AutoCAD LT :: Aligning Multiple Objects Along Same Axis
Aug 17, 2011
Is there a way to align multiple objects along the same axis as the further most object? As an example, to have the right side of three boxes line up with the right side of the box furthest to the right.
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Oct 2, 2012
If you can use the ALIGN command to align multiple text objects in the Y-Axis? (or X-Axis as well)
I know about changing the X value of a bunch of text objects to align them that way. I'm just wondering if the ALIGN command will allow you to do something similar?
I want to do this without lisp too. If there are other methods I'm always wanting to learn! I just had a new cad user ask me about the ALIGN command and I couldn't get it to do it.
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Jan 11, 2005
If you have raster (or vector) item on seperate layers, I know I can link all the layers together, but when I select the MOVE tool and press the button that centers to the middle of the canvas, it moves every item to the center of the canvas (as it should) But these items, when viewed "together" make up an element that I'd like to be considered "grouped" so the "collectively" then are centered to the canvas as one item. Is this possible?
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Jul 8, 2011
I have several pillars that I want to scale down to the same size, but I don't want to have to scale them individually or reposition them once I'm done. Is there any way to scale them all without making them move along the axis being scaled? (I should have made them instances of each other. My only problem there is that I couldn't reposition one pillar without moving the others. for future reference, is there a way to temporarily break the instance relationship so on can be edited?)
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Jan 20, 2012
I have a drawing with lots of text of rooms and their sizes. I would like to align the centers of the text so that they have all a middle alignment. just like in coreldraw we have an option of aligning the objects of text along a vertical axis is there such command in autocad?
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Apr 10, 2012
I'd like to know how to align an object in model space with the edge of my viewport in paperspace.
When I draw, I like to lay out multiple complete drawings in model space, make an appropriately scaled bounding box around them, and then snap a view port to the bounding box in my layout. I usually have multiple drawings lined up in a row in modelspace, so when I want a new layout I do a Save As and then pan around in my viewport to find the next bounding box, at which point I have to resize the viewport to get it to snap to the edges nicely. I really want to be able to to it the otehr way around- while panning I'd like to be able to grab a corner of my modelspace bouding box and snap it to the the corresponding corner of my viewport window. That way making new layouts would be a snap. Is there a way to do this in AutoCAD 2012 LT?
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Jun 10, 2013
I am currently drawing a lithography mask in Autocad 2013 student version, where I created a lot of arrays. My problem is that I can't seem to align these structures. Some of them need to be aligned along the y-axis and some along the x-axis.
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Sep 10, 2012
software like indesign and coreldraw allow you to align centres of texts and objects.
for example if i have written the word bedroom and a rectangle of 3000 by 4500 is therem, i can select the text and the rectangle. press the aign to centre button and these two things will align their centres. how can i do that in autocad?
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Jul 3, 2013
I have long used the following lisp to convert multiple single text objects into multiple mtext objects (i.e. make each text entity into separate mtext entities).
; T2M - convert individual Texts/Dtexts to individual MTexts
; modified by Xanadu -
(defun C:T2M (/ ss i elist)
However, the mtext entity always moves position slightly (compared to the original text entity) after converting the object. better lisp that converts multiple text entities into mtext entities (which are all separate still, i.e. not joined together) without the position of the entity changing?
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Mar 3, 2013
I notice that when copying and pasting objects to another part of the same drawing it does not appear to be possible to get an exact alignment with the grid structure. I have done this with OSNAP switched OFF and with Snap ON but it does not give the desired result, the elements of the copied drawing always being just off the grid and not in true alignment.
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Aug 25, 2010
Is it possible to automatically project the x-axis, z-axis or z-axis onto the sketch plane?
I.e. every time you open a new sketch the corresponding lateral and vertical axis will be projected onto the sketch.
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May 10, 2011
I want to create a Picture like the following one with 3ds max, but I don't know how (except of manually aligning the spheres). I tried it with Position Object in PFlow, but i get nothing but random Alignments around my Base Object.
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Mar 25, 2013
Is there a way to have multiple vertices selected at multiple positions (heights) in the z axis and enter a value of 0 and have all of them jump to 0 in the z axis? Seems like a no brainer to me, but can find a way to do it.
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Dec 5, 2006
The DVD is a music DVD and thus I have text for each song name in the chapter list. I have created each song title on a different layer, but wish to align each of those texts in a position that is central (horizontally) on the page. Is there a quick way to do this?
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Apr 12, 2012
I am having some difficulty getting objects to exactly align to another. When I zoom in as much as I can I see that the two objects edges are not exactly aligned to each other on one axis despite having the same co-ordinate values. I am working in meters unit value. I have tried going to millimeter unit setup but I still have the object aligning issue using what seems to be the finest level of movement - 3 millimeters per movement action.
3ds Max 2010 educational license for modelling.
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Mar 9, 2013
I have two simple text objects (not textarea) and i'm trying to align them vertically to bottom.It aligns these text objects by bounding box, not by base line. How can i align text objects vertically by base line?
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Aug 11, 2012
I have a variable number of text lines I would like to arrange along the path of half a circle. I would like the text to look like each text-string is radiating from the circle (the path I have as half a circle).
I would like to do this in adobe illustrator
I would like the text to be evenly spaced along the path dependent on how many lines of text I have.
I have seen other discussions suggesting either the blend-tool or the brush-tool. But no luck. The blend-tool would make distorted shapes in between, and would twist and distort the text. The brush tool would make each text a little bit 'cone-shaped', and I would prefer having the text without such a 'cone-shape'.
I am attaching a picture that halfway shows my intentions. In this diagram I have started rotating the first 4-5 text-lines. I have more text-strings (just above the half-circle) that I also would like to include along the path the half-circle is indicating.
The final goal is to get each of these locality-names raditing from the tips in the little red tree.
Is it possible in illustrator to align the text along a path like this? It is almost similar to the normal align objects and distribute objects.
I am working on a Mac OSX 10.5 Adobe Illustrator CS3.
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Apr 16, 2013
I am creating a rotating animated gif in PS. Now I have about 37 layers, where I increment the angle of each layer with 10 degress relative to the previous one. But even when aligning all my layers with the aligning tools the layers still not align...How can I align them perfectly?
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Feb 11, 2012
I have a scene that I have multiple cameras going round inside a building. Each camera is exploring a different area of the building. They're attached to paths that all start from the same place but then obviously go off in different directions.
The problem I'm having is aligning the first frame so they all start off in exactly the same position. Coordinate wise; the camera, and 1st vertex of path are the same, but I'm guessing as the path is a different shape, the trajectory is different.
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Sep 14, 2012
I have a drawing with many connector labels and pin numbers which are typically arranged as two vertical columns. Each label and/or pin numbers are individual MTEXT objects. The original author did not space them uniformly as an array and I would like to clean it up without having to re-enter it.
How can I select the multiple MTEXT objects and force the spacing between all of them to a desired spacing (say .2") or to have them nudge to the nearest Y grid?
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Dec 19, 2013
Lisp routine or macro that will either rotate or align selected objects so they are parallel to an axis on the current UCS?
Specifically, when placing mtext to label an object. I typically align my ucs to the object then create the text so it is parallel to the object. It would be great if I could create the text with a rotation of 0, align my ucs to the object to be labeled and then with a single click, select the text making it parallel to the X axis.
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Dec 3, 2011
I am creating a part that consists of a series of intermediate Lofts. The various Loft termination profiles are sketched on a series of stacked planes, most of which are parallel to one another. I have a Work Axis (oriented at an angle off of true vertical) that penetrates all of these sketch planes, essentially forming a "central axis" for my part. Most, but not all, of my sketch planes are normal (perpendicular) to that axis.
I want to use my "central axis" as a reference point in each of my sketches, i.e., the point where the axis intersects the sketch plane. I am having a minor difficulty.
When I project my central axis into a sketch whose plane is normal (perpendicular) to the axis, Inventor displays a reference point where the axis penetrates the plane and I can dimension my sketch geometry relative to that point. Conversely, no such point is displayed when I project the axis into a sketch plane that is NOT normal to the axis.
Is this correct behavior? To have a dimension able point on my "non-normal" sketch planes, must I create explicit Work Points to mark the intersection between my Axis and such planes, and then project those points into the related sketches?
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Dec 23, 2011
I'm trying to rotate a group of objects along an axis that is not x y or z. The objects are imported from Rhino. I also import a line representing that rotation axis. How do I set that line to be my axis?
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Sep 27, 2013
I have one layout. On that layout I want to have 2 viewports. I also have ssay block A and block B I want to insert.I would like Viewport1 to display block A and viewport 2 to display block B.
What happens to me is when I created Viewport 1 and inserted block A. I go on to create viewport 2. But viewport 2 displays only block A, which I cannon delete to insert block B.
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Dec 3, 2013
Any way to move objects in vertical direction (z-axis) in 3d views, without having to turn the view everytime to be of frontal direction. I would like to move entire objects - for example mass objects - up or down directly in a 3d view of random orientation, now only top- or bottom face can be moved vertically, the whole object moves only on xy -plane. Can vertical movement of an object be done intuitively graphically and/or can it be be numerically, feeding coordinates?
Have tried all sources, but cannot find solution, and refuse to believe that Revit would be the only 3d/bim software on planet where direct vertical manipulation of objects is not possible.
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Jul 25, 2009
if there is an automatic (or near automatic) method of deskewing an image on both the X and Y axis. My image is sheared off on some angles, since it is a scanned image. I like the Ruler Tool method of rotation (i.e. drawing a line on the 'straight' axis, and going to Rotate>Arbitrary), so something like that, except being able to draw both an X and Y straight axis would be ideal. I have tried Crop and Straighten,
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Mar 25, 2013
i try to make an animation. I create a cylinder and i want to rotate it by longitudinal axis. i click 'components', select the cylinder and after i click 'position' to select the axis that axis system appears in the right side of the cylinder not in the middle. If i continue whit this settings the cylinder will rotate by a circle not by his longitudinal axis. How can i move that axis sistem in the middle of the cylinder? I can drag it but can't place it exactly in the middle.
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Oct 7, 2013
Is there any way I can extract the rotation of a block relative to the yz axis and xy axis. I can extract the insertion point and xy rotation but not the yz and xz.
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Jul 25, 2013
I have a floorplan of a building and am labeling exits of the building for evacuation routes. Each exit label is on its own layer. I need to show the floor plan from different perspectives/orientations and therefore need to rotate the exit labels in place on their own individual axis. So far I have been going in and selecting the image (label) on each layer and rotating it 90 degrees and then repeating the process for the next label. When I group the layers they all rotate on one axis and therefore are not near the exit they are supposed to be near. Is there an easier (quicker) way to rotate the labels as I have to do this for four different perspective for each of four floor plans?
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Jun 24, 2013
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
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Jan 25, 2013
I'm rigging a shoulder pad to a biped and I'd like it to only rotate on one axis. Google hasn't been that useful, and I hope I don't need scripting for this kind of minor thing. I'm rather new to 3Ds Max Design but I'm learning fast and liking it so far!
I've attached what I want to effectively accomplish. I'm looking for a way to lock the z-axis of the object with the upper arm's z-axis.
EDIT: Reduced picture size.
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