Photoshop :: Color Difference Between Two Documents With Same Settings
Nov 7, 2012
I am a web designer and have a problem with my Photoshop CS6. I work on both a mac and a pc (Win7), but use CS6 on both systems. My files are always worked with on both systems.
With several psd's, I noticed a color difference when I dragged layers to new psd's. Even the RGB values changed. When dragged back to the original psd, the colors change back again. This is not a constant problem. I have checked the color settings of both files and see no difference. If I place the color specified in the failing psd in a HTML-file, the color does not resemble the failing psd. In HTML, the color resembles the new psd. I think there is something wrong with some of my psd's, but cannot figure out what it could be and how to fix and prevent it.
I have a feeling it may be caused by changing between mac and pc, but surely this could not be the cause? I am, at the moment, unable to try this out myself, but will try this out later this week.
I have alot of paper that I want to reduce & eliminate, I have a bunch of certificates, magazine/newspaper clippings that I have from high school & college to scan & would like to know what color settings would be best. Â I also have a bunch of brochures, other odd papers, receipts, & handwritten notes. Â I am using an Epson perfection photo 4490 flatbed scanner, on a mac running lion 10.7.5. Â I would also like to know what would be the best resolution to use. Â I read a little about bit depth, & from what I gather, the human eye can only see so many colors, & going with bigger color depths is good where one has to do alot of editing. Â most of these items are for records & archives, & maybe to be able to print from the scans, so I can throw out some of my paper.Also, when I scan in Adobe RGB, would it be best to use 48 bit depth to go with the fuller color? & when I use sRGB use 24 bit depth?
I use CorelDRAW X4 exclusively (90%) for Laser work. I have a Page saved as Laser Page. It use to open with a 24 x 12 page area and Horizontal and vertical guidelines in place. It is set to "show guidelines."
However, every time I open a new document, the page layout and guidelines are not there. I always have to rebuild the page and add the guidelines. What has changed so that all I get is a blank page anymore? Or how to reestablish my defaults? I have re-saved it as my new default countless times but nothing sticks. It's a pain to have to always reestablish the layout I want to work with..
hi. why is there a significant difference in color temp from working in raw/pscs and viewing the finished pictures in ex. windows diasshow. The temp. seems to be much warmer in windows. The raw converting im doing makes me unsure when viewing afterwards in windows.wich one can i rely on when going to my local printingshop.
I can't get it into my head the difference between Absolute color and relative color. I've been told many times, but I still can't remember. Would anyone know the difference, and any further reading?
We are attempting to access the file naming prefix in documents settings but i am unable to start code or find away to get where i need.
We have a multi solid bodie part that changes on via suppression to different styles of profile we then need the file naming prefix to chage depending on what key have selected .
ie Parameter = Style with 4 Multi selctions 1,2,3,4
depending on selection picked we then need to change the Solid Bodies Prefix in document settings..
Example :: If style = 1 then Solid Bodies Prefix = Dave
Photoshop CS5 v12.1. Mac OS 10.6. I'm printing to an Epson R1800 printer. Â Print. Choose Color Management. Choose Document. Choose "Photoshop manages color". Choose the correct printer profile that matches the paper I'm using. Choose Relative Colorimetric. Â THEN, I click Print Settings...under the 4th drop downu I choose "Print setting..." again. Under "Basic" "color" and "Color settings" are grayed out as are some of the "Media Type" options. Â Is this normal? The problem is my black and white prints are printing really badly. They have color tones. I've cleaned the nozzles on my Epson printer, done everything the print utility suggests. All the test prints look fine.
I'm having issues with parts that were drawn in 2012 being a different color in 2013. It's the same color just a noticeably different shade. Not all parts have this color difference.
It only does this on certain parts so I when I have a bunch of the same parts mated together in an assembly it renders out with different shades and looks goofy.
See pic attached - All piping is Dark Grey in color - The verticals right below the top valves are a different shade - When I check both colors in the part files they are listed as Dark Grey.
Im running CS2 with Windows Vista, the same photograph look completely different in Photoshop than in the Bridge or any other applications. My Working Spaces is set to:
I'm running CS5.5 student edition on a brand new Asus Q500A laptop running Windows 8. i7 processor and a UMA graphics card. I do not have calibration software; I'm using Calibrize for the moment and colors appear fairly true when browsing after calibration. Â My problem is that overall colors in Photoshop appear more saturated than those in regular browser windows, particularly reds. I set up my computer to run the Win8 photos app and my desktop with Photoshop simultaneously and the color difference was immediately noticeable. I did a quick screen grab to show the difference; the inset photo is the one viewed in Win8's photos app, and the background is the exact same photo open in Photoshop. Â This is the second install of this program. I originally installed it on a Dell Inspiron with a DuoCore processor (way out of spec, I know - that's why I upgraded!) and I seem to remember having this issue then, too. I found a way to correct it, but I don't remember how I fixed it and Photoshop is no longer on that machine so I can't look over my settings.
At the core of it all: "images from PSD exported as a .png, or a .jpg (commonly for me) do not show the same...contrast or fidelity my photoshop-canvas shows me..
I have been working on some stuff, and quite some time ago, I noticed that a certain piece of mine was not showing the subtle, noise-fog that I had added in PSD.Now, on-canvas everything seemed fine and I thought: "Okay, This is what I want." However, when I saved the image (as a .jpg and later as a .png as well), the fog was absent from the image, showing simply a "black" background. Sometime later I found that, when I zoomed in, the noise was actually present, it was just VERY unclear. You could only notice it, just barely, whilst zoomed in.
Now we come to present-time. I'm working on a little concept. It's in manga cell-shaded style, so the differences in color are easy to see (as shadows, for example, are not gradual. There's a clear line that separates the normal lighting from shadows)
Now, this 'character' has a black pair of pants (specific RGB- #100d11) and the color of the shadow is #060506..The thing is: in photoshop, I can clearly see the difference and it looks the way I want to have it. But when I saved the image to jpg (and to png) you can barely, if at all, see the difference. Someone who does not know there are two different colors, would not see it, and just see pure black. You can see the difference if you zoom-in, but even then it's not as 'stark' as it is on-canvas.
- Is this common / normal?- If yes, is there something to fix this, so that what I see on-screen is what I get when I export the file?
I have the standard dell color profile set in windows for the monitor.
Whenever I save "for web and devices" I get a color difference between the actual webpage colour and the colours in the picture. So I searched about color profiles and I gather (I find this profiling thing very confusing) that I should set my photoshop profile also to the dell profile. So I did, but there now still is a slight difference.
For example, the color I use in photoshop is #12141A and once saved it shows up as #13151B
I'm using version 5.5 in Windows 2000. I am confused because all other images in other programs etc appear normal whereas in photoshop 5.5 they have a greenish tinge. I corrected this on the original image by choosing View > Preview > Uncompensated RGB. However, if I try colour adjustment etc e.g. variations, all the preview images still have the green tinge. Does anyone know how to correct this?
Also Uncompensated RGB is supposed to be the default view, but when I close PS the setting is lost and on opening, all images including the original are back to green. What am I missing? I have other versions 5.5 and CS on other pcs with no problems.
I made an image using CMYK (for printing later on), and the color is fine when I try to print it onto printing paper by just selecting the Print button on PS. However, when I saved the image as a .JPEG, the color changes drastically.
I am struggling with color variation between different documents in AI. Even when both documents have been assigned the Adobe 1998 RGB color space, and colors are identically called out in RGB, my output varies between the documents. This is difficult as when I do color management is a "swatch" document to get my client approval, then insert that color into a different document, it changes. Any input?
When I edit an image in Lightroom and then continue editing it in photoshop IÂ see a major color difference.That also happens when I export an image from lightroom as a .jpg and then upload it to the web,colors look the same as in photoshop.Color space is set to sRGB in both PS and my monitor. [URL]
I get a slight difference in color in my prints my when I use LR prifile vs Canon printer managed. The Canon is much truer to what I see on both monitors which, btw, are calibrated. LR throws in a slight magenta cast. Is there a way to correct this?
Document colors in Corel Draw X3 have changed. Example: dark green is now black on my designed object; Teal is now light green.
I thought it might be color management had switched somehow but all management settings do not make a change as they did before or at all. Basically I think the problem lies in the color management. I re-installed the program but the problem remains. Color management does not affect color appearances as they used too before.I run windows 7 and have had it for a couple of years with no problems.
We are currently using G7 Workflow for our profile. I have a couple of questions concerning the color settings.  1.We are also not able to hold these settings even once we leave it as "Custom". It defaults back to U.S. Sheetfed Coated Profile. 2. When trying to set color setting with our profile, it says it is not supported by this version of Photoshop (CS6). It will set this to "Custom" instead of G7 Workflow. What can we do to fix this issue? Please see below for the screen captures.
how to change color settings for all pictures I have on disc. I have digital camera and it saves pictures in
sRGB IEC profile but I have set monitor color settings to Adobe RGB. So, every time when I open pictures saved to disc Photoshop ask me: The document …. has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space.
I was disappointed to see that the CS6 More Options panel still has 8 bit dither. Why isn't it 10 bit by default ? Shouldn't Photoshop be sending 10 bit to monitors with 10 bit LUT for real wide gamut? Some printers are going beyond 8 bit now, also.
I'm not sure what to set my color management settings up as! I've been told a few different things! I shoot in Adobe RGB, but I've been told to set my working space to SRGB and then to set the color management policies to "Convert to working RGB, CMYK, and Gray." Then I've also been told to set the working space to Adobe RGB (1998) and then under "coversion options" change the "intent" to "perceptual." Regardless of which setting I try to use, the coloring when I view it in Photoshop is much more yellow than when I view it on my monitor. I have callibrated my monitor, so I'm assuming the problem is within Photoshop. How do I fix this so that the colors match?