I have CDGSX4. I've been trying to edit some of my Canon Raw (CR2) files. However I get this purplish haze covering my images I think it has to do with the Raw File driver. I've noticed this with PSPX4 and also the trial version of CDGSX6.
The Coreldraw Graphics Suite X5 is my first foray into this product since version 3 (way back when). PhotoPaint supports CR2 files.
Except that in my case it doesn't do so consistently. Files from my Canon 5D MkII occasionally open fine (just this evening, I started getting a problem withe these as well), but 7D files consistently crash the program and I have to exit.
I have SP3 installed.
This machine is a 6-month old 64-bit HP desktop (AMD multi-core processor) with 8 GB of RAM. Photoshop, Lightroom, Painter 12, and PSP X4 work without incident and open all supported files smoothly.
Just installed the trial version of Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3. Now I try to open old files made around 1999-2001 with Corel Photo Paint (from Office 7 Professional). None of the files are recognized. Funny thing is, WordPerfect X3 does recognize those files, and is able to import them in a document. But what do I have to do to be able to work with those files again in Corel Paintshop?? Or in any other photo-editing program for that matter?
For some reason now when I import a high resolution bitmap file into Photo Paint for editing it reduces my dpi to an extremely low resolution. It just started doing this today.
One of the reasons I have always liked PhotoPaint is because one can do some amount of video editing with it which is handy for animations or title frames to use in video editing programs. PhotoPaint has always been my preferred tool for making animated gifs from avi or mov files.
I see that it will open uncompressed avi or mov files but if they are compressed, it won't open them properly; such as showing the frames as solid black.
Is there a way to import additional codecs or filters or whatever for avi and mov into x5?
Question: How do I “Add” multiple TIFF files to a Batch Process so I don't get the "what page" question?The PP9 Batch Process Added – OPENED - files, processed according to my script, then saved the result to new type & folder.
X5, a recent purchase, does an IMPORT of TIFFs instead of an OPEN and wants to know what page I want to load. Answering this on each file defeats the purpose of batch processing. How I should write the script?
I am doing a lot of saving new files over old ones. I am sick of the warning message that pops up having a default answer of 'NO' when I go to replace the files. Is there a way to change the default to 'YES' , or get rid of the message altogether?
I have Corel PhotoPaint X5 running on Windows 7 x64. Every time I save a jpg or jpeg file, the file cannot be shared and appears with a padlock on the bottom left hand corner. To be able to share it, I have to go to the properties of every individual photo and add "Everyone" to the permissions in the Security Tab. Other files save OK. Its only jpg/jpeg files that get locked.
Trying to edit and save this file fails silently, because Photo-PAINT does get confused by a file name like this: "filename.morename.extension". Nothing gets saved.
The actual file name taken from my example file is: "Flag_of_Germany.svg.png".
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
Im using Corel Photo-Paint X5 and was wondering how to decrease or remove pixelation from the edges of a low quality photo? Iva attached a sample below
is it possible to convert a photo into a silhouette in cd. I have been playing around with a few pictures but not getting great results, although they are improving each time. What I want to do is convert a picture of my neice into a silhouette and maybe cut it in vinyl.
This is the top of South Mountain. South "Mountain" is about 1,000 feet high. We like to think that we are living in the mountains so a good many hills and towns have the word mountain in their name.
While "Draw" of Coreldraw X5 is working well, Corel Photopaint X5 does not "Save", "Save as..." or "Export" files. It just does nothing, when I choose to save a file under "something.cpt". It works, as long as it is a JPG, but not as a CPT. I am working on a Win7, with CorelX5 in german. Support told me to reinstall.
So let's say I want to use a picture of a coca-cola bottle from an image I found on the internet, or I take a pic of one... what is the best way to cut-it-out?
1) For instance, sometimes, the object is cut out of a white background and I want to use it on a black background... leaves a nasty outline :( - maybe its easier to take a pic of the object on a black background (which is what I usually do - but I don't feel like getting the camera out - besides, I then almost always need to touch up the photo)
2) how do I easily smooth the edges if a use the colour wand? before or after cutting out (Copy to clipboard)?
The only posts I ever see on any site usually deal with Photoshop. I've been getting decent results using one step photo finish and then sliding the overall brightness bar to a negative position usually -10 to -30. I then go to fade correction and use a value of 46. This seems to do a decent job. My wife and I are avid snorkelers so I'm usually taking my pictures at a depth of 10' - 30' of water with an internal flash.
I want to know how to resize a photo without loosing quality....... in the image resize box the is a check box that says maintain file size ......what does that do .
I have tried to resize using it and the file stays the same as the original.
I am trying to change the background of a photo. Not just change the color but change the color AND make it keep it's original shading, etc. I have some family photos we had made recently and they used a beige color draping for the background. The ones we had made before had a black draping. I was wondering how I could go about using some sort of additive coloring to transform the varying shades of beige to the same varying shades of black.
I have already used the masking tool to separate the background from the rest of the photo.
I went from DV, to AVCHD earlier in the year. I had no luck at all getting one smooth render using AVCHD from my Panasonic camcorder. So when I bought my Canon 5D MKII I thought the HD files would be easier/better to work with. I have edited together some files just for tests with and without crossfades, but both have either resulted in shakey/jerky footage, or the program crashing saying 'send the dump file to Ulead for analysis.
Basically I perform smart proxy to shrink the files to make them smoother to edit, then when I try to render to .mov again, the footage is jerky, but then I can rerender to mpeg2. The problem is that the mpeg2 footage is only about 95% smooth. It will be flowing along then every 5-10 seconds there will be a jump. If I try to render straight to anything else - mpeg2, H.264, MPEG4, it just crashes after 3 seconds giving the same dump file message.
Sony Vaio laptop Intel Duo Core 2.2ghz Windows 7 home premium 64 bit 4GB Ram
Ulead version Pro X3
I have downloaded all the latest patches, and I downloaded the latest Directx (I'm not sure what this is, I just followed the link on the forum for the June 2010 one; is it an automatic thing?)
So I have a decent computer, and fantastic camera, and Ulead's top program - why can't I get a smooth end file??
I have a around 500 cdr(corel draw ) files, and each pages have around 20 images in it.
so what i do. select every single image on the pages then using convert bitmap option to save them on my computer. That consume my whole time in saving them to my computer.
Is there any fast option available to select all images at once and convert to bitmap 20 images and save in a number say 1,2 ...20
Is there an easy way to do color tints on a photo in PhotoPAINT? And by that I don't mean just correcting the tint, I mean converting a regular photo into one that has a single color tint (e.g., yellow, red, etc.). I've tried graying it out and then adding a transparent color layer over it, but I'm not getting the result I'm looking for.
Also, while I'm at it, are there any (current) books out that cover PhotoPAINT in depth? I know that the official DRAW book has a section on it, but it's pretty basic.
The current crop of photo sharing apps like Instagram have made filter effects a popular way of adding some extra vim to your shots. What if you want to give the ‘retro’ look to photos that aren’t on your phone though?
How can we create retro looking photos in PhotoPaint?