Lightroom :: How To Import Pictures Show In Raw From D700 Into LR
Aug 21, 2013
I'm trying to import pictures show in raw from my D700 into Lr, but it keeps giving me an "unsupported or damaged" error. This is the second time this happens, the first time I just gave up and imported as .JPG. I've tried importing them from the camera, and from a flashdrive. Neither worked. Running Lightroom 5 on OSX 10.8.4.
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
I just installed the trial of LR3 and I'm already having problems. When I try to "import" photos, my pictures don't show up. All that shows up in the preview thumbnails are grey boxes where my pictures should be. LR acts like it is loading my pictures, but when the pictures should be fully loaded, there are only grey boxes. If I hit "uncheck all" they will begin to re-load, but still the pictures will not show up. If I go to "Develop", the levels and such of the photo will show up and I can alter them, but it doesn't do anything because the photo I am editing is just a grey space! I tried altering the preferences for the file types to see if that may be it, but the pictures still did not show. I also tried using different folders of photos, but they all did this weird grey space thing.
When I first purchased my D700, I didn't have a CF card reader, so I've been using a cable with it to import my photos and love doing it that way. All of a sudden, the cable won't work with LR4 anymore. I can still use it to transfer photos to my computer, and THEN import into LR4 but that takes double the amount of time, and it's miserable. I want to keep using my cable, but it doesn't show up with my D700 in the import menu anymore.
I have just loaded the trial for LR4 on my MacBook Pro. When I try to open lightroom I get the error "an error occurred when attempting to change modules" Thereafter I cannot do anything in LR, when I close & reopen I get back to the installation screen asking me if I have a serial no or would like to run a trial.
I have deleted the app and reinstalled. But no difference.
The first time I opened LR it asked me if I wanted to upgrade my photoshop elements library or create a new one. I opted for create a new one.I installed the trial to see how well LR would work on my Mac as I have it on PC and would like to switch completely over to Mac....
With my Imac (Osx 10.8.3) and L 4.4 the Pictures folder is frozen. I can acces pictures but I can not import new pictures or delete or remane or move. It looks like the Pictures folder is locked. I can do everything if I move up the the "Myname" Folder. both version L4.4 and Imac are in French.
I'd like to purchase Lightroom 4. I used the Beta version and now have the Testversion in use. Since I'm using a Mac Computer and and iPad, I'd like to continue to USe iPhoto to share my pictures with the TV and other Apple products. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out a nice workflow - means how to import pictures in raw, work with them in Lightroom and than finally export as jpg and ideally import automatically into iPhoto. Not sure how to do it and I'm wrestling with the iPhoto libary.
I imported some pictures into LIghtroom 5 with the SAME jpg numbers as a prior import. The first import consisted of pictures from Trip 1 folder on my hard drive, the second import was from Trip 2 folder on hard drive. I see the Trip 1 and Trip 2 folders in LIghtroom 5, but am experiencing problems with emailing and exporting pictures, getting messages such as "Missing file" or "Export does not show up. Were there problems with the import?
I took D700 and D800e with me and planned on saving to portable HDs. I/3 of files could not be saved in LR4, they had ? on each 'slide' location. I bought Nikon NX2 and images came off CF cards fine and were saved to HD. But, when tried to load those files to LR4, the same thing happened... "?" all over again.
3-4 new Lexar Pro CFs and 2 different cameras... Whats up?
I have just installed LR3 on my new computer and is unable to upload my photographs. I have change permissions as suggested in other forums, it recognises my Nikon D3 and shows the pictures but when I try to import I get the following message "the following files were not imported because they could not be read" I have LR3 on my laptop and it works fine.
Lightroom 3.6 has developed a strange problem ever since I tried to import seven pictures (canon RAW) directly from a CF card (rather than using Windows and then synchronising folders which is what I usually do). use of a CF card may be a red herring. Also, I’m using Windows 7 SP1.
To cut a long story short, if, in Lightroom Library, I now select “My pictures” (the top level folder) I can see all the folders and pictures that have previously been correctly catalogued and synced in Lightroom. I right click and select “Synchronize folder”. I would expect nothing to happen, because all folders have been synced, BUT, after a delay I get “Import new photos (644)”. There are no photos to import, and therefore, if I then let Lightroom try to import them, I get the error message “No photos were found to import”.
Every time I want to synchronise, I get the same problem.
I tried using a backup LRcat file. In this case the same thing happens, but it wants to import over 700 pictures. This would be partly correct as they will be about 100 genuine pictures to import due to the LRcat file genuinely missing some of my more recent photos.
Also, if I add a new folder and picture files in Windows and then open Lightroom to synchronise, it will want to import the 644 plus the correct number of new photos in the new folder. It then imports the genuine pictures. If I then try to resynchronise, I’m back to the 644 false ones.
This tells me that Lightroom has decided it needs to import 644 false pictures, plus any new genuine ones.
I'm installing my lightroom again on my new PC, Lr 1, upgrade LR2, upgrade LR 3, but after installation only the LR 1 is working fine, the other two upgrades won't import pictures/files and won't show them in the program, only the picture setting like 1/2000 F8.
I am trying to upload my pictures into lightroom5 and it won't upload my files.. I keep getting this.. "The following files were not imported because they can't be read.. I just got lightroom a few days ago and it was working fine......
As I've been adding photos to my catalog from my iMac's internal hard drive, I've asked LR 5 to import them while "MOVING" them. Not "Copy as DNG", but MOVE. The Move feature simply makes a copy of them and leaves the files still on my hard drive. Why? This didn't happen in earlier LR editions.
I work with lightroom 4.1. When I import my pictures on the normal way. The import will nog finish anymore. After a long time my mac give a notice that he can/copy import the images. but there is a lot of space.
Just got lightroom 3 for Christmas. I cannot figure it out and it's a headache so far. How am I supposed to set up the auto import to the My Pictures folder when I am supposed to chose an empty folder for Lightroom to watch? I must be misunderstanding something because I imagine that everyone who buys Lightroom already has photos in their My Pictures folder.
every time I open it. A single message appears 'lightroom opening catalog: marsh-essex-country.jpg.ircat'. I had the last time I used the program tried to import a jpg image from my pictures. It failed the and now the program consistently crashes, in the faulting module msver100.dll
I have importet pictures from mu card. No problem. But I needed the same pictures only with very important metadata, that my collegue made. So I got the pictures from him om a stick. Lightroom refuse to import them. I have tryed to delite the pictures from my card, so that Lightroom don´t think that they are allready there. But I still can´t import the pictures.
I am interested in shooting with my D700 and lightroom 3 tethered. Is it possible for the image to be recored both on the card and on the tethered computer?