Photoshop :: How To Change Position Of Black Point Slider In Curves Layer
Jan 12, 2013
My curves layer sliders seem to have been reversed. I would like the curves layer to show the black point slider on the left and the white point slider on the right.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
Is it possible to set the grayslide color picking slider to go to full black? The reason I would like to do this is because: Â 1. The slider (or another workflow) should offer a fast way to select a grayscale color.
2. In CS6 there is no other fast way to select an arbitrary grayscale color. The other other way to select an arbitrary desaturated color is to create a color swatch by selecting it through the Photoshop-style color picking dialog accessible by double clicking the color display in the Tools window.
3. It is not possible to slide across a selection of gray scale values in the RGB color picker in the Color Window. Which would be preferable in general as this would unify and retain the workflow of selecting an arbitrary grayscale value within the RGB selection of the Color Window.
My black color slider is stuck as a multicolored gradient. The file was originally in RGB mode and I've seen it happen before but usually if I change my color mode to CMYK the black slider bar goes back to normal.
Any way to fix this with illustrator open? It doesn't go away unless I close and re-open illustrator. I don't think that it affects my output colors...
want to a boder for each grid but the Grayscale slider prevails and all of the others sliders are off. I go to the color palette and click at the top right of the palette and a menu appears the with options like grayscale sliders, RGB Sliders, HSB slider, CMYK Sliders, Lab sliders, and HTML sliders the online one on is the Grayscale sliders after that all of them are off The layer menu is off completely, and some other features in the photoshop cs3, and when I go and save the file the GIF, JEGP and all other common formats are off, I can't save the file on those formats because psp, photoshop pdf and other that I am not interested on. I want gif, jegp etc. I have just realize that when I created a new documents I might put it in the grayscale mode only. What do you think about it guys I want to be able to apply boders and save it in gif, jepg and other common format
I have been trying to convert images to appear lijke B&W pen&ink drawings. I followed some instructions found on You Tube - (1) Duplicate Layer (2) Colour Dodeg (3) Invert (4) Gussian Blur and (5) Reduce Saturation.... However, when a layer is in "Colour Dodge" and I slide the saturation to -100, it appears to contain colour. Even though the opacity of that layer is 100%, the layer below seems to show through. The only way I can get it to go B&W is by also changing the layer below to B&W (or no saturation).
I have a multilayered psd file. All layers should remain opaque except the black to white gradient layer where I need the white to be transparent. So that when I place the final psd on top of a block of solid colour in Indesign the gradient shows the background colour through where the black fades off.
In Curves, when you want to see the deepest blacks and whitest whites, you hold down Option while clicking and dragging the balck and white sliders – and the dragging doesn't allow accurate control. It's okay, but I would find it better if I could nudge the black and white sliders from the keyboard while seeing the effect on the image. Is that possible when using Curves as an adjustment layer?
I have a file that is 31gb, have attempted to render to Blu-Ray 4 times. It keeps stalling at 6% - no change in the slider bar for the last hour, currently at hour 06:39 and counting.
I recently upgraded to 2.8 and I like the interface changes a lot, but I have an issue with the brush slider's default scale of 0 to 1,000. For what I am doing, I would really prefer to set the scale more like 0-25. Is there a way to do this?
The sliders are nearly useless for me as I typically use pens and brushsizes of 1,5, 10 and 20. I need to change the size regularly and thesliders would be ideal yet my 'working' range is in a tiny little bit atthe end of the slider value.
It would be a huge gain for me to some how set the max slider value to avalue of my choice (say 50) rather than the current value of 1000
Is it possible? If not can I make a feature request (and if so how)
Yesterday, I upgraded from LR 4.0 to 4.1. Ever since that moment, when I try to launch it, Lightroom displays a progress bar with message: "Checking Catalog Point Curves". The progress bar advances to about 10% and then stops. I waited for about 20 minutes and it did not move at all. I had to force-quit. I tried that for a couple of times - same results. Â Why did Adobe decide to start a new mode of UPDATING the old version instead of REPLACING the old version with the new one, like it used to be? As it was before, I could simply get back to using the older version. Now, there is no going back! Â Do you even know what "Checking Catalog Point Curves" means?
I'm new to scripting and i want to make a facial controller panel. but the case is when i want to change the morpher value by slider inside maxscript "" i don't know how to do that ""
When editing some images in LR4 the sliders in Basic are:         Exposure     Recovery     Fill Light     Blacks     Brightness     Contrast  With other images the sliders are:      Exposure     Contrast      Highlights     Shadows     Whites     Blacks  how to I set the app to use the second set of sliders?
Somehow I've turned off the color selection so that I don't have a color when I select a part of a drawing on a layer. The drawing area stays black whether I have selected it or not and I don't know how to turn back on the color. Â how I can turn on the color again so that when I select a line it changes from black to red or magenta or whatever?
Using CS6, try to open a curves adjustment layer...the way I have for years...levels opens. Will not correct. Have to close the app and reopen. Impossible to find on internet. What's up?
In CS5 is there any way to have the Curves Layer Dialog revert back to the old standard interface? When you click Image/Adjustments/Curves you get the standard interface. But when you create a curves adjustment layer you get a horrible new interface, which has been "improved" to the point of being totally useless.
I recently upgraded from CS3, mainly to get the latest ACR to work with a newer camera's RAW files. I use curve layers extensively and have spent a lot of time with CS5, but the new curves layer interface is so incredibly difficult and exasperating that I have now reinstalled CS3 and use it for all my work. I use CS5 to convert from RAW, save as PSD, then open the file in CS3 to do the work.
Just upgraded CS6 to CC and really enjoy a lot of the changes but there seems to be a bug with the adjustment layer curves (not regular curves). Â If I make a change to the curve using modification point and then toggle "undo", the preview of the image will toggle on and off with the change but the modification point does not reset. This point stays in the original position even if the curves are not in effect and will only reset when another layer is selected before returning back to these curves. Â One must also manually reset the point if you wanted to revert back to the original (instead of undo) because if you place another modification point on the curve it will revert back to the change you made earlier.
Many Photoshop users consider the Curves panel to be Photoshop's most important feature. For many Curves users, the Layer panel introduced in CS4 does not offer the speed, the instinctive use, nor the superior results of the older Curves Layer panel.
The Curves dialog includes all the features that long-time users rely on. Some of these features have not been included in the Adjustment Layer version. They should all be available in the Layers panel, too.
I'm currently running AI CS6. In previous releases, when I wanted to start entering text at a certain point (with the regular type tool) I would position the I-beam at the vertical line where I wanted to start, and with the little horizonal line of the I-beam on the horizontal line where I wanted to start, and click. But in CS6, that click seems to position the text on the left-most dotted line surrounding the I-beam, rather on the I-beam itself. Is there some parameter I can set so that the I-beam determines the starting point of text? Or do I just need to adjust my thinking to a different way?
In Premiere Pro CC, if I have previously set an in and out point in my source monitor, the spacebar plays clips from the in point only. I'd rather be able to move my CTI to any place in my clip, hit spacebar, and play from there but it always snaps to the in point and plays from there.  The play around shortcut is a joke because it doesn't play from the playhead location and loops at seemingly random intervals.
I have been working in PSP since PSP 7 so I am pretty familiar with the program. In PSP X4 when I go to adjust the opacity of a raster layer using the opacity slider on the layer palette toolbar. I click on it and I can't use the arrow keys to adjust the value. My arrow keys have no effect on the opacity slider at all. how I can get it working? It has never worked for me in PSP X4.
I'm trying to get the position of point text from left anchor if left aligned, middle if center aligned and right if right aligned. is this even possible? Â here are the keys of object I am trying to get at: Â keys: Â story : [Story] contents : export me textRange : [TextRange] textSelection : [TextRange] rowCount : 1 columnCount : 1 rowGutter : 0 columnGutter : 0 flowLinksHorizontally : true spacing : 0 opticalAlignment : false kind : TextType.POINTTEXT contentVariable : undefined orientation : TextOrientation.HORIZONTAL Â this is what I am using to get at it:
app.activeDocument.textFrames[2].anchor[0] Â am i confusing anchor point with baseline position?
I'm trying to determine how to change the color of an object based upon a custom attribute slider. It would only need to change between 2 colors. I know this can be done by simply autokeying but using a slider would be more useful for my situation.
Is there a way to do this? I've been playing with wiring a simple cube's material but am not sure how to do this.
I need to find a way how to insert a point or a * on the center point of a hole and put it on a different layer. The reason for this is - I am a CAD tech for a welding shop and we cut parts out of steel and we use the dxf file format for our plasma table to cut parts. For example : if i have a 1 inch thick plate and want to put a 3/4'' hole in the plate the hole will be distorted because the hole is smaller than the material thickness. For these situation we can use the plasma table to burn a point or a dot on the center point of the hole. But to do this the point or dot must be on a different layer in the dxf.
After doing everything i can find to optimize my hardware/software for doing 3D animation in Ps Ext CS6. I still cannot render an animation to video using the Ray Traced Final setting. (Ray Traced Draft, no problem.) The last time I tried (after repairing disk permissions), at least Ps did not crash and give me the same old crash report (Exception Type:Â EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000007a0020000). This time I just got an error msg that my request could not be completed. (Progress?) Checking Activity Monitor, I could see that my available RAM, which was 13 GB when I started the render was now less than 1 GB (761 MB). Â So, I have come to the conclusion that my 16 GB of RAM and 300 GB available for virtual memory on my HD is not enough for rendering the type of 3D animation I am trying to do. Would you agree? Also, I have read it is not good to use the same HD your program is installed on for a scratch disk, so I am considering getting an external solid state drive to use as a scratch disk.
In previous verions of Photoshop, when I made a curves adjustment layer, selected the midpoint, then did a shift-arrow adjusstment, it was always in increments of 10. Now in CS6, it is 12 on my machine, 13 and 14 on the two other machines in the office I have checked. Why would that be? Can that be changed so it is 10 again? Â FYI - this is all in RGB mode if that matters.