaded the copied catalogue - worked fine - see all my folders plus their question marks as expected.
5. Was able to re-linked the folders (still on the external drive) within LR - question marks disappeared, able to access & develop folders/files on the ext drive within LR - good.
6. Then the problems occurred when within LR I tried to move folders from the external drive to the iMac (into a top-level 'Lightroom Photos' folder I created within Pictures) but the following then happens:
When I drag a folder up from the ext to the main drive I get the usual 'moving files on disk warning' box, click 'Move' to confirm but then I get an error message 'Could not complete the folder move. An unknown error occurred', click OK and the folder has remained on the external drive. Oddly, when I check via Finder the folder has been created within my 'Lightroom Photos' folder although it doesn't show there in LR and no photos are included in it - they're still on the hard-drive.
I did think this might be something to do with the format of the ext drive - it is shows as read only and is NFTS and I now understand this can be a problem when writing to it from an iMac - but I appear to be able to 'develop' photos on the external drive.
I did find a 'workaround' - in Finder I copied a folder directly into the 'Lightroom Photos' folder on the hard-drive and managed to link to it by clicking on the question mark originally created by the lrcat copy. Seems a bit cumbersome and I would then have to delete the originals from the ext drive but does this sound okay? Why I can't move them from the ext drive from within LR but can work on them whilst still on that drive?
For some reason I'm unable to move photos or folders from within lightroom 4. The drag and drop system from the library module does nothing for me. I'm pretty sure I just watched an AdobeTV demonstration where the presenter had no problem moving files inside the "Folders" panel in the Library. I've even tried highlighting the photos I want to move from the grid view, control+clicking on the folder where I want them to go, selecting "Move Selected Photos to this Folder" from the flyout, and nothing happens.
My cursor shows a green plus(+) icon when I mouse over the destination folder when dragging the photos, as if LR were going to add the files to the folder.... but then nothing happens.
Am I losing it, shouldn't this be a completely intuiative process? Is it possible I've locked my files/photos?
I bought a ReadyNAS and a few harddrives to go with it, and decided to move all my 35594 pictures to it.As Lightroom has some silly features like not being able to move multiple folders unless they have a root folder, I moved most of these files via Explorer and then had to sync them one by one for hand (which is annoying, as there's one folder for every day – however, that's another question). For the rest of the 20 000 photos, I decided to move them with Lightroom.
0 missing files from the files I moved with Explorer and resynced.
3049 missing files from the files I moved with Lightroom.
The files simply don't exist anymore, on neither of the disks. I've searched every single drive for them completely by file name, date, everything. They're gone.This has nothing to do with disk failure, or user error. Only the files I moved with Lightroom are affected.
Considering there's both client work and personal pictures among these, it's crucial that I get them back.
There's another thread about this problem here, except that I didn't have the luck of just 80 files.
How do I move numerous folders and subfolders of photos to a different hard drive?
The hard drive I want to move to shows up in the LR Library Left Panel under Folders, but I can't drag and drop the photos from the C Drive to this D drive.
I have been working with LR for about a month; and I've uploaded about 2000 photos I have taken since about a year ago; organized by folders for year and date. I just realized LR has been putting almost all my photos on my C Drive. There is one folder of photos in LR on the D Drive. I don't recall how I got that folder to go on the D Drive while the rest are on the C Drive.
I don't want any data on my C Drive. I use my C Drive primarily for my Operating Systems and applications.
Lightroom wont allow me to move or rename either single images or folders within lightroom. Keep getting an unknown error occurred message. All images are currently on an external hard drive.
I use a file structure in lightroom with subfolders within folders to organize photos; some of these top level folders contain many thousands of pictures; I have found that any top level folder with greater than 3000 photos will no open, and therefore all photos within that top level folder are not searchable. When I try opening such a large folder, the phrase "no photos in selected folder" is displayed. This has never been happened in LR3, but is happening in LR4. Folders less than abour 2500 photos can be opened and searched easily.
When I move a selection of image files from one folder to another within lightroom there is always an error with at least one image and it doesn't make the move and is left. I can then reselect this image and then move it again.
As I've been adding photos to my catalog from my iMac's internal hard drive, I've asked LR 5 to import them while "MOVING" them. Not "Copy as DNG", but MOVE. The Move feature simply makes a copy of them and leaves the files still on my hard drive. Why? This didn't happen in earlier LR editions.
I need to create space on my laptop hard drive. How do I move my pictures to an external harddrive? Terrified I will losse them or get the dreaded ...?
I'm trying to recreate a bunch of IV-Studio settings to match a bunch of renders made by previous staff that did not leave behind the assembly files they used to make them in the first place.
I've ran into a problem with some parts displaying incorrectly. (they display incorrectly in the render/in the studio environment/ in the assembly/ and when in the part file) I've played with material and appearance styles but they have no effect, I've also tried quality/performance/compatibility hardware modes.
We have 5 or 6 parts that share the ridge pattern that is causing problems and they are affected in the same way.I'm running XP(32), IV2012-sp2, fx1800 with 6.14.0012.6570 drivers.
I just added to the catalog a series of folders containing pictures.
What I was hoping is that Adobe LR was going to copy all those pictures and put them into "my pictures- > year -> date" so that I will have all my pictures organized by date. [ t)
However, adobe LR have just added all those pictures using their original location (i.e. the folders where i had them), and therefore the automatic organization by dates that i was expecting didn't happen.
I would like to move all the pictures to the "date system".
I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).
I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.