Lightroom :: Custom Text And File Number Missing From File Naming On Export
Jan 21, 2013why the "custom text" and "start number" is not available anymore on Export?
View 2 Replieswhy the "custom text" and "start number" is not available anymore on Export?
View 2 Repliesusing lightroom 4.3 when I edit a group of photos in lightroom, most of the files will only be edited in lightroom but a few will also be opend into PS6 (by right clicking > edit in>) Once the PS edits are complete the image is saved & I return to Lightroom. When I export the entire group of images - I set the file name to 'custom name - original file number'. The images I edited in lightroom only - all are renamed as expected (ie wedding photo-1234, wedding photo-1235). The images I edited in both lightroom & photoshop receive the custom name but lose their file name (ie wedding photo-, wedding photo-1, wedding photo-2, etc.) When viewing these PS edited images in lightroom - they do show the file #, it is only after export that the file # is lost..
I wish to maintain the file names for all of the images.
Inventor creates a names to custom library parts based on settings and available parameters.
For all custom libraries I can create file names as I want except profile libraries.
The profile library create file name using Family Name + Stock Number and I did not find the
way to change it. I cannot get rid of that Stock Number in family name in this and other profile libraries. I wish I can use Part Number instead of Stock number in naming as more informative.
To change the file naming I do the following:
Manage - Editor - chose Library - chose family - Family Table - File Naming -
than chose required parameters to be shown as file name (for instance I have
{PARTNUMBER}), than in Map to Inventor Property: - Member.Display.Name
than OK - Refresh - Done.
All custom libraries obeys the file name changing EXCEPT the profile library.
I cannot seem to exprt my images and retain the orginal jpeg file number once I have watermarked them... I choose the "save with original file number" option in the drop down list but it still exports them with new numbers. How do I keep my original numbers?
View 30 Replies View RelatedI'm a new Lightroom user and have just transferred over from Aperture. In Aperture when the original image was offline it was still possible to drag or export the high quality preview jpg out onto the desktop. Is this possible in some way within Lightroom?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using the "Part Number" parameter inside a block of text in my drawing, but when I export it to AutoCAD DXF 2010 format, the text in the exported file shows up as "<PART NUMBER>", instead of displaying the actual part number.
-Using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012
I imported some pictures into LIghtroom 5 with the SAME jpg numbers as a prior import. The first import consisted of pictures from Trip 1 folder on my hard drive, the second import was from Trip 2 folder on hard drive. I see the Trip 1 and Trip 2 folders in LIghtroom 5, but am experiencing problems with emailing and exporting pictures, getting messages such as "Missing file" or "Export does not show up. Were there problems with the import?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy images are geotagged. With Lightroom 5, I can reverse geocode the images to have Country, State and City in the IPTC fields. However, unless I go in each field, they are greyed. When I want to export the images, I want to use the naming convention Country-State-City-incremental number.jpg for each image, but unless the fields have been edited, lightroom ignore the fileds (and hence put ---1.jpg). How I can confirm the location without having to go to each image and edit the fields?
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2- If I export the processed raw file as a DNG will the processing go with the export as DNG file?
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View 9 Replies View RelatedSuddenly when I do a File>Export and try changing the "save as" type to PDF, it's missing from the list of file extensions. I recall having this option earlier this year and have exported hundreds of files to PDF. Now it's gone. Same installation of Xara. See the attached screenshot for proof!
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View 4 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop CS3.
The problem is that under a Managed Active Directory Account the software will refuse to automatically add the appropriate file extension to a file. Trying to save a file without MANUALLY inputting the file appropriate file extension will give an error "do you want to overwrite the file .psd?" . The file will then SAVE, but without an extension.
for example...
1) New file created - named "test".
2) File> SAVE... file requester comes up. Type in a name without the extension - "test" and choose the file type (doesnt matter if it is a PSD, JPG, PNG, TIF, but for this argument we will use PSD).
3) Error appears - "Do you want to overwrite file .psd?"
4) click OK
5) file saves as "test".
6) close file
7) File> OPEN... File is not listed. Change Filetype filter to ALL FILES. "test" appears. Note that "test" HAS NO PS ICON!! Select "test".
8) error appears - file is unknown filetype.
9) try OPEN AS. Select file. Select type. File opens.
HOWEVER.... if I name the file MANUALLY, there is no problems either saving or loading.
If you need technical specs
Dual Xeon dualcore, 3.2ghz. Windows XP Sp 2. 2GB ram.
Virusscan 8.5i running.
Computer is on domain.
users logged in with a managed account.
File naming settings are being ignored by PS 8.0 when i Save for Web > Edit Output Settings > Saving Files. I want to add "_50" after the document name, but PS just saves the file in it's original document name.
When I split the image into two slices and choose Slices: Selected Slices in the Save Optimized As Dialog, PS does it right, and saves the slice as "[documentname]_50". But ofcourse i don't want to save slices, but the whole image.
this is in regards to a Lightroom 3.5 exported JPG. This was a year ago when I had been told it was best to export files with simple renumbering of them from 1 to x... instead of retaining the original RAW 4-digit file name.
I've currently lost the original files, and need to do a search for them via these 4 digits to see if I have them tucked away in any of my drives. I downloaded a metadata explorer, and it's telling me all the lightroom editing information, and everything else, but somehow does not have the simplest of information — that 4 digit original file name.
Am I grasping at straws or is there likely to be any way to find this information out? I don't work with metadata, so there wouldn't have been any customizations to how Lightroom configures this...
How can I add a batch suffice number (ie -2) to file names?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI know that title sounds confusing, but i was wondering if there is anyway to automatically name a layer the same as a separate file. For example i am creating a layered Photoshop file that contains a bunch of photos and i want each of the layers to be named the same as the separate photo files i am copying them from - make sense?
Anyway, just wondering if this can be done without having to manually type or paste in the file name.
I have PS CS and I'm experiencing something odd. Whenever I save a slice, it appends info to it, regardless of what I set in the slices preferences dialogue box. So, selecting save for web and choosing a slice, then naming it header.gif will end up with a file of header_13.gif (whatever slice number it is). I'm sure it didn't used to do this, or have I lost my marbles?
I have to go to the folder and rename every slice manually. Surely Adobe didn't intend this so what am I missing? Also, if I set everything in the slice preferences to NONE, leaving just .ext as the last option, every slice is saved as _.gif, regardless of what I type into the filename "save as" box.
I did a search on here and a search in Google but couldn't find anyone with this problem so maybe I have software conflicts?
Also, the PSD isn't longer than 27 letters (I've seen that as a problem before).
I have been trying to a create a batch job and save the files with an extension ie:
picture1.jpg to picture1_s.jpg
I want to put an extension on the resised small images.
I can get the batch job to alter the dpi and sizes but I can't find a way to add a letter into the file name as above to differentiate the different sizes.
I am struggling with file naming.
We are implementing the vault and do not want to have to rename each file with design copy.
Any way where the filename of a part will change according to either assembly pararmenters or iProperties?
Another question I had would be involving a rule that would rename each ipt within an assembly by giving at a suffix/prefix once the assembly is completed.
I see the file number come up in upper left when in Loupe view. This is nice. Today I was projecting for clients and the file numbers did not come up for a while and I was getting flustered. Finally, they did start appearing. What is the rhyme or reason is this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using LR 4.4 on an iMac with OsX 10.8.3. As suggested in the following link [URL]...I created a Filename Preset with this format: Myname-YYYY-MM-DD-Filename Number Suffix. This preset works as expected when I export files that haven't been edited in Photoshop CS5. However, when I save a file after editing in PS and return to LR the file name look like this: Myname-YYYY-MM-DD-4369-Edit.tif. When I then use my Filename Preset when exporting, LR strips off the "-4369-Edit". I don't care about loosing the "-Edit" but I want to retain the Filename Number Suffix. How can I retain my filename number suffix?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like the file number text to show up on some of my exported JPG images. I need this for the purpose of looking up the original file. All I see in the watermark section is the ability to hard code text only. Is there a way to do this inside LR? Perhaps a plugin?
Alternately, is there 3rd party utility to do this to a whole folder of exported JPGs? That would be messy, but I really need to ID certain event photos ON the photo.