I was wondering if I can have two image planes in a viewport. I like to have an image in the background to use as a reference sometimes but I can't figure out a way to put more than one image at a time.
I have somehow managed to place items from my 2D layout sketch onto multiple planes in the Z axis. Again, this was on accident. I have not clue how I managed to do this.
How can I remedy this? Is there a way to project one plane onto the other, and then delete the original to get all of the features back on the same plane? What keystrokes must I have hit to cause this to happen?
I am creating a part that consists of a series of intermediate Lofts. The various Loft termination profiles are sketched on a series of stacked planes, most of which are parallel to one another. I have a Work Axis (oriented at an angle off of true vertical) that penetrates all of these sketch planes, essentially forming a "central axis" for my part. Most, but not all, of my sketch planes are normal (perpendicular) to that axis.
I want to use my "central axis" as a reference point in each of my sketches, i.e., the point where the axis intersects the sketch plane. I am having a minor difficulty.
When I project my central axis into a sketch whose plane is normal (perpendicular) to the axis, Inventor displays a reference point where the axis penetrates the plane and I can dimension my sketch geometry relative to that point. Conversely, no such point is displayed when I project the axis into a sketch plane that is NOT normal to the axis.
Is this correct behavior? To have a dimension able point on my "non-normal" sketch planes, must I create explicit Work Points to mark the intersection between my Axis and such planes, and then project those points into the related sketches?
I'm having trouble getting mudbox to recognize multiple uv tiles set up in max. To start with I followed Neil's tutorial here: [URL]
So I basically unwrapped my model and moved my UV islands into different 'quadrants' (uv tiles). Q: is this all that is required to set up the tiles correctly?
If I then export this object as an obj or an fbx into mudbox the uv view only shows 1 tile?
basically i want to texture a large landscape in mudbox and 1 4k map wil not cut it, i need to split it up into 4 x 4k maps to get enough res.
Is there an easy way to paint weights across multiple objects? if I have a body + shirt + armor and want to create a joint and similar weights on all currently I found a very awkward way to do it which is do it on 1 object and manually try and paint weights in a similar way on all others.
I am wondering if it is possible to assign a newly created or current material to multiple selected objects? I've searched in the forum and investigate right-mouse menu in Mudbox 2012 but still couldn't find a way to assign a material to multiple objects at once.
I saw a max demo at a show where they shattered the wall in a video/photo. The artist baked the background image to three planes (floor and two walls) like shown in the illustration, and then exploded one of these planes. It involved some kind of texture baking, but I didn't catch the whole process.
Everything draws correctly in shaded mode but it you are in wireframe mode with the object selected at the object level the grid and the selected object no longer draw.
I am sculpting a bust and want to use Projection Stamp image to paint the diffuse map. However, the image is not showing in the viewport.
My model has 6 levels with 6+ million polygons. At none of the levels the image shows in viewport.
I'm using Nvidia GTX 560 Ti, 1G Windows 7 Pro 64bits. cpu i7 860, 2.8 ghz 16 GB rams.
However, when I start with the mudbox standard base head mesh, then choosing Stencil image, the image shows in the viewport. But not with my 6+ million bust and the image is On it's not hidden.
Is there anyway I can optimize Mudbox to display the image in viewport?
It try bring an image into paint layer. I found that there is this function:
PaintLayerImporter() and it takes 4 parameters. They are:
1) const QString &sFileName, ///< Name of the file to import 2) int iFileTypeIndex, < Index of the type of the file in the array returned by SupportedExtensions
3) Mesh *pMesh, ///< Mesh which contains the paint layer 4) TexturePool *pTarget ///< Destination of the import operation
But I'm not able to get this function to work. Any small example how to use it.
I think that main problem for me is that I don't know exactly what 2) parameter means(int iFileTypeIndex). It says that you get that from SupportedExtensions but When I look at it:
I want to combine multiple image to form a single one, I saw it in a magazine, it's no a panoramic photo, It's like a face created with multiple small image that can't be se if you looking close to the image, only when you look far away. And I also want to make a magiceye image, thats pictures that look like a carpet, but when you "twist" your eye a 3d image appear.
How do you draw polylines in different planes? If I set the normal it does nothing. I would like to use polyline2d because you can use bulges and not with polyline3d.
<CommandMethod( "testpline")> _ Public Subtestpline() '' Get the current document and database, and start a transactionDim acDoc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument [code].......
1. created a turbine whose blades are made from some planes that I applied thicken offset command. I applied circular pattern to multiply the blade around center point but i get too many planes and i must to make invisible each one. How can i make invisible all planes in the same time.
2. After i make them invisibile i exit from that part but when i start that part again or when i place it in an assembly all planes are visible. What should i do to make them invisible for ever.
I have a site plan with trees which look like two crossed planes when looked in 3D black and white. I wonder if there is a way to smooth these trees so they look smooth at least during the time that I prepare a PDF of the black and white 3D Site Plan. If this setting can be reverted to the crossed trees after preparing the PDF, that is fine. Also at this time I am working with black and white 3D, so color is not an issue, only the smoothness of the trees. Is there a setting that can make these trees look smooth?
Is it possible with Cineware to get a 3D layer into AE CC so that I can add text (or other AE data) in the exact 3D position/rotation as the 3D element?
I can do this using 3ds Max and state sets. It saves out planes as 3D layers in AE so that I can precompose them and then drop text or other AE elements into the precomp and it will keep the exact position/rotation from the 3D file. Great for adding dynamic text to animations without having to go back to the 3D program.
I cannot see any way to get any data other than lights and camera into AE. I know I can use the camera data and then drop text in and move it whre it should be but this is rough and can take time and effor to get it to work without it rotating wrong due to the position not being exact.
My model is up in the top right of the planes. I cannot figure out why my origin planes are oversized like this. I have went through the browser and checked all the parts to see if something is out there, nothing. I have set auto-resize on origin planes and yet these are large.
Dell XPS 8300 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU@3.40GHz 16GB RAM Win 8.1 Pro Autodesk Product Design Suite 2014
Using PN, I set up 2 levels. Level 1 at 0'-0", Level 2 at 10'-0". I create a Level 1 construct and create my AEC model. I then create my Level 2 construct and xref my Level 1 construct in to use as an underlay. However, using OOTB Medium display configuration I cannot see the Level 1 xref because the Level 2 cut plane is at 3'-6" and the Level 1 construct is 10'-0" below this cut plane. Is this the intended result?
To allow me to see my Level 1 xref in my Level 2 construct, I am required to override the global cut plane in my Level 1 construct and set my wall cut planes, for *each* wall style, to 3'-6". After saving the Level 1 construct, I reload in the Level 2 construct, and the walls appear, as an underlay, in the Level 2 construct as desired.
Is this the only way to see one xref above or below the other? Isnt one of the major advantages of using xrefs is as underlays for stacking levels?I dont have to override the global cut plane in all my wall styles.
I just installed inventor. When I begin a part there is no display of the planes, only the corner indicators show up when I hover over a plane. Also, when a part is created, only the edges show up when I hover over them.
recently installed inventor pro 2014 on a school computer for a project we are doing, one problem. when i click 2D sketch nothing happens, so i have no wau to make a sketch.
In a part file is it possible to find the adaptive workplanes used to create extrusion1. And then find if the two workplanes are at an angle with respect to the origin planes.
Have been looking for a while but it seems hard to find information on workplanes
I've created Custom properties, parameters, to get the outside measure of the parts and it works fine until we create and leave activated a work plane outside the part so it measures not until the end of the part but until the plane.
Trying to center some things in Revit LT 2014. How do you find the center of dimension lines and refence planes and the like. AutoCad KNOWS where the center is for these things. How to tell in Revit? For instance, I am trying to center an imported toilet in a space in a bathroom and something like this would take me about 5 seconds in ACad.