I've created animation mixer clips for edit animations that have a bug of time and I want to extended and the time line was cleared and now I wants to put the animations again in the time line to export, how do that?
I have video that I want to change the color of a PART of a video. A person in the video is moving and I want to edit ONLY that person ( not the surroundings ) . How do I mask a moving object and only edit that selection?
I forgot to switch the frame rate from 29.97 to 12 fps when I started working on an animation and when I switched to 12 fps mid-project the frames changed.
I have a hard time describing exactly what's going on so I'll just post a screenshot instead. Basically each frame has a gap in between and I am unable to line up the frames back to back. I was hoping to find out how to fix it so the frames play back to back seamlessly without any gaps. But yeah, when I attempt to align the frames back to back it won't let me, instead the frames overlap halfway or have this gap in between.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and I am trying to switch from Frames to Timeline in the Animation Panel. I have read in other forums that there should be a menu in the bottom right corner of the panel, but none is appearing in my panel.
So, this is something that's been a nuisance for a while now, and I think it's time for me to inquire seriously about a fix for it. I'm working with some ani's in max's timeline, and everyso often I find it starts to make use (or I start to make use...?) of "ticks"...I really dont wnat them, and in fact they cause a whole bunch of issues when adjusting keyframes as Im sure some of you can imagine.
Im not sure if it does this because of a setting I choose ( I always start animating in frames mode), or because I often will work in Key mode when Im swapping in a certain pose often...since all my character's animations are in one timeline.
The big question is...is there a way to FORCE these "ticked" keys onto full frames somehow? I've looked through all the timewarps I can find, and adjust <i>their</i> keys to full frames, but eventually it still goes back to ticks....WHAT MUST I DO!!!!! maybe there's a script, or Im missing something obvious?
I keep resetting to frames mode, and rechecking timewarps...to no longterm avail.
When creating a new layer and positioning it in the active frame, the position is sometimes wrong when returning to that frame.
1. create multiple frames in the timeline 2. create a layer and position it somewhere in the image 3. view another frame 4. return to the original frame and the position has changed
Positioning the layer again seems to work, it doesn't move by itself when moving between frames, but remains in position.
when I preview my video, the current timeline indicator skips to the next 10 frames and I would like to know if there is a way to decrease the amount of fames being skipped to.
i have cc 7.2.1, and every basic operation i do on the timeline , moving clips, trimiming, scrubing on the timeline everything lags, its not fluid. When i do a simple scrubring on the timeline, the CTI takes sometime to get to the position i selected to do the playback.
But the worst part is the trimming or moving clips, it takes ages before i get an image on the program monitor. If i move a clip into a middle of 2 clips it takes ages to see those two little privews images with timecode, to see where to put it. So is very hard to edit like this.
Another odd thing is when in redering mode i select to use sofware only i dont have drop frames, when i chose cuda i have drop frames!!
I´m editing h254 from a 5d and 7d on externa llaccie usb 3 , have the a macbookpro 16g i7, iris pro and nvidia 750m, and a external samsung, via DVI.
I just installed softimage 2012 on my pc and I've been having several bug problems. I can't select faces on models. Points, edges, etc. are available but not faces. also, when I change to textured view mode, no textures appear, it always shows as shaded mode. finally, xsi always opens with the layout messed up and on robot mode.
I 'm running it on administrator mode on windows 7 x64 also I tried disabling windows desktop styles etc. I have an NVIDIA GEFORCE 9600 GS video card 8gb ram 700 gb hd
I wanted to find a tutorial on how to paste images into frames with various corner radius. You may have a rectangle frame with a curved radius such as 20-50 pixels. I tried pasting images into shapes, but moving the images inside the frames didn't produce the results I was expecting and was cutting off the image inside or blocking out the frame itself.
Whenever I try to upload a video clip, it only shows in timeline format and when I try to convert it to frame animation, it says "The video will not play back in frame animation."
I am trying out my new cam which can do video in 24p (23.something), and I can edit the clips, all ok. There are just two things I cannot do: Make a still (it's really the 24p material, I used a clip in 60i and stills worked), and changing the time/frame counter to 24 frames. No matter what I do, it will always stay there.
I created a selection around a face in one photo, then copied it and tried to paste it into another photo, but it won't paste no matter what I try. The photo I'm copying from is only one layer and I have the move tool selected when I copy. I even created a blank document to paste in that is the same size and resolution as the original photo, but it still won't paste into that either.
What could cause this? And how do I get it to paste again?
I recently updated Gimp on my Mac Version 10.7.5. I can't copy and paste images from the Internet. Instead, I have to save that image, open it on Gimp, select all of it, and then I can paste it onto my work document. It's a huge hassle, and I'm sure there's a way I can copy and paste images from the Internet. When I try, it just says there is no image data on the clipboard for me to paste.
In some of my DWG files I can’t able to copy paste the elements from one file to another . For example, I can’t able to copy the level marks from one file to another. Both files are located in same coordinate.
I tried to copy paste a graphic generated with SmartDraw software l]].....http:[url] version 2012, wich I use to make my graphics, I paste them to an Illustrator template and nothing happens, there is just one big blank square on it. ,I used to have no problem with CS4.
I recently upgraded from Autocad 2012 Mechanical. Previously, I was able to simply select objects in AC, ctrl-c them, then paste them into Word. I am now using 2013 Product Design Suite, with the Vault addin for word. I am now unable to do this. What I notice is that when I switch to my Word window and paste, there's some unknown process occurring in Autocad. Furthermore, what should be an image box with my drawing in Word is a blank box.
AutoCAD: 2013 Product Design Suite, using 2013 Mechanical.
You'd think that being able to copy and paste would be a fairly straightforward task in any piece of software. Not in AutoCAD 2013. The Help file says the commands are located on the 'Clipboard' panel, under the 'Home' tab. I've spent a lot of time searching and can't find them, nor can I find any information about how to turn such a panel on.
This is the sort of thing that shouldn't be a problem in a well-designed piece of software. We're finding AutoCAD 2013 to be almost unusable out of the box, and have to spend ages fiddling with the (clunky) Custom User Interface commands to make it work. Every time AutoDesk bring out a new version of AutoCAD it seems to get even worse. I could resort to keyboard commands, but shouldn't have to. I'm starting to think the best solution would be to invest in a copy of Vectorworks instead.
In my one file I am unable to do copy and past command in paragraph text mode in one particular paragraph text handle. Can't find the reason. But in same file with new artistic or paragraph text handle I can do copy and past.