Illustrator :: Batch Process - Export To JPG With Missing Extensions
Nov 4, 2013
Windows 7 -Â 64Bit , CS 6, Illustrator 64Bit.
As the title says I am running a AI -> JPG export through the batch action process and my files are saved without an extension. ie. "file" not "ai", "jpg", "png" etc.
However, yes adding the extension manually or through third party software results in a perfect jpg as I required but that step should not be needed. What am I missing?
Oh, and yes I have tried to change the destination folder to something completely empty to avoid duplicate issues but I still get the same result. If I run the simple "Export" portion of my action the file is exported with a file extension without issue, only it fails that step when running the batch process.
(Also i've used photoshop batch process for years so I do have some knowledge that i'm doing this correctly but this is my first attempt with Illustrator.)
Suddenly when I do a File>Export and try changing the "save as" type to PDF, it's missing from the list of file extensions. I recall having this option earlier this year and have exported hundreds of files to PDF. Now it's gone. Same installation of Xara. See the attached screenshot for proof!
I would like to know if it's possible to export a job script in PP so a batch process can run it after? A sort of script where all the operations on the video would be encoded in a sort of metadata. I am working at ubisoft and we have a lot of video to process and transcode and we use Media encoder and Premier and eventually, we would love to use the multi machine philosphy to optimize our productivity. Does PP or media encoder can be suitable for multi machines operations...maybe something like a cloud?
I'm a print designer. I have this Action I use to batch Illustrator files convert all spot colors to process. The problem I found recently in some instances where an object is black & white bitmap the Action converts to CMYK and that causes an issue for product representation because it does change drastically. I process a lot this files daily basis. As far as I know I don't think using an Action will prevent this from happening because it does work but I just want to confirm that in this forum. I can Insert a Stop in the Action to see what kind of image has been embeded but that defeat the purpose of running a batch. Â here are the stepson the Action: Unlock all Select all Convert to CMYK (Using Edit colrs) deselectÂ
I have X5 and win 7 64bit. When I open the import window the only file extensions I can select are pdf and the alphebet after. I do not show cdr or any extensions from a to p or show all files. If I look in windows explorer everything is ther and I can drag a file to the draw page. I tried repair and then reinstalling x5, still no show. I show the files being associated with the program.
I found a script that does the job, export tones of ai files to pdf, but I have some files which are in sub folders, and I was trying to find a way to modify this script to include subfolder, but no luck.
Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the termsof the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. if you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification,or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe.  This sample gets files specified by the user from the selected folder and batch processes them and saves them as PDFs.  Edits by Patrick Mineault: - only .ai files processed - files saved in same folder as the input files - export files have name (oldname).pdf - PDF settings: editable / acrobatLayers=true for maximum compatibility with Preview  // Main Code [Execution of script begins here] // uncomment to suppress Illustrator warning dialogs // app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS; var destFolder, sourceFolder, files, fileType, sourceDoc, targetFile, pdfSaveOpts; // Select the source folder. sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the folder with Illustrator .ai files you want to convert to PDF'); [code]...
I created an Action to batch export a folder of .ai files to create 300dpi .png's of the .ai file's artboard. I did this by simply recording " png" with my desired settings then Batch running the Action on desired folder of .ai files. The files were successfully exported, the trouble is that the exported files lack a .png file extension. My intent is to take these PNG files and merge them into a single PDF using Acrobat Pro. Unfortunatly, without the .PNG extension, Acrobat Pro does not recognize the file types and does not let me use the Combine Files feature on them. Going back and manually adding a .png at the end of the exported files defeats the time-saving purpose of Batch Processing all together. Is there something I am missing or doing incorrectly? I have included screenshots of 1) My Batch Action settings 2) folders showing files without .png extension and 3) visual of what I see when I am trying to combine PNGs into a PDF.
How the PMS color palettes "simulate" on screen how the color will print on different substrates (glossy vs matte vs uncoated paper). That's great for comps, but if you convert it to CMYK to print it, and the values are representing a "simulated" color it won't look correct (by that I mean come close to matching the spot color). For example, the uncoated palette simulates the color by making them appear a bit washed out on screen - pretty good visual simulation. But it might do so by adding black and cyan to orange for example, etc. - effectively dulling the original color.
So if I convert that to CMYK within the new Pantone + color palette, and then send it to the printer - it won't appear as it did on screen, it will dull the end color even more because it's converted the color to the dull simulated version - what a disaster! It's only doing half the job - showing us what it should look like on screen. In order to be truly efficient for design professionals the CMYK conversion might remove black and cyan completely to effectively brighten the color in the final output on uncoated paper. I would prefer it just stick to the standard conversion, which Pantone did have as a standard palette option (PMS to process), and then I can adjust if I think it's necessary. Â Any corporate branding system will likely start with a PMS spot color palette for the identity. Then it will build into many different adaptations - full color brochures, large format banners and trade show graphics, website, advertising. So any corporate branding system will need to have PMS, CMYK and RGB versions of their main corporate color palette. There was a standard for these translations that was automatically consistent in the Adobe software and that is now all over the place, so it relies on individuals manually adapting the color mixes for final use - what a great way to screw things up.
I have a CMYK AI file with several objects. When I export to 1920x1080 JPG, PNG or PSD...some outlined text is not showing up but it's drop shadow is. Some objects that have transparency gradients are also missing. It is the same if I export to RGB or CMYK. I have to translate the AI first to RGB and then it works but it has never done this to me before. Il CS5.1, Mac OSX 10.7.5
I really hate the "JPG Options" Dialog Box while I was doing a batch job of Autocolor + Duplicate Layer > Mode SofLight. Is there any way to disable that Dialog box , or saving the settings as default so it won't come again in future ?
completely remove the white background. Because this will be a batch process that includes others lighter hats, I can only use a maximum of 10 as a tolerance. When placed on a black background, it reflects some white fringe.
I'm starting with the Magic Eraser (10 tolerance), then doing Layer/Matting/Defringe, and no matter what tolerance I apply there (up to 20), some white pixels remain around the edge. Very frustrating to find a happy medium process in order to batch various colors to an acceptable quality.
Is it possible to put a watermark on images in photoshop,like putting the word "preview" or "sample" on the jpeg,with a transparant type of effect on it?
Also would it be possible to do this in a batch process?
I have a batch of 1000 images that all need to be processed with the exact same levels adjustments and the exact same crop command. I recorded the necssary actions in photoshop, and I can now open up approximately 20 of my images and batch apply the actions to all 20 images automatically. The trouble is that I have 1000 images to process like this, and I can't open all 1000 in photoshop at once; it just kills my machine. I don't want to do the whole 1000 in little batches of 20 either. I'll be getting a new pile of 1000 images to process like this every day or two, so I need a way to do the whole 1000 automatically without user intervention. Â Is such a thing possible? Â I'm a software develoeper by profession, so if doing this sort of massive batch processing requires any command line work or scripting then I would totally be up for that.
I have a set of actions i need to run on a couple of hundred jpegs, they simply need a lens correction, auto colour and auto contrast, then need saving as tiffs, all works fine when i record the action, but when i run it on a folder full of jpegs, the tiffs are huge! original jpegs are around 5mb and the tiffs are 30mb, if i apply the save as to a file individually it seems fine (file size around 2mb)
In the save as section i have specified jpeg compression at a quality of 8, but it seems to miss this in the batch process, am i missing something?
I have several .psd images that I need to turn into .swf's. The only solution I can figure is to place the psd into illustrator and save. Is there a faster/easier option as I have hundreds of files that I need to do this to! I also need them to be .pngs.
I work at an animation studio where our artists work directly in Photoshop CS5 to draw storyboards (3 panels across). We are having major difficulties figuring out how to successfully convert our action (which exports the three panels as tiff images) into a batch process,
The action basically just selects each channel of the main storyboard (three channels for the three panel areas), copies/pastes the image into a new canvas, saves that new image as a tiff to the desktop. It does that for all three panels and yields three tiff images on my desktop, which I then have to drag and drop into a folder before running the action on the next page or else it will replace the previous round of images (saving over them). Â Using Automate > Batch doesn't work and I am wondering if it is even possible to run a batch or if the action is simply too complex because it creates three new image files.
Just recently got into time lapse photography and have been batch processing away to my hearts content. I have one scene that looks unbelievable with the "surrealistic" HDR toning preset. However, I record my action and set up the folders and set it to go, but it seems to want me to click "ok" after filtering each photo...there's 1685 of them, so not very keen on that.
I am making sets of wedding stationary for a photography studio. Each set contains an invitation, dinner card, place card etc.
Each set has a dominant color throughout the series.
What I want to do is offer each set in a variety of colors but going through each image, replacing the color in each layer with the new color for each image in the set would take forever.
Is there a way to "Batch process" this where I can replace a color in each image with a new color. I think I may have to make a separate action for each new color I want to use but that is still better than nothing.
Also, I need to keep the new images in layers as the studio wants the ability to go in and make layer changes if necessary.
I need to add a logo onto several jpg images and then re-save them as jpg's.
I start the action recording, then open the image, then opening the psd with the logo, I then duplicate the logo layer onto the jpg file. I then move it into place and then save the jpg. After this I stop the action from recording.
Now when I go to run it in batch mode, at the point it should duplicate the layer from teh psd file onto the jpg, it says cannot open "new document"
way I can create an action and get the image onto the jpgs and avoid thsi error?
there were a simple batch process for resizing ... primarily for resizing width. This would be good for quickly creating thumbnails from larger images.
I have a command to open some dwg files and print them. I´m using the Sub imprimePDF. When I did the code with (AutoCAD 2011 and VS 2008) , it runs ok but now it´s wrong.
This is the sub
Sub imprimePDF() Dim myDWG As Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Document myDWG = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
When I´m debugging the code, last sentence produces an error: 'tr not declared' and I don't know why.
I have PSE 12. I need to batch process jpg files to a lower quality for the web. This was easy in PSE 9. The choice is under FILE but it is faint and will not activate.
I have over 500 layers of different texts over a simple background image. I need to move through each one of these layers, making only one and the background visible, then doing the same for the next, and saving each out as a separate .jpeg. I know how to batch process the jpegs giving each a different filename, but how do I move through the layers?
I frequently use a script to resize .jpgs from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi to save space on my hard drive. After resizing 300+ .jpgs last night, I found that they all retained their original file size. An image that started out as 3600x3600 dpi with a file size such as 3.5mb that was resized to 1000x1000 dpi using the script in X4 still had a file size of 3.5mb when it should have been considerably smaller than 1mb. I relaunched the application and rebooted my computer but no change. To fix the problem I had to run the .jpgs thru the batch process again using the same script but in X3.
The script I was using was created in X3 so I tried creating an identical script in X4. Regardless of which script I used in the X4 batch process, the same thing happened.
This problem seems to be unique to the script and/or batch process. I can open a .jpg file in X4, resize it from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi, save the changes, and the file size changes accordingly.