Revit :: Custom Model Pattern

Feb 17, 2011

Trying to make a Custom Model Pattern - 8"x24". Listed below is the PAT file content.  I tried it and I get the message "No "Model" type patterns found." What is the code in the PAT file.

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Revit :: Pattern For Model

Dec 17, 2012

Pattern Drawing you can change it to a Notepad file pattern to become a model.Where can I get more patterns to model or to get access.

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Revit :: Rotating A Custom Pattern?

Jan 4, 2012

Is it still not possible to rotate a custom pattern in Revit 2012?

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Revit :: 2014 Custom Block Pattern

Feb 16, 2014

I have a special requirement for a CMU wall, with a 2"x6" stud wall.I am building an exterior wall for a residential home model.

Brick exterior, basically is 3 1/2" width
1/2 mortar joints

I have attached a pic, of what the pattern should look like (created in msWord)1/3 running bond, with 2 sizes of concrete block.I saw somewhere on line, the program for the repeat, but am unable to find again.

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Revit :: 2014 Filled Region Model Pattern

Dec 23, 2013

in 2012 I was able to have filled regions with a model pattern. In 14 the bubble to change the cut fill pattern is greyed out. I need to be able to rotate a pattern so i need a model one.

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Revit :: Changing A Fill Pattern From Drafting To Model

Jun 21, 2012

I am creating wall sections and I want to change the fill pattern from drafting to model so I can minipulate the pattern. I selected a multitude of elements to change from rigid insulation to CMU and all were the same in the fact none could be changed into model pattern.  Heres what I did; I slected an element, then went to the Paint Tool selected Surface Patterns, then Pattern, then Fill Patterns but it wont let me choose model.

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Revit :: Create Custom Pattern By Editing PAT File?

Aug 1, 2011

I am trying to create a custom pattern by editing the PAT file but I can't seam to get it right The pattern is for a ceiling tile in which the pattern is 4 tiles (24''x96) follow by 1 Tile (4''x96)

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Photoshop :: Custom Halftone Pattern

Jun 30, 2004

Does anyone know of a way to create your own custom halftone pattern in Photoshop? e.g. When converting to a bitmap you get the option of dot/line etc but you can't choose any custom shapes (I want to use an asterisk). You can use a pattern but it doesn't produce the same effect. Does anyone know of a way to do this or have any links to tutorials?

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rid Of Spaces In Custom Pattern Brush

Dec 1, 2012

I'm exploring custom brushes in Illustrator (CS6) but cannot figure out how to get rid of the spaces in between my brush pattern. I have the brush stretched to fit and the spacing at 0% but there is still a tiny gap before each pattern repetition. I tried to make the spacing a negative % but you can't do that.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Bend Direction In Model Flat Pattern

Dec 7, 2011

I am trying to create a command to display the bend information in the model Flat pattern. We do not always create a Idw for parts that we have special dies to form. This creates a problem though if the flat pattern bends are the wrong direction because then it is lasered with the bad side of the material to the outside of the part. The only way to know the bend direction is to create a view on an idw just to check this.

I want to open the flat pattern in the ipt and invoke a command to display the bend information on the screen. Need getting a collection of the bend lines in the flat pattern?

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Revit :: Surface Pattern Missing In 2D?

Aug 5, 2013

I am trying to create a sidewalk area that has a 45 degree 8'x8' hatch pattern in the model. It shows up in 3D but not 2D. What is the problem? It needs to show up in my plans. I have the same problem getting floors to show surface patterns too. Using Revit 2011.  A friend gets it to work on his computer with the same version.

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Revit :: Beam Not Showing Up Cut Pattern?

Aug 5, 2013

This is quite weird because revit architecture 2013 is showing this error. In order to see beam in my architectural layout, we are changing the cut plane value in the view range. With this step I can see the beam but not the cut pattern of the beam..very weird. Also, one more thing, just to check I copy pasted beam modeled in revit 2011 in revit 2013 and I could see the cut pattern. So is something wrong with 2013 beam revit family?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Model Parameter Text In Custom Symbol

Jun 27, 2012

Just installed 2013 Pro x64 and I'm doing a little testing. Using Tube and Pipe, I created a few mock pipe runs which are named according to a unique line number. When clicking on the Iproperties of any of these pipe runs, I can see that the value of model parameter "Part Number" now includes the name of the top level assembly and the line number, which is the name I assigned to the pipe run when I created it (see Fig 1 attached). Then in IDW I created a user defined symbol which contains text that I have directed to extract value of "part number" from the model properties, and fill in my symbol with that value (see Fig 2). The problem is, when I tag the pipe run with my custom symbol, the value in the symbol remains blank, instead of giving me the value of "part number".  WHAT am I missing??

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Revit :: How Drafting Pattern Origin Is Determined

Aug 13, 2013

I am trying to find out how the drafting pattern origin is determined in Revit 2013.  A model pattern is very easy to adjust, but this is not true of a drafting patterns. How the drafting patterns even determine what their origin is.  Is it centered on a project extents - therefore changing as the model expands, or is it set by a 0,0,0 origin similar to AutoCAD (but hidden).  In an event it does not seem that this origin is adjustable (unless someone out there knows some Revit magic) so perhaps it does not matter, but I would like to know. 

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Revit :: How To Change Dimensions Of Chosen Pattern

Nov 6, 2012

How to change the dimensions of the chosen pattern,
In the screenshot below, I wanted the block pattern to be 0.26x0.5 instead of 0.225x0.450. Is that possible?
I tried to see if the dimensions can be edited but sounds no opting to do this sort of work.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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Revit :: Toposurface Pattern Showing Through Wall

Jan 28, 2014

I'm having trouble getting the visibility of walls within toposurfaces to display correctly.  Please see the two attached images, showing a wall extending into a sloped grade.  I have a plan view which in some areas shows the wall above grade, and in other areas shows the wall below grade.  The red line through image 2 shows the approximate cut line of the plan view shown on image 1.  The problem is that the toposurface pattern extends through the interior of the solid wall, in areas where the wall is buried below grade.  The plan view display is set to Hidden Line, not Wireframe, and the wall is not set to display as transparent.  I want the wall's geometry to cut out the toposurface - you'd see the concrete hatch on the wall, but not the fill pattern of the topography.

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Revit :: Materials Editor Pattern Selection

May 3, 2013

I'm having difficulty placing a pattern type on my materials.  When I select the pattern from the list that pops up and I click "OK," the pattern selector pops back up and won't let me exit.  I think that if I go back to my original pattern, it will go away.  I've tried restarting Revit and various other matierals in other projects on different types of families in both the surface and cut pattern prompts.How do I chage my patterns?

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Revit :: Brick Pattern Not Showing On 3D Views

Jan 27, 2012

I am having trouble on how to show the brick pattern on my 3d views.  Some shows some do not, only the shade color.  i am exporting or printing to pdf these 3d images under consistent shade mode no shadows. I tried flipping wall orientations, didn't work.  Apparently when v viewing afar the patterns do not show, when zooming in to the view they show up.  but the savifn the current 3d viewing with the patterns partly showing yields the same output prints.

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Revit :: How To Change Scale Of Fill Pattern

Mar 9, 2012

Where I need to go to change the scale of a fill pattern. I have brick walls that the brick facade scales about 1/2 of what it should be.

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Revit :: Hiding Floor Pattern For Concrete

Jun 28, 2011

I have created my model, and have placed the floor assembly in.  It is concrete and I see the concrete pattern on the floor.  How do I hide or turn that off?  I cannot find anything in Visibility Graphics or in the actual floor family...

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Revit :: Doesn't Find A Drafting Pattern

Oct 21, 2009

I downloaded a Batt insulation pattern but when i want to load it into my wall structure, it is not visible in my floor plan or in 3D.When i want do load it, i can'!I get a message that Revit doesn't find a drafting pattern but it is!!!

where to find a Batt insulation - drafting pattern?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Properties / Model - Changing Order Of Placed Views

Oct 21, 2013

Within the drawing title block we have a 'Text' of type 'Custom Properties - Model' which pulls in a custom iprop from a model which is the models finished weight. This is a common way of auto populating title box entries.

The problem is that the sheet populates the text with the info related to the first viewport placed upon the drawing.

Whilst fine when planned for properly, I quite often encounter upon large multisheet detail drawings, that a user when detailing an IAM, will have forgotten to put the IAM view down first, especially later in the drawing series where the IAM is not required and the user is detailing IPT's.

What I am looking for is a way to change which viewport the border properties are related to ideally, so that if a user has forgotten to place the IAM but has placed 20 IPT's down, I could place an IAM outside of the maximum area, as the 21st object but fool Inventor into thinking this was the first viewport placed down, thus populating the border info correctly.

I don't know of a way to do this currently, either with current Inventor functionality, or by programmatic approach - our current fix is to have the user create another drawing sheet, place the IAM outside the maximum area, copy all his IPT viewports across from the first sheet, then delete the first sheet. Is it possible to change the object order of placed viewports with less disruption?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Model Custom Property To Sketch Symbol Definition

Sep 29, 2011

How would i insert the "variable name" of a custom iProp to a sketched symbol definition (in an idw)?

I can plonk the value of the iProp in no worries, but to make it "live" is a bit beyond me...

 Sub WeldNote()On Error Resume NextDim oDoc As DrawingDocumentDim SketchedSym As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oNoteDef As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oDefSketch As SketchDim oTextbox As TextBoxDim SNewText As StringDim sNoteText As StringDim oReffedDoc As DocumentDim lReffedWeldType As Long'Err.ClearIf


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Revit :: Syntax Error In Pattern File Attachment

Mar 15, 2011

Now is the pattern problem in hands! I try to attach patterns to wall: Materials, Cut pattern, New, Drafting pattern, Custom, Import:
And path: C/Program files/Autodesk/Revit Architecture 2011/Data
And there: Revit.pat (or any other *.pat file that I have).
And there it comes: An error! Syntax error in line 2 or 12 or 10 ? What has happened? Before I was managed to attach patterns ok. To an other project I mean.
Where on earth is the problem? In the project? The whole program? In the pattern file?

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Revit :: How To Apply 6" Vertical Line Pattern

Jan 8, 2014

I am using revit LT 2014 and just can't get a material to be be painted on a wall. I would like to apply a 6" veritcal line pattern to look like v-groove board - I create the material, applied the pattern, but when I use the paint function I get nothing

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Revit :: Section Line Change Color And Pattern?

Jul 18, 2011

I would like the section line to have a special line type and color. How can this be changed?

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Revit :: Drafting Pattern To Follow Component's Rotation?

Nov 7, 2013

I would like the pattern to follow the rotation of the component when inserted onto the project.  I can achieve it with model pattern but I would like to use drafting pattern because we need to show them on different scales.The diffuser family consists of a detail family in order to show the pattern.  The pattern is already set to align with object and it still does not work.

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Revit :: Cut Pattern Of Embedded Structure Transparent To Wall

Dec 12, 2012

We have a structure model linked into our architectural model, where some structure will be located within the wall. The cut pattern of structure is not always showing on top of (opaque) the wall cut pattern. Sometimes the cut pattern appears transparent with the wall cut pattern running through the structural member.
I tried playing with this in a fresh project with just a C channel in a wall. Sometimes it shows opaque and sometimes transparent depending on the position of the channel in the wall. I would try making the member flat at different elevations and sloped at different elevations and they all had different graphic display behavior. Then I tried duplicating the wall and channel to have two sets to play with simultaneously. Modifying the elevation or slope in one would actually change the graphics of the other, when the other didn't move.
I've tried checking/unchecking the following parameters within the project and family without any effect: structural material, structural, show pre-cut in plan, and always vertical. Not only am I assuming that the structural cut pattern should be opaque over the wall's cut pattern, but I can't even identify what is causing it to change with different elevation/slope settings.
I will attach 2 screenshots. The one titled opaque is the desired effect.

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Revit :: Detail Lines / Pattern In Linked Files?

Jul 19, 2013

when copying a linked model in the host file to multiple levels, why the detail lines are showing in my level from the other levels?

I have attached 2 images to show the V/G setings as well.

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Revit :: Wall Hatch Pattern In Section View?

Apr 13, 2013

Is it possible to get the wall fill pattern to show up in plan view but not in a specific section view?  I tried the detail levels, Course, medium, fine, and of course the hatch pattern doesn't show up in course, but then the wall components don't show up either.
I am in a section view where i want to show a repeated cmu detail component up the wall as part of a detail, but then the hatch pattern is displayed behind it.  I don't want to remove the hatch pattern entirely because I still want it to be displayed in the plan view.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom IProperties Not Updating In Drawing When Update Assembly Model?

Nov 19, 2012

I'm using Inventor 2011 and when I go to change parameters using iLogic in an assembly model, (sometimes it is a component suppression, other times it is an iPart component change) it won't update the associated drawing file. I need to go into the BOM on the drawing and renumber the balloons, or change something else in order for the custom iProperties to update in the drawing template. If I just change the iPart component, then the BOM doesn't need to update making the renumbering of balloons redundant.

I'm using iLogic to update all of the iProperties and component references, then reattach balloons. What I would like to do is automatically update the custom iProperties drawing template fields, and renumber the drawing BOM.

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