Photoshop :: ICC Profile Naming?

Sep 15, 2012

Is there a way to change an ICC profile to make it more easily found in the list of icc profiles in photoshop.  I have a micorsoft 7 system

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change File Naming For Profile Custom Library

Mar 3, 2012

Inventor creates a names to custom library parts based on settings and available parameters.

For all custom libraries I can create file names as I want except profile libraries.

The profile library create file name using Family Name + Stock Number and I did not find the

way to change it. I cannot get rid of that Stock Number in family name in this and other profile libraries. I wish I can use Part Number instead of Stock number in naming as more informative.

To change the file naming I do the following:

Manage - Editor - chose Library - chose family - Family Table - File Naming -

than chose required parameters to be shown as file name (for instance I have

{PARTNUMBER}), than in Map to Inventor Property: - Member.Display.Name

than OK  - Refresh - Done.

All custom libraries obeys the file name changing EXCEPT the profile library.


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Photoshop :: Naming Layers . . .

Apr 18, 2009

I drag sports photos into a memorymate template and need to retain the photo file name on the resulting layer.  Is this possible without having to manually rename each new layer? 

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Photoshop :: Naming Files On Mac OS

Aug 10, 2006

I work at a magazine where we store many images in high resolution and each needs to be converted to a low res PCT format. I am able to automate most of these actions, but when it comes to naming the PCT files with an identifying "*lr" prefix to identify it as low res images, I am stuck. I always end up having to run down the list of files and insert the prefix individually with cut and paste. Is there a trick for naming a group of files with the same prefix?

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Photoshop :: File Naming Protocols

Dec 15, 2011

have filled in the new member stuff but can't find it but here goes anyway. Have stupidly saved three files with dates in the title as tiffs and of course now cannot open them in photoshop... how too retrieve an ADS file.

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Photoshop :: CS3 File Naming Error

Nov 5, 2007

Photoshop CS3.

The problem is that under a Managed Active Directory Account the software will refuse to automatically add the appropriate file extension to a file. Trying to save a file without MANUALLY inputting the file appropriate file extension will give an error "do you want to overwrite the file .psd?" . The file will then SAVE, but without an extension.

for example...

1) New file created - named "test".

2) File> SAVE... file requester comes up. Type in a name without the extension - "test" and choose the file type (doesnt matter if it is a PSD, JPG, PNG, TIF, but for this argument we will use PSD).

3) Error appears - "Do you want to overwrite file .psd?"

4) click OK

5) file saves as "test".

6) close file

7) File> OPEN... File is not listed. Change Filetype filter to ALL FILES. "test" appears. Note that "test" HAS NO PS ICON!! Select "test".

8) error appears - file is unknown filetype.

9) try OPEN AS. Select file. Select type. File opens.

HOWEVER.... if I name the file MANUALLY, there is no problems either saving or loading.

If you need technical specs
Dual Xeon dualcore, 3.2ghz. Windows XP Sp 2. 2GB ram.
Virusscan 8.5i running.
Computer is on domain.
users logged in with a managed account.

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Photoshop :: File Naming Settings Are Being Ignored By PS

Mar 14, 2006

File naming settings are being ignored by PS 8.0 when i Save for Web > Edit Output Settings > Saving Files. I want to add "_50" after the document name, but PS just saves the file in it's original document name.

When I split the image into two slices and choose Slices: Selected Slices in the Save Optimized As Dialog, PS does it right, and saves the slice as "[documentname]_50". But ofcourse i don't want to save slices, but the whole image.

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Photoshop :: Naming Layers The Same As The File Name You Are Copying From

Sep 20, 2006

I know that title sounds confusing, but i was wondering if there is anyway to automatically name a layer the same as a separate file. For example i am creating a layered Photoshop file that contains a bunch of photos and i want each of the layers to be named the same as the separate photo files i am copying them from - make sense?

Anyway, just wondering if this can be done without having to manually type or paste in the file name.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Slice/file Naming

Oct 18, 2004

I have PS CS and I'm experiencing something odd. Whenever I save a slice, it appends info to it, regardless of what I set in the slices preferences dialogue box. So, selecting save for web and choosing a slice, then naming it header.gif will end up with a file of header_13.gif (whatever slice number it is). I'm sure it didn't used to do this, or have I lost my marbles?

I have to go to the folder and rename every slice manually. Surely Adobe didn't intend this so what am I missing? Also, if I set everything in the slice preferences to NONE, leaving just .ext as the last option, every slice is saved as _.gif, regardless of what I type into the filename "save as" box.

I did a search on here and a search in Google but couldn't find anyone with this problem so maybe I have software conflicts?

Also, the PSD isn't longer than 27 letters (I've seen that as a problem before).

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Photoshop :: Automate - Batch - File Naming

Apr 18, 2004

I have been trying to a create a batch job and save the files with an extension ie:

picture1.jpg to picture1_s.jpg

I want to put an extension on the resised small images.

I can get the batch job to alter the dpi and sizes but I can't find a way to add a letter into the file name as above to differentiate the different sizes.

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Photoshop :: Naming Files As Part Of An Action?

Aug 18, 2004

I've written an action to resize my photos twice for a shopping cart. The first time the image is sized for the full-sized image and I save the file using "save for web" into a folder on my desktop.

Then I size it down one more time for the thumbnail and originally used the "save for web" to save it to a thumnail folder on my desktop.

I just found out that my shopping cart host needs my thumbnail files named with a "thumb_" before the filename. I tried to create a custom "save" feature within the save for web, but it's not working. Is there anyway to add thumb_ to my thumbnail files as part of my action?

I could use filebrowser and batch rename the files after the action completes, but this creates another step in an already full workflow.

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Photoshop :: Is Naming Convention Of New Groups (folders) Modifiable?

Aug 10, 2013

Currently, the default name of a folder is "Group 1".When we make a copy of this folder, the default name is "Group 1 copy"..Is there a toggle somewhere to make Photoshop call it "Group 2" instead of "Group 1 copy"?
I ask because I almost always create new folders via copy instead of "create new group".

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Lightroom :: Edit In Photoshop - Should Retain Filename For Layer Naming

Jul 29, 2012

Lightroom / rightclick / Edit With / Edit in Photoshop...
This renders the image in LR and then opens it in photoshop, which is fine, how it flattens the image to a locked "Background" named layer. I'd much prefer the file name to be with the document in Photoshop.
Mostly because having file names is important for retouching or various other types of compositing.

When you open mulitple files into Layers from LR, each layer retains the file name.
I would like to open a single image and have it retain the file name.

OR PERHAPS... include a command that opens an image from lightroom and puts it into the current active Photoshop document, which would be a great way to add additional images to a comp

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Photoshop :: Actions Created In CS5 Not Working In CS6 Due To Shape Layer Naming Change

Jul 18, 2012

In Photoshop CS5 I created a long action list which include lots of Shapes. I saved these action sets and loaded them into CS6. and they kept failing saying they couldn't find layer "Shape 1" "Shape 2" etc . this is because in CS6 the layers are now called "Rectangle 1" "Elipse 1" etc .   How can I get this to revert back to the "Shape 1, 2, 3, 4 etc etc".

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Photoshop :: Use Protanopia (Color Blind) Profile As Regular Profile That Can Be Converted?

Sep 30, 2013

I've been trying to reproduce this color blind conditionfor a long time now and I still didn't figure out how I can do this. I've searched for cluts but didn't find any, only this, which has some previews of them, but no any files I can load into Photoshop's Color Lookup adjustment. I've looked into Pixel Bender plugin, but I'm using CC so that doesn't work either... I've also tried it with the Index Color mode, but that really messes up my image as it has a really low color range (256). I've even tried reproducing the same effect with adjustments, channels, etc, but didn't figure it out.
Since there's a way to perfectly color proof images with this condition, I'm guessing this has to be some kind of ICC profile or something similar. Is there a way I can use it as a color profile?

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Photoshop :: How To Add Custom Working Space Profile To Profile List In CS6

Jan 28, 2013

How do you add a custom working space profile to the profile list in CS6.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Using Data For Naming Scheme

Aug 29, 2011

Has used data for their naming scheme when creating a mapbook? I imported a SHP file with the "GRID_ID" that I want to use as the sheet name. I have tried to use it but I get an error. "Error updating Map Book. Expression unable to be evaluated". 

Image 1 Error 

Image 2 Data

HP Z400 Workstation
Intel Xeon W3550 -Cores 4
12GB Triple-Channel DDR3 @ 533MHz
2-HP LE2201w @ 1680x1050
ATI FirePro V3800 (FireGL) (HP)
MS Windows 7 64-bit

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Illustrator :: Naming Paths IDs For SVG Files

Sep 30, 2012

I'm in the process of creating an SVG file. I'll have a large number of paths of which all have a seemingly random ID's assigned to them, for example path4758 (see below). Ideally, I'd love to be able to set my own ID for a path, it would work when I parse my SVG file with a Python script. Is it possible to change the ID that is assigned to a path inside of Illustrator? If so, how would I be able to do so?
Sample Path
<path id="path4758" fill="#6DBE45" stroke="#727271" d="M76.872,481.133C76.012,484.881,74.835,481.123,76.872,481.133z"/>
SVG Save Options
SVG Profile 1.1

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Lightroom :: Virtual Copies Naming

Nov 13, 2012

When I created a virtual copy of an image in LR3, and then I renamed the images, the virtual copies would have the new name with a hyphen.i.e if there were two virtual copies associate with the file, the renamed sequence would be as follows jcp0001, jcp0001-1(vc), jcp0001-2(vc), jcp0004
This had the advantage of keeping my file numbers in sync when I uploaded them to my online lab (Pictage) and the client gave me a file name. In LR4 renaming sequencing doesn't take into account the virtual copies in terms of the chronological # and compensating for the vcs. So the same sequence would be jcp0001, jcp0001-copy(vc), jcp0001-copy2(vc), jcp0002..This has the affect of misalignment my files with those of the online host.

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Photoshop :: C2 Profile Slipping Through Profile Mismatch Warning?

Jan 16, 2013

this file is tagged "c2" -- it doesn't trigger a profile mismatch warning -- why my working RGB is sRGB

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Photoshop :: Combine ICC Profile With Correction Curve Into New ICC Profile

Dec 21, 2012

For a monthly magazine on uncoated paper, our workflow is as follows:

- convert every photo to uncoated cmyk (PSO Uncoated) + apply some corrections to look nice in this profile
- apply a fixed correction curve to the photo's
- (resize images + apply proper sharpening for print)
- export pdf: convert colors to destination, preserve numbers
The correction curve step is critical. Without it, everything is printed much too dark.Unfortunately our printer can't provide us with a correct profile for the paper that is used. That's why the correction curve in photoshop is needed.The profile + the correction curve give a good, predictable result.
However i don't like the workflow with the correction curve, because only photoshop links can be corrected.We would also like to put a digital version of the magazine online, so i have to replace all links if i won't to have them displayed correctly.
Can i somehow combine the icc profile with the correction curve into a new icc profile?I did some research and found about "Custom CMYK" in photoshop (see screenshot), but i think an existing profile (PSO Uncoated) can't be edited or replicated in this dialog box.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Naming PDF With The Sheet Title

Oct 3, 2012

I need to name about 200 PDFs with the sheet title of that dwg, without having to manually naming each one. Niether the file name nor the layout tab have the current sheet title. So how can i either rename the layout tab with the sheet title or name the PDF with the sheet title??

This is in AutoCAD P&ID but a solution in regular CAD is useful.

Batch process?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Views Naming

Nov 16, 2012

I was wondering if it was possible to make my drawing views more streamlined.

Currently, when I add a drawing view, the part number and scale is pulled from the part and scale chosen. So this is good; but I would like to get the styles editor to add the actual view of the part into its name.

For example, if I choose the top view, the naming should look like the following:




So basically I'd like to know if its possible to pull that information and display it in the naming text box. I would assume this is possible as all the other parts are possible, I don't see why this isn't an automatic default.

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AutoCad :: Plot To Single PDF With Naming Convention

Jul 19, 2013

I use autocad MEP and we plot to Single PDF's. Currently the files are plotted and named with Sheet number and sheet title (E-1 Electrical Specifications). However now they want to see the Project Title listed in the file name as well. Is there away to have autocad plot to single pdf with a naming convention such as ("Project Title - E-1 Electrical Specifications" etc.)

I currently use a batch file renamer to rename the files before sending out via email but that is tedious.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IMates / Naming And Placement?

Apr 6, 2004

How does IV recognize iMate naming. I am trying to use specific named iMates on parts that when placed in the assembly that they can be placed in the correct postions. What I have run into is that no matter how I name the iMates I can place a part with one iMate name on a non-matching named iMate. Ex.- 1601-1 will mate with 2201-1 using the alt-Drag method. (These two iMates are both insert types.) This happens sometimes using the "Use iMate" checkbox on the place component dialog. I thought that the naming and type of iMate dictated what mates with what not just type.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic File Naming

Dec 19, 2011

I am struggling with file naming.

We are implementing the vault and do not want to have to rename each file with design copy.

Any way where the filename of a part will change according to either assembly pararmenters or iProperties?

Another question I had would be involving a rule that would rename each ipt within an assembly by giving at a suffix/prefix once the assembly is completed.

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Lightroom :: Reverse Geocoding And File Naming?

Aug 4, 2013

My images are geotagged. With Lightroom 5, I can reverse geocode the images to have Country, State and City in the IPTC fields. However, unless I go in each field, they are greyed. When I want to export the images, I want to use the naming convention Country-State-City-incremental number.jpg for each image, but unless the fields have been edited, lightroom ignore the fileds (and hence put ---1.jpg). How I can confirm the location without having to go to each image and edit the fields?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Spot Colour Naming Broken In X6.3 Output?

Jun 13, 2013

It looks as if custom spot colours created in X6.3 are not being correctly named in exported EPS or when pubishing to PDF.


I create a new, blank palette in My Palettes. I add a colour named with a screen colour of C=10 M=20 Y=30 K=40 and save it. I cannot name it at this stage (typing anything in the name box changes the CMYK value) so I leave it blank for the moment I mark it to be treated as a spot colour and change the name to NondescriptBrown

Next I create a document with one object, and I assign 100% NondescriptBrown outline to it. Good so far -- it shows correctly as 100% NondescriptBrown on the status line.

Export to EPS without a preview image -- making sure convert spot colours is off.

Open the EPS file in a text editor and look at the line: %%DocumentCustomColors: (C10 M20 Y30 K40)

That's right, the export has named the colour C10 M20 Y30 Y40 and searching confirms that the correct name NondescriptBrown does not appear anywhere in the EPS.

Looking at the palette's XML file I see:

So, it seems that X6.3 should be looking up the proper name in colors>page> and using that for the export, but is instead exporting with the internal colorspaces> which is a purely arbitrary name that is not for external use.

I can fix the problem by manually editing the XML file by changing colorspaces> and both to NondescriptBrown, so that the internal name is already the same as the correct export name, but clearly that should not be necessary -- and if CorelDraw can display the correct name on screen in the status line, it ought to be able to export it correctly too.

Exactly the same applies when publishing to PDF, but is harder to prove, because its compression renders the file unreadable in a text editor.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Plot To File Naming Options

May 31, 2011

Is there an option to eliminate AutoCAD from automatically inserting the layout tab name into the file name when creating a PDF?  Once upon a time it would only use the file name (i.e. A-101).  Now it uses "A-101_Layout1" (or whatever the layout name is) by default.  I either have to live with it or manually change each file name during the process of creating the PDF or after it's been created.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Creating Map Book - Cannot Use Grid Naming Scheme

Sep 21, 2011

Keep getting error that I cannot use grid naming scheme. Added rectangles for the custom grid system, have used by area before but it doesn't utilitze the full viewport. Want to use column/row naming scheme but it won't allow.

Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler File Naming?

Jan 3, 2013

I am batch publishing .idw files to .dwf and the default file name that it creates is XXXXX.idw.dxf. how to remove the .idw? Is there is setting in Task Scheduler that can be changed?

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