AutoCAD Inventor :: Naming Of Design Accelerates Files?
Mar 8, 2013
I've to give all my file the same name as the part number also the ones that are generated by design accelerator.
For a shaft I would copy a shaft, rename it and insert it back in the assembly, I noticed that often the old name keeps popping up as you can see at the picture attached. Besides partnumbers and filenames there is also such a wierd thing as default name... this sometimes pops up but I don't now how to control that name, or why it is even there in the first place.
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Nov 2, 2012
I am using Design Assitant to rename files, but have had no luck with other referenced files.I have followed the Procedures from AutoDesk WikiHelp.
1. Open Top Assembly.
2. In the top browser, I select the part and set Action -> Rename.
3. Rename File.
4. In the bottom browser, I select the file types for additional referenced files.
5. I select (highlight) all the files.
6. Click "SAVE"
When I go to open the files, to check if the changes have been made, obviously to rename works on the Top Assembly,BUT for other additional referenced files, it doesn't.
I am doing this in a Single User Project.Just wondering if there are other steps that need to be done to use Design Assistant properly.
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Jan 28, 2013
I cannot find why Design Assistant dont want me to use the replace command. i attached a picture.I have a 30 pages idw and i just need to replace one thing in it. I don't believe I need to redo the whole thing just for fews differents dimensions..
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Sep 17, 2013
We using Vault to control our Inventor Standards and I know in the past Product Design Suites (2012) the design data versions were different in the fact that the Ultimate Version design data had more to it because of the extra features, therefore resulting in having to control two seperate sets of data.
Just upgraded our department to 2014 and it appears that the design data files between the Ultimate and Premium Suites are the same and would have to only control one set of data?
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Mar 5, 2013
I have a folder that contains subfolders, then more subfolders. All these folders contain Inventor files. There are few different models there with drawings and related files...
I need to make an exact copy of the folder at different location in Vault. To use Copy Design tool, I would need to do it few times, as there are few totally separate files in the folders.
Now, is there a way of taking main folder with its all contants and just copying/renaming it to other location? It would save me lot of time.
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Mar 1, 2012
I want to rename the RasterImage Files to Match the Drawing Naming Convention Plus a Suffix.
In this case _A, _B, _C etc.
And update that in the Drawing.
Public Shared Sub RenameRasterImagesAndReattachToDrawing(ByVal FilePath As String) Dim sNewName As String = "" Dim iImg As Integer = 0 Dim Suffix As String = "A" Dim myDwgIO As New IO.FileInfo(FilePath) 'Get FileName from Full FilePath '<<<1. Locate Raster Images 'Autocad Database Adapter 'Read Autocad File Silently without opening file on Screen Dim myDoc As
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Aug 10, 2006
I work at a magazine where we store many images in high resolution and each needs to be converted to a low res PCT format. I am able to automate most of these actions, but when it comes to naming the PCT files with an identifying "*lr" prefix to identify it as low res images, I am stuck. I always end up having to run down the list of files and insert the prefix individually with cut and paste. Is there a trick for naming a group of files with the same prefix?
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Sep 30, 2012
I'm in the process of creating an SVG file. I'll have a large number of paths of which all have a seemingly random ID's assigned to them, for example path4758 (see below). Ideally, I'd love to be able to set my own ID for a path, it would work when I parse my SVG file with a Python script. Is it possible to change the ID that is assigned to a path inside of Illustrator? If so, how would I be able to do so?
Sample Path
<path id="path4758" fill="#6DBE45" stroke="#727271" d="M76.872,481.133C76.012,484.881,74.835,481.123,76.872,481.133z"/>
SVG Save Options
SVG Profile 1.1
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Nov 16, 2012
I was wondering if it was possible to make my drawing views more streamlined.
Currently, when I add a drawing view, the part number and scale is pulled from the part and scale chosen. So this is good; but I would like to get the styles editor to add the actual view of the part into its name.
For example, if I choose the top view, the naming should look like the following:
So basically I'd like to know if its possible to pull that information and display it in the naming text box. I would assume this is possible as all the other parts are possible, I don't see why this isn't an automatic default.
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Apr 6, 2004
How does IV recognize iMate naming. I am trying to use specific named iMates on parts that when placed in the assembly that they can be placed in the correct postions. What I have run into is that no matter how I name the iMates I can place a part with one iMate name on a non-matching named iMate. Ex.- 1601-1 will mate with 2201-1 using the alt-Drag method. (These two iMates are both insert types.) This happens sometimes using the "Use iMate" checkbox on the place component dialog. I thought that the naming and type of iMate dictated what mates with what not just type.
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Dec 19, 2011
I am struggling with file naming.
We are implementing the vault and do not want to have to rename each file with design copy.
Any way where the filename of a part will change according to either assembly pararmenters or iProperties?
Another question I had would be involving a rule that would rename each ipt within an assembly by giving at a suffix/prefix once the assembly is completed.
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Aug 18, 2004
I've written an action to resize my photos twice for a shopping cart. The first time the image is sized for the full-sized image and I save the file using "save for web" into a folder on my desktop.
Then I size it down one more time for the thumbnail and originally used the "save for web" to save it to a thumnail folder on my desktop.
I just found out that my shopping cart host needs my thumbnail files named with a "thumb_" before the filename. I tried to create a custom "save" feature within the save for web, but it's not working. Is there anyway to add thumb_ to my thumbnail files as part of my action?
I could use filebrowser and batch rename the files after the action completes, but this creates another step in an already full workflow.
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Jan 3, 2013
I am batch publishing .idw files to .dwf and the default file name that it creates is XXXXX.idw.dxf. how to remove the .idw? Is there is setting in Task Scheduler that can be changed?
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Sep 6, 2012
I just created some new content center libraries for different grade bolts. I set up the part number and file number to read how I would like. When I add a bolt from my library the part name is not what I would like. It seems to be the Family Name followed by the Size Designation. Is there anyway I can get this to be the File Name that I modified in the Family Table?
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Oct 23, 2012
Need naming my parts and assemblies so i wont have trouble later finding I have numbers or names that get repeated. Need naming or diving my parts and assemblies.?
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Oct 9, 2013
I wanted to use the program to design a robot for our school vex competition. Vex has provided cad files for all the parts. So, how i can import the seperate parts into one design. I can only open each part individually but cant find a way to combine them so can assemble the robot in one design.
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Mar 21, 2013
I have a question regarding parameter naming. A good number of my parts are made to standards with different size classes. ( AS, MS, JIS etc )
In these parts the dimensions are given with a single letter designation ( A, B, C etc ). Unfortunately, Inventor does not allow some ( a good number actually ) letters to be used as a single digit parameter. Until now I've been using "DimA", "DimB" etc. but I'd like to find a way to use just A, B, C .... just as it is on the prints.
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Jan 20, 2012
I'm having some problems giving certain parts in my assembly a unique file name. Im reorganizing all of my projects in a
- content center
- designs
- libraries
way, where my projects are under designs and commonly used parts under libraries.
Now i have something like a pump. I can derrive this assembly into a solid and put it in the content center, or keep the assembly and put it in the libaries folder. since this is a part i use in multiple projects.
Now my problem is that this pump has a different name in every project, and a library part doesn't allow me to change this name. Say standard name is "centrifugal pump" while the name in project 1 would be P101, while in project 2 it has to be named P501 and so on in order to match with the flowcharts.
Is my only option here creating a solid out of these components and putting it all in my content center ( leaving my libraries folder totally empty ), adding it as a custom part afterwards ( so i can rename it ). I rather have it in my library folder, since this will keep my design folder organized without hundreds of duplicates of this pump, using different names. Besides i rather have it as an assembly so i can assign the connecting tubes of the pump to different sub assemblies of piping.
Different example, a butterfly valve excists out of 3 parts. the valve itself, and 2 connecting tubes. possible to dissemble. all 3 parts need to have the same file naming say XV900. 1 side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-01 while the other side of the valve needs to be assigned to pipe-02. Content center doesn't allow me to split files, but allows me to use unique file names. A library party allows me to split files ( if not read only ) but doesn't allow me to change names.
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Jan 19, 2012
I have set up a Custom CC library that contains structural shapes.In the Family Table I have a Stock No column which references the value in my DESIGNATION columnThe Stock No column is mapped to Project.Stock NumberUnder Template Parameter (in Parameter Mapping) I have mapped StockNo to Design Tracking Properties: Stock Number.
When I use Frame Generator to add a structural shape, from my library, the name shown in the Model Browser is formatted as follows (Standard)+(Unique Number) and not (Standard)+(Stock Number)+(Unique Number).
How to get the Stock Number to show in the model Browser. How to get the members name to show, with the correct format, in the Model Browser as this will make identifying members in an assembly easier.
Please see attached for Model Browser pic.
Gigabyte Q1542
Win 7 Pro 64Bit
i5 - 3230M
8 GB Ram
Intel HD Graphics
Nvidia GeForce 640M / 2GB with Optimus
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Oct 9, 2012
We are attempting to access the file naming prefix in documents settings but i am unable to start code or find away to get where i need.
We have a multi solid bodie part that changes on via suppression to different styles of profile we then need the file naming prefix to chage depending on what key have selected .
ie Parameter = Style with 4 Multi selctions 1,2,3,4
depending on selection picked we then need to change the Solid Bodies Prefix in document settings..
Example :: If style = 1 then Solid Bodies Prefix = Dave
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Mar 3, 2012
Inventor creates a names to custom library parts based on settings and available parameters.
For all custom libraries I can create file names as I want except profile libraries.
The profile library create file name using Family Name + Stock Number and I did not find the
way to change it. I cannot get rid of that Stock Number in family name in this and other profile libraries. I wish I can use Part Number instead of Stock number in naming as more informative.
To change the file naming I do the following:
Manage - Editor - chose Library - chose family - Family Table - File Naming -
than chose required parameters to be shown as file name (for instance I have
{PARTNUMBER}), than in Map to Inventor Property: - Member.Display.Name
than OK - Refresh - Done.
All custom libraries obeys the file name changing EXCEPT the profile library.
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Jan 23, 2012
When I make a part in Frame Generator, by default it will name the part a big lengthy name like "frame 000001 etc etc". Is there any way that I can change the default naming system and include parameters in the name (the parameters is not necessary, but would be useful).
ALSO, if I name 2 parts the same name will it show up as "QTY 2" in my parts list?
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Apr 10, 2012
I just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
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Dec 17, 2013
Is there any way to open or convert Design Cadd files to be useable in vrs 2012 ?
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Nov 5, 2013
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
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Nov 28, 2011
I am working in IV R2010, and I need to create a new material. I went to the "Help" file, and the first thing it says in "On the ribbon, select the 'Design' tab..." Unfortunately, I don't have a "Design" tab. What am I doing wrong, and more imprtantly, how do I make a new material? Because of the nature of our work here, I only use most of Inventor's features rarely, like about once every couple years, and my one remaining memory cell is usually busy remembering something else...
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Mar 16, 2009
Check out a new add-in to keep design notes in a running history for all Inventor file types. Also has the ability to keep track of filename changes.
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Oct 29, 2012
I am attempting to add a material and to select the "Design Tab" except my Ribbon has no such tap. What options are there to get to the material database if there is on Design Tab to select?
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm having a problem with getting design views to show up properly in idw's. I have turned off visibility in the model of the parts and patterns that I don't want to show. When I insert a view into an idw using the design view, the patterns are still visible. Take a look at the screen shots. I have patterned hardware and idlers and they are not visible in the model, but they are in the drawing view.
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Aug 28, 2013
I'm having an issue with the save feature in Illustrator CS5.5 (15.1.0 for mac). Typically when making changes to design files, we will save the Illustrator file first, then save as a PDF proof to send to the client. Our issue is that the file appears to save correctly, but when opening the Illustrator document a few days later, we find that only SOME of the changes were saved. Now keep in mind that I've only saved the document once, why would only a few changes save from one single save point?
On top of this, our PDFs come out without any problems, and all changes save just fine.
This is a major issue for us, as we need to be able to trust that ALL previous changes save, as we use the Illustrator document to create subsequent versions. We don't have the time to check through every minute detail to make sure that the file saved properly. This should be a very basic function of the program, yet it is creating big time headaches for us.
Could it be that we are saving as PDF first, then as AI? Would that somehow affect the ability of Illustrator to save properly?
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Aug 29, 2012
I am making a copy design of a big file, two things I need to change manually which takes lots of time:
I need to change the status of files from Reuse to Copy, also I need to change the paths to the right ones as the paths that kick in by default when I change the main directory on the top are not right.
Is there a quick way of changing status of all the files to Copy, kinda shift and highlight or the way Vault renames files with Replace option? With big assemblies connected with 10 drawing files doing it all by hand.
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