AutoCAD Architecture :: Plot To File Naming Options
May 31, 2011
Is there an option to eliminate AutoCAD from automatically inserting the layout tab name into the file name when creating a PDF? Once upon a time it would only use the file name (i.e. A-101). Now it uses "A-101_Layout1" (or whatever the layout name is) by default. I either have to live with it or manually change each file name during the process of creating the PDF or after it's been created.
I use autocad MEP and we plot to Single PDF's. Currently the files are plotted and named with Sheet number and sheet title (E-1 Electrical Specifications). However now they want to see the Project Title listed in the file name as well. Is there away to have autocad plot to single pdf with a naming convention such as ("Project Title - E-1 Electrical Specifications" etc.)
I currently use a batch file renamer to rename the files before sending out via email but that is tedious.
I want to get up to speed on the whole sheet, navigator, title mark thing but it seems so much more straightforward in Revit. I used to use mview and layouts and would title by hand on paper space layouts. With the functionally of Revit (it seems to be straight forward to drop in field information in title marks, sheet, numbers etc.) I am having problems in the navigator.
My process now in Autocad 2013 is to draw in model space, go to a layout in paper space, insert using 'mview' with the scale appropriate to the paper space sheet (that has an imported border with logo company info etc.). In order to automate the title marks, I use the tools pallet and drag that block into the layout. The title mark won't recognize the mview, so I made vports (using the vports dialog) but these boxes disappear when I exit that vport dialog box. When I insert the title mark from the pallet these vports show up when dragged over, but disappear again when placed or when the cursor is moved away. There appears on these vports to be a title mark location already as the lower left hand corner has a circle (as to show a view number).
So is the mview not a vport? How do I get the current vports to show their borders on the layout or how do I get the mview border to become a vport? I'd like to get the automatic fields to work so that I can enjoy the functionality I am currently enjoying in Revit. 'Why not just use Revit', there are times when our office needs to use autocad when revit doesn't make sense.
We are implementing the vault and do not want to have to rename each file with design copy.
Any way where the filename of a part will change according to either assembly pararmenters or iProperties?
Another question I had would be involving a rule that would rename each ipt within an assembly by giving at a suffix/prefix once the assembly is completed.
I am using Autocad 2010, and have upgraded to windows 7. When I publish to pdf using Dwg to Pdf.pc3, my options (single-sheet file, do not include layers, etc.) are ignored and I always get multi-sheet files with layer information included regardless of what options I select.
I was wondering if there is any way to change options in the plot menu. For example I have a long list of printer's and many duplicates, when I only use 2 of the 25 printers on the list. I would like to just have the 2 printers i use displayed, rather then having to search through all the names every time. There is other options I wish to customize in the plot-model tab as well.
I am batch publishing .idw files to .dwf and the default file name that it creates is XXXXX.idw.dxf. how to remove the .idw? Is there is setting in Task Scheduler that can be changed?
Need naming my parts and assemblies so i wont have trouble later finding I have numbers or names that get repeated. Need naming or diving my parts and assemblies.?
I'm having some problems giving certain parts in my assembly a unique file name. Im reorganizing all of my projects in a
- content center - designs - libraries
way, where my projects are under designs and commonly used parts under libraries.
Now i have something like a pump. I can derrive this assembly into a solid and put it in the content center, or keep the assembly and put it in the libaries folder. since this is a part i use in multiple projects.
Now my problem is that this pump has a different name in every project, and a library part doesn't allow me to change this name. Say standard name is "centrifugal pump" while the name in project 1 would be P101, while in project 2 it has to be named P501 and so on in order to match with the flowcharts.
Is my only option here creating a solid out of these components and putting it all in my content center ( leaving my libraries folder totally empty ), adding it as a custom part afterwards ( so i can rename it ). I rather have it in my library folder, since this will keep my design folder organized without hundreds of duplicates of this pump, using different names. Besides i rather have it as an assembly so i can assign the connecting tubes of the pump to different sub assemblies of piping.
Different example, a butterfly valve excists out of 3 parts. the valve itself, and 2 connecting tubes. possible to dissemble. all 3 parts need to have the same file naming say XV900. 1 side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-01 while the other side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-02. Content center doesn't allow me to split files, but allows me to use unique file names. A library party allows me to split files ( if not read only ) but doesn't allow me to change names.
We are attempting to access the file naming prefix in documents settings but i am unable to start code or find away to get where i need.
We have a multi solid bodie part that changes on via suppression to different styles of profile we then need the file naming prefix to chage depending on what key have selected .
ie Parameter = Style with 4 Multi selctions 1,2,3,4
depending on selection picked we then need to change the Solid Bodies Prefix in document settings..
Example :: If style = 1 then Solid Bodies Prefix = Dave
Inventor creates a names to custom library parts based on settings and available parameters.
For all custom libraries I can create file names as I want except profile libraries.
The profile library create file name using Family Name + Stock Number and I did not find the
way to change it. I cannot get rid of that Stock Number in family name in this and other profile libraries. I wish I can use Part Number instead of Stock number in naming as more informative.
To change the file naming I do the following:
Manage - Editor - chose Library - chose family - Family Table - File Naming -
than chose required parameters to be shown as file name (for instance I have
{PARTNUMBER}), than in Map to Inventor Property: - Member.Display.Name
than OK - Refresh - Done.
All custom libraries obeys the file name changing EXCEPT the profile library.
How to use the "Shaded Viewport Options" in the Plot dialog box? We saw an option for Sketchy in the dropdown menu but I can't find any information about how to use it, or how to change the settings, or even what the intent is for it. When we have selected it and viewed in Preview it shows up as a mass of lines too dense to be usable.
I have recently started working on a project in metric and have a weird (to me) issue when I try to plot. There are literally hundreds, of scale options in the Scale popup, most of which make no sense to me. I know that I need 1:25, or 1:100 to fit on the page I am printing to. How do I remove or filter out all of the others such as 1:100 3_1_1_1_1_1? I don't even know what that notation means.
I have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!
i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now.
2004 and how to turn "plot to file" off? Any time they go to plot the plot to file is already set and grayed out. It has been way too long since 2004 and I don't know where to have them look although I assume it is in Options somewhere.
I am plotting a file that has a pdf referenced into it. The quality of the plot is degraded only at the inserted pdf. The rest of the AutoCAD file looks fine. The inserted pdf is a printed AutoCAD file which looks clear and even has embedded layers and linework I can snap to (which seems to indicate that there is vector information present when it is in Autocad.
I have attached an image with 4 zoomed-in screen shots to show what I'm describing.
How to turn plot and publish log file off? (see attached pic)
I found out how to turn the one off under plot stamp settings, but I would like this box to be unchecked also and I want to do it automatically for all my users.
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
Using someone elses template. When I plot to PDF the layout sheet name is not the PDF plot file name, it uses the drawing file name (and hence the same file name for all plots, not what I want). When I plot in paper space, my layout sheet name is the output file name, is there a way to change this?
have filled in the new member stuff but can't find it but here goes anyway. Have stupidly saved three files with dates in the title as tiffs and of course now cannot open them in photoshop... how too retrieve an ADS file.
The problem is that under a Managed Active Directory Account the software will refuse to automatically add the appropriate file extension to a file. Trying to save a file without MANUALLY inputting the file appropriate file extension will give an error "do you want to overwrite the file .psd?" . The file will then SAVE, but without an extension.
for example...
1) New file created - named "test".
2) File> SAVE... file requester comes up. Type in a name without the extension - "test" and choose the file type (doesnt matter if it is a PSD, JPG, PNG, TIF, but for this argument we will use PSD).
3) Error appears - "Do you want to overwrite file .psd?"
4) click OK
5) file saves as "test".
6) close file
7) File> OPEN... File is not listed. Change Filetype filter to ALL FILES. "test" appears. Note that "test" HAS NO PS ICON!! Select "test".
8) error appears - file is unknown filetype.
9) try OPEN AS. Select file. Select type. File opens.
HOWEVER.... if I name the file MANUALLY, there is no problems either saving or loading.
If you need technical specs Dual Xeon dualcore, 3.2ghz. Windows XP Sp 2. 2GB ram. Virusscan 8.5i running. Computer is on domain. users logged in with a managed account.
File naming settings are being ignored by PS 8.0 when i Save for Web > Edit Output Settings > Saving Files. I want to add "_50" after the document name, but PS just saves the file in it's original document name.
When I split the image into two slices and choose Slices: Selected Slices in the Save Optimized As Dialog, PS does it right, and saves the slice as "[documentname]_50". But ofcourse i don't want to save slices, but the whole image.
How do you modify the database and generate the size of items needed within the software from the Detail Component Database? Can you Adjust sizes? Are there more items to select?