AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Access File Naming Prefix In Documents Settings
Oct 9, 2012
We are attempting to access the file naming prefix in documents settings but i am unable to start code or find away to get where i need.
We have a multi solid bodie part that changes on via suppression to different styles of profile we then need the file naming prefix to chage depending on what key have selected .
ie Parameter = Style with 4 Multi selctions 1,2,3,4
depending on selection picked we then need to change the Solid Bodies Prefix in document settings..
Example :: If style = 1 then Solid Bodies Prefix = Dave
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Mar 14, 2006
File naming settings are being ignored by PS 8.0 when i Save for Web > Edit Output Settings > Saving Files. I want to add "_50" after the document name, but PS just saves the file in it's original document name.
When I split the image into two slices and choose Slices: Selected Slices in the Save Optimized As Dialog, PS does it right, and saves the slice as "[documentname]_50". But ofcourse i don't want to save slices, but the whole image.
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Apr 19, 2012
Is there a faster way to create figure prefix i.e form excel spreadsheet or access.
I have one tip also. When you modify the figure database "C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuSurvey" by using notepad and you add "*" after each figure it will connect during linework codes that much the prefix code and will exclude the integer, EPN1 and EPN2 will be treated as EPN
The aterisks can not be added from the civil3d .
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Dec 19, 2011
I am struggling with file naming.
We are implementing the vault and do not want to have to rename each file with design copy.
Any way where the filename of a part will change according to either assembly pararmenters or iProperties?
Another question I had would be involving a rule that would rename each ipt within an assembly by giving at a suffix/prefix once the assembly is completed.
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Jan 3, 2013
I am batch publishing .idw files to .dwf and the default file name that it creates is XXXXX.idw.dxf. how to remove the .idw? Is there is setting in Task Scheduler that can be changed?
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Oct 23, 2012
Need naming my parts and assemblies so i wont have trouble later finding I have numbers or names that get repeated. Need naming or diving my parts and assemblies.?
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Jan 20, 2012
I'm having some problems giving certain parts in my assembly a unique file name. Im reorganizing all of my projects in a
- content center
- designs
- libraries
way, where my projects are under designs and commonly used parts under libraries.
Now i have something like a pump. I can derrive this assembly into a solid and put it in the content center, or keep the assembly and put it in the libaries folder. since this is a part i use in multiple projects.
Now my problem is that this pump has a different name in every project, and a library part doesn't allow me to change this name. Say standard name is "centrifugal pump" while the name in project 1 would be P101, while in project 2 it has to be named P501 and so on in order to match with the flowcharts.
Is my only option here creating a solid out of these components and putting it all in my content center ( leaving my libraries folder totally empty ), adding it as a custom part afterwards ( so i can rename it ). I rather have it in my library folder, since this will keep my design folder organized without hundreds of duplicates of this pump, using different names. Besides i rather have it as an assembly so i can assign the connecting tubes of the pump to different sub assemblies of piping.
Different example, a butterfly valve excists out of 3 parts. the valve itself, and 2 connecting tubes. possible to dissemble. all 3 parts need to have the same file naming say XV900. 1 side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-01 while the other side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-02. Content center doesn't allow me to split files, but allows me to use unique file names. A library party allows me to split files ( if not read only ) but doesn't allow me to change names.
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Mar 3, 2012
Inventor creates a names to custom library parts based on settings and available parameters.
For all custom libraries I can create file names as I want except profile libraries.
The profile library create file name using Family Name + Stock Number and I did not find the
way to change it. I cannot get rid of that Stock Number in family name in this and other profile libraries. I wish I can use Part Number instead of Stock number in naming as more informative.
To change the file naming I do the following:
Manage - Editor - chose Library - chose family - Family Table - File Naming -
than chose required parameters to be shown as file name (for instance I have
{PARTNUMBER}), than in Map to Inventor Property: - Member.Display.Name
than OK - Refresh - Done.
All custom libraries obeys the file name changing EXCEPT the profile library.
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May 29, 2013
When I add "Document Settings" to the quick acess toobar it causes Inventor to Crash when I close the active .ipt, idw, etc.
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Sep 3, 2012
Is there any way you can access an AutoCAD file embedded in an IDW by using VBA?I have an IDW with about 100 sheets; it would like to control which file is embedded in each of the sheets.
The best would be to use linked files but I do not know how to make certain files visible on certain sheets.
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Nov 7, 2012
I am a web designer and have a problem with my Photoshop CS6. I work on both a mac and a pc (Win7), but use CS6 on both systems. My files are always worked with on both systems.
With several psd's, I noticed a color difference when I dragged layers to new psd's. Even the RGB values changed. When dragged back to the original psd, the colors change back again. This is not a constant problem. I have checked the color settings of both files and see no difference. If I place the color specified in the failing psd in a HTML-file, the color does not resemble the failing psd. In HTML, the color resembles the new psd. I think there is something wrong with some of my psd's, but cannot figure out what it could be and how to fix and prevent it.
I have a feeling it may be caused by changing between mac and pc, but surely this could not be the cause? I am, at the moment, unable to try this out myself, but will try this out later this week.
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Dec 9, 2004
I've got around 400 images in photoshop cs...I basically need to reduce each image size, then alter the canvas size, and save.
My question is, is there a way to do that set of actions once, and then have it automatically applied to the other 399?
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Oct 17, 2012
I've been very dissapointed with the 'new file' dialog box in inventor 2013 as it takes far too long to open and navigate. I was wondering if there is a way to add a link to a few drawing template files either to the ribbon or the quick access tool bar so i can avoid using the 'new file' dialog box.
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Oct 11, 2013
I use CorelDRAW X4 exclusively (90%) for Laser work. I have a Page saved as Laser Page. It use to open with a 24 x 12 page area and Horizontal and vertical guidelines in place. It is set to "show guidelines."
However, every time I open a new document, the page layout and guidelines are not there. I always have to rebuild the page and add the guidelines. What has changed so that all I get is a blank page anymore? Or how to reestablish my defaults? I have re-saved it as my new default countless times but nothing sticks. It's a pain to have to always reestablish the layout I want to work with..
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May 31, 2011
Is there an option to eliminate AutoCAD from automatically inserting the layout tab name into the file name when creating a PDF? Once upon a time it would only use the file name (i.e. A-101). Now it uses "A-101_Layout1" (or whatever the layout name is) by default. I either have to live with it or manually change each file name during the process of creating the PDF or after it's been created.
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Jan 21, 2013
why the "custom text" and "start number" is not available anymore on Export?
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Apr 26, 2012
Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.
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Aug 2, 2012
Trying to get the files I use which are single-layout tab files to name the layout tab to match the file name, minus the .DWG extension.
Here is what I am trying to use, but it doesn't seem to be working.
(DEFUN C:RRT (/ name)
(setq name (getvar (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname"))))
(command "-layout" "rename" name "")
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Nov 16, 2012
I was wondering if it was possible to make my drawing views more streamlined.
Currently, when I add a drawing view, the part number and scale is pulled from the part and scale chosen. So this is good; but I would like to get the styles editor to add the actual view of the part into its name.
For example, if I choose the top view, the naming should look like the following:
So basically I'd like to know if its possible to pull that information and display it in the naming text box. I would assume this is possible as all the other parts are possible, I don't see why this isn't an automatic default.
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Apr 6, 2004
How does IV recognize iMate naming. I am trying to use specific named iMates on parts that when placed in the assembly that they can be placed in the correct postions. What I have run into is that no matter how I name the iMates I can place a part with one iMate name on a non-matching named iMate. Ex.- 1601-1 will mate with 2201-1 using the alt-Drag method. (These two iMates are both insert types.) This happens sometimes using the "Use iMate" checkbox on the place component dialog. I thought that the naming and type of iMate dictated what mates with what not just type.
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Sep 6, 2012
I just created some new content center libraries for different grade bolts. I set up the part number and file number to read how I would like. When I add a bolt from my library the part name is not what I would like. It seems to be the Family Name followed by the Size Designation. Is there anyway I can get this to be the File Name that I modified in the Family Table?
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Mar 8, 2013
I've to give all my file the same name as the part number also the ones that are generated by design accelerator.
For a shaft I would copy a shaft, rename it and insert it back in the assembly, I noticed that often the old name keeps popping up as you can see at the picture attached. Besides partnumbers and filenames there is also such a wierd thing as default name... this sometimes pops up but I don't now how to control that name, or why it is even there in the first place.
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Dec 15, 2011
have filled in the new member stuff but can't find it but here goes anyway. Have stupidly saved three files with dates in the title as tiffs and of course now cannot open them in photoshop... how too retrieve an ADS file.
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Nov 5, 2007
Photoshop CS3.
The problem is that under a Managed Active Directory Account the software will refuse to automatically add the appropriate file extension to a file. Trying to save a file without MANUALLY inputting the file appropriate file extension will give an error "do you want to overwrite the file .psd?" . The file will then SAVE, but without an extension.
for example...
1) New file created - named "test".
2) File> SAVE... file requester comes up. Type in a name without the extension - "test" and choose the file type (doesnt matter if it is a PSD, JPG, PNG, TIF, but for this argument we will use PSD).
3) Error appears - "Do you want to overwrite file .psd?"
4) click OK
5) file saves as "test".
6) close file
7) File> OPEN... File is not listed. Change Filetype filter to ALL FILES. "test" appears. Note that "test" HAS NO PS ICON!! Select "test".
8) error appears - file is unknown filetype.
9) try OPEN AS. Select file. Select type. File opens.
HOWEVER.... if I name the file MANUALLY, there is no problems either saving or loading.
If you need technical specs
Dual Xeon dualcore, 3.2ghz. Windows XP Sp 2. 2GB ram.
Virusscan 8.5i running.
Computer is on domain.
users logged in with a managed account.
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Mar 21, 2013
I have a question regarding parameter naming. A good number of my parts are made to standards with different size classes. ( AS, MS, JIS etc )
In these parts the dimensions are given with a single letter designation ( A, B, C etc ). Unfortunately, Inventor does not allow some ( a good number actually ) letters to be used as a single digit parameter. Until now I've been using "DimA", "DimB" etc. but I'd like to find a way to use just A, B, C .... just as it is on the prints.
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Feb 10, 2012
Whenever I save a set of print settings for printing I can no longer access Print Settings again. This works but then the problem represents itself the next time I go to print. It is rather tedious to reset all my preferences every time I want to print a document.
Mac 10.6.8. I have the latest version of CS5 fully updated. Printing to an Epson 4800.
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Sep 20, 2006
I know that title sounds confusing, but i was wondering if there is anyway to automatically name a layer the same as a separate file. For example i am creating a layered Photoshop file that contains a bunch of photos and i want each of the layers to be named the same as the separate photo files i am copying them from - make sense?
Anyway, just wondering if this can be done without having to manually type or paste in the file name.
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Oct 18, 2004
I have PS CS and I'm experiencing something odd. Whenever I save a slice, it appends info to it, regardless of what I set in the slices preferences dialogue box. So, selecting save for web and choosing a slice, then naming it header.gif will end up with a file of header_13.gif (whatever slice number it is). I'm sure it didn't used to do this, or have I lost my marbles?
I have to go to the folder and rename every slice manually. Surely Adobe didn't intend this so what am I missing? Also, if I set everything in the slice preferences to NONE, leaving just .ext as the last option, every slice is saved as _.gif, regardless of what I type into the filename "save as" box.
I did a search on here and a search in Google but couldn't find anyone with this problem so maybe I have software conflicts?
Also, the PSD isn't longer than 27 letters (I've seen that as a problem before).
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Apr 18, 2004
I have been trying to a create a batch job and save the files with an extension ie:
picture1.jpg to picture1_s.jpg
I want to put an extension on the resised small images.
I can get the batch job to alter the dpi and sizes but I can't find a way to add a letter into the file name as above to differentiate the different sizes.
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Aug 4, 2013
My images are geotagged. With Lightroom 5, I can reverse geocode the images to have Country, State and City in the IPTC fields. However, unless I go in each field, they are greyed. When I want to export the images, I want to use the naming convention Country-State-City-incremental number.jpg for each image, but unless the fields have been edited, lightroom ignore the fileds (and hence put ---1.jpg). How I can confirm the location without having to go to each image and edit the fields?
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Jan 19, 2012
I have set up a Custom CC library that contains structural shapes.In the Family Table I have a Stock No column which references the value in my DESIGNATION columnThe Stock No column is mapped to Project.Stock NumberUnder Template Parameter (in Parameter Mapping) I have mapped StockNo to Design Tracking Properties: Stock Number.
When I use Frame Generator to add a structural shape, from my library, the name shown in the Model Browser is formatted as follows (Standard)+(Unique Number) and not (Standard)+(Stock Number)+(Unique Number).
How to get the Stock Number to show in the model Browser. How to get the members name to show, with the correct format, in the Model Browser as this will make identifying members in an assembly easier.
Please see attached for Model Browser pic.
Gigabyte Q1542
Win 7 Pro 64Bit
i5 - 3230M
8 GB Ram
Intel HD Graphics
Nvidia GeForce 640M / 2GB with Optimus
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