I am finding that if I select a range of files to rename that already have numbers at the end, say 1 - 12, it is changing the order of the files and seeing the files numbered 10 - 12 before the file numbered 2. I am pretty sure it didn't work this way in X3.
I need to rename tens of thousands of photos and while I have the batch rename tool working just fine.I'm using custom text and sequential numbering. However, I need a blank space between these two fields. I'm using X4 on Windows 7.
Whenever I open the batch conversion window a file always appears in the main file list window; I have to manually remove it (pressing clear) before using the browse button.
I'm in the process of creating an mpg of a load of photos and movies taken on my camera. I want to have a small transparent border around the slides so they fit in the "safe area" of the TV and I can show a moving image behind the slides (especially the portrait ones).
I know that I can resize the photos and then resize the canvas to give me my border and I can then do "Save As" PNG to get the border transparent.
I have a few hundred photos so what I want to know is, is it possible to utilize PSPs built in "Batch Process" on the files and make use of the "Use Script" option.
I have recorded a script which does all the resizing and saving but when I look at the script it has the name of the file hard coded in it.
What I want to do is use the "Batch Process" to select all the files, run the script on them and then save them into a different folder (something I've done many time for other projects just not with the transparent bit).
I have about 1.000 files in .jpg and would like to create a thumbnail for each also in .jpg width 800 variable length adding a t prefix to the original name for the thumb name.
I frequently use a script to resize .jpgs from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi to save space on my hard drive. After resizing 300+ .jpgs last night, I found that they all retained their original file size. An image that started out as 3600x3600 dpi with a file size such as 3.5mb that was resized to 1000x1000 dpi using the script in X4 still had a file size of 3.5mb when it should have been considerably smaller than 1mb. I relaunched the application and rebooted my computer but no change. To fix the problem I had to run the .jpgs thru the batch process again using the same script but in X3.
The script I was using was created in X3 so I tried creating an identical script in X4. Regardless of which script I used in the X4 batch process, the same thing happened.
This problem seems to be unique to the script and/or batch process. I can open a .jpg file in X4, resize it from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi, save the changes, and the file size changes accordingly.
Is there a way in PSPX5 or X6 to rename a picture (or string of pictures) so that I can have a "Constant such as VACATION_" followed by the create date from the EXIF data as YYYY-MM-DD followed by a sequence number?
My Canon 7D typically produces a JPG file in the 5B to 12MB range if set to the largest JPG quality. My problem is that if I open for example a 7MB file in Photo Pro X3 and save it again (even if I make no changes) the resulting file is about 2MB. Obviously some compression is happening which I want to avoid/control. Is it possible to set the default compression that X3 uses?
If I use file - export - JPG optimizer I can control things but if I for example want to do a batch process on lots of files. I have used Paint shop Pro since version 5 and love it but I might have to change to another editor if I cannot solve this one.
I just did a batch rename in CS2 on my Mac from 001 to 300. Everything worked fine except for one thing. Right in the middle of the 300 images PS added the following - 140 (1) to 179 (1). Does anyone know why parentheses were added to that group of images?
I have been trying to batch edit several JPG files using "perfectly clear" but I keep getting an error. It complains that FileSaveAs is crashing. I spent some time looking at the corel files and they says something about "FileSaveAs" won't work if it not in the "Scripts-Trusted" folder. However I cannot find it (FileSaveAs) so I can move it over to the Trusted Folder. I CAN find the scripts-trusted folder.
Batch processing several files using "Perfectly Clear"?
I take pictures of a swim team and I keyword tag each image with the swimmers name. I would like to batch rename and save in a new folder the files so they have the original filename and then the keyword name.
I don't see that as an option in the metadata drop down or any of the other drop downs. Is there a way to do it? I have exported it and included the metadata information and from my PC I can see it in the lower picture data, but I am sharing with a Mac user and it is easiest if the name of the swimmer is in the filename. I have over 1100 pictures and renaming them manually would be too time consuming.
I would like to automate of saving, renaming, closing open documents then placing them in a seperate folder after I'm done adding watermarks to my images. The problem I'm coming across is that the action i have renames all the files using the same name (whatever example/file I used when I recorded the action).
So even though the original file names are 123.jpg, 124.jpg, 125.jpg and I want them to be renamed as 123c.jpg, 124c.jpg, 125c.jpg all of them gets renamed 122c.jpg.
I'm not sure how to do a screen shot, so here is the skinny on what I have done...
Under the Batch window I marked the following:
Set: Set1 Action: Watermark Save & Exit Source: Opened Files Destination: Folder Desktop/Watermarked Pictures Override Action "Save As" Commands (box is checked) File Naming: "Document Name+c+extension Starting serial #1 Errors: Stop for Errors
I need to assign the same creation date to several pictures. On the modify file format (batch process) window there is the possibility to include date but I cannot find a method to modify the date only.
I created a folder on my flash drive. I'm trying to use Batch Process to copy the files to the drive. I'm not adding a script. The name of the new folder comes up in the dialogue box, but when I click on the start button I get a notice that the file already exits and do I want to overwrite it. I click on yes. All the photos are then copied, but when I go to the new folder in my flash drive it's empty.
I'm following the instructions in Diane Koers book on PSP X4.
Also, I can't seem to use Batch Process to save my JPEGs and TIFFs. Is it possible to do this.
I have 105 files that I would like to compress down. I have searched these forums but didn't find any threads related to my inquiry.When I create a script to compress to 96dpi there are weird color/light artifacts in the resulting pics. When I do the "save for office" function the pics get even smaller with no artifacts.
1. what settings does the "save for office" compressor use so that I can recreate thru other means
2. how do i create a batch process script using the "save for office" menu item?
I have a 4000 images (spread across 5 folders) who's file names are all prefixed with 'Rex_'. I need to remove this prefix but would rather not do it manually. Is there an automated way to do this, where the existing file name remains the same, but the Rex_ is deleted?
I have looked into the Batch Rename element of Bridge but that doesn't seem to cover the deletion of existing file name sections. I am working on a PC using CS6.
When i rename files in batch in Bridge CS6 the extension from my files is deleted, leaving me with exec files. Sometimes the new name is given but the extension disappears and other times the new name i wanted to give my files appears in place of the extension.
I have had this problem for a while in combination with a cache problem (every time when opening bridge it asked me to purge the cache). I seemed to be solved by renaming the cache folder cache_old and creating a new one but now the batch renaming problem has returned.
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
Am looking for batch resize enhancement. I did Select All and then did Re-size, but only got re-size on the current picture. Actually, I don't think SelectAll did anything. Wonder what its there for, actually.
Adding other utilities (paid or free) to get the re-size job done is not a valid workaround. The point is to use a utility that does it all. For actions that I do not do frequently, I can never remember which tool does which thing best. It would be preferable to have one go-to tool that meets basic editing and file needs and is easy to use. I am thinking paint.net may be mostly for advanced editing.
I ended up using MS Picture Manager for this task, but in folders that need selective selections (e.g. select all pics > 2Kmb), they don't support n-to-n-selection with ctrl-shift.I had to use Explorer to copy the desired folders to a temp folder then use MS-PM to Select-All and Batch Resize; then copy back. blech. There once was a uploader tool from a website photo hosting site I had used in the past that did batch resize, but couldn't remember which or where it was.
I used %percentage reductions, maintaining aspect ratio. I can see that h x w absolute measurements might be tricky in batch mode.