3ds Max Modeling :: Multiple Vertices Selected At Multiple Positions (heights) In The Z Axis
Mar 25, 2013
Is there a way to have multiple vertices selected at multiple positions (heights) in the z axis and enter a value of 0 and have all of them jump to 0 in the z axis? Seems like a no brainer to me, but can find a way to do it.
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Jun 19, 2012
I need a scatter distribution object like a railroad.
I draw a smooth line, then converted it to spline: using sub-object "spline", i used "Outline" to give it some width. Next step, it was converted to a Editable Poly.
At this moment, if i select its vertices and call "Connect", the result is a zig-zag sequence of edges, which are very difficult to clean-up. Another way, select each pair of vertices to apply connect is similar time consuming...
Maybe the picture aid to show the problem.
How to connect those verts like a railroad??? Or about how to create an appropriate scatter distribution object to this work?
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Aug 28, 2011
I used to use lightwave. With lightwave I could select vertices and then press the "P" key to create a polygon from the selected verts.Now, with max I have found the "create" feature. When using an editable poly, in poly select mode, I select the "create" button and this allows me to do 2 things:
1 - I can create a poly out of nothing by clicking empty space
2 - all verts from existing objects become visible and I select the verts I want to create a new poly.
These seem like really cool tools, if it wasn't for one small detail..With "#2" if I engage the create button, and select a vert - I can no longer rotate around the object and look at it from different angles (by pressing alt+center mouse) UNTIL AFTER I have created the new polygon.
This small detail is kind of annoying because with certain intricate models, I may need to move it around to get to the next vert in line. The only way for it to work, it to make sure I can clearly see ALL verts needed for the new poly with no other geometry or objects obscuring them before starting the create button.
Is it not possible to simply go into "vert selection mode" select a collection of verts (in doing so, be able to rotate around the object between making the selections) and then after I have made my selections simply click a button or key to create a new polygon from the selection?
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May 20, 2012
I'm using 3ds (mental ray) for architectural visualization. I normally have different cameras for exterior and interior renders in one model. Each scene should have its own specific lightning and shadow settings (intensity, shadow position, etc)
Is it possible to have multiple sun positions in the same model which would be connected to each camera?
If not, what would be the best way to achieve various lightning settings? I would like to avoid having one file for each camera position.
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Dec 20, 2013
My rotate tool in maya seems to be "locked" i can't freely rotate whenever i left click hold the center and it only rotates where my viewport is looking at so if im at the X axis I can't rotate the Z axis. Tried setting my preferences to default and nothing. I've also set my rotate tool to default.
Whenever I move my camera say to the Z axis the Z handle gets selected and same when I move the camera to the X axis.
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Apr 22, 2013
I need to scale / tranform 30 - 40 circles from .5 to .25 that are in specifice locations, without moving the circles when scaled. AI CS6
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a number of microscope images of the same subject that were taken under three different conditions. I'd like to use clipping masks to crop the images in the same way (the same size but also the same positions relative to the corners/sides of the images. In case that was incoherent, I made an image to try to explain what I'm trying to achieve (the same portion of each image for each set):
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Feb 28, 2012
I am trying to figure out how to had multiple vertices to a feature line. I'm thinking its right in front of me, but I'm just not seeing it. I have been adding vertices by "insert elevation point" manually and it is a really nice feature in that it picks up the elevation that is already attributed to the feature line, but it would be nice to speed up the process.
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Jul 25, 2009
if there is an automatic (or near automatic) method of deskewing an image on both the X and Y axis. My image is sheared off on some angles, since it is a scanned image. I like the Ruler Tool method of rotation (i.e. drawing a line on the 'straight' axis, and going to Rotate>Arbitrary), so something like that, except being able to draw both an X and Y straight axis would be ideal. I have tried Crop and Straighten,
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Aug 17, 2011
Is there a way to align multiple objects along the same axis as the further most object? As an example, to have the right side of three boxes line up with the right side of the box furthest to the right.
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Jul 8, 2011
I have several pillars that I want to scale down to the same size, but I don't want to have to scale them individually or reposition them once I'm done. Is there any way to scale them all without making them move along the axis being scaled? (I should have made them instances of each other. My only problem there is that I couldn't reposition one pillar without moving the others. for future reference, is there a way to temporarily break the instance relationship so on can be edited?)
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May 26, 2013
how to convert multiple selections to multiple layers or multiple files with one go?
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Dec 3, 2011
I am creating a part that consists of a series of intermediate Lofts. The various Loft termination profiles are sketched on a series of stacked planes, most of which are parallel to one another. I have a Work Axis (oriented at an angle off of true vertical) that penetrates all of these sketch planes, essentially forming a "central axis" for my part. Most, but not all, of my sketch planes are normal (perpendicular) to that axis.
I want to use my "central axis" as a reference point in each of my sketches, i.e., the point where the axis intersects the sketch plane. I am having a minor difficulty.
When I project my central axis into a sketch whose plane is normal (perpendicular) to the axis, Inventor displays a reference point where the axis penetrates the plane and I can dimension my sketch geometry relative to that point. Conversely, no such point is displayed when I project the axis into a sketch plane that is NOT normal to the axis.
Is this correct behavior? To have a dimension able point on my "non-normal" sketch planes, must I create explicit Work Points to mark the intersection between my Axis and such planes, and then project those points into the related sketches?
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Jul 25, 2013
I have a floorplan of a building and am labeling exits of the building for evacuation routes. Each exit label is on its own layer. I need to show the floor plan from different perspectives/orientations and therefore need to rotate the exit labels in place on their own individual axis. So far I have been going in and selecting the image (label) on each layer and rotating it 90 degrees and then repeating the process for the next label. When I group the layers they all rotate on one axis and therefore are not near the exit they are supposed to be near. Is there an easier (quicker) way to rotate the labels as I have to do this for four different perspective for each of four floor plans?
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Jan 27, 2012
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
As my screenshot. if i have 2 objects. 2 UVs, when I selected both and go into texture editor and just try to select one object's UV. I can't translate,rotate or scale. If I select both object's UV , it will move both together. Or individually will work. But it wasn't like that before. I tried restoring preference default still won't work.
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Oct 24, 2013
What I want to do is change multiple splines from "Show Control Vertices" to "Show Fit Points"
The problem is I have over 500 to do, and I cannot select each one individually and do it. It would do my head in.
Is there any way to change multiple splines all at once?
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Jun 7, 2012
I would like to take all the vertices out of a multiple-vertices polyline so that it reduces to just its start and end points, can this be done?
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Feb 15, 2012
I want to know why CorelDraw won't let me select several curves at a time and break them apart simultaneously. When I select more than one (by marquee or shift key) it greys out the "break apart" command, and Control-K won't work either. I did find a work-around macro in an old post, but I don't understand why the CorelDraw programmers turn off the break-apart command for multiple selections.
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Apr 20, 2012
I am trying to put something together that will allow a user to select objects in AutoCAD and then place a block at all the selected points.
Below I have pasted the code that I have so far, but have not been able to test this to see what happens because the Dim ofd part is giving me an error that I have not been able to figure out.
The error that I am getting says that :
Argument not specified for parameter "flags" of "Public Sub New(title As String, defaultName As String, extension As String, dialogName As String, flags As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows.OpenFileDialog.OpenFileDialogFlags)
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
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Aug 6, 2009
I'm making an animated GIF, and what I want to do is overlay each layer of the animation with a layer of text. I know the hard and long way by creating a copy of the text layer and merging it with each and every layer of the animation, but is any faster way of doing this?
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Dec 22, 2011
I was wondering if there is a way to edit single line text when there are multiple objects selected. I have multiple text which need their justification edited but there are non-text items amongst them. Instead of clicking on each of them I would like to just select the area and then edit the text as required.
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Aug 12, 2013
Scale Stroke and Effects Option Odd Behaviours. If multiple objects selected and they're scaled in only one dimension, Illustrator assumes this to be a scale in 2 dimensions.
Is there a work around for this?
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Apr 23, 2013
How can I get width that multiple selected items? (Not grouped.)
//---------- source code ----------
var mm = 2.83464566929134 //unit conversion. (point->milimeter)
var W = docRef.selection[0].width/mm;
//---------- source code ----------
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Apr 20, 2012
I'm using LR3.6. Haven't upgraded to 4.1 yet. I created a PS droplet that I want to use in my LR Externa Editor. Everything works fine as far as calling the droplet from LR. However, when I select multiple images in LR, then go to external editor and select "Edit In <droplet name>", wait for the "What do Edit" dialogue box, select "Edit a copy with LR adjustments" and hit "edit", it only takes the very first highlighted image in the selection into PS to run the droplet/actions. Even if I just choose the droplet name as an external editor preset (instead of the "Edit in" option), it still only applies to the first image in the highlighed selection.
On occassions I get lucky and get it to work for multiple images but I can never get it to work again. For instace, I tried it from the Library module (instead of the develop module) and it worked flawlessly. On the next set of images, I could not get it to work again.
I really need to be able to run this over night. By the way, I know that I can use the droplet on Export, but I really want to round trip my images from LR to PS and back into LR without having to Export, run droplet and reimport.
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Oct 3, 2011
I often have to import shapes via illustrator export/import. Then I have to scale all the shapes up to real world 1:1 size.
I typically just grab all objects and use the SCALE tool...but I hear that is actually the WRONG approach?
So I tried scaling all the objects at a sub-object level. i.e. select ONE object, yellow highlight vertex, segment or spline... then scale up.
Is it possible to select multiple/all my shapes and scale up this way? When I select all of them, my modifier stack obviously disables and cannot select via sub-object (vertex, segment or spline level).
I tried grouping. modifier stack disables still. Do I have to ATTACH each one to another (multiple I guess via list?) and then scale all them via SEGMENT level?
Is there a easier/faster way to do lots of objects imported like this...or is this the way to do it?
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Jan 29, 2012
I would like to know if it's possible to set a value to a multiple vertex selection.
Exemple : I have 15 vertex selected with different values on z axis.
I want to set all vertex to -100mm for exemple (in one action).
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Feb 4, 2013
How i can select multiple edges and perform some modifications on them like moving one endpoint of them and the multiple edges react like i would do this with one single edge.
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Mar 14, 2013
How to add a particular annotation for multiple selected multiline texts,In the attached screenshots, all Mtext were selected but couldn’t figure out how to add a particular annotation scale to them!
For example, I wanted all the selected mtext to have the 1:100 as annotation scale but sounds not to work with me.
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Jun 18, 2009
I have this file with multiple layers of text.
I want to print the file with these layers selected individually, so that if I have two text layers "Cow" and "Dog", I get two similar images with different text.
How would i automate this? It would take a lot of work to select each layer and save the files individually.
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Oct 17, 2012
I have tried using the hot grips selection by holding shift, but some of the grips are overlapping and I can only select the top most grip. It is also a slow process because I must click each individual grip that I want to move as a whole. Is there a way of selecting multiple grips at once including grips that are beneath others?
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Oct 23, 2013
Any way using autoCAD LT 2014 to get CAD to display the elevation heights of survey points without having to type the heights in text bozes next to each individual point. i can insert a field which displays the elevation of the point but doing this again i would have to do every point individually.
Another words is there a way to select all the survey points required and get CAD to display a certain property, which in my case is the elevation height of that survey point, next to it? so it looks like x 23.35 x 23.57 etc..
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