Is it possible to automate the following: I have a directory of about 50 jpg files. With each file I would like to:
- make the image square, by increasing the canvas size of the least dimension. ie if the width is less than the height, increase the width to the value of the height, or conversely if the height is less than the width
My task is to do a batch processing over an folder with images. I want to add an alpha layer to every image (png). The alpha layer is from a static second image (bmp).
I can accomplish the task in the GIMP front end manually, but the exactly same steps in my script aren't working.
HAving just installed 2.8 after using 2.6, I find all scanned images and existing jpeg files I created in 2.6 are displayed at ridiculously large dimensions. In 2.6, all scanned images were loaded on screen at their actual A4 size, regardless of scan resolution. In 2.8 they are loading up on screen at around 5 times the actual size - it seems I have to scale the image back down to A4 before I can start editing it? I tested this on A4 jpeg files I created on 2.6, and they also load on screen at massively enlarged sizes. how to get these images to display at their actual sizes?
I am trying to create an action for watermarking. However, I would like to be able to size my logo to be a specific % of the entire canvas size, i.e. 20% width to be a part of my action so that the logo is always proportional to the image size.
I'm using Gimp 2.8 on Fedora 17 i686. I have noticed that when I cancel out of set image canvas size and return to set image canvas size I have no preview image. I was wondering if this is a problem with Gimp
I'm having problems with gimp 2.8 I've just installed on my new laptop. I'm an artist and use scanned images to colour in GIMP, and in version 2.6 these were displayed with the actual canvas size (A4) and scan resolution. I work with these images and often need to increase the canvas size. In 2.8 the scanned images are displaying with a canvas size around 5 times larger than A4 - I think this is because GIMP is saying the resolution is 72ppi, whereas I scan at 300-400 ppi. My finished jpeg files all display on 2.8 at larger canvas sizes aswell. how to get GIMP to recognize this automatically so that the actual canvas size is shown?
I have an image with 85 layers, let's say they are all 100x100 pixels.
The layers are all aligned on the top and left borders of the canvas.
The canvas is 100 pixels wide and 8500 pixels tall.
I want to put the first layer on the top of the canvas, then the secondlayer with its top border aligned with the bottom border of the firstlayer. Then the third layer just below the second one, etc. So that all 85layers are spread on the full height of the canvas.
Actually, some layers are less than 100 pixels tall. I still want thelayers to be one next to the other. So if my first layer is 60 pixels tall,the second layer must be moved at 0,60 in the canvas. And if the second oneis 90 pixels tall, the third one must me moved at 0,150.
How can I do that? Is there a plugin? It doesn't seem very hard to code in Scheme.
and I would like to get a gradient border on it (something like two pixels would be perfect) from the green sine to black. (Partial transparancy would be nicer but since .gif doesn't support that...and yes I do need it to be a .gif XD)
Problem is...that I can't get any of the filter options to work, they are all disabled. After some tests I noticed that this is because there's an alpha layer that for some reason disables the filters. to get a gradient (green to black) border on the sine?
I have a few images that I have saved from online that have an alpha layer in them. When I open them in GIMP, the checkerboard pattern makes it far too difficult to edit the image. When I try any of the obvious options for removing the alpha layer, the result looks awful.
How do I remove an alpha layer without changing the way that an image looks when it's viewed in an image viewer (or GIMP)?
I have to use the Image > Canvas Size option to resize the size of my canvas to a wanted size. However this means a lot of trial and error to get the canvas size the same size of my current selection. Is there a quick function that would resize the canvas size to my current selection?
I am converting from Photoshop and there is one common task i used all of the time which i cannot seem to figure out in Gimp. I have two canvases open, each with a few layers. I select the move tool and then start dragging the layer on one canvas to try to drop it into the other canvas. In Photoshop when you do this it creates a new layer on the dropped canvas consisting of the dropped layer, and the layer resets to its original position on the first canvas.
In Gimp however when I try this its as if i dropped the layer way outside of the viewable area of the first canvas, and nothing gets added to the second canvas i want to drop it into.
For years I've been using various image editors, often in combination. That is, I do simple stuff as copy / paste and repositioning of elements in one editor and subsequently open the image in a more advanced editor for proper paintwork. Currently I'm using the Gimp for the latter. Color layers work brilliantly. However, I have big problems with my alpha channel--I've found no way to edit it within Gimp and I've found no way to import a revised version that I've edited in another image editor. There must be solutions to both challenges.
The editing I require is piece-of-cake in basic image editors--I simply want to move a transparent region a bit to the left. That should be a simple rectangle selection and then shoving it (mouse or arrow keys) to where I want it. Alternatively I could import my edited alpha channel image as I'm used to doing in other editors. Well, the Gimp will accept the image as a layer all right but I haven't succeeded in making the Gimp import my grayscale image as an alpha channel. I get a grayscale non-transparent layer instead.
So, I've got a perfectly good alpha channel that needs a minor tweak. It loads as intended in Gimp. How to perform basic editing of this alpha channel layer or tell me how to import a revised version and tell Gimp that this image should be interpreted as an alpha channel?
I have a folder of 50 images. The images are all different sizes and dimensions (ranging from about 400x600 to 1600x900).
Separately, I have a little design on a canvas in HD dimensions (1920x1080).
The end goal is just to be able to lay out all the photos on the center of the canvas as 50 new individual images (with the HD dimensions of the background canvas).
Obviously, to load in 50 unique images and then export each of them would take a long time. So I was hoping that there is a way to both (a) automatically combine multiple unique images to a common background, and then (b) export them all.
I used scale image to make a 2.314" x 3" image to print so it'll fit in a frame that I have for that same size. When I print it out the size looks great but it's over on the edge of the 4x6 paper and most of the picture is cut off. I tried, I should use print size and not canvas size but when I change the print size to 4x6 it also changes my canvas size back to 4x6. I still have my original so I can do this again but what I want is a 2.314"x3" image to print out on my 4x6 glossy paper.
have a photo that was taken by a photographer so it is very large. I want it as a Facebook Cover for my business page but when i try to make it fit the required height and width is is either to small or if i change the image size or canvas size it doesn't look right...
I wanted to combine two images one needs to be fit to the scale of the background image. So basically I followed the instructions.
Open up your background layer which was 800x600 landscape photo.
Then I imported my other image which was 600x800 portrait photo too. Layers -Import from file. I resized it then copied into a new layer. That was fine.
The problem is as soon as the new image is imported, the background image changes so that it only takes up half of the canvas. So now I've got a white area for half of the canvas. I can't seem to change this.
I have a plain rectangle with overall c09300c0 RGBA levels.I want to change the alpha channel value from c0 (193) to some other value, for the whole image at once. Or some other color channel.
How can I change the absolute value of a channel ? The color menu has only relative adjustments.
>ap alterations. I have collected many (over 100k) screeenshots of census data. In the interest of not using the actual captures (intelectual property restrictions), I have extracted the data alone to a new multi layered file with each address as its own layer. Some have 1 person, some have 200 people.
Can I export each layer to file in such a way that the canvas will not be the 75 inch canvas in the parent image? I needed to use such a large transparent background because population density is very high. Is ther an autodetect feature?
I'm trying to scale a pattern to fit the entire canvas without tiling it over the whole layer. To try to do this, I made a rectangular selection box, then dragged and dropped a pattern into the box. This created a new layer called "clipboard". I right clicked the clipboard layer, then left clicked "Scale Layer". Then I entered a width and height in pixels that matched the size of the canvas. The selection does expand, but it doesn't fill the entire canvas.
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.