Revit :: How Drafting Pattern Origin Is Determined
Aug 13, 2013
I am trying to find out how the drafting pattern origin is determined in Revit 2013. A model pattern is very easy to adjust, but this is not true of a drafting patterns. How the drafting patterns even determine what their origin is. Is it centered on a project extents - therefore changing as the model expands, or is it set by a 0,0,0 origin similar to AutoCAD (but hidden). In an event it does not seem that this origin is adjustable (unless someone out there knows some Revit magic) so perhaps it does not matter, but I would like to know.
I downloaded a Batt insulation pattern but when i want to load it into my wall structure, it is not visible in my floor plan or in 3D.When i want do load it, i can'!I get a message that Revit doesn't find a drafting pattern but it is!!!
where to find a Batt insulation - drafting pattern?
I would like the pattern to follow the rotation of the component when inserted onto the project. I can achieve it with model pattern but I would like to use drafting pattern because we need to show them on different scales.The diffuser family consists of a detail family in order to show the pattern. The pattern is already set to align with object and it still does not work.
I am creating wall sections and I want to change the fill pattern from drafting to model so I can minipulate the pattern. I selected a multitude of elements to change from rigid insulation to CMU and all were the same in the fact none could be changed into model pattern. Heres what I did; I slected an element, then went to the Paint Tool selected Surface Patterns, then Pattern, then Fill Patterns but it wont let me choose model.
how is the import scale for a raster image determined?
I've different scanned sketches of floor plans drawn by hand to specific scales, the resize tool is not quite accurate enough for my use. Does the view scale have anything to do with it?
If it is possible to create proper dimensions for 3D isometric drafting views? In AutoCAD I could set an oblique angle for a dimension but in Revit there is no setting. I can only dimension 3D model views.
I am learning to use Revit 2012 and having a hard time figuring out why basic drafting features don't seem to work with reference planes. Aligning more than a few of these one-at-a-time is time consuming - any way to extend multiple reference plane lines to a boundary line or object? I read your instructions for offsetting reference planes - when I select the reference planes button in the home tab, the options bar allows me to set an offset distance but I am at a loss as to how one goes about getting the line to offset - I keep getting the layout dimension when i try to click on the line!
Greetings, frequently I need to identify the origin of a previously applied custom hatch pattern for use in a different area of the same drawing, is there a way to have the origin displayed and/or view its coordinates in 2009LT?
I had hoped that I could select multiple hatched areas & view their orgin points through "properties" & verify that the points of origin all align (in either the x or y axis), but this doesnt seem to be the case.
I need to identify the origin of a previously applied custom hatch pattern for use in a different area of the same drawing, is there a way to have the origin displayed and/or view its coordinates in 2009LT?
I had hoped that I could select multiple hatched areas & view their orgin points through "properties" & verify that the points of origin all align (in either the x or y axis), but this doesnt seem to be the case.
Ideally, I'd like to draw a line or circle from the origin of the original hatch
How to locate the 'starting point' for hatch patterns and filled regions? I am laying the hatch in a bathroom and I want the pattern (which is representing tile) to start in a particular corner.
I cannot select origin to constrain sketch with dimension to origin?
I selected Sketch, expanded origin, selected mywork plan (xy) drew rectangle, input dims, right click for marking menu, selected dimensions, Origin is yellow,
cannot select it and then edge of rect to set dim that will center sketch on origin? Just like the videos show, but cannot select origin>
As in the title, expected result in attached drawing. I'm trying to change Origin X /Y, but that doesn't change the origin of the hatch. It there a setting that controls it?
when I start up AutoCAD I gat an error message:"Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.Invalid URI: THe format of the URI could not be determined."
I click continue and AutoCAD runs fine. Is there something that I can or shold do to prevent the error message?
I bought Video Studio X5 about 6 months ago,Installed it, tried the feature I was interested (Video capture) and it failed. As I really didn't have the time to look deeper into that, I just put it on the side for later. I knew I would need it at a later timeNow, I need it.Of course, it didn't repair itself and failed again (When I launch vid capture it give me the now classic "prepare record failed #15" message and will not record).
Checked the website, there is one update, a service Pack 1. It fails to install "The version of the installation could not be determined"
I am trying to create a sidewalk area that has a 45 degree 8'x8' hatch pattern in the model. It shows up in 3D but not 2D. What is the problem? It needs to show up in my plans. I have the same problem getting floors to show surface patterns too. Using Revit 2011. A friend gets it to work on his computer with the same version.
This is quite weird because revit architecture 2013 is showing this error. In order to see beam in my architectural layout, we are changing the cut plane value in the view range. With this step I can see the beam but not the cut pattern of the beam..very weird. Also, one more thing, just to check I copy pasted beam modeled in revit 2011 in revit 2013 and I could see the cut pattern. So is something wrong with 2013 beam revit family?
Trying to make a Custom Model Pattern - 8"x24". Listed below is the PAT file content. I tried it and I get the message "No "Model" type patterns found." What is the code in the PAT file.
I have a special requirement for a CMU wall, with a 2"x6" stud wall.I am building an exterior wall for a residential home model.
Brick exterior, basically is 3 1/2" width 1/2 mortar joints
I have attached a pic, of what the pattern should look like (created in msWord)1/3 running bond, with 2 sizes of concrete block.I saw somewhere on line, the program for the repeat, but am unable to find again.
I'm having trouble getting the visibility of walls within toposurfaces to display correctly. Please see the two attached images, showing a wall extending into a sloped grade. I have a plan view which in some areas shows the wall above grade, and in other areas shows the wall below grade. The red line through image 2 shows the approximate cut line of the plan view shown on image 1. The problem is that the toposurface pattern extends through the interior of the solid wall, in areas where the wall is buried below grade. The plan view display is set to Hidden Line, not Wireframe, and the wall is not set to display as transparent. I want the wall's geometry to cut out the toposurface - you'd see the concrete hatch on the wall, but not the fill pattern of the topography.
I'm having difficulty placing a pattern type on my materials. When I select the pattern from the list that pops up and I click "OK," the pattern selector pops back up and won't let me exit. I think that if I go back to my original pattern, it will go away. I've tried restarting Revit and various other matierals in other projects on different types of families in both the surface and cut pattern prompts.How do I chage my patterns?
I am having trouble on how to show the brick pattern on my 3d views. Some shows some do not, only the shade color. i am exporting or printing to pdf these 3d images under consistent shade mode no shadows. I tried flipping wall orientations, didn't work. Apparently when v viewing afar the patterns do not show, when zooming in to the view they show up. but the savifn the current 3d viewing with the patterns partly showing yields the same output prints.