Xara :: File Export To PDF - Missing From List Of Extensions
Oct 12, 2012
Suddenly when I do a File>Export and try changing the "save as" type to PDF, it's missing from the list of file extensions. I recall having this option earlier this year and have exported hundreds of files to PDF. Now it's gone. Same installation of Xara. See the attached screenshot for proof!
As the title says I am running a AI -> JPG export through the batch action process and my files are saved without an extension. ie. "file" not "ai", "jpg", "png" etc.
However, yes adding the extension manually or through third party software results in a perfect jpg as I required but that step should not be needed. What am I missing?
Oh, and yes I have tried to change the destination folder to something completely empty to avoid duplicate issues but I still get the same result. If I run the simple "Export" portion of my action the file is exported with a file extension without issue, only it fails that step when running the batch process.
(Also i've used photoshop batch process for years so I do have some knowledge that i'm doing this correctly but this is my first attempt with Illustrator.)
I have X5 and win 7 64bit. When I open the import window the only file extensions I can select are pdf and the alphebet after. I do not show cdr or any extensions from a to p or show all files. If I look in windows explorer everything is ther and I can drag a file to the draw page. I tried repair and then reinstalling x5, still no show. I show the files being associated with the program.
I'm tearing my hair out after creating an iPod jukebox style ad (i.e. album cover carousel) where the pix made with the LEFT perspective using Mold tool work fine, but the two made with RIGHT perspective using Mold tool come out skewed rather than moulded after exporting to PDF.
All images are jpegs; I've checked and am doing exact same process on either side. Tried killing the images in bitmap gallery and re-importing - makes no difference.
I am trying to export attributes from an autocad file using LIST and I keep running into trouble with the file cutting out data. I am wondering if there is a way to print the LIST file that AutoCAD creates to a text file so that I can get all of the data in one go instead of having to repeatedly "Press ENTER to continue:"
i drawed to rectangles and rotated them. wheni know want to export the image as PNG or GIF the border is not smoothed, there is a pixelic effect; see attachments.
i want to export them as png or gif, because the background should be transparent.
I'm a new Lightroom user and have just transferred over from Aperture. In Aperture when the original image was offline it was still possible to drag or export the high quality preview jpg out onto the desktop. Is this possible in some way within Lightroom?
would it be possible sometime in Paint.Net to save/export to the clipboard the history box as a text list of what we did ?
since I use many effects and settings in a given PDN, I sometime wants to write me some notes about how i did something and the steps i used to do it, before my old memory lets me down.
I know that the PDN it self has the history, but now I need to go over all the list and manually write/type down in notepad the list , which most of the time is very long.
Having the ability to save/export the history box text to a file or to the clipboard, make it easy to edit the list and keep track/notes of steps and ways to do something.
I don't need the settings used in the effect/adjustments , but just the TEXT names of the steps taken as shown in the history box.
I have a customer that is trying to export a file out as an STP file. When he brings up the Export or Save As dialog boxes none of the normal model file types are listed. I have had him do a Repair and a Reinstall of INV 2013 which did not fix the problem.
I imported some pictures into LIghtroom 5 with the SAME jpg numbers as a prior import. The first import consisted of pictures from Trip 1 folder on my hard drive, the second import was from Trip 2 folder on hard drive. I see the Trip 1 and Trip 2 folders in LIghtroom 5, but am experiencing problems with emailing and exporting pictures, getting messages such as "Missing file" or "Export does not show up. Were there problems with the import?
How to I simplify the list of file types in the Save-As file type list? I use less than six file types. I have no need for most of these. It would be nice to have my top 5 and then the ability to go off-menu if needed for others.
what apart from PSB's ability to handle very large files, are the advantages of one over the other? Reason I ask is the PS Autorecover file has a PSB extension, which I guess enables the feature to handle any file size. So if it is used to recover your work, why do we need to continue to have two formats. Why not just one?
I just made a whole website design in 3 psd documents, and I went to save as on each of them, and had .psd selected. It saved, and I thought it was ok. But then I went to open it again and it had a smaller file size than I expected...and I realized it was a jpg disguised as a psd, which also when opened gave me the classic 'Cannot open..not a valid photoshop document'...but of course even the jpgs are useless to me as I had various pages on different layers, made invisible. Under normal circumstances I would accept it and start again, however I have not since closed photoshop since I began tweaking them, and thus wondered if it might at all be possible to reload the documents as they once were (they were all real .psd documents before I opened them today).
Specs: 2.8Ghz Athlon 1GB ram ATi Radeon 9800 XP SP2
i started getting this message when I try to open .psd, .ai and numerous other files. I have checked my import-export options and file formats in my plug ins folder but nothing seems to be missing. I can't figure out why this is happening. What i am having to do lately, is open them in image ready, then jump to ps. I know I end up being able to access these files -
I work in publishing and convert hundreds of jpgs into tifs each month. In CS6 under save-as when I click on format> tif, I loose the end of my file name.
Eg Figure 8.7.jpg goes to Figure 8.tif >loosing the last part of the filename.
When I have a big list of files to run through, I need the saving process to be as quick as possible without having to alter the file name manually. Why this is happening, it was fine on CS3!
For some odd reason, when I choose a different file format in Photoshop CS3, the extension does not change, and I have to manually enter this in. I don't recall having to do this before.
I have a mac as well but it doesnt seem to have this problem.
I wanted to know what the difference between .JPEG and .JPG were. I found this link:
Basically they are the same extension and on older computers they could not hold more than a 3 character abbreviated file extension.
But, I want know, what other extensions are relative to Gimp, or what and why is .xcf, .png, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, the extensions always used? Are there others? What is the relevance to .xcf, and the plug ins are all saved as .scm, .gbr, etc. That part makes sense, but I have a plug in for G'MIC with a strange extension (.par2) and I cannot install it.
WE just bought an educational licence of design standard and it been installed on our networked computers.
It seems to be working fine on my computer apart from a bug maybe with adding colours to the gradient map. but thats not why im posting.
If a pupil logs on and opens a new file does some work and then tries to save in a photoshop file format this will work the first time but on a second attempt if they save as another file with a new file name it will say there is a copy of that file when clearly ther isnt. If they say that they want to copy over the file it will save the file but photoshop will not open that file again unable to open wrong file format.
anybody have any idea why photoshop may be acting like this it seems to be a file format issue..
I tried putting it in its own directory and adding it in options...won't show up in plugin list.I tried putting it in the same directory with Xenofex which works - Eye candy won't show up in plugin listI tried putting Eye Candy in the PSPlugins of the XD Pro 7 directory - still won't show up..My other machine uses Vista and it works on that machine...but not Win7 Home Premium.
When I select the live effect tool the "new" button is greyed out and there's no live effects list. How do I get to the default effects that come with Xara? I'm using Xara Designer Pro 7.