I would like the file number text to show up on some of my exported JPG images. I need this for the purpose of looking up the original file. All I see in the watermark section is the ability to hard code text only. Is there a way to do this inside LR? Perhaps a plugin?
Alternately, is there 3rd party utility to do this to a whole folder of exported JPGs? That would be messy, but I really need to ID certain event photos ON the photo.
this is in regards to a Lightroom 3.5 exported JPG. This was a year ago when I had been told it was best to export files with simple renumbering of them from 1 to x... instead of retaining the original RAW 4-digit file name.
I've currently lost the original files, and need to do a search for them via these 4 digits to see if I have them tucked away in any of my drives. I downloaded a metadata explorer, and it's telling me all the lightroom editing information, and everything else, but somehow does not have the simplest of information — that 4 digit original file name.
Am I grasping at straws or is there likely to be any way to find this information out? I don't work with metadata, so there wouldn't have been any customizations to how Lightroom configures this...
I have an action in which it will place an image onto an image like a watermark, when i place the image, it is not center by center so i drag it or use keyboard arrows to center and then press enter, then i saw its on the center, but when i save it, the saved image is not on the center, how was that?
you can see that the right side of border it is not centered because the left side border is thicker than right side, here is the part of the action
you can see that i move the image after i place it because its not on the center so adjusting it makes it at the center but the Translate part is not equal.
I'm using Windows 8 and LR 4.3. My watermark does not appear on exported images eventhough the box is checked in the export presets. Also many typefaces available in MAC are not in Windows. Where I might find the same typeface I use on my Macbook and add to Windows?
I accidentally deleted a collection I was working on from lightroom 4 and the files were NOT backed up. All of the photos were edited and had my watermark on them. I exported all pictures into an album on my computer. I thought I could import them back in and lightroom would recognize the history and I would be able to remove my watermark. I need to create a disc for a customer and I NEED to get the watermark off. Is there a way to some-how retrieve the deleted collection from lightroom, or remove the watermark from the re-imported pictures?
However in LR5 when I did the same process to choose to watermark my exported images,it would not allow me to choose to turn on the feature and pick my watermark to use. I am still on the Trial version... I'm on a MacBook Pro
I want to have a gif animation working on a web page - and I want to put a window frame around it so it seems like you are watching the animated image through a window looking into a house. (like a window peeper)
What I need to do is take out the four window pains (or all if I have to) to make the actual pains transparent to show the gif image working.
I am not sure how I can get to superimpose the window frame image OVER the gif image.
I have a 30 second .avi file, frame size 1440 x 1080 15 frames/sec Video compression Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, 24 bits, total 450 frames Audio compression PCM 32.000 kHz, 16 bit Mono 960,000 samples.
I can play the video OK in vlc and when I insert the video into the timeline of VS X3 and play the inserted .avi.
As soon as I insert:
1. a .jpg at the start of the timeline with text and/or,
2. text (as a watermark) on bottom left hand side for the 30 second duration
whenever I play back (in VS X3 preview) this clip, the movie plays (but with a frozen first frame from the .avi) with only the audio with the text.
I have been using VS X2 successfully on my Windows 7 64-bit PC.I had purchased X3 sometime ago and decided to install my X3 version.
I'd like to superimpose (overlay) an image onto a background image that is comprised of stripes on a white (or transparent) background. I don't want the overlaid image to appear between the stripes, only on them. Is there any way to do this without having to erase the overlay image where it covers the white/transparent background?
Example: imagine the red and white stripes of the American flag, and I want to overlay the text of the Gettysburg Address on the flag, but only on the red stripes, and the text itself is rotated at about a 15 degree angle to horizontal. Much of the text will, thus, be missing, and it won't be readable as a text, but that's exactly the effect I want.
How do I simply apply a watermark to an image and have it save within Lightroom 4 without having to export each individual image? I also have Perfect Layers and am having the same problem, it asks me to save each image as a seperate file and it's incredibly time consuming. Am I missing something, or should I return Lightroom and stick with Elements, which has layers?
exporting pictures with a PNG watermark to the exact ratio of 1:1 is impossible! that mean loss of resolution and quality of the watermark...I believe this is a BASIC function.Also the border distance trim for the image watermark, have too big steps.
When I export an image it apears slightly less bright outside of Lightroon than it does in Lightroom. This includes web browsers. Am using identically calibrated NEC 2090uxi monitors. Most of the time upping the birghtness by +5-10 will correct this. Occasionally the vibrance needs to be raised in addition. What might account for this?
I have a watermark created that I use when I export images using "File > Export with Preset". The watermark is rendered when I export to a TIFF or PSD file. It is not rendered when I export to a JPG file. How I can have a Watermark added to an exported JPG file?
I'm trying to superimpose a label I made in Photoshop on an image of a glass bottle. I have to provide a front and rear view (so obviously the label will be reversed on the rear). The problem I'm having is with the back-side of the label. I'm trying to make it look like it's on the other side of the bottle and therefore require some kind of glass diffusion simulation.
When I edit my photo in "Develop" and do any sharpening in the Details menu (or with a brush for that matter), it looks great in "Develop" but then when I export it the sharpening effect is not there!. It seems all the other adjustments I make (temp, exposure,..) are all in the imported file but the sharpening is NOT . Also the sharpening adjustsments dont appear on the photo in Library either. I am not reducing the size or resultion of the photo in the export.
This is my work scenario. I shoot on Cannon 50D in raw (15 mp). Upload the images to computer and import to Lightroom. I make my adjustmenst in Lightroom and many images I pull from Lightroom into Photoshop CS5 and do additional artistic touches there. I save from Photoshop so that it re-opens it back in Lightroom with my Photoshop adjustments. After I have done this with all of my images I then export the images my clients select for their purchased disc. This where I am concerned...
What I know had once started out as large raw files are quite small by the dimension size, average approximate dimensions are 4750x3170. File settings are set to quality 100 and under Image Sizing I do not have 'resize to fit' checked. On occasion I have used the crop feature in Lightroom but not on many images and all of my images are small not just certain ones.
I am fairly new to Lightroom but nervous about using it right now. I am actually postponing editing a new session until I can get some clear answers or I may just have to tackle the whole session in Photoshop like I used to because I will at least know that file sizes will not decrease in size.
Anytime I try to export a file and add a watermark, Lightroom crashes. I can export without adding a watermark just fine. Lightroom also crashes when I try to edit a current watermark - as soon as I click the drop down menu to choose which watermark to edit, down goes Lightroom. I have both text watermarks and a small jpeg as a watermark (same thing happens with both) and I am running Lightroom 4.3.
deleting watermarks from Lightroom 4. I had a bunch of watermarks that I had created in LR4 that was a result of trying to redo a previously created watermark (why Adobe don't allow you to overwrite I don't know) but instead of overwriting the currently selected watermark LR4 lets you create a new preset from the changes. These changes build up over time and you sometimes end up with missing or moved files. If these graphic files are missing then you may or may not have ran into my dilema where when you select the watermark to try and delete it, the dialog box just keeps disappearing and nothing you do seem to work. Don't dispear, here is a solution I've discovered that I couldn't find anywhere else.
1. Open LR4 (Not sure if this works with other versions)
2. Select the Print module (this seem to be the fastest, easiest way to access and edit watermarks)
3. Select the check box next to the watermark under the "Page" pane on the right (this will allow you to select and edit the individual watermarks)
4. select the dropdown menu and chose the watermark that you want to edit. The dialog bot will open but beware it will quickly vanish in a couple seconds so here is my solution (at least until Adobe fixes this problem). Grab hold of the dialog box before it closes and hold it for a few seconds, this will delay or stop it from closing instantaneously.
5. Select the dropdown menu within the dialog box and chose delete watermark option, confirm that you want to delete and voila!
Random files are being corrupted in my library. Sometimes the preview image is corrupted sometimes not. But upon export images are being corrupted as well so I cannot export certain images anymore for anything because they get corrupted everytime.
I have installed the updates etc I keep my main librarys on a external drive. Im on a fairly new imac.
I have an image where I desaturated most of the image, with a lot of small brush strokes around an intricate tattoo. I also applied other saturation and hue adjustments. Upon exporting as a jpg, the image size is 3mb, compared to file sizes of 400-500kb for images without so much manipulation. How do I "flatten" the image to get smaller file sizes?
When I import a 26.8 MB (5616 x 3744) CR2 RAW file from a Canon 5DMKII into Lightroom 4.4 and then export it as a JPEG sRGB Quality 100 file, it's size is 13.4 MB. When I do the same thing in Aperture 3.4.3 the exported JPEG file size is 20.8 MB. Am I doing something wrong in Lightroom?