GIMP :: Slider Value - How To Change Size Regularly
Jan 30, 2014
The sliders are nearly useless for me as I typically use pens and brushsizes of 1,5, 10 and 20. I need to change the size regularly and thesliders would be ideal yet my 'working' range is in a tiny little bit atthe end of the slider value.
It would be a huge gain for me to some how set the max slider value to avalue of my choice (say 50) rather than the current value of 1000
Is it possible? If not can I make a feature request (and if so how)
in the tool options ... the brush size slider bar thing...
so ive been doing alot of pixel work... and i HATE how the brush size slider, if i click in the middle of the sizer bar slider thing... its like 500 pixels....
is there a way to adjust the range of this bar? in preferences or something?? i cant find it..
it is SOO annoying and would speed my workflow by like 200%
i want the slider to be like 1px - 50px .... not 1px to 1000px .... its insane... and then when i click up and down arrows it goes by .01
I recently upgraded to 2.8 and I like the interface changes a lot, but I have an issue with the brush slider's default scale of 0 to 1,000. For what I am doing, I would really prefer to set the scale more like 0-25. Is there a way to do this?
I have Photoshop Elements 5.0 (windows). On my Organizer page, I am missing the bottom row of functions (which I have seen pictured on the Help Center). This is making it difficult to navigate and organize.
I am missing: Arrangement menu, thumbnail size slider, full screen view button, date view, map icon. The bottom-most item is the 'click here to add caption' under the photo. I looked all over the tool bars. Am I missing something obvious or do I have a software problem?
I want to make a business card, for that i need to paste a illustration onto the basic layer. the illustration i cut out from a other document is too big, how can i make the selection smaller so i can paste it onto the document?
so i downloaded the copasetic font and am trying to use it in a picture, and i can get a text box to appear and i can write the words i want, but i cant change the size to anything smaller or larger than what it starts out at. ive tried changing the size before i start typing, and its the same thing.
Just recently moved to Gimp. I like it but I am struggling. Millions of questions, but to start: How can I alter the resolution of and image without changing its physical size. I am trying to keep to a print size of 7x5", and reduce the resolution to 300pixel/inch. When I go to: 'set image print resolution' and change the X and Y resolution, the 'Print Size' changes with it. I have tried everything I can think of. I have make a new file at the correct resolution and pasted the image in, but the colors in the photos changed, so I dumped that idea.
My end goal is to have a PDF image that is 13in(h) x 19in(w).
Image / Print Size is exactly 13x19. However, when I print to a PDF printer, and set the page size within the Print Preferences to Custom 13x19, I still get a much larger page than the image is.
I see message boards say to use File / Page Setup and select a Custom Print size. I do not see this as an option.
I've tried saving to PNG and then opening in other programs, but it makes the image much larger, and it affects the set-up.
want to a boder for each grid but the Grayscale slider prevails and all of the others sliders are off. I go to the color palette and click at the top right of the palette and a menu appears the with options like grayscale sliders, RGB Sliders, HSB slider, CMYK Sliders, Lab sliders, and HTML sliders the online one on is the Grayscale sliders after that all of them are off The layer menu is off completely, and some other features in the photoshop cs3, and when I go and save the file the GIF, JEGP and all other common formats are off, I can't save the file on those formats because psp, photoshop pdf and other that I am not interested on. I want gif, jegp etc. I have just realize that when I created a new documents I might put it in the grayscale mode only. What do you think about it guys I want to be able to apply boders and save it in gif, jepg and other common format
The controls that used to appear on the workspace after the pattern fill tool is selected are no longer accessible. I don't know the name of this control, but it has handles allowing a pattern fill to be re-sized and rotated within an object.
The nodes on my path tool seem awfully big. They get in the way of seeing what i'm editing. I've noticed on some tutorials the nodes are quite small. Is there a way to change their size?
I have been trying to convert images to appear lijke B&W pen&ink drawings. I followed some instructions found on You Tube - (1) Duplicate Layer (2) Colour Dodeg (3) Invert (4) Gussian Blur and (5) Reduce Saturation.... However, when a layer is in "Colour Dodge" and I slide the saturation to -100, it appears to contain colour. Even though the opacity of that layer is 100%, the layer below seems to show through. The only way I can get it to go B&W is by also changing the layer below to B&W (or no saturation).
I have a file that is 31gb, have attempted to render to Blu-Ray 4 times. It keeps stalling at 6% - no change in the slider bar for the last hour, currently at hour 06:39 and counting.
(I am using version 2.6.12). I noticed that when I move the Opacity Slider, nothing happens on the image. I tried that on Windows, Linux (I am using Gimp version 2.6.11 on OpenSUSE 11.4), and Mac. I read somewhere that I need to go to Image --> Modify and select RGB. But it is already selected.
Is it possible to automate the following: I have a directory of about 50 jpg files. With each file I would like to:
- make the image square, by increasing the canvas size of the least dimension. ie if the width is less than the height, increase the width to the value of the height, or conversely if the height is less than the width
I was trying painting with gimp and there is a shortcut in gimp to change the size of the brush/opacity my moving the stylus like you can on photoshop or sketchbook pro.
ALT+ctrl on a mac
This would be an incredible time-saver for us artists and not very complex. If not I will suggest this feature to the gimo developers.
I'm new to scripting and i want to make a facial controller panel. but the case is when i want to change the morpher value by slider inside maxscript "" i don't know how to do that ""
When editing some images in LR4 the sliders in Basic are:         Exposure     Recovery     Fill Light     Blacks     Brightness     Contrast  With other images the sliders are:      Exposure     Contrast      Highlights     Shadows     Whites     Blacks  how to I set the app to use the second set of sliders?
I completely reinstalled GIMP 2.8 and put Andrew's Script (found here: URL....) into "C/USER/ADMIN/GIMP 2.8/SCRIPTS" (I'm stuck with Windows Vista Home Premium) running on an Acer laptop. Now the "Opacity" and "Brush Size" sliders have shown up where they're supposed to have been on the first install.
My middle mouse wheel used to control brush size - I recently reinstalled my updated Logitech mouse drivers and I'll bet if I go to "Setpoint" in my system tray, I'll be able to configure the mouse wheel from there. That's where I had to go in order to fix the tilt control in Google Earth after I updated the mouse drivers.
I just installed GIMP 2.8, with Andrew's GIMP Script FU and now I can't find the brush opacity slider anywhere (EDIT: Or the brush/eraser/pencil etc SIZE slider - there also appears to be no way to set my middle mouse wheel as the controller for the brush size). I've used GIMP for awhile and I know how to move around but I'm not very good with it.
"Image > Print Size" really IS the command you are looking for.
The key is to pay attention to the units-of-measure shown on the Print Size dialogue box:- The "Width" and "Height" values under Print Size are displayed in real-world units (inches, mm, etc.), not image pixels.- The "Resolution" values are displayed in pixels-per-unit.- You cannot change your image's pixel dimensions (aka scale the image) from the Print Size dialogue. That's what the "Scale Image" command is for.Remember the relation between pixel and print sizes is:(print size) = (pixel size) / (print resolution)
When you change the image's print resolution, of course the real-world size (the "width" or "height" shown in the Print Size dialog) of your image will update to reflect the new print resolution -- that value is calculated from your image's actual pixel size and whatever resolution value you just entered. This is totally normal behavior -- in fact, it's expected. If you change an image's resolution from, say, 150 pixels/inch to 75 pixels/inch, this doubles the print size of your image but only the print size; the image's pixel size remains precisely the same as before. (You can confirm this by comparing "Image > Canvas Size..." before and after changing the resolution.)
And as others have stated, if you're using the image for Web viewing then its print resolution has absolutely zero effect on how it will appear onscreen (print resolution only affects, well, actual printing), in which case you'll want to use the "Scale Image" command to actually scale your image larger or smaller.
I need to do some shading work in Gimp, and for this it would be very nice to have a quick way to change my brush size. Luckily there's a note in the gimp docs on how to program the mouse wheel to do this:
[URL] .....
My laptop only has a touchpad with a little scroll area on the side, but I can't think of a good reason why this should be any different from a scroll wheel on a real mouse. Unfortunately, though, following the documentation doesn't work.
In fact, as far as I can tell, the input controllers dialog does nothing at all on my system--I've looked at the settings for the all of the 'active controllers,' and none of the current settings there match with the actual behavior of Gimp as far as I can tell. It also worries me that the controller names are so generic--they're listed as 'Main Keyboard' and 'Main Mouse Wheel' rather than mentioning a synaptics touchpad, and my tablet doesn't even seem to be listed.
My curves layer sliders seem to have been reversed. I would like the curves layer to show the black point slider on the left and the white point slider on the right.
I'm trying to determine how to change the color of an object based upon a custom attribute slider. It would only need to change between 2 colors. I know this can be done by simply autokeying but using a slider would be more useful for my situation.
Is there a way to do this? I've been playing with wiring a simple cube's material but am not sure how to do this.
when I exercise the opacity slider for an active layer I can see the full range of opacity follow the setting. Somehow I've gotten this v2.6 on a Linux box into a mode where the visible opacity doesn't follow the slider full range. Instead it is all or nothing. At 50% or less opacity the layer is entirely transparent and at 50.1% or more it is entirely opaque.
As others have already reported, I'm also experiencing repeated crashes when using CS4. This can happen at any time:
- when loading an image - when creating or modifying a selection - when editing the image - ...
No obvious pattern detected. After the crash, when I relaunch PS, I often (not always) get a message telling me that GPU acceleration/ OpenGL drawing has been disabled. However, I also had crashes with OpenGL drawing disabled.
I'm using a Windows XP Pro SP3, a GeForce 6600 GT with the latest driver (version 178.24, October 15, 2008) and the motherboard is an ASUS A8N-SLI Premium running an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+ with 3GB of RAM.
I recently made some changes to the NVidia settings and had no crash since then:
- Use my advanced 3D image settings - Anisotropic filtering 16x - Anti aliasing : 8xS - Conformant texture clamp: Off - Error reporting: Off - Extension limit: Off (if you set this to On, PS crashes and disables OpenGL drawing) - Force MipMaps: None - Maximum pre-rendered frames: 0 - Single display performance mode - Texture filtering settings: Off with exception of 2 - Negative LOD Bias : Clamp - Quality: High quality - Threaded optimization: On - Triple buffering: On - Vertical Sync: Force On (also On in PS as well as "Force Bilinear Interpolation" and "Advanced Drawing")
I am doing simple extrusions in 3D. One or 2 extrusions in a document. Specifically, earrings. I have to save every few steps , because PS is going to crash at least once per hour.  My computer has 12GB RAM, and a 1GB GPU. My MAC is less than a year old. It should be able to handle the workload.  When I'm doing 3D I shut down all other programs on my computer.  I have turned up all the preferences inside PS pertaining to performance.  When I save a document the SAVE time is 3-7 seconds. Each time I hold my breath that it doesn't fail.
I have CS6 now but got the same problem in CS3 Â They are jpeg files and can be read by several other programs with no problem. Â I cannot do a lot of work because this keeps happening.
All of my recently installed SC4 software will initiate and open perfect. However, when I try to open a file it gives me the attached error. I can begin a new document and render just fine.