I have video that I want to change the color of a PART of a video. A person in the video is moving and I want to edit ONLY that person ( not the surroundings ) . How do I mask a moving object and only edit that selection?
I forgot to switch the frame rate from 29.97 to 12 fps when I started working on an animation and when I switched to 12 fps mid-project the frames changed.
I have a hard time describing exactly what's going on so I'll just post a screenshot instead. Basically each frame has a gap in between and I am unable to line up the frames back to back. I was hoping to find out how to fix it so the frames play back to back seamlessly without any gaps. But yeah, when I attempt to align the frames back to back it won't let me, instead the frames overlap halfway or have this gap in between.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and I am trying to switch from Frames to Timeline in the Animation Panel. I have read in other forums that there should be a menu in the bottom right corner of the panel, but none is appearing in my panel.
When creating a new layer and positioning it in the active frame, the position is sometimes wrong when returning to that frame.
1. create multiple frames in the timeline 2. create a layer and position it somewhere in the image 3. view another frame 4. return to the original frame and the position has changed
Positioning the layer again seems to work, it doesn't move by itself when moving between frames, but remains in position.
So, this is something that's been a nuisance for a while now, and I think it's time for me to inquire seriously about a fix for it. I'm working with some ani's in max's timeline, and everyso often I find it starts to make use (or I start to make use...?) of "ticks"...I really dont wnat them, and in fact they cause a whole bunch of issues when adjusting keyframes as Im sure some of you can imagine.
Im not sure if it does this because of a setting I choose ( I always start animating in frames mode), or because I often will work in Key mode when Im swapping in a certain pose often...since all my character's animations are in one timeline.
The big question is...is there a way to FORCE these "ticked" keys onto full frames somehow? I've looked through all the timewarps I can find, and adjust <i>their</i> keys to full frames, but eventually it still goes back to ticks....WHAT MUST I DO!!!!! maybe there's a script, or Im missing something obvious?
I keep resetting to frames mode, and rechecking timewarps...to no longterm avail.
when I preview my video, the current timeline indicator skips to the next 10 frames and I would like to know if there is a way to decrease the amount of fames being skipped to.
i have cc 7.2.1, and every basic operation i do on the timeline , moving clips, trimiming, scrubing on the timeline everything lags, its not fluid. When i do a simple scrubring on the timeline, the CTI takes sometime to get to the position i selected to do the playback.
But the worst part is the trimming or moving clips, it takes ages before i get an image on the program monitor. If i move a clip into a middle of 2 clips it takes ages to see those two little privews images with timecode, to see where to put it. So is very hard to edit like this.
Another odd thing is when in redering mode i select to use sofware only i dont have drop frames, when i chose cuda i have drop frames!!
I´m editing h254 from a 5d and 7d on externa llaccie usb 3 , have the a macbookpro 16g i7, iris pro and nvidia 750m, and a external samsung, via DVI.
How to make GIF images already. The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to figure out how to edit all the frames at once. I would like to brighten them up and add curves, maybe sharpen.
I tried selecting all the layers, but then all the image editing options greyed out and weren't available. I really don't want to individually edit 58 frames, Is there a way to edit all at once? I'm using Photoshop CS3.
To gimp-user list recipients, I've run into a problem where I cant edit the delay between frames for my .GIF file. Im looking to set it it 41ms for each frame, which Ive done when prompted as I save my file, but the playback speed seems to stay at 100ms delay when I open the finished .GIF. Is it possible Gimp has trouble applying the delay to a high amount of frames? Im used alot of layers, 280 to be exact. The images/layers are from a video I previously converted to PNGs.
I am working on a GIF and I want to change the brightness, saturation settings etc but it seems that I have to edit the frames one by one, which is extremely tedious. Is there a faster way to do this?
I've got HD sources in a SD timeline with some comps done on the desktop. all fine . I want to resize the timeline to somewhere between SD and HD but.
Trial1. create new Timeline at new resolution, copy all edits from SD TL and insert in new TL.. this doesn't work because there's a bug and all the edits reset themselves to 0 frames of head i.e. slips all the edits.
Trial2.. save edit in the library and reformat it to the new resolution, i don't know what goes wrong here but it doesn't work.
i have a clip in layer 1 and i want to move it to layer 2 , i don't want accidentally move in horizontal direction (change edit point), i want to move straight vertically. Using FCP hotkey, i can activate snap (shift key) to constraint it to a cut, but that only works if i got another clip, if there's no other clip , i can't do constraint since there's no reference. In FCP i can still doing it because it can use the current clip's previous position as reference edit. But in Smoke , i can't do that. I think there should be a feature added for this process. The workaround is : do not move the clip but using duplicate, then delete the original one... but seems too complex for that little tiny task.
I'm using fcp hotkey , by default the 'drag copy (single frame)' is mapped to ' alt-c' . Normally this will work fine. But in some case where a cfx clip is selected or my time indicator is parked on top of a cfx clip in active timeline , then do 'alt-c' will give an error message "connectfx cannot be modified inside the containers. Proceed with edit ? "
So to solve this temporarily, i have to first deselect the cfx clip or move the current positioner on top of a non-cfx clip.
I'm creating a flow chart/decision tree. I am animating the position of a diagram on the stage when a user selects yes or no in answer to a series of questions.
I've split up each diagram movement on the stage timeline as labels. I've staggered these transforms as keyframes on the same layer/track. The issue I'm having is when I manipulate the position of my diagram by moving it on the stage it affects adjacent transforms. I have my transforms seperated with a 1/10 second gap becuase I thought this would split the timeline up but it appears not!
While I can edit the transforms manually by typing in xy co-ordinates it would be ten times faster to move the diagram on the stage instead and not overwrite adjacent transforms.
How do I restrict the transform to the two keyframe points I am concerned with?
If I have a symbol with its own timeline, I am familiar with targeting it with otehr elements and symbols and activating that timeline. But the symbol will also have a presence on the stage timeline - how does one play that?
I might be overcomplicating it, I thought it might just be play() on the main stage but that doesn't appear to work, neither does getStage.play() so I am doing something wrong somewhere
Ive created a box, turned it into a symbol called box,Inside box i have a left to right animation with auto play turned off.I then went back to the main stage, clicked the box, added action, on click to play, yet it does nothing.How do i Play the symbols timeline?
I am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
I am just starting out with the Photoshop CS5 trial. I am trying to apply a triangular pattern to a thin rectangular shape. I used the custom shape tool>triangle, then defined the pattern successfully.However, when I apply the pattern it partially repeats it along the vertical as well as the horizontal axis. Please see attached screenshot:
I only want it to repeat horizontally, what am I doing wrong?
Also, I am Fireworks CS5 user and am really missing the properties inspector panel which allows you to quickly and esily edit sizes of objects, is there a Photoshop equivalent of this?........at the moment the only way I can find to edit objects is through Edit>Free Transform.
I want to double matte a photo on a page with a background. The inner matte will be a 10 pixel black and I want the outer to be a half-inch patterned matte. I have scanned in the pattern from a piece of scrapbooking paper. How do I do the two mattes? I want the the mattes and picture to be moveable and sizeable.
I am trying to add a colored frame to a batch of pictures....I can't figure out how to do it with a color other than black...I have a specific color I would like to use all the time..
I am using photoshop cs and also have cs 3 and illustrator cs 4? and am unable to figure out where to find these frames that I see all over the place. I'm not sure if I have to download them somewhere or if there is a menu I'm missing in the program. I've added a link to show an example of the frame below.
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.