GIMP :: Change Size Of Selection
Aug 21, 2012
I want to make a business card, for that i need to paste a illustration onto the basic layer. the illustration i cut out from a other document is too big, how can i make the selection smaller so i can paste it onto the document?
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Oct 6, 2008
How do you see the size of a selection (in pixels?). In Photoshop this would be in the info dialogue window. I'm not finding the equivalent in GIMP (2.6).
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Oct 26, 2012
I'm a former Photoshop user. The reason I no longer use it is because of a silly misunderstanding with the NSA and MI6. But hey, that's the past and I'm a believer in moving on.
Anyway, my first inquiry here is a simple one having to do with selection. When I used PS I would at times use the wand selector and then open a new file which already had the dimensions of the selection. Thing is, when I select something in Gimp and open up the new file it still has the same size as the main image from which an area was selected, i.e., if the main image was 500x500 and I selected something 100x100 the copy was still 500x500.
And I can assure you it has nothing to do with remote viewing and foreign embassies.
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Mar 16, 2011
I have to use the Image > Canvas Size option to resize the size of my canvas to a wanted size. However this means a lot of trial and error to get the canvas size the same size of my current selection. Is there a quick function that would resize the canvas size to my current selection?
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Sep 10, 2011
Is there a way to create a fixed size selection rectangle that I can use whenever I want to take a selection from a larger image? Currently, I'm am doing this by trial and error and it's not fun.
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Apr 15, 2012
Within gimp, I selected a portion of one image, copied it, and pasted it on another image. Now I want to take the pasted selection and increase/decrease its size. What tool does this? 'Grow' and 'Scale Image' doesn't work.
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Mar 7, 2013
I'm trying to scale a pattern to fit the entire canvas without tiling it over the whole layer. To try to do this, I made a rectangular selection box, then dragged and dropped a pattern into the box. This created a new layer called "clipboard". I right clicked the clipboard layer, then left clicked "Scale Layer". Then I entered a width and height in pixels that matched the size of the canvas. The selection does expand, but it doesn't fill the entire canvas.
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Dec 21, 2012
back in 2.6 the width of the outlines of the several selection tools wassimply 1px (running ants by themselfes), now with 2.8 (at least herewith OpenSuSE 12.2, XFCE 4.10 it is 3px (pls. see attachment (8 time se larged)).
Is there any possibility known (style setting for gtk, ...) to change it(back) to 1px? It would work make much more precise ..
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Oct 16, 2012
so i downloaded the copasetic font and am trying to use it in a picture, and i can get a text box to appear and i can write the words i want, but i cant change the size to anything smaller or larger than what it starts out at. ive tried changing the size before i start typing, and its the same thing.
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Aug 18, 2013
Just recently moved to Gimp. I like it but I am struggling. Millions of questions, but to start: How can I alter the resolution of and image without changing its physical size. I am trying to keep to a print size of 7x5", and reduce the resolution to 300pixel/inch. When I go to: 'set image print resolution' and change the X and Y resolution, the 'Print Size' changes with it. I have tried everything I can think of. I have make a new file at the correct resolution and pasted the image in, but the colors in the photos changed, so I dumped that idea.
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Jun 25, 2011
My end goal is to have a PDF image that is 13in(h) x 19in(w).
Image / Print Size is exactly 13x19. However, when I print to a PDF printer, and set the page size within the Print Preferences to Custom 13x19, I still get a much larger page than the image is.
I see message boards say to use File / Page Setup and select a Custom Print size. I do not see this as an option.
I've tried saving to PNG and then opening in other programs, but it makes the image much larger, and it affects the set-up.
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Jan 30, 2014
The sliders are nearly useless for me as I typically use pens and brushsizes of 1,5, 10 and 20. I need to change the size regularly and thesliders would be ideal yet my 'working' range is in a tiny little bit atthe end of the slider value.
It would be a huge gain for me to some how set the max slider value to avalue of my choice (say 50) rather than the current value of 1000
Is it possible? If not can I make a feature request (and if so how)
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Dec 14, 2012
Is there a way to change the resolution of a picture without it changing the size.
I cannot find a way to separate the two..
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Sep 11, 2012
The nodes on my path tool seem awfully big. They get in the way of seeing what i'm editing. I've noticed on some tutorials the nodes are quite small. Is there a way to change their size?
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Dec 26, 2013
Is it possible to automate the following: I have a directory of about 50 jpg files. With each file I would like to:
- make the image square, by increasing the canvas size of the least dimension. ie if the width is less than the height, increase the width to the value of the height, or conversely if the height is less than the width
- add a transparency layer
- save to xcf
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Jul 30, 2013
I was trying painting with gimp and there is a shortcut in gimp to change the size of the brush/opacity my moving the stylus like you can on photoshop or sketchbook pro.
ALT+ctrl on a mac
This would be an incredible time-saver for us artists and not very complex. If not I will suggest this feature to the gimo developers.
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Dec 15, 2012
"Image > Print Size" really IS the command you are looking for.
The key is to pay attention to the units-of-measure shown on the Print Size dialogue box:- The "Width" and "Height" values under Print Size are displayed in real-world units (inches, mm, etc.), not image pixels.- The "Resolution" values are displayed in pixels-per-unit.- You cannot change your image's pixel dimensions (aka scale the image) from the Print Size dialogue. That's what the "Scale Image" command is for.Remember the relation between pixel and print sizes is:(print size) = (pixel size) / (print resolution)
When you change the image's print resolution, of course the real-world size (the "width" or "height" shown in the Print Size dialog) of your image will update to reflect the new print resolution -- that value is calculated from your image's actual pixel size and whatever resolution value you just entered. This is totally normal behavior -- in fact, it's expected. If you change an image's resolution from, say, 150 pixels/inch to 75 pixels/inch, this doubles the print size of your image but only the print size; the image's pixel size remains precisely the same as before. (You can confirm this by comparing "Image > Canvas Size..." before and after changing the resolution.)
And as others have stated, if you're using the image for Web viewing then its print resolution has absolutely zero effect on how it will appear onscreen (print resolution only affects, well, actual printing), in which case you'll want to use the "Scale Image" command to actually scale your image larger or smaller.
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Jun 4, 2011
I need to do some shading work in Gimp, and for this it would be very nice to have a quick way to change my brush size. Luckily there's a note in the gimp docs on how to program the mouse wheel to do this:
[URL] .....
My laptop only has a touchpad with a little scroll area on the side, but I can't think of a good reason why this should be any different from a scroll wheel on a real mouse. Unfortunately, though, following the documentation doesn't work.
In fact, as far as I can tell, the input controllers dialog does nothing at all on my system--I've looked at the settings for the all of the 'active controllers,' and none of the current settings there match with the actual behavior of Gimp as far as I can tell. It also worries me that the controller names are so generic--they're listed as 'Main Keyboard' and 'Main Mouse Wheel' rather than mentioning a synaptics touchpad, and my tablet doesn't even seem to be listed.
I am using Gimp 2.6.11 on Ubuntu.
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Sep 1, 2013
I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask.
The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far.
I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?
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Mar 1, 2013
Right after one makes a selection, say by using the Rectangle SelectTool, is presented with handles that allow altering the selection.
If one then selects another tool without deselecting is being deprivedof these handles while the selection remains active thus rendering himunable to alter the selection in that fashion.
Thus forming my question: is there a way to make these handles to(re-)appear on a non-freshly created selection?
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Jan 13, 2013
I know how to blend selection edges of a selection in Gimp 2.8.2, but if I have only one side of a selection that needs blending, what should I do?
Lets say that I have a grey box on a black background and only want to blend the left vertical edge into the background.
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Nov 21, 2013
Every time I make the second selection in a picture with the lazo the first selection disappear. what can I do to fix it?
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Oct 4, 2011
I am creating a layered marine chart with reference points. I've imported the chart and am creating text layers with a reference number in them.
I have about 700 of these to add - a daunting task - but it's for a NZ coastguard unit, so is worthwhile.
The idea is to have a layer with all our reference points on it, so when a chart is updated, we can just import the chart; add back the reference points layers and print it out.
(Why? NZ baynames, danger spots etc usually have 2 names; an english name and a maori name - sometimes we have to cross reference when on the water to find the correct place).
Is creating text layers the best way of doing this?
Is there any way of increasing the size of all the text - instead of having to edit 700 text layers?
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Mar 24, 2009
Is there a way to change the leader arrowhead size without changing the dimension arrow/tick size?
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Feb 24, 2011
I create a text box and paste in the info into it. Now I want to resize the box to fit the space available but the handles end up changing the font size. I need the software to change the auto line feeds as the box's size is changed.
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Aug 7, 2012
I've just reduced the size of a canvas from 300x300 to 200x200 but when I merge the layers I'm left with a dotted line showing the original size.
reduced canvas size.tiff (128.61K)
Number of downloads: 3
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Apr 27, 2012
The feature where you can quickly change a brush size/ diameter by pressing Alt + hold right click (for Windows) (In Mac, control + alt + left click) is neat but is there any way to change that shortcut to a different combination? I can't find it in the shortcuts list.
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Oct 17, 2013
Mleader arrow head didn't change size when change the scale on Object property?
The Arrow head size didn't change corresponding to the scale, i included the pic below, the top picture, the arrow head was set at .18" but was really small when i plot out, so i wanted to make it bigger, when i changed to .50" or .75" or even 1" the arrow head became even smaller than .18". Only when .18" than the arrow side is legible
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Dec 31, 2008
I have cropped a person from a photo and moved the image into another photo. I now want to increase the size of the "person" I moved while keeping the background the same. I'm sure it's a simple procedure but after a couple of hours of frustration.
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Oct 17, 2013
I want to create a template whereby I can make a series of images that I can save as jpgs, upload to my blog, and people can print them. When they print, I want them to be one quarter of a sheet of paper (fit four to a page).
I tried creating a new image using the "inches" specification and those inches seem to have no bearing on inches in real life once printed.
So then I figured that a sheet of paper is 8.5 by 11 and I want a resolution of 300 dpi.
So 8.5 times 300: 2,550 pixels. Times that by 0.25 to get a quarter of it: 637.5 (which gets rounded to 638 pixels).
11 times 300: 3,300 pixels. Times that by 0.25= 825 pixels.
So I put in for 638 pixels by 825 pixels and 300 dpi. I created my image. I saved it as a jpg at full resolution. I uploaded it to my site and tested out the printing.
It took up most of a sheet of paper. Not even close to being a quarter of a sheet.
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May 7, 2013
I've been using 2.6 and created a template for multiple business cards on a standard 8.5 by 11 sheet. [URL]
However the later versions ... 2.8 cause distortions when I try to print. ( Canon MG 2120) The standard 8.5 by 11 mysteriously converts to 7.997 by 10.349 inches .... and a weird 318.870 ppi appears. This obviously distorts my template and the 2 by 3.5 inch cards become odd sizes. When I open the template in 2.6, it works perfectly.
What has happened to the later version? i can't reset to inches and even using the 2559 by 3300 pixils with the 1050x600 card sizecan't be printed accurately So I'm now creating in 2.8 and opening in 2.6 to get my sizes correctly.
I love the expanded tools for drawing in the 2.8 ... but this feature is a nuisance ... along of course with the terrible sizing scale for the brushes. SO hard to calibrate the smaller and moe common sizes. Another bad feature.
Have I missed some adjustment somewhere. Using the same printer, same download gives two different prints sizes in 2.6 and 2.8.
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