Photoshop :: Batch Action For Raw Files From Different Camera Models?
Oct 11, 2012
I want to create a batch action that will process raw files by setting their workflow resolution option and image settings in camera raw.  I can create a batch action by recording an open command for a raw file, setting the workflow resolution and image settings, and then stopping the action recording.Â
This creates an open action which captures the resolution , images settings instruction , and other settings for camera raw, but it also captures the camera model and workflow options are specific to a camera model.  If I then use the action on multiple raw files from different cameras, raw files from the camera specified in the 'open' step will get processed as I want, but raw files from any other camera model will get processed with whatever workflow resolution option was used the last time I manually opened a file from that model in ACR.
I tried recording an 'open' step by bringing raw files from 3 different cameras into ACR and selecting to open them in photoshop, but that created three 'open' steps, one for each camera model, in the action. Running that action produced three versions of every image from every camera model. No good.
How can I create an action that will set the workflow resolution option based on the camera model, when images from different camera models are being processed in the batch?
I am using PSCS5 and ACR 6.7
I have 100's of flat images that I have to chop up into 3 parts and save as individual pieces to then load into a separate piece of software.
My problem is that when I start the batch, the 3 new images it creates for each image are simply overwriting each other when saving.
The options for serial numbers etc in the destination field of batch seems to only work for the original file opened, not the 3 new images the action creates/saves.
I am running a batch action that deletes some art from WMF files, and then saves them. When I run the batch, I am prompted to save an .AI file which is named the same as the WMF files that I am processing. This occurs every for every file, stopping the batch to prompt for saving the .AI file.
I'm an amateur moving up to LR 3 and have been trying to learn this program by reading the LR3 book by Scott Kelby. He shows that the Camera Calibration feature has some settings for specific cameras yet the drop down menu has none listed. I've upgraded to 3.6 and the images were copied from raw to DNG.
I created an Action to batch export a folder of .ai files to create 300dpi .png's of the .ai file's artboard. I did this by simply recording " png" with my desired settings then Batch running the Action on desired folder of .ai files. The files were successfully exported, the trouble is that the exported files lack a .png file extension. My intent is to take these PNG files and merge them into a single PDF using Acrobat Pro. Unfortunatly, without the .PNG extension, Acrobat Pro does not recognize the file types and does not let me use the Combine Files feature on them. Going back and manually adding a .png at the end of the exported files defeats the time-saving purpose of Batch Processing all together. Is there something I am missing or doing incorrectly? I have included screenshots of 1) My Batch Action settings 2) folders showing files without .png extension and 3) visual of what I see when I am trying to combine PNGs into a PDF.
Does Lightroom 3.6 have problem with file recognition from newer camera models? In my case does not recognize any of my raw photographs taken with Canon G1X
I’m sitting here with 200+ images that I need to trim a little from the top and bottom. I really don’t feel like doing this one at a time so I though: “Hey, let’s make an action then use the batch function”. After been relived that I didn’t have to do every image one by one I realized that I had no clue how to make this action or how to use the batch function.
I am having problems using a batch action (I haven't used one before) I'm running a simple action, it rotates the image (almost all my photos are portrait format) then does a curves and sharpen. My problem is it doesn't save the images, I created a temp folder on desktop and specified that, but it opens the image runs the action then opens the save dialogue box I have to click it to save every image, I can't get it to save for me.
I'm seeing a strange issue when I automate an action in Photoshop CC (14.0). I have a simple action that does three things in this order:
1. Flatten Image 2. Convert to 8-Bit 3. Add some standard file info  When I run the action from the action menu it works fine. However when I have multiple images open and I want to run them all through the action using "Automate->Batch", it gets run in this order:
2. Convert to 8-Bit 3. Add some standard file info 1. Flatten Image  The same process in CS6 does not have the issue.
I have 200 tiffs in one folder (each tiff is named 'image 1-200') all without an alpha channel.
I have 200 different tiffs in another folder (named 'luma matte 1-200').
I've have copied the first images of the 'luma matte 1.tiff' (a black and white image) and pasted it into a newly created alpha layer in 'the image 1.tiff' channel window.
I save this out as a new tiff called 'composite 1' and it works in the way I require it to work.
How would I automate this process rather than having to do it individually for all the 200 files. I'm not sure if this can be done with a series of actions/batch? I dont want to use After Effects luma key as this isn't giving me the correct results.
Hey guys, I am working as a volunteer designer with an organization that publishes a guide listing sponsors that donate services of financial support. This guide is duotoned, and the colors of the duotone will vary with the season - light and dark blue for winter, light and dark green for spring, yellow and red for summer, etc. the colors for every season is different, and all of the graphic elements in the guide must be reduotoned to match the color scheme in order to be printed properly. I have been running into problems. I want to use the action and batch utilities in Photoshop in order to change the duotone colors of the pictures, but I want to keep the levels graph for each file. I don't want to change the levels graphs for each file, I just want to change the duotone colors I have been doing the following: 1. collect all graphic elements into a folder. these are all .eps format, and have been duotoned already. The darker pantone is the first color listed, the lighter pantone the second as a standard, so that the colors won't be assigned to the wrong levels graphs through automation. 2. Open one of the files. create an action and record image->mode->duotone, and change the colors of the duotone. stop recording. Close the file without saving. 3. go to file->automate->batch..., select source folder as in 1., select destination as another folder (empty). select action set and action as in 2. The pantone colors are changed properly. My problem is the following: the levels graphs for each of the files being duotoned are changed to the graphs that were present in the graphic that I used to make the action. Is there a solution to this problem? I don't have any real experience in writing scripts for Photoshop, but am willing to learn if it is not too complicated. I have photoshop 7 at home and CS2 at the office.
I need to change the size of 200 pics, then save them for web at a certain format.
Problem is, that right now the batch saves the pics I want with the name I used previously, when I created the action, while I am actually aiming for it to save the file (in a new folder) with it's own name, so it would not have to ask me to replace the existing file.
I ran a batch action. The action performed on all the images, I did a save and close, but then I open the folder and the change did not happen. Tried twice. So next time, I choose instead of save and close to save to new folder. the batch ran action on all images ,and the new folder is empty. I've tried the override save as checked and unchecked.
I'm using Photoshop 7.01. I have a bunch of 16-bit TIFFs that I want to batch convert to 8-bit JPEG FINE.
I created a manual action, which works fine, hook it up to F2 and open up 50 tiffs at the same time. Start hitting F2 and the files disappear and I end up with a nice bunch of jpegs.
Now I want to automate it, so I create a new action.
Change to 8-bit
Save as jpeg
When I run a batch, choose a source folder and target folder, and kick it off, I see all the files open and close, but only the first one (used in my example to create the action) ends up as a jpeg, followed by a bunch of TIFFs. As far as I can tell, the action opens all the files one after the other, but it always saves the same file.
So, in my output folder, I get 1 JPEG followed by 250 different TIFFs, but the JPEG always appears on my screen for a split second during the save sequence, so it looks like it is being saved 250 times...
Ok I have a PSD file that is a Logo with a transparent background. I need to place this photo on other pictures like a watermark. I am looking for the fast way since I have to place this on several thousand photos for work. The image needs to be placed on the photos in the lower right hand corner. How do I make a batch action do this?
Here is the thing. I have implementes several action on Photoshop. SOme of the include several sub actions and different saving locations. For example, I open a file, then I hit my prefered key combo for that action, and I have:
1) convert to cmyk 2)save copy as JPG with 11 quality level 3) save to folder A 4) image size to 72 dpi 5) covert to RGB 6) save as JPG 6 quality level 7) save to folder B 8) close file and discard cahnges.  Everything runs like heaven, but the moment I want to batch several files everything stalls.  I choose file > Batch > Choose my set > choose my action Source > I choose where my files are (usually a PDF) then I use "Supress file open options dialogs" Destination> Since I already have set destinations y my actions, I choose here a "dump" folder On errors > I hit Save As... and put a name for that log.  Then photohop opens my PDF on Photoshop and does nothing! It keeps my file open. I ma about to work with 400 files to batch, and this batch system does not work.
I am not sure if this is a change in CS4 or something that I am doing incorrectly. But when I run Bridge CS4 < Photoshop < Image Processor (running an action that I have been running since CS2) the files do not close in photoshop after running the action. In all prior versions of PSCS#, photoshop closed the file after finishing the action. The files all save properly. But having hundreds of files opened inside of photoshop causes the scratch disk to go low and slows everything down.
I need to add a logo onto several jpg images and then re-save them as jpg's.
I start the action recording, then open the image, then opening the psd with the logo, I then duplicate the logo layer onto the jpg file. I then move it into place and then save the jpg. After this I stop the action from recording.
Now when I go to run it in batch mode, at the point it should duplicate the layer from teh psd file onto the jpg, it says cannot open "new document"
way I can create an action and get the image onto the jpgs and avoid thsi error?
I have an action I have been using once every year for several years in a batch automation process in Photoshop. Its purpose is to resize all the images in a specified folder and save the new versions (using the same filename) in another folder. Both folders are specified in the Batch dialogue, which is also set to override any Action 'Save As' commands. This procedure worked without any difficulties using CS4. Today, I tried running it for the first time under CS6 and it failed on the very first image. Â The problem is that it is triggering a request for my permission to save the image as a copy. The reason is that it is trying to save the modified file in the source folder and ignoring my specified (different) destination folder.
My camera software dumps jpegs and raw files into a single folder.  I am wanting to batch (automate) process the jpegs in said folder, but not the camera's raw files. How do I employ an action that will only run on the jpegs in the folder and skip the raw files?
I've created an action that I use in batch in PS CS5 - which uses basic PS stuff like curves, etc and then uses some steps from Color Effects Pro 4 from Nik Software. I usually start the process from the Autmate window and the minimize PS while I open Firefox or something else and do other things while the batch is takign place. Since I have added this new step from Color Effects -
when the process gets to that point, the PS window maximizes, making PS and its windows active again, like I clicked on them. To clarify, the part that Color Effects plays, requires no input from me. I have a feeling because its a third party add-on to PS, that some how the program becomes "active" when this happens, bringing it to the front of my desktop.  Actions that I have created that use only the mechanics of PS and nothing outside of this, never do this. However, they will bring each file they are working on, active to the desktop, even though PS is minimized. They do not, however, take control of the Desktop and make the file the active window I'm looking at.  I'm also in the Standard Screen Mode for PS and I do not use window/document docking as I prefer to have floating windows while in PS.
Make Action to Batch process PDF to JPEGs saved for the web
I have about 80-100 pdf's that I want to change from 300dpi to 100dpi indexed color and save as gif.
If I create an action Convert pdf to gif with steps Mode > Indexed Color Save as gif
running this action as a batch only opens the files. I am left with files open in RGB mode, not indexed color. This means the batch processor did not run any of the steps in my action. (Yes, I did make sure in the batch dialog that I specified my action set.)
Here is my action in the action menu.
pdf to gif
Convert mode To: indexed color mode Pallette: adaptive Colors: 64 Forced: Black and white Without transparency Matte: None
Save As: Compuserve GIF With Interlace In: ...
Here are my steps, using a test folder with 2 pdf's:
1. Launch Photoshop
2. File > Automate > Batch
3. Batch dialog: Set [my set] Action [pdf to gif] Source: Folder Choose: [my test folder with 2 pdf's] Destination: Folder Choose: [my testgif folder, empty] File naming: Document name + extension Errors: Log errors to file File: [my testgif folder, empty]/error.txt
4. OK
5. Set resolution to 100dpi.
6. Click OK for 1st pdf.
7. Click OK for 2nd pdf.
Actual result:
Both files open and stay open. Both files are still RGB mode. No gif's in testgif folder. errors.txt reads:
Start Batch
End Batch
Expected result: Files closed (possibly I have to add a Close step) 2 gifs in the testgif folder.
Using an action of Save for Web in place of Mode > Indexed color also did not create any gifs.
I'm wondering whether the PDF dialog on open is throwing a wrench into the works.
I have Photoshop CS6 and I'd like to know how to create an action to save multiple photos in a batch command. I've been searching the Web, but I haven't been able to locate anything useful on this (except one article for CS5). Seems a bit odd. Anyway, I already know how to create an action, but what I'm stuck on is having the action pause and open a dialogue box so I can do things like name a photo, choose the size I want in the Save for Web dialogue, etc.
I want to prepare mutliple images for press release, that include a small border wtih copyright information.  Simply every photo i work on must be submitted with a small border and the same text indicating copyright on all of them.
I import from light room and use a batch action to create the border.  Thats simple enough, is it possilbe to create an action or script so that can i drop in a text layer into each of the images without a manually copying the layer text and pasting it into each file ... one at a time .Â
I have 900 files I need to print out. I created an action that simply prints the current document, then closes it. The problem is, photoshop is printing the files out in random order. The files are numerically ordered, it should print in order. Â I go to File -> Automate -> Batch and select the printing action that I recorded and set the folder that contains the image files. The image files are all labeled numerically from the data set merge I did within photoshop. Â The problem is, even though this list is in numerical order, photoshop will print these out in random order. For example, the file folder containing the image files is listed below in correct order. Â Instead photoshop printed them in this order: CustomMailer_Data Set 1, CustomMailer_Data Set 10, CustomMailer_Data Set 11, CustomMailer_Data Set 12, CustomMailer_Data Set 13, CustomMailer_Data Set 14, CustomMailer_Data Set 16 Â I really need this bulk action to print them out in order, what the program is doing.