Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: How To Add Multiple TIFF Files To Batch Process
Feb 28, 2011
Question: How do I “Add” multiple TIFF files to a Batch Process so I don't get the "what page" question?The PP9 Batch Process Added – OPENED - files, processed according to my script, then saved the result to new type & folder.
X5, a recent purchase, does an IMPORT of TIFFs instead of an OPEN and wants to know what page I want to load. Answering this on each file defeats the purpose of batch processing. How I should write the script?
I've done batch processing before, but unsure of how to simply change the jpg compress on all files in a root folder (with subdirs). I guess I'm stuck in not knowing how to set the compression since this is done in the saving of the file and not really the script part.
I got over 160 color corrected RAW files from my photographer when I thought I was getting TIf or PSD files. I need to put them into an in design doc to send out for printing. Is there a way to convert all of these in one fell swoop without messing up the work that has already been done?
I didn't allow in my timing to save each one individually since i didn't know I was going to need to do this. I am really unfamiliar with batch processing, so how to best go about this, or if I even can. I am working in Photoshop CS6. version 13.06 x 64.
Working in BRidge and Photoshop CS6:I have 160 color adjusted hi-res CR2 RAW files from my photographer, thought I was getting tifs. I need tifs for my INdesign file. I tried using the photoshop image proecessor through brige by selecting all my images and then saving as TIFFs but I am losing all my color correcting? Is there a way to save these out as tiffs as a group and not one at a time? I also might have lost my color correcting when I copies them all to one folder as well...not sure what is happening except now my great product shots look like crap.
I have just started using a Canon 60D. I wish to use PhotopaintX4 to process the images in RAW of course. Naturally impossible to do at present because PP can't read the file. Is there a download to enable this to happen?
I am evaluating x6 and considering upgrading. I have been a daily Corel user since the 1990's and usually do every-other upgrades.
Anyhow, I am having a problem exporting TIFF images. The bottom part of the image is corrupt. White band. Interesting, if I open the TIFF in Corel PhotoPaint it's perfectly fine and fancy, but If I preview in Explorer I get the band, emailing it the recipient complains about the white band which obliterates the bottom 100px or so.
As far as I know the Adobe TIFF spec has not changed since 1991, maybe 1996..
So is this a limitation with the trial upgrade or a bug or a weird harold situation?
Everything else seems great, I'm excited about running corel 64 bit on an 8 core machine with 16 gb, It does seem like there have been some things removed which were previously very useful for production, and now they are gone or perhaps just missing. For example, how do i pop out the pallette and see all the colors at once? I think now I have to scroll at the bottom and it's annoying as heck.
I am trying to save a tif file to gif and at the same time setting the white background transparent. I did this in Corel Photo Paint 11 with the following
Now in Corel Photo Paint X5 this doesn't work any more. What have changed and what am I doing wrong. According to documentation it seems to be correct.
I am trying to figure out how to batch process multiple files with Elements 11. I have installed Imagenomic Plug Ins with Elements 11. I have also installed the supplied ATN action files created by Imagenomic for Photoshop. These actions work fine with Elements 11. I need to figure out how to utilize, or select, the Noiseware Plug In option within Elements Batch Process configuration window. It appears I can only apply the default mods provided by Elements and can't see any of the Imagenomic Plug Ins as Batch Process options.
When opening a multi-page TIF file, there are options to open a specific page, a range of pages, or all pages. Unfortunately, the options for range of pages or all pages are dimmed, and cannot be selected. What can we not select these other options?
Is it possible to take 3-4 effects, all mixed together, like brush stroke, solarise, warp sharp, neon... mix them all together, and process a number of pictures while changing the mix level of each effect, and also varying some of the effect settings, such as brush size, brightness, etc...
are there any scripts that can do that? any macro plugins that can control other plugins? is there a crafty programming trick that could be fashioned to vary and mix effects across a task of batch processing?
I have been trying to batch edit several JPG files using "perfectly clear" but I keep getting an error. It complains that FileSaveAs is crashing. I spent some time looking at the corel files and they says something about "FileSaveAs" won't work if it not in the "Scripts-Trusted" folder. However I cannot find it (FileSaveAs) so I can move it over to the Trusted Folder. I CAN find the scripts-trusted folder.
Batch processing several files using "Perfectly Clear"?
I have overlaid star shapes on a colored background, so that you can see the colors inside the star shapes as well as outside the lines of the star shape. the shapes are outlined in a black border. Is there a way I can delete the background (cut out multiple stars) on one sheet and have a white background with the colors still inside the stars?
Just installed the trial version of Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3. Now I try to open old files made around 1999-2001 with Corel Photo Paint (from Office 7 Professional). None of the files are recognized. Funny thing is, WordPerfect X3 does recognize those files, and is able to import them in a document. But what do I have to do to be able to work with those files again in Corel Paintshop?? Or in any other photo-editing program for that matter?
For some reason now when I import a high resolution bitmap file into Photo Paint for editing it reduces my dpi to an extremely low resolution. It just started doing this today.
One of the reasons I have always liked PhotoPaint is because one can do some amount of video editing with it which is handy for animations or title frames to use in video editing programs. PhotoPaint has always been my preferred tool for making animated gifs from avi or mov files.
I see that it will open uncompressed avi or mov files but if they are compressed, it won't open them properly; such as showing the frames as solid black.
Is there a way to import additional codecs or filters or whatever for avi and mov into x5?
The Coreldraw Graphics Suite X5 is my first foray into this product since version 3 (way back when). PhotoPaint supports CR2 files.
Except that in my case it doesn't do so consistently. Files from my Canon 5D MkII occasionally open fine (just this evening, I started getting a problem withe these as well), but 7D files consistently crash the program and I have to exit.
I have SP3 installed.
This machine is a 6-month old 64-bit HP desktop (AMD multi-core processor) with 8 GB of RAM. Photoshop, Lightroom, Painter 12, and PSP X4 work without incident and open all supported files smoothly.
I am doing a lot of saving new files over old ones. I am sick of the warning message that pops up having a default answer of 'NO' when I go to replace the files. Is there a way to change the default to 'YES' , or get rid of the message altogether?
I have CDGSX4. I've been trying to edit some of my Canon Raw (CR2) files. However I get this purplish haze covering my images I think it has to do with the Raw File driver. I've noticed this with PSPX4 and also the trial version of CDGSX6.
I have Corel PhotoPaint X5 running on Windows 7 x64. Every time I save a jpg or jpeg file, the file cannot be shared and appears with a padlock on the bottom left hand corner. To be able to share it, I have to go to the properties of every individual photo and add "Everyone" to the permissions in the Security Tab. Other files save OK. Its only jpg/jpeg files that get locked.
Trying to edit and save this file fails silently, because Photo-PAINT does get confused by a file name like this: "filename.morename.extension". Nothing gets saved.
The actual file name taken from my example file is: "Flag_of_Germany.svg.png".
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
I have PSE 12. I need to batch process jpg files to a lower quality for the web. This was easy in PSE 9. The choice is under FILE but it is faint and will not activate.
I have over 500 layers of different texts over a simple background image. I need to move through each one of these layers, making only one and the background visible, then doing the same for the next, and saving each out as a separate .jpeg. I know how to batch process the jpegs giving each a different filename, but how do I move through the layers?
My camera out put is in JPEG I have no choice. While I can process jpeg with no problems in CS5 is there a better way to do this? would I be better off converting the JPEG to either tiff or psd and then process the file and then reconvert back to jpeg as the final product. I have heard so much about "lossy"(jpeg) vs "non Lossy" (tiff and psd) which are the ones I want to use?
there were a simple batch process for resizing ... primarily for resizing width. This would be good for quickly creating thumbnails from larger images.