AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensioning To Central Axis Through Multiple Sketch Planes

Dec 3, 2011

I am creating a part that consists of a series of intermediate Lofts.  The various Loft termination profiles are sketched on a series of stacked planes, most of which are parallel to one another.  I have a Work Axis (oriented at an angle off of true vertical) that penetrates all of these sketch planes, essentially forming a "central axis" for my part.  Most, but not all, of my sketch planes are normal (perpendicular) to that axis.

I want to use my "central axis" as a reference point in each of my sketches, i.e., the point where the axis intersects the sketch plane.  I am having a minor difficulty.

When I project my central axis into a sketch whose plane is normal (perpendicular) to the axis,  Inventor displays a reference point where the axis penetrates the plane and I can dimension my sketch geometry relative to that point.  Conversely, no such point is displayed when I project the axis into a sketch plane that is NOT normal to the axis.

Is this correct behavior?   To have a dimension able point on my "non-normal" sketch planes, must I create explicit Work Points to mark the intersection between my Axis and such planes, and then project those points into the related sketches?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Sketch Geometry Used To Define Planes / Axis And Points

Nov 6, 2012

I am using projected and sketched geometry (2D sketches) in assembly space to create lines/ points that I intend to use to define planes and axes. The problem I have is that nearly all the geometry I create (lines and points in 2D sketches) is not "selectable" when I try to create planes or axes.  I  cannot even put a work points "on top of" my sketch points.  Why are my sketches not usable in the assembly space?   Since the components in my model are just two extruded rings I don't have any linear edges I can select to make this work/ define planes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automatically Project X-axis / Z-axis Or Z-axis Onto Sketch Plane?

Aug 25, 2010

Is it possible to automatically project the x-axis, z-axis or z-axis onto the sketch plane?

I.e. every time you open a new sketch the corresponding lateral and vertical axis will be projected onto the sketch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: What Happened To Origin Axis / Planes In The Browser

Dec 21, 2013

They are all gone in my parts and assemblies.  Only are they visible in the browser when I open a particular part or assembly of the parent. Need them for constraints .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Not Bringing Up 2D Sketch Planes?

Nov 13, 2013

recently installed inventor pro 2014 on a school computer for a project we are doing, one problem. when i click 2D sketch nothing happens, so i have no wau to make a sketch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Dimensioning - Midpoint

Apr 30, 2013

It must surely be in there somewhere but I cant find a way to dimension to a line's midpoint in a sketch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Split 3DLine With Planes (3D Sketch)?

Sep 5, 2012

Is it possible to split a 3d line with planes.

I am not able to find a Split method on Sketchline3d.


Sub Split_Lines()
If ThisApplication.Documents.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    If ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> kPartDocumentObject Then Exit Sub
' Check to make sure a sketch is active.
If Not TypeOf ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject Is Sketch3D Then
  MsgBox "A sketch must be active."
  Exit Sub
End If


Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensioning Using Drawing Sketch Points?

Oct 8, 2012

I am trying to use sketch points in drawing for dimensioning. Below is portion of my code. The code fails when AddLinear is called. Is it even possible to use drawing sketch points for dimensioning?
invSheet = invDrawingDoc.ActiveSheet
Dim oTransGeom As Inventor.TransientGeometry= invApp.TransientGeometry
Dim pt1 AsPoint= oTransGeom.CreatePoint(0, 0, flangeOD / 2)


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Controlling Sketch X And Y Axis?

Jan 8, 2013

As a background....I am coming off of 10+ years using Catia (that's the software the company used) and have moved to a company that uses Inventor instead. I have used inventor for the past year.

In the past (Catia) it seemed pretty intuitive to create the vertical and horizontal during the creation of the sketch in such a way that would reflect the way you would want it defined as a view in a drawing. As well as controlling the preferred screen view (vertical +’ve to the top of the screen and horizontal +’ve to the right of the screen)

As per a previous post....I have tried the "Edit Coordinate System" but find it difficult to control the Vertical and Horizontal axis independent of each other.......

I understand that "functionally" there is no issue...but it becomes quite disorienting in a complex model when going to edit a sketch and the model spins around, showing the sketch in an orientation that doesn't relate to the models features, or "sketch related" features.

It becomes especially difficult/confusing when modifying/checking other peoples models as well.

I just wanted to support the need for this functionality. In the end it just enhances the flexibility of the software and maintain some amount of definable company standard work procedures for modelling.

Maybe it hasn't been included in the software because of proprietary reasons? I would hope there is a seems like there are people out there who would utilize it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Orient Axis For New Sketch

Feb 2, 2012

How does Inventor decide how to orient the axis for a new sketch?  Sometimes, when I create a sketch on a face of a feature, the sketch sometimes rotates to an odd angle (Untitled.png).  I can create a sketch on a different, parallel surface and the sketch doesn't go to odd angles.  Why does Inventor do this?  

How do I edit the orientation?  I've attached the part that I'm having the issue in.  When I try to create a sketch on the face of the loft, the x/y does things I don't understand.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How Does One Lock Sketch Features To Axis

Jun 13, 2012

how to lock sketch features onto an axis or any other reference point. Also, how to bring in reference features (like in ProE)

I am trying to extrude a figure off of one that has already been sketched, and the wrong lines keep moving when I change the dimensions.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Use Sketch To Create Point Or Axis

Oct 4, 2011

I have this assembly shown in the pic. below. I'm trying to create a point or axis in the blue corner points (to attaches something later on) but it just won't let me choose it for some reason. I know that it's possible to to do that (almost sure I already done this trivial thing in inventor.)

Any reason it's not letting me choose the sketch points/line to in order to create points or axis(s)?

Inventor 2012 Pro.
I7 workstation

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Revolve Sketch On Non-connecting Axis

Jan 12, 2012

i a'm using Inventor routed 2011 and am having a issue with a revolve.  I created an axis with a sketch in the part.  Than  i created a plane that does not pass through that axis.  i sketch on that plane than try to revolve using the axis.  it gives me an error.  what i have is a arm3+"w x 28"l that is pivoting in the in the center and about 9" from the end it tapers out .5".  The bottom is the cutting edge that i need to revolve onto a weldment for matching to keep a tight seal. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - How To Move Part Of Sketch Along Z Axis

Jul 12, 2013

In my sketch I want to move a smaller circle that is within a circle along the Z-axis. I've put the image below to avoid confusion. I am using Inventor 2012.

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Moving 180 Degrees Around Central Axis Remote From Cylinder

Oct 29, 2013

I have a cylindrical tube that I need to animate moving 180 degrees around a central axis remote from the cylinder.  I also want to create a circular motion locally for the cylindrical tube as it follows the 180 degree arc.I planned on creating the 180 degree rotation first and then the local circular motion second.
When I created the first motion I tried to use an object (another cylinder) as the transform centre for the rotation.  As soon as I click on "Auto-key" the "Use transform centre" option is greyed out.  I therefore moved the cylindrical tubes own pivot to the required position for centre of rotation.  After I created the 180 degree rotation I moved the pivot back so that I could create the local rotation.  At this point I find that the original motion has now changed to suit the new pivot point.
how I can get the "Use transform centre" option to work in this instance?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing View Cube / Coordinate Axis - Sketch Doesn't Display

Sep 14, 2013

I just installed a student version of Inventor Pro on my comptuer.  I have used this and several other similar software packages before.  My problem:  when I open a new part file, it takes me to a gray screen.  No coordinate axes, view cube, nothing.  When I click "Create 2D Sketch," still nothing.  Same gray screen.  If I draw a line, it doesn't show anything.

I've gone to View -> Object Visibility, and everything seems to be checked off as it should be.  I've also clicked User Interface, and it shows the View Cube among other things as being selected.

The software didn't prompt me for an activation key, not sure if that may be relevant to the problem?

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AutoCad 3D :: Dimensioning 3D Model As Sketch In Paperspace

Jul 25, 2013

I’m looking to model abasic part in 3D then throw some dimensions on it in paper space for quotationpurposes. The problem I have is even when I try aligned dimensions theextension lines from the dimension are not in the same line if vision as themodel (and this just looks awful). The parts are so basic they do not warrant a proper 3 view orthographicdrawing as a simple 3D sketch will suffice…

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Single Sketch For Multiple Extrusions

Nov 8, 2013

How to use a single sketch for multiple extrusions, i would create all the holes and everything in one sketch and i could reuse that sketch again and again.i totally forgot how to do this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Splitting Face Into Multiple Ones From One Sketch?

Apr 2, 2012

What I'm doing is preparing a model for FEA, and I want to split some faces for where the nuts meet a surface. So far I've only been able to do this by repeatedly making a sketch and then splitting around each hole. Is it possible to do several splits from one drawing or to pattern the split? (I've attempted both, but failed hard).

Splitting a surface 5 times is slow, but essentially fine. Doing it this way when I have more bolt holes though is a chore.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Extrusion With Sketch Containing Multiple Circles

Mar 18, 2013

I am trying to creating an extrusion with a sketch containing multiple circles. However, the AddForSolid() Method is not working properly, returning non-NOERROR is C++. Below is the code that I used to create a sketch(which is succeeded) and then try to create a extrusion (in my case cutting). 

ApplicationPtr pInvApp;pInvApp.GetActiveObject("Inventor.Application");DocumentPtr pItem;pItem = pInvApp->GetActiveDocument();PartDocumentPtr pDoc;if(pItem->GetDocumentType() == kPartDocumentObject)pDoc = pItem;SelectSetPtr selectedItem;selectedItem = pDoc->GetSelectSet();FacePtr face;//printf("

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AutoCad :: Accidentally Sketched In Multiple Planes?

Sep 29, 2011

I have somehow managed to place items from my 2D layout sketch onto multiple planes in the Z axis. Again, this was on accident. I have not clue how I managed to do this.

How can I remedy this? Is there a way to project one plane onto the other, and then delete the original to get all of the features back on the same plane? What keystrokes must I have hit to cause this to happen?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Attach Axis System To Cylinder Axis

Mar 25, 2013

i try to make an animation. I create a cylinder and i want to rotate it by longitudinal axis. i click 'components', select the cylinder and after i click 'position' to select the axis that axis system appears in the right side of the cylinder not in the middle. If i continue whit this settings the cylinder will rotate by a circle not by his longitudinal axis. How can i move that axis sistem in the middle of the cylinder? I can drag it but can't place it exactly in the middle.

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AutoCad :: Dimensioning A Building With Multiple Layers

Mar 14, 2012

I'm in the process of dimensioning a building with multiple layers but my Dim Ticks aren't working properly. On the first floor layer state the ticks show up for the first floor layer dimensions but also for every other floor but when i switch to dimension a 2nd floor the ticks are gone. I've looked through all of Dim Style settings and there seems to be no explanation for why this is happening .

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensioning With Ordinates - Multiple 0,0 Points Of Reference?

Dec 13, 2013

I will receive printed out drawings that are entirely drawn with the use of ordinates, putting the 0,0 point in the corner of the part, and dim everything from that corner. Like this example:

The problem I'm having is when I recreate the parts digitally and have multiple parts to dimension, I can do one that looks as clean as the ordinate version, but the rest are dimensioned using the baseline tool, and look like this:

Though it works, it takes a while to make it nice and legible for my print out version. And most the time the parts are more organic and don't have any corners, but this is the best example for my question.

I know I can't have multiple 0,0 points in model space, but I was hoping there would be a better way to achieve the clean look of the ordinate points. Or perhaps create a reference point that can be duplicated, moved, and the ordinates will recognize.

Note: As much as I'd like to use paper space to dimension my parts, I can't.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Multiple Vertices Selected At Multiple Positions (heights) In The Z Axis

Mar 25, 2013

Is there a way to have multiple vertices selected at multiple positions (heights) in the z axis and enter a value of 0 and have all of them jump to 0 in the z axis? Seems like a no brainer to me, but can find a way to do it.

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Mudbox :: Multiple Image Planes?

Jun 17, 2012

I was wondering if I can have two image planes in a viewport. I like to have an image in the background to use as a reference sometimes but I can't figure out a way to put more than one image at a time.

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AutoCAD LT :: Aligning Multiple Objects Along Same Axis

Aug 17, 2011

Is there a way to align multiple objects along the same axis as the further most object?  As an example, to have the right side of three boxes line up with the right side of the box furthest to the right.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shared Sketch Generates Sketch Doctor Error - Feature Suppressed

Sep 21, 2011

I've created a shared sketch and have used it with various features. Sometime those features are suppressed. The model works fine but the shared sketch generates a sketch doctor error because the feature that created it has been suppressed. Is there anyway to make the sketch suppressed so it doesn't trigger a sketch doctor error? Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Part Sketch Into Drawing Sketch

Sep 20, 2012

How do I duplicate the 2D line work from a part level sketch into a drawing level (overlay) sketch?

I started a simple 2D piping system diagram sketch by opening a new part file and using a sketch to stick draw the system schematic including some annotations.  Then I opened a new drawing file and made a base view of the part file to bring a view of the original sketch into the drawing.

I realize now that it would have been much easier to have created the schematic directly in a 2D sketch at the drawing level, which would have made editing the annotations much easier at the drawing level, and there is really no need for the part file to exist.  I have no intention of creating a 3D model or "real" part in the .ipt file, was just using it as a jumping off point to sketch.

I was thinking that I could correct my error in judgment by just copying the sketch and pasting it into a new sketch on the drawing, but it doesn't want to work that way.  I have tried copying both the whole sketch at the browser level, and the entire sketch contents (all of the lines and annotations) from the opened part sketch, but when I attempt to paste either of those into the drawing, paste does not seem to be an option.  I'd rather not have to draw the whole thing again, as in typical fashion, my once simple sketch has grown in proportion and complexity from its simple beginning.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Sketch Point Data From Sketch Entity

Dec 3, 2013

I was trying to query some sketch points data from a profile Path using code as below. However the program stopped without telling the reason.

Code below:
i = 0;
foreach (ProfileEntity oSourceProfileEntity in oProfilePath) { switch (oProfilePath[i].SketchEntity.Type) { case ObjectTypeEnum.kSketchArcObject: { SketchArc srcSkArc = default(SketchArc); srcSkArc = (SketchArc) oSourceProfileEntity.SketchEntity; // error points[i] = srcSkArc.StartSketchPoint.Geometry; break; } default: { SketchLine srcSkLine = default(SketchLine); srcSkLine =(SketchLine) oProfilePath[i].SketchEntity; // error points[i] = srcSkLine.StartSketchPoint.Geometry; break; } } i++; } 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Converting 3D Sketch To 2D Sketch From IGS File Using Wires?

Aug 1, 2011

First we imported an ".igs" file to inventor, which produced "wires".  Then by promoting the wires it produced a 3-d sketch. 

The model is in one plane and 2-D, and we are trying to use Ansys 2-D analysis, but in-order to do so it needs to be in a 2-D sketch.

The model is too large to be redrawn on a 2-D plane, how to convert it to a 2-D sketch

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