Paint Shop Pro :: JPG Size Change - Batch Processing

Aug 10, 2011

My Canon 7D typically produces a JPG file in the 5B to 12MB range if set to the largest JPG quality. My problem is that if I open for example a 7MB file in Photo Pro X3 and save it again (even if I make no changes) the resulting file is about 2MB. Obviously some compression is happening which I want to avoid/control. Is it possible to set the default compression that X3 uses?

If I use file - export - JPG optimizer I can control things but if I for example want to do a batch process on lots of files. I have used Paint shop Pro since version 5 and love it but I might have to change to another editor if I cannot solve this one.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Change Batch Of Photos To 300dpi

Oct 18, 2013

How do I change a batch of pictures to 300 dpi? I am writng my first book and I need to change more than 100 pictures to 300 dpi.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing - Rename And Re-size?

Jan 3, 2013

I have 115 files that I need to create six files respectively from each, a total of 690 files. Each of the batched six files are different sizes and the last two numbers need to change. For example, I start with 781.08, from there I get 781.08_1, 781.08_2. 781.08_3 up to _6.

I made actions in Photoshop, but they did not keep the current file name I was working on such as 782.08, it defaulted back to the file name in which I build the actions in such as 781.08.

This seems easy enough, but not sure what the solution is to both re-size and rename the files in a batch process.

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Paint.NET :: Batch Processing Using Script Lab Version

Feb 3, 2011

I read that it has a batch feature, but i cant seem to find out how to use it or if it still exists in latest script lab version,

I intend to apply some settings to a series of images (say around 200)

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Not Processing All Thumbnails

Jul 25, 2012

When I attempt to use the organizer only a few of the files in the folder display a thumbnail in the tray. Most of them show a gray placeholder with an X in the center. If I wait a very long time (several hours), it occasionally will finish updating all of the photos in the folder but not every time. If I exit PSP it seems to close OK but it is still chewing up CPU cycles (17%) and I have to shut down the process in Task Manager if I want to try and re-open the program.

I thought it was just the RAW NEF files from my Nikon D7000 but when I go back a few years and look at the images from my D40 it hangs as well.

I've tried a re-installation but that did not change anything, it still hangs after displaying a few thumbnails.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Renaming In X4?

Nov 2, 2011

I am finding that if I select a range of files to rename that already have numbers at the end, say 1 - 12, it is changing the order of the files and seeing the files numbered 10 - 12 before the file numbered 2. I am pretty sure it didn't work this way in X3.

I don't have X3 installed any longer.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Batch Watermarking Effect?

Aug 13, 2011

I have a whole bunch of photos I need to 'spoil' with a diagonal watermark-type effect.

how to do this as a batch. Otherwise, it could possibly take quite a while to complete.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - A File Will Not Go Away At Batch Conversion

Oct 16, 2011

Whenever I open the batch conversion window a file always appears in the main file list window; I have to manually remove it (pressing clear) before using the browse button.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Transparent PNG Using Batch And Script

Dec 12, 2013

I'm in the process of creating an mpg of a load of photos and movies taken on my camera. I want to have a small transparent border around the slides so they fit in the "safe area" of the TV and I can show a moving image behind the slides (especially the portrait ones).

I know that I can resize the photos and then resize the canvas to give me my border and I can then do "Save As" PNG to get the border transparent.

I have a few hundred photos so what I want to know is, is it possible to utilize PSPs built in "Batch Process" on the files and make use of the "Use Script" option.

I have recorded a script which does all the resizing and saving but when I look at the script it has the name of the file hard coded in it.

What I want to do is use the "Batch Process" to select all the files, run the script on them and then save them into a different folder (something I've done many time for other projects just not with the transparent bit).

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Edit Add Background X2

Jun 19, 2012

1. Batch Edit Add Background PSP X2

2. 10 Photos of varying sizes "BATCH" pasted to a 8x10 Black Background

3. PSP X2 with XP Proff with Srv Pak 3

How to add a common, black, 8 x 10, black background to several photos of different sizes smaller than 8 x 10?

All will be used in Windows Movie Maker to create a Musical Slide Show

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Creation Of Thumbnail Images

Jun 4, 2012

I have about 1.000 files in .jpg and would like to create a thumbnail for each also in .jpg width 800 variable length adding a t prefix to the original name for the thumb name.

Can PSP do this in a batch process?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Resizing Images Via Batch Process?

Oct 2, 2011

I frequently use a script to resize .jpgs from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi to save space on my hard drive. After resizing 300+ .jpgs last night, I found that they all retained their original file size. An image that started out as 3600x3600 dpi with a file size such as 3.5mb that was resized to 1000x1000 dpi using the script in X4 still had a file size of 3.5mb when it should have been considerably smaller than 1mb. I relaunched the application and rebooted my computer but no change. To fix the problem I had to run the .jpgs thru the batch process again using the same script but in X3.

The script I was using was created in X3 so I tried creating an identical script in X4. Regardless of which script I used in the X4 batch process, the same thing happened.

This problem seems to be unique to the script and/or batch process. I can open a .jpg file in X4, resize it from 3600x3600 to 1000x1000 dpi, save the changes, and the file size changes accordingly.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Rename String Of Pictures

Sep 2, 2013

Is there a way in PSPX5 or X6 to rename a picture (or string of pictures) so that I can have a "Constant such as VACATION_" followed by the create date from the EXIF data as YYYY-MM-DD followed by a sequence number?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Renaming - Inserting Space

Aug 7, 2013

I need to rename tens of thousands of photos and while I have the batch rename tool working just fine.I'm using custom text and sequential numbering. However, I need a blank space between these two fields. I'm using X4 on Windows 7.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Batch Process Several Files Using Perfectly Clear

Sep 25, 2013

I have been trying to batch edit several JPG files using "perfectly clear" but I keep getting an error. It complains that FileSaveAs is crashing. I spent some time looking at the corel files and they says something about "FileSaveAs" won't work if it not in the "Scripts-Trusted" folder. However I cannot find it (FileSaveAs) so I can move it over to the Trusted Folder. I CAN find the scripts-trusted folder.

Batch processing several files using "Perfectly Clear"?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Conversion - Edit Images For Hue And Saturation

Jul 26, 2013

I have a set of around 100 images which I need to edit for hue and saturation. All are similar. Can I batch convert these with PSP X3?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Assign Creation Date To Picture In Batch Mode

Jan 13, 2012

I need to assign the same creation date to several pictures. On the modify file format (batch process) window there is the possibility to include date but I cannot find a method to modify the date only.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Select Every Image And Batch Operation To Tag And Add Copyright Notice

Nov 9, 2011

Is there a way to select every image and do a batch operation to tag and add a copyright notice?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Process To Copy Folder To Flash Drive?

Apr 12, 2012

I created a folder on my flash drive. I'm trying to use Batch Process to copy the files to the drive. I'm not adding a script. The name of the new folder comes up in the dialogue box, but when I click on the start button I get a notice that the file already exits and do I want to overwrite it. I click on yes. All the photos are then copied, but when I go to the new folder in my flash drive it's empty.

I'm following the instructions in Diane Koers book on PSP X4.

Also, I can't seem to use Batch Process to save my JPEGs and TIFFs. Is it possible to do this.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 / Create (save For Office) Script For Batch Process

Nov 7, 2012

I have 105 files that I would like to compress down. I have searched these forums but didn't find any threads related to my inquiry.When I create a script to compress to 96dpi there are weird color/light artifacts in the resulting pics. When I do the "save for office" function the pics get even smaller with no artifacts.

1. what settings does the "save for office" compressor use so that I can recreate thru other means


2. how do i create a batch process script using the "save for office" menu item?

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Batch A Repetitive Change Size And Resolution Process?

Aug 29, 2013

I have 300 pix that all need to be shrunk in size and resolution to a fixed size and resolution.  Rather than one-at-a-time, can this process be "batched" to eliminate some number of key strokes??????

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Paint Shop Pro :: Change Color Of Paint Brush In X3?

May 15, 2012

I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.

Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?

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Paint.NET :: Batch Read Images And Save New Size Smaller Without Quality Loss

Sep 11, 2011

When i open file with and click save sometimes it make it larger and sometimes it make it smaller. When the bith depth is selected as auto are there any chance that will loose quality ? I check that generally bith depth is not changing it is 32 bit but it is able to reduce size of image which have been yahoo smushed or pgnoutwin processed. How is this possible ?

Are there any plugin which will batch read images and save them if the new size is smaller without quality loss ?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing HDR

Nov 5, 2012

We are possibly going to start shooting volume HDR images.  Time will be a factor when shooting 4 locations a day and still having to process.  Is there a way to stack the images at the end of the job like an action, then when I get back to the studio, I can tweak the images?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing In CS5?

Sep 7, 2012

I have many folders that contain my NEF and PSD files, all together.
I want to setup a batch process to open up JUST the PSD files and then save elsewhere as a JPEG.
How can I open just the PSD files in an action or using Image Processor Pro?
Similarly, I want to setup another batch process that will open RAW files and allow basic editing in CAmera RAW.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing

Oct 23, 2006

I have some images which I want to increase the border pixels by about 2-3pixels. Then I want to add a shadow effect. I need to do this for around 150 images. I've tried to do it via new action/record and then batch processing but its not doing the job.

Any suggestions ?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing In CS2

Apr 2, 2008

I'm going on a scrapbooking retreat this weekend and need to develop 200+ photos and upload to I have all my pictures in .jpg format now but I need to get the overall size of the files under 6mb to work with CVS's website.

I know that CS2 has a batch process to take the file size to certain pixel dimension but wanted to know if anyone knew a way to do it to fit overall file size vs. dimension.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing

Sep 9, 2007

I created an action to convert a file to grayscale from RGB but when used in batch processing it opens and saves the files to the specified folder without applying the mode conversion.

If I use the action on a single file it works fine.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing In CS4

Feb 19, 2009

I have a folder of about 1000 pictures that I need to resize and save for the web. Using Photoshop CS4. The originals are all JPG files, but are saved at high resolutions and sizes. But they are not uniform in size. I need to resize each to be 200 px wide @ 72 dpi, but allow the height to vary depending upon the image dimensions. I haven't used Photoshop for a number of years. I *think* I remember the ability to walk through a series of steps and record them and then batch apply to a whole folder, but can't see a way to do that now.

I do see in the Image Processor the ability to resize and save, but it doesn't allow me to set the width and leave the height empty.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing PDF

Oct 5, 2008

I am batching both photoshop native files and attempting .Pdf files. They are both located in the same folder.

The .psd files process correctly,(converting to jpg) to .jpg file formats. But the .pdf files don't actually save. If I use the action on these files individually, the action works fine.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing?

Jun 10, 2008

We are holding a conference of sorts, and we are making name tags for everyone to hang around their necks. We have a design in photoshop. We have an excel spreadsheet with everyone's name and forum. Traditionally, the name tags were juts copied and pasted by hand, which is tedious and prone to mistakes.

is there a faster way to do this? i heard something about scripts, but i have no idea where to start. does anyone have a pointer to where i can learn it? i only want to learn the bare minimum to write THIS script, as im sure it's the only script i'll ever write for photoshop.

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