Paint Shop Pro :: Resizing Images Via Batch Process?
Oct 2, 2011
I frequently use a script to resize .jpgs from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi to save space on my hard drive. After resizing 300+ .jpgs last night, I found that they all retained their original file size. An image that started out as 3600x3600 dpi with a file size such as 3.5mb that was resized to 1000x1000 dpi using the script in X4 still had a file size of 3.5mb when it should have been considerably smaller than 1mb. I relaunched the application and rebooted my computer but no change. To fix the problem I had to run the .jpgs thru the batch process again using the same script but in X3.
The script I was using was created in X3 so I tried creating an identical script in X4. Regardless of which script I used in the X4 batch process, the same thing happened.
This problem seems to be unique to the script and/or batch process. I can open a .jpg file in X4, resize it from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi, save the changes, and the file size changes accordingly.
there were a simple batch process for resizing ... primarily for resizing width. This would be good for quickly creating thumbnails from larger images.
I have been trying to batch edit several JPG files using "perfectly clear" but I keep getting an error. It complains that FileSaveAs is crashing. I spent some time looking at the corel files and they says something about "FileSaveAs" won't work if it not in the "Scripts-Trusted" folder. However I cannot find it (FileSaveAs) so I can move it over to the Trusted Folder. I CAN find the scripts-trusted folder.
Batch processing several files using "Perfectly Clear"?
I created a folder on my flash drive. I'm trying to use Batch Process to copy the files to the drive. I'm not adding a script. The name of the new folder comes up in the dialogue box, but when I click on the start button I get a notice that the file already exits and do I want to overwrite it. I click on yes. All the photos are then copied, but when I go to the new folder in my flash drive it's empty.
I'm following the instructions in Diane Koers book on PSP X4.
Also, I can't seem to use Batch Process to save my JPEGs and TIFFs. Is it possible to do this.
I have 105 files that I would like to compress down. I have searched these forums but didn't find any threads related to my inquiry.When I create a script to compress to 96dpi there are weird color/light artifacts in the resulting pics. When I do the "save for office" function the pics get even smaller with no artifacts.
1. what settings does the "save for office" compressor use so that I can recreate thru other means
2. how do i create a batch process script using the "save for office" menu item?
I have resized my images to an 8 x 10 format, but when I sent the files to my print lab, they told me they are less than an 8x10, with a resolution less than what I had indicated in prox3.
I have about 1.000 files in .jpg and would like to create a thumbnail for each also in .jpg width 800 variable length adding a t prefix to the original name for the thumb name.
I have a batch of 1000 images that all need to be processed with the exact same levels adjustments and the exact same crop command. I recorded the necssary actions in photoshop, and I can now open up approximately 20 of my images and batch apply the actions to all 20 images automatically. The trouble is that I have 1000 images to process like this, and I can't open all 1000 in photoshop at once; it just kills my machine. I don't want to do the whole 1000 in little batches of 20 either. I'll be getting a new pile of 1000 images to process like this every day or two, so I need a way to do the whole 1000 automatically without user intervention.
Is such a thing possible?
I'm a software develoeper by profession, so if doing this sort of massive batch processing requires any command line work or scripting then I would totally be up for that.
I have a batch of 500 jpg images all in different sizes 732 KB, 634 KB, 664 KB etc.
I need to compress / save for web down to 130 KB the entire batch. I've managed to create an action which compresses them lower than 130 KB at different sizes depending on how light or dark the images are, but still not to an exact number. Is there a way to create such an action or script? I'm working off of Photoshop CS5, iMac 10.5.8.
I know how to batch process images to place a logo or watermark on an image. Normally the image is different every time and the exact same logo is placed on all the images.
In this case the image is exactly the same every time but i need it saved in a folder 100 times each with a different logo. So essentially a reverse of the normal process. Same image different logo's.
I have 160+ photos of different sizes (but mostly 1600 x 1200). I'm running them in a loop for my screensaver. I transferred them to my cellphone, to be used as wallpaper, but they're too big to fit the screen. I can only see a portion of the image. So I'd like to reduce the size for them all, without having to do each one individually (and tediously).
Question: How do I “Add” multiple TIFF files to a Batch Process so I don't get the "what page" question?The PP9 Batch Process Added – OPENED - files, processed according to my script, then saved the result to new type & folder.
X5, a recent purchase, does an IMPORT of TIFFs instead of an OPEN and wants to know what page I want to load. Answering this on each file defeats the purpose of batch processing. How I should write the script?
I've done batch processing before, but unsure of how to simply change the jpg compress on all files in a root folder (with subdirs). I guess I'm stuck in not knowing how to set the compression since this is done in the saving of the file and not really the script part.
Problems with the resize facility? The program does not allow resizing on some photographs but it does on others, even those taken on similar settings (same ISO) within minutes of each other. Pressing the resize option or the new button on some photos brings up the resize widow at top left of the screen with no data and only the word 'Static' where the original data should be shown and nothing in any of the other various boxes. Inputting data in any of the boxes does not work and the OK button does not work either. On other photos the usual resize window comes up in the middle of the screen with original photo data shown and all the usual options displayed for the required resize.
The same photographs which will not resize in X5 resize normally in my X3 version and I get the message "Requested parameter not found in the repository" when attempting to resize the photos on my laptop copy of X5.
I recently upgraded from X3 to X4 and just noticed a Cropping and Re-sizing issue with X4. When I crop or re-size an image and then save it as a JPG, the size of the image prior to saving and the size displayed after saving and reopening are different. When I open the PRINT LAYOUT screen for the JPG, it confirms that the image was NOT re sized or cropped. It almost appears like there is an issue with the way X4 saves a JPG. When I perform the exact same cropping or re-sizing but save the image as a TIF, the problem does not happen. I also duplicated the cropping and re-sizing under X3, saved the image as a JPG and the problem did NOT happen.
By the way, when I worked with tech support, they could not duplicate the problem on their system but when they remotely accessed my computer, they saw the problem. The only difference seems to be that I have a PC with a 3.33 gigahertz Intel Core i7 X 980 processor.
I have thousands of images and I want to create a resized copy of each in a new tree, is there a way of using scripts to traverse a tree of folders, resize each image and create the new image in a new folder tree? I know this is quite advanced but doing it manually (even with scripts) would take ages.
I have just installed PSP X5 and have found a couple of problems.
First one is when I close PSP the process still runs for a good 10 minutes afterwards and consumes a lot of system memory. I found this by accident after I closed PSP X5 and then decided to start it again. It wouldn't open until I closed the previous process.
Second, when I start PSP after the splash screen and the program interface appear I have to wait about 1 minute 40 seconds before I can do anything with the program.
how to improve this situation because at the moment I don't consider this acceptable?
I'm running Windows 7 32 bit with 4Gb of RAM, other than browser and email no other big program is running inthe background
I want to create a collage. I set a feather value, make a selection out of a 2nd image and paste it into another file. Pastes in fine, but when I try and grab the corner of the pasted layer and resize it to be smaller, for some reason (I have done this approach on 20 other occasions), it doesn't resize as a rectangle as it should. It starts to resize as an octagon type shape. The following link shows an example of a freshly pasted layer that I tried to resize. There must be some setting that got changed because I have done this across four different versions of paint shop
Example below that shows the big layer getting "bent out of shape". URL....
When I Select All/Copy a photo to Paste as New Layer on top of another photo, it always pastes as a humongous image. I have to scroll & scroll & scroll down to find grab handles, then fiddle & fiddle resizing the image to the same size as the underlying photo. I take the photos with the same camera. Seems to me the photos ought to be the same size!
I decided to go ahead with the upgrade at $29 and then immediately installed the SP1. Well now I have an issue that I didn't have before. When I use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out the window does not resize anymore along with the image itself (not using tabbed mode), there are settings in preference just for this type of action so the window should resize with the image while zooming if the settings are checked properly. I did a reset and reinstall without any results. Of course the reinstall includes the updated version now so I can't be sure if the SP1 is the cause or not.
The only thing different since my free trial period is I updated Windows 8 - 8.1 and installed the SP1. Any issue with or without W8.1 or after installing SP1?
I am finding that if I select a range of files to rename that already have numbers at the end, say 1 - 12, it is changing the order of the files and seeing the files numbered 10 - 12 before the file numbered 2. I am pretty sure it didn't work this way in X3.
I have just started using a Canon 60D. I wish to use PhotopaintX4 to process the images in RAW of course. Naturally impossible to do at present because PP can't read the file. Is there a download to enable this to happen?
I have been using Paint.NET on my laptop for a really long time, I just installed it on my desktop and I am having a problem with resizing. Every image I resize the image gets all distorted around the edges, high and low resolution images! If I take the same image and resize it on my laptop it looks prefect but if I resize it on my desktop it looks horrible!
For example on the image I attached, I shrunk the Pinterest P I use often, as you can see one looks great (laptop version), the other not so much (desktop)!
referred to this software, tried it out but can't get my desired results? I have about 16 images of website screenshots, meaning I took full page screenshots of different sites to use in my Portfolio page so I need the dimensions of all 16 site's screenshots to be the exact same size which is 192x115, problem is I am not allowed to type in those exact dimensions before resizing. Is there any I can get my desired results?
Whenever I open the batch conversion window a file always appears in the main file list window; I have to manually remove it (pressing clear) before using the browse button.
I'm in the process of creating an mpg of a load of photos and movies taken on my camera. I want to have a small transparent border around the slides so they fit in the "safe area" of the TV and I can show a moving image behind the slides (especially the portrait ones).
I know that I can resize the photos and then resize the canvas to give me my border and I can then do "Save As" PNG to get the border transparent.
I have a few hundred photos so what I want to know is, is it possible to utilize PSPs built in "Batch Process" on the files and make use of the "Use Script" option.
I have recorded a script which does all the resizing and saving but when I look at the script it has the name of the file hard coded in it.
What I want to do is use the "Batch Process" to select all the files, run the script on them and then save them into a different folder (something I've done many time for other projects just not with the transparent bit).