Photoshop :: Layer Position Moves When Switching Frames In Timeline
May 22, 2013
When creating a new layer and positioning it in the active frame, the position is sometimes wrong when returning to that frame.
1. create multiple frames in the timeline
2. create a layer and position it somewhere in the image
3. view another frame
4. return to the original frame and the position has changed
Positioning the layer again seems to work, it doesn't move by itself when moving between frames, but remains in position.
is it possible to change position of a layer group in new timeline? I only see opacity keyframes. Seems like I can convert to smart object to do it, but rather not do that.
how to make up an air bellows assembly which moves depending on the position. As opposed to a cylinder where making it a flexible asembly works, an air bellows does not need to move axially.
I have two plates hinged and the bellows needs to squeeze and move as they open. The ends are of course fixed to the plates, so the movement is actually an arc.
I have video that I want to change the color of a PART of a video. A person in the video is moving and I want to edit ONLY that person ( not the surroundings ) . How do I mask a moving object and only edit that selection?
When i click my mouse to draw the cursor moves up and to the left of the position i started which makes any and all editing impossible. Imagine trying to draw a line but the starting point is a half to a full inch up and to the left of where you wanted the line to start. I've tried a clean install even changed my mouse. doesn't do it it drawx4 only photo-paint x4.
I forgot to switch the frame rate from 29.97 to 12 fps when I started working on an animation and when I switched to 12 fps mid-project the frames changed.
I have a hard time describing exactly what's going on so I'll just post a screenshot instead. Basically each frame has a gap in between and I am unable to line up the frames back to back. I was hoping to find out how to fix it so the frames play back to back seamlessly without any gaps. But yeah, when I attempt to align the frames back to back it won't let me, instead the frames overlap halfway or have this gap in between.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and I am trying to switch from Frames to Timeline in the Animation Panel. I have read in other forums that there should be a menu in the bottom right corner of the panel, but none is appearing in my panel.
I've often been annoyed by the fact that that I need to go into the layer panel each time I need to switch between editing a layer and editing it's mask. Surely there must be a way to do this with a shortcut. I found a way to disable the layer mask in the shortcut menu, but this is not something I need to do that often. Switching between layer and layer mask, however, happens all the time - at least in my workflow.
How does one position a clip along the timeline where it needs to be? I'm either doing something wrong or there is a bug in the software
dragging a video clip(any format) from the library to the video track results in the clip being placed at the beginning. I cannot be drag/re-position it along the timeline. Also, the clip can be shortened using the handles on either end, but cannot be expanded back to its original size in the timeline. for now, I'm using the trim markers to do so. I contacted tech support & received a head-scratching out-of-context reply. Either they're not understanding me or don't care.
So, this is something that's been a nuisance for a while now, and I think it's time for me to inquire seriously about a fix for it. I'm working with some ani's in max's timeline, and everyso often I find it starts to make use (or I start to make use...?) of "ticks"...I really dont wnat them, and in fact they cause a whole bunch of issues when adjusting keyframes as Im sure some of you can imagine.
Im not sure if it does this because of a setting I choose ( I always start animating in frames mode), or because I often will work in Key mode when Im swapping in a certain pose often...since all my character's animations are in one timeline.
The big question there a way to FORCE these "ticked" keys onto full frames somehow? I've looked through all the timewarps I can find, and adjust <i>their</i> keys to full frames, but eventually it still goes back to ticks....WHAT MUST I DO!!!!! maybe there's a script, or Im missing something obvious?
I keep resetting to frames mode, and rechecking no longterm avail.
when I preview my video, the current timeline indicator skips to the next 10 frames and I would like to know if there is a way to decrease the amount of fames being skipped to.
i have cc 7.2.1, and every basic operation i do on the timeline , moving clips, trimiming, scrubing on the timeline everything lags, its not fluid. When i do a simple scrubring on the timeline, the CTI takes sometime to get to the position i selected to do the playback.
But the worst part is the trimming or moving clips, it takes ages before i get an image on the program monitor. If i move a clip into a middle of 2 clips it takes ages to see those two little privews images with timecode, to see where to put it. So is very hard to edit like this.
Another odd thing is when in redering mode i select to use sofware only i dont have drop frames, when i chose cuda i have drop frames!!
I´m editing h254 from a 5d and 7d on externa llaccie usb 3 , have the a macbookpro 16g i7, iris pro and nvidia 750m, and a external samsung, via DVI.
I always paste an image on a layer then select the layer and use the Move Tool to move it around until it is placed where I want it. Now I paste the image, select the layer, choose the Move Tool and the layer selection jumps to another layer and that one gets moved. (CS5)?
when using the clone stamp tool and press the alt key to set a point it seem to create a new layer and just moves the layer arround. I can not get the clone to now work. what did I do?
I am trying to move the layer to another ducument, to the same position. (photoshop)
But whever I drag it, the layer goes to the center of the new document even while pressing the shift key. (both of the document sized are same) I think it worked before, don't know when but now, it doenst work as I expect.
Shift-dragging centers it, but I have multiple documents (pngs with transparency) of the same dimensions and layers in a variety of positions that need to be preserved (I'm composting some 3d renders). Is this possible?
I'm trying to line up two images one on top of the other with opacity set so I can see Liquefy (CS4). One is background, the other is Layer 1. How do I move either one roughly in place over the other so I can start adjusting edges so the two profiles match? Hand doesn't move anything.
Starting with X4, I had been using the macro collection "wx_showLayer.gms" found here: URL.... The most useful of those macros is one that automatically makes the layer a newly selected object is on the currently active layer, rigt upon clicking the object. Working with layers a lot, I got pretty much used to that feature; keeping copies of objects on the same layer, for example, can be achieved blindly this way.
For X6 / x64, I had to modify a variable declaration but then the macro worked flawlessly as it did in 32-bit X4. After the service pack / update 6.1, the macro still loaded without a hitch. But soon I found it was the cause for regular crashes which occurred after clicking objects oner two times, or invariably at changing the page. -- Removed the macro from the GMS folder and X6.1 runs like a champ (so far).
I've been making web comics and trailers using the animation pallet in CS4. I just upgraded to CS6 and am really excited about the ability to animate 3D objects in CD6. You can see two short demos here: [URL] .... and here: [URL]........
My issues is that in CS4, I could make my animations as long as I wanted. There was a fly out menu that would let you input the length of the animation. In CS6 that has been replaced with the drag-out-the-layer-to-the-length-you-want interface (of which I'm not a fan). In doing this I noticed that my 3D layers can only be 10 seconds long, I can't drag them further into the timeline, even when my animation is 20 or 30 seconds.
I've looked at the 3D options in preferences and all I can think is there I have maxed out my RAM. Is 10 seconds the max that Photoshop can animate a 3D layer, or am I missing something?
I'm creating an animated gif from a video clip (cinemagraph). In order to acheive the effect I need, I need to move each layer with the move tool to get an object to stay in the same position. I have gone through layer by layer and used the move tool to move the contents of each layer. When I play the animation I see the layers in the position I put them in. I stop playing the animation the contents of each layer snap back to their original positions. I have tried using the lock tools (both lock position and lock all) but they don't make a difference. why layer positions would reset when creating animations and how to get it to stop?
My curves layer sliders seem to have been reversed. I would like the curves layer to show the black point slider on the left and the white point slider on the right.