I've written an action to resize my photos twice for a shopping cart. The first time the image is sized for the full-sized image and I save the file using "save for web" into a folder on my desktop.
Then I size it down one more time for the thumbnail and originally used the "save for web" to save it to a thumnail folder on my desktop.
I just found out that my shopping cart host needs my thumbnail files named with a "thumb_" before the filename. I tried to create a custom "save" feature within the save for web, but it's not working. Is there anyway to add thumb_ to my thumbnail files as part of my action?
I could use filebrowser and batch rename the files after the action completes, but this creates another step in an already full workflow.
I just created some new content center libraries for different grade bolts. I set up the part number and file number to read how I would like. When I add a bolt from my library the part name is not what I would like. It seems to be the Family Name followed by the Size Designation. Is there anyway I can get this to be the File Name that I modified in the Family Table?
I work at a magazine where we store many images in high resolution and each needs to be converted to a low res PCT format. I am able to automate most of these actions, but when it comes to naming the PCT files with an identifying "*lr" prefix to identify it as low res images, I am stuck. I always end up having to run down the list of files and insert the prefix individually with cut and paste. Is there a trick for naming a group of files with the same prefix?
I'm in the process of creating an SVG file. I'll have a large number of paths of which all have a seemingly random ID's assigned to them, for example path4758 (see below). Ideally, I'd love to be able to set my own ID for a path, it would work when I parse my SVG file with a Python script. Is it possible to change the ID that is assigned to a path inside of Illustrator? If so, how would I be able to do so?
I've to give all my file the same name as the part number also the ones that are generated by design accelerator.
For a shaft I would copy a shaft, rename it and insert it back in the assembly, I noticed that often the old name keeps popping up as you can see at the picture attached. Besides partnumbers and filenames there is also such a wierd thing as default name... this sometimes pops up but I don't now how to control that name, or why it is even there in the first place.
I want to rename the RasterImage Files to Match the Drawing Naming Convention Plus a Suffix.
In this case _A, _B, _C etc.
And update that in the Drawing.
Public Shared Sub RenameRasterImagesAndReattachToDrawing(ByVal FilePath As String) Dim sNewName As String = "" Dim iImg As Integer = 0 Dim Suffix As String = "A" Dim myDwgIO As New IO.FileInfo(FilePath) 'Get FileName from Full FilePath '<<<1. Locate Raster Images 'Autocad Database Adapter 'Read Autocad File Silently without opening file on Screen Dim myDoc As [Code].....
I have created an action in Illustrator CS5 that ungroups a radar graph and deletes the axis lines. And I would like to run this action on a batch of 100 files. The problem I am having is that when I run the action, I get the following pop-up message at the ungroup command:
If I click OK, the action continues. But, as part of a batch, it becomes a bit tedious to have to click "OK" 100 times, and it sort of defeats the purpose of running the action as a batch.
I see options in the batch window to override action "Save As" and "Export" commands, but is there a way to have the batch override this confirmation message? I suspect there may be a way to do this with a script, but I am not proficient enough with scripting yet to take that route.
Having problems converting about 2000 EPS files to JPGs.
First off when setting up an action to import, colour correct and save as a JPG, it keeps asking for the size and dpi - no matter how I save it, it always wants to import as 72 dpi when I need 600dpi. Is there any way around this so that it remembers that it is 600dpi that I need to save it as?
Also when using the action it keeps asking for the dpi/size - if I was to use the "Override Open" command it loses its shape and imports as RGB which I dont need as it *has* to be CYMK.
I created my own set of actions in PS CS5. When i open a folder of JPGs and want them to get changed by that set automatically everything works but the saving the file.
I tried safe&close and renaming the files and safing them in another folder but they don´t get saved. all that pops up is a window asking me where i want to safe the copy-file of that JPG . If I do so it saves the file with the changes from the set. but it stops everytime.
I want to create a batch action that will process raw files by setting their workflow resolution option and image settings in camera raw. I can create a batch action by recording an open command for a raw file, setting the workflow resolution and image settings, and then stopping the action recording.
This creates an open action which captures the resolution , images settings instruction , and other settings for camera raw, but it also captures the camera model and workflow options are specific to a camera model. If I then use the action on multiple raw files from different cameras, raw files from the camera specified in the 'open' step will get processed as I want, but raw files from any other camera model will get processed with whatever workflow resolution option was used the last time I manually opened a file from that model in ACR.
I tried recording an 'open' step by bringing raw files from 3 different cameras into ACR and selecting to open them in photoshop, but that created three 'open' steps, one for each camera model, in the action. Running that action produced three versions of every image from every camera model. No good.
How can I create an action that will set the workflow resolution option based on the camera model, when images from different camera models are being processed in the batch?
I have a file with 181 layers and need to export 180 individual layers with 1 other layer switched on (so 2 layers on in each export). how to do this with an action or script?
I need to transfer them from CS5 to CS6. I can't work without them. I looked everywhere. Where are they stored (on a Mac)? I did try that useless migration thing.
I have some 300 images, all handheld shots done in an on-location studio set. They all need varying amounts of image rotation since they're handheld. There's a beaded curtain in the background, so manually I use the ruler tool, draw a line along a strand of beads, and then image/rotate/arbitrary.
I need to create an action that will (1) do the arbitrary rotation and then (2) save and close the file.
However, when I record this, the value of the rotation of the sample file I'm working is what gets recorded (not surprising). In other words, if image A needs 0.28 degrees of rotation, that's not what I want for image B which might need -0.15 degrees instead. The action recorded 0.28.
Is there a way to create an action that will simply rotate according to the ruler once I've drawn it?
I have 100's of flat images that I have to chop up into 3 parts and save as individual pieces to then load into a separate piece of software.
My problem is that when I start the batch, the 3 new images it creates for each image are simply overwriting each other when saving.
The options for serial numbers etc in the destination field of batch seems to only work for the original file opened, not the 3 new images the action creates/saves.
I am running a batch action that deletes some art from WMF files, and then saves them. When I run the batch, I am prompted to save an .AI file which is named the same as the WMF files that I am processing. This occurs every for every file, stopping the batch to prompt for saving the .AI file.
I created a action in Illustrator CS6 (on a PC) which opens PNG files, scales them onto a 8.5 x 11 page, saves them as a PDF into a output folder on my desktop and then closes the page. The action works great and does exactly what I had hoped for.
Here is my issue: I now have a need to do this on multiple files at the same time. Using the Illustrator Help menu, I found out about Batch processing. The tutorial says that a batch can be run on a single file or on a folder of files. Bingo! That's what I want. Problem is, I can't get it to work.
After setting up the batch with the following settings: (note: I didn't use a destination folder because I have the action saving the pdf into an output folder on the desktop).
According to the help page, it said to use Override Action "Open" commands which Opens the files from the specified folder and ignores any Open commands recorded as part of the original action. I thought this is what I needed to open all the files in the folder, because when recording my action, I had to use the open command to open a png file. It wouldn't just let me choose a folder. If I don't have the open command in the action, nothing happens.
My main issue is getting multiple files from within my input folder to open when running the action. The only file that opens is the file that I recorded while creating the action. If I remove that file from the folder, nothing happens at all.
I drag sports photos into a memorymate template and need to retain the photo file name on the resulting layer. Is this possible without having to manually rename each new layer?
have filled in the new member stuff but can't find it but here goes anyway. Have stupidly saved three files with dates in the title as tiffs and of course now cannot open them in photoshop... how too retrieve an ADS file.
The problem is that under a Managed Active Directory Account the software will refuse to automatically add the appropriate file extension to a file. Trying to save a file without MANUALLY inputting the file appropriate file extension will give an error "do you want to overwrite the file .psd?" . The file will then SAVE, but without an extension.
for example...
1) New file created - named "test".
2) File> SAVE... file requester comes up. Type in a name without the extension - "test" and choose the file type (doesnt matter if it is a PSD, JPG, PNG, TIF, but for this argument we will use PSD).
3) Error appears - "Do you want to overwrite file .psd?"
4) click OK
5) file saves as "test".
6) close file
7) File> OPEN... File is not listed. Change Filetype filter to ALL FILES. "test" appears. Note that "test" HAS NO PS ICON!! Select "test".
8) error appears - file is unknown filetype.
9) try OPEN AS. Select file. Select type. File opens.
HOWEVER.... if I name the file MANUALLY, there is no problems either saving or loading.
If you need technical specs Dual Xeon dualcore, 3.2ghz. Windows XP Sp 2. 2GB ram. Virusscan 8.5i running. Computer is on domain. users logged in with a managed account.
File naming settings are being ignored by PS 8.0 when i Save for Web > Edit Output Settings > Saving Files. I want to add "_50" after the document name, but PS just saves the file in it's original document name.
When I split the image into two slices and choose Slices: Selected Slices in the Save Optimized As Dialog, PS does it right, and saves the slice as "[documentname]_50". But ofcourse i don't want to save slices, but the whole image.
I'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.
I know that title sounds confusing, but i was wondering if there is anyway to automatically name a layer the same as a separate file. For example i am creating a layered Photoshop file that contains a bunch of photos and i want each of the layers to be named the same as the separate photo files i am copying them from - make sense?
Anyway, just wondering if this can be done without having to manually type or paste in the file name.
I have PS CS and I'm experiencing something odd. Whenever I save a slice, it appends info to it, regardless of what I set in the slices preferences dialogue box. So, selecting save for web and choosing a slice, then naming it header.gif will end up with a file of header_13.gif (whatever slice number it is). I'm sure it didn't used to do this, or have I lost my marbles?
I have to go to the folder and rename every slice manually. Surely Adobe didn't intend this so what am I missing? Also, if I set everything in the slice preferences to NONE, leaving just .ext as the last option, every slice is saved as _.gif, regardless of what I type into the filename "save as" box.
I did a search on here and a search in Google but couldn't find anyone with this problem so maybe I have software conflicts?
Also, the PSD isn't longer than 27 letters (I've seen that as a problem before).
I have been trying to a create a batch job and save the files with an extension ie:
picture1.jpg to picture1_s.jpg
I want to put an extension on the resised small images.
I can get the batch job to alter the dpi and sizes but I can't find a way to add a letter into the file name as above to differentiate the different sizes.
I created an Action to batch export a folder of .ai files to create 300dpi .png's of the .ai file's artboard. I did this by simply recording "Export...as png" with my desired settings then Batch running the Action on desired folder of .ai files. The files were successfully exported, the trouble is that the exported files lack a .png file extension. My intent is to take these PNG files and merge them into a single PDF using Acrobat Pro. Unfortunatly, without the .PNG extension, Acrobat Pro does not recognize the file types and does not let me use the Combine Files feature on them. Going back and manually adding a .png at the end of the exported files defeats the time-saving purpose of Batch Processing all together. Is there something I am missing or doing incorrectly? I have included screenshots of 1) My Batch Action settings 2) folders showing files without .png extension and 3) visual of what I see when I am trying to combine PNGs into a PDF.
Currently, the default name of a folder is "Group 1".When we make a copy of this folder, the default name is "Group 1 copy"..Is there a toggle somewhere to make Photoshop call it "Group 2" instead of "Group 1 copy"?
I ask because I almost always create new folders via copy instead of "create new group".