I'm in the process of creating an SVG file. I'll have a large number of paths of which all have a seemingly random ID's assigned to them, for example path4758 (see below). Ideally, I'd love to be able to set my own ID for a path, it would work when I parse my SVG file with a Python script. Is it possible to change the ID that is assigned to a path inside of Illustrator? If so, how would I be able to do so?
I have recently output a job to print that was supplied .AI with a simple .TIFF image placed on an artboard at its desired crop.
After referring to the original TIFF file I have realised whilst inside illustrator my image suddenly has a clipping mask attached to it, and a lot of it is missing. (however in outline, illustrator only see's a single TIFF bounding box)
Looking more closely at the TIFF in Photoshop, i've found it has x3 paths inside it!) Illustrator is picking these up and masking my photo. Is there a default function or process that can stop this from happening in the future, so it ignores any paths within the file?
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:
I work at a magazine where we store many images in high resolution and each needs to be converted to a low res PCT format. I am able to automate most of these actions, but when it comes to naming the PCT files with an identifying "*lr" prefix to identify it as low res images, I am stuck. I always end up having to run down the list of files and insert the prefix individually with cut and paste. Is there a trick for naming a group of files with the same prefix?
I've written an action to resize my photos twice for a shopping cart. The first time the image is sized for the full-sized image and I save the file using "save for web" into a folder on my desktop.
Then I size it down one more time for the thumbnail and originally used the "save for web" to save it to a thumnail folder on my desktop.
I just found out that my shopping cart host needs my thumbnail files named with a "thumb_" before the filename. I tried to create a custom "save" feature within the save for web, but it's not working. Is there anyway to add thumb_ to my thumbnail files as part of my action?
I could use filebrowser and batch rename the files after the action completes, but this creates another step in an already full workflow.
I've to give all my file the same name as the part number also the ones that are generated by design accelerator.
For a shaft I would copy a shaft, rename it and insert it back in the assembly, I noticed that often the old name keeps popping up as you can see at the picture attached. Besides partnumbers and filenames there is also such a wierd thing as default name... this sometimes pops up but I don't now how to control that name, or why it is even there in the first place.
I want to rename the RasterImage Files to Match the Drawing Naming Convention Plus a Suffix.
In this case _A, _B, _C etc.
And update that in the Drawing.
Public Shared Sub RenameRasterImagesAndReattachToDrawing(ByVal FilePath As String) Dim sNewName As String = "" Dim iImg As Integer = 0 Dim Suffix As String = "A" Dim myDwgIO As New IO.FileInfo(FilePath) 'Get FileName from Full FilePath '<<<1. Locate Raster Images 'Autocad Database Adapter 'Read Autocad File Silently without opening file on Screen Dim myDoc As [Code].....
We are finding that paths are not following when saving a PSD as a PNG file. We have tried with and without compression, interlaced and not. This was not an issue on CS5, but seems to be on CS6.
How to fix it without reverting to workflow on CS5 or pulling over the paths from the PSD after creating the PNG by hand?
I'm using CS5 on a mac. I've always been able to save JPG files with clipping paths intact. Suddenly today the paths won't save. I do a 'save as' and the path is there. When I close the file and open it up again, the path (not work path, but a saved path) is gone. No path in the path panel list! I am guessing I must have accidentally changed a setting?
I have 2 identical PSD files. Both have 10 different paths that are identical for each file. When I flatten and save one file as a jpeg the paths stay in the file just fine as is usually the case. When I open the jpeg the paths are still there as they should be.
When I save the other file as a jpeg all the paths are there after I've saved the file and BEFORE I've closed the file. After closing and reopening the file the paths are all gone. If I save the same file as a tiff the paths all stay as usual.
I created some paths in illustrator, and I want to paste them in photoshop. I tried cut n' paste, but it doesn't work. I tried exporting to PSD, still doesn't work.
I trace a lot of line drawings in my work to add regions of color or to create a layered watercolor effect.
In previous versions on Illustrator (I currently use CS6 but I think CS5 worked the way I liked) I could set the opacity to whatever I wanted and new pencil or pen objects would be trasparent as I drew them. Now my paths are opaque no matter what my setting in the transparency menu and it's impossible to see what I'm tracing.
I used to be very productive drawing blobs of color and overlaying quickly for a nice watercolor effect, but now I have to draw a blob, select it and set it's opacity, then draw my next blob and do the same thing. Very time consuming and not good for quick evaluation of whether or not my image is looking good.
I used Illustrator CS5 to just siply choose a font and wrote the words Media King. Then i saved as AI v8 file so that c4d would take the file. The word do have a rounded square as a BG (background).
When it gets in c4d the rounded circle is there but not the font. Does illutrator give paths to text generated in ai?
For some reason all my paths, including old files have become jagged. New paths are coming up jagged as wells as print out and PDF files. Using CS5.
I am not an expert but have been using AI for years to make patterns with the pen tool. The smaller I make the illustration the worst it gets.It is not the pixel preview, tried that already.
Do I have to save, select etc.... my Photoshop 7 file in a certain format in order to export paths to Illustrator? When I open up the exported file in Illustrator, it's blank.
I was wondering if there was a way to 'unmerge' a group of connected paths. The thing is whenever I click on one of the ovals, it selects a whole group of ovals instead of just the one I selected. The problem is that I drew an oval, copied it multiple times until I made a pile out of it, then copied that pile and made other piles. So whenever I click on one of the ovals, it selects the entire pile. Is there a way I can 'unmerge' or ungroup all the paths so I can select just one of the ovals? I'm not doing this so I can copy them again, I'm trying to delete them individually but I really can't.
I've a problem while using the pen tool.. when I draw a new path or more when I'm adjusting the angle of the drawn path, all the other paths aren't shown meanwhile. I don't like that because it keeps me from adjusting the lines accurate to each other. How can I keep them shown?
I'm trying to join two paths with the pen tool. The shape is a coffe mug, took me half an hour to try to combine paths with the pen tool.
I'm trying to join where the little white gap is. I had the same issue opposite but I managed to draw a little curve in there and join the paths. But I can't seem to do it the other side and I don't understand how it works.
I have selected paths on the artboard and would like to be able to move them into one layer.
As there are a large number is there anyway of moving them to a new layer without selecting them (blue highlighting) and moving them?
They are selected on the artboard so the colour square appears next to them in the layers panel but I can't move them to a new layer without selecting them (even using ctrl or shift is still quite time consuming).
I have a .pdf output from a program I use at work. The .pdf can be opened in illustrator (IL) and I have about a bezillion of objects which are mostly all paths (0.5 stroke and no fill of course).
Due to the large number of objects, IL crashes after a while.
Is there a way to transform/join the paths from one row into one object? I tried rasterize, but the problem is that I can't change the color of the according row afterwards - and I need to be able to change the color later.
I am having a file which has lot of texts. Actually the texts are in outline format as fills,strokes,etc. Is it possible to convert them to an editable text using any option.
I am a newbie in illustrator. I want to use pathfinder to unite two paths. One path has the effect of bulge. When I unite these, both of the paths get the effect bulge. Why is this happening and how can i avoid this?
I am working on a world map and I do have a reasonable vector version from the web, but unfortunatly the countryborders maatch not 100%. Is there any way to match all the borders automatically?
So I'm working with type, and I want to place a very thick outline around the type it's self.Creating a thick outline unfortuantely doesn't just work, as it aligns it over the text strokes themselves.
Corel has an option to place the outline behind the object (see below)...but alas, illustrator does not... they have the align outside option (far less effective).I want this style without having to duplicate the text, and placing one with an outline behind it:
So when I convert the text to outlines, and apply the outside aligned stroke I get an overlap from the other charactersis there a way to combine objects that aren't overlapping into a single object, so when I align the outline around the text I don't get the above problem, or is there a way to place an outline behind an object without duplicating the object and adding a thick outline?
In Illustrator CC my merge command doesn't seem to be working correctly. Instead of merging two closed paths into one it seems to be trimming them, or slicing them. I stupidly thought it was an update to the feature and have been trying to get my head around using it but I've just shown my colleagues and they assure me it's not right.