GIMP :: Add Alpha Layer To Every Image (PNG)

Aug 5, 2013

My task is to do a batch processing over an folder with images. I want to add an alpha layer to every image (png). The alpha layer is from a static second image (bmp).

I can accomplish the task in the GIMP front end manually, but the exactly same steps in my script aren't working.

Here's the script:

(define (script-fu-batch-alpha-add globalpha globpics) (let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob globpics 1))) (filealpha (car(cadr (file-glob globalpha 1)))) (imgalpha (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
filealpha filealpha))) (drawablealpha (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer imgalpha)))

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GIMP :: How To Remove Alpha Layer Without Changing Way Image Looks

Mar 17, 2011

I have a few images that I have saved from online that have an alpha layer in them. When I open them in GIMP, the checkerboard pattern makes it far too difficult to edit the image. When I try any of the obvious options for removing the alpha layer, the result looks awful.

How do I remove an alpha layer without changing the way that an image looks when it's viewed in an image viewer (or GIMP)?

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GIMP :: Getting Anti-aliasing Working With Alpha Layer

Sep 3, 2011

So I have this small image consisting of a sine:

and I would like to get a gradient border on it (something like two pixels would be perfect) from the green sine to black. (Partial transparancy would be nicer but since .gif doesn't support that...and yes I do need it to be a .gif XD)

Problem is...that I can't get any of the filter options to work, they are all disabled. After some tests I noticed that this is because there's an alpha layer that for some reason disables the filters. to get a gradient (green to black) border on the sine?

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GIMP :: How To Perform Basic Editing Of Alpha Channel Layer

Dec 26, 2012

For years I've been using various image editors, often in combination. That is, I do simple stuff as copy / paste and repositioning of elements in one editor and subsequently open the image in a more advanced editor for proper paintwork. Currently I'm using the Gimp for the latter. Color layers work brilliantly. However, I have big problems with my alpha channel--I've found no way to edit it within Gimp and I've found no way to import a revised version that I've edited in another image editor. There must be solutions to both challenges.

The editing I require is piece-of-cake in basic image editors--I simply want to move a transparent region a bit to the left. That should be a simple rectangle selection and then shoving it (mouse or arrow keys) to where I want it. Alternatively I could import my edited alpha channel image as I'm used to doing in other editors. Well, the Gimp will accept the image as a layer all right but I haven't succeeded in making the Gimp import my grayscale image as an alpha channel. I get a grayscale non-transparent layer instead.

So, I've got a perfectly good alpha channel that needs a minor tweak. It loads as intended in Gimp. How to perform basic editing of this alpha channel layer or tell me how to import a revised version and tell Gimp that this image should be interpreted as an alpha channel?

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GIMP :: Automate Canvas Size Change - Alpha Layer

Dec 26, 2013

Is it possible to automate the following: I have a directory of about 50 jpg files. With each file I would like to:

- make the image square, by increasing the canvas size of the least dimension. ie if the width is less than the height, increase the width to the value of the height, or conversely if the height is less than the width

- add a transparency layer

- save to xcf

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GIMP :: Edit Original Layer Below Alpha Transparency Or Adding Layers

Sep 23, 2011

Basically just want to make the middle separating line in the following image:

Identical to (same degree of horizontal fadeout into transparency):

I have spent hours on it trying to edit the original layer below the alpha transparency or adding layers, getting nowhere.

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GIMP :: B&W Image To Alpha Channel

Mar 21, 2012

I have a B&W images. It's actually in RGB but all shades are gray. I would like to create an alpha channel whose values equal the brightness of each pixel. How do I do that?

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GIMP :: How To Add Alpha Channel To Image

Jul 24, 2011

Thought I'd try Gimp on my new laptop instead of Photoshop. I'm making graphics for a game.

I needed to add an alpha channel to an image and edit it, including pasting into the alpha channel from the clipboard. Easiest thing in the world on Photoshop, but seems utterly impossible on Gimp.

I've looked at a few threads that discuss editing the alpha channel, and they make it sound like rocket science. Notable, most seem to involve juggline multiple other images and then following convoluted pasting operations to get anything down. Or using layer "Masks" which, as best I can see, are impossible to paste into (and I couldn't find how to convert these masks to alpha channels either.)

As it stands, I've failed to get anything onto an alpha channel at all, except some scribble that showed up in the tiny side icon but couldn't be seen in the main image.

I'm new to Gimp, and I'm hoping I've just missed something. What is the straight forward way to edit the alpha channel (drawing on it, pasting into it from the clipboard), and seeing the results at the same time. I've tried everything intuitive and nothing works.

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Photoshop :: Add An Alpha Layer Or Alpha Channel To A Bitmap And Save In BMP Format

Jan 7, 2008

im trying to add an alpha layer or alpha channel to a bitmap and save in BMP format.

I am using Photoshop 6.

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Photoshop :: Alpha Levels Of Pixels In Separate Layer From PNG Image

May 27, 2008

I have a PNG image and like to edit the alpha mask. As there's no separate alpha layer inside the PNG image, but all pixels have a certain alpha value, I'd like to extract that with Photoshop. How can I do that?

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GIMP :: Add One Image To Alpha Channel Of Other Image

Jun 6, 2011

In short, I have two images open in Gimp. I need to add one the images to the alpha channel of the other image. How do I go about doing this? I was able to add an alpha channel but beyond that I am lost.

This bit will only make sense to 3D modelers. I have 3D model that I'm importing into a the Unity 3D game engine. One of the material shaders makes use of specularity maps. Normally the specularity map would reside in the alpha channel of the RGBA diffuse image, but due to file sizes, all these are released as separate jpegs. The idea is to make some parts of the 3D model more glossy as far as I know. The only way to do this is to add this specular image to the alpha channel of the diffuse image, and then the game engine can work its magic, making the skin look realistic.

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GIMP :: Make Alpha Channel From Another Image?

Jul 27, 2011

I have an existing (grayscale) image that I want to make into the alpha channel for another image.

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GIMP :: Changing Background Of JPG Image Using Color To Alpha

Sep 21, 2013

First time using GIMP. Following the directions here: [URL] ......

Using, "Color to Alpha," I tried to select the background of my .jpg image. The background is white, the picture (logo) portion is silver. Because of the closeness in color, when I select white, the software selects the entire image to become alpha (transparent).

When I select the color of the picture, silver, I am able to select just the logo portion. How can I take the logo portion, which is now converted to transparent, and give it a black or transparent background, and then return the logo back to its former color silver. The logo is perfect, it is just that I recently switched my site from a white header to a black header and the image has a white background, so that does not look good.

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GIMP :: Make Grayscale Image Into Alpha Transparency Channel

Oct 21, 2012

Is there any way I can directly make a grayscale image into an alpha transparency channel?

I mean, NOT involving selection? Because selection by color to layer mask,is really difficult what I need to do the selection threshold.

Why is it easy to turn an alpha channel into a grayscale image but not the reverse?

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GIMP :: Creating 32bit PNG Image With Alpha-channel Transparency

Dec 15, 2011

I already have an image file in png format..which I want to use as an application launcher icon for my android application.

The android specifies image with following properties for the launcher icon(Will need 4 different image to support different screen size in mobile devices)

Launcher icons should be 32-bit PNGs with an alpha channel for transparency. The finished launcher icon dimensions corresponding to a given generalized

Screen density are shown in the table below.
1. 36 * 36 px
2. 48 * 48 px
3. 72 * 72 px
4. 96 * 96 px

I would like to create 4 png files(with specifications mentioned above) from the already existing image file. How do I do that in GIMP.

I am completely novice to image editing(Never touched any image editing software before) and not sure how to achieve this in GIMP.

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Photoshop :: Alpha Layer Vs Alpha Channel

Sep 5, 2013

any difference between alpha layer and alpha channel? I mean has to be right? I just don't know what exactly that would be if there is. I'm trying to figure out some more stable uses for computer graphics when building textures with alpha layer or alpha channels. So far I get a flicker from opengl bug when using alphas. So I'm wondering if I use Alpha layer and something with a solid color underneath the geometry if I could achieve a more stable result where alpha sorting. Possibly clearing it up where my alpha layered geometry stays on top vs bleeding through at times it seems.

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GIMP :: Define Alpha Channel Color - Making Image Transparent

Apr 20, 2012

There seems to be tons of threads on how to make a transparent image, but I haven't been able to fine one to do one specific thing.

How do I set the alpha channel to be black? I want to have a black background on a png file, but I need the black to be transparent to things behind it on a webpage.

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GIMP :: GIF Image - Copy And Merge Selected Layer Over Every Other Individual Layer Automatically

May 1, 2011

I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?

Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?

I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).

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Photoshop :: Moving A Layer's Alpha Channel Into A Layer Mask

Jun 20, 2009

(CS3) I have a raster layer that has some semi-transparent pixels.

I'd like to make the layer itself fully opaque, and move the contents of its alpha channel into a layer mask.

(If possible, merging the alpha channel with what I have already placed into the layer mask.)

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GIMP :: Can See Bottom Layer Through Top Layer Image

Oct 26, 2013

I'm putting some images together and when I put one layer on top of the other, the bottom image bleeds thru. The top layer shows 100% opacity but still see thru it.

I've been working at removing the white background from the image and replacing it with an alpha channel. What can I do to make the top image solid?

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GIMP :: Cutting Hole In Image Of TV Screen To Insert (layer Over) Image

Jul 25, 2012

I am making a video in Nero Vision 10 and need to cut out the screen of a tv so that I can layer the TV over an image/video so it looks as though it is on the screen. I enclose a screenshot of the project. 'Transform-tools-crop' only cuts in straight lines so I wonder which device I should use which can cut out an odd bespoke shape? You can see in the uploaded image from the project how the image currently cannot fill the frame without covering it.

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GIMP :: How To Use Bevel And Emboss Layer Effect On Image Copied From Another Image

Jul 19, 2013

I'm running Gimp 2.8.4 on Ubuntu 13.04 Linux (64-bit) and I'm trying touse the "Bevel and Emboss" layer effect on an image which I copied fromanother image. Here is what I've done:

1. Loaded image 'A' into Gimp
2. Selected a portion of it
3. Used "/Edit/Copy" to copy the selection
4. Used "/Edit/Paste As/New image" to create a new image from the selection
5. In the new window for the new image, "/FX-Foundry/Layer effects/Bevel and Emboss"
6. When the "Bevel and Emboss" window opens, I accept the defaults and click "Ok"

The filter starts to run and then stops with an error message. Here is the message I get:

------------ START ------------------

Bevel and Emboss Message

Error while executing script-fu-layer-effects-bevel-and-emboss:

Error: ( : 1) Procedure execution of gimp-selection-layer-alpha failed on invalid input arguments: Item 'Pasted Layer copy' (87) cannot be used because it has not been added to an image

----------- END -------------------

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GIMP :: Script-fu Copy Image And Paste As Layer Into Different Image

Mar 18, 2011

I'm trying to write a script to batch process a number of files. I want the script to open file a*.png, convert black color to alpha and paste image b*.png on top of a*.png (both are the same size). The script converts black to alpha, but it doesn't paste image.

(define (batch-alpha-paste pattern pattern2);get the file lists (let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1)))(filelist2 (cadr (file-glob pattern2 1)))) (while (not (null? filelist))(let* ((file-name (car filelist))(filename2 (car filelist2)) (image2 (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename2 filename2))) (draw2 (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image 2)))(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))) ; convert black to alpha(plug-in-colortoalpha RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable '(0 0 0))

I call the script from shell:gimp -i -b '(batch-alpha-paste "aa*.png" "bb*.png")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'

how to copy image 2 into image ?

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GIMP :: Shrinking Image / Layer When Import To New / Different Image?

May 30, 2011

i am trying to use it to design button badges on my new laptop. I have photoshop on my old laptop and have lots of psd files that I have been trying to use with GIMP.

I am finding that GIMP is shrinking my images when I import them to different images and when I come to print them on A4 they are smaller than they should be, and so useless to me in making my badges...

Printing the original image from GIMP gives me it in it's intended size though. How can I stop this from happening?

It happend when I import into an A4 - as I need to fit approximately 40 badge images per sheet.

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GIMP :: Image Distorted When Add GIF Layer To Another One

Dec 26, 2013

When I add a gif layer to another one the image becomes distorted and really bad. I did this the first time and I was able to make 8 gifs play in a row without any problems.

ex: [URL].........

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GIMP :: How To Curve Layer To An Image

Oct 22, 2011

If I wanted to have a picture of a book laying open::


And I wanted to put a picture on the right hand side of the book, to look as though it was part of the book, how would I make the curve of the layer(or picture) to mimic that of the book?

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GIMP :: Resize Image / Layer

Aug 20, 2012

How can I resize a image and layer once I have created the image? When I print the image, it always come out the same size .

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GIMP :: Insert A New Layer Into Image

Oct 12, 2013

So after I insert a new layer into the image, I want to move it around. However, I want its location to be precise - like how you can type in the exact coordinates of a selection. Is there any way to do this?

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GIMP :: Paste A Layer From Clipboard Into Image

Nov 20, 2013

I'm a relative noob to GIMP. Long time Paint Shop Pro user who has gone over to a Mac Book. I'm very frustrated by my inability to paste more than one layer at a time. Meaning, that I paste a layer from the clipboard into an image I am building, but I cant copy a new image to paste in without shutting down the program & reopening....Otherwise the same image keeps trying to repaste.

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GIMP :: Save Image With Layer Size?

Dec 27, 2011

I'm always cropping pieces of a large composition, then saving, then undoing and repeating. I noticed that GIMP has an understanding of layer size. If I could only save the image based on the layer size, I wouldn't need to crop every time, then undo. It would just know!

Aside from the redundancy, sometimes changes are made after cropping and saving and I am unable to return back to my original document size after exhausting undo's. Which means that everything else in the image is gone.

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GIMP :: Move Layer Group Across Image?

Jul 15, 2013

I have created a layer group - I want to move it butit seems I must still move one layer at a time. Is there a way to move a layer group across an image?

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